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surveyn: an investigation of the opinions, behavior, etc. of a particular group of people, made by asking people questions
engineern: a person whose job is designing, building, or maintaining something such as machines, structures, or software
organizationn: a group of people who work together for a shared purpose
employv: to give somebody a job and pay them for it; to make use of
revenuen: the income that a government receives from taxes or that a company earns from its business
outperformv: to be or do something compared to others of a similar type
turnovern: the amount of business or economic activity that is generated within a specific period of time; the rate at which people leave or are replaced in a job or organization, often expressed as a percentage
miraclen: an act or occurrence that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore believed to be caused by God
massn: a large amount of a substance with no definite shape or form; a large number of people or things grouped or crowded together
petn: an animal that you have at home as a companion and treated kindly
perkn: an advantage or something extra, such as money or goods, you receive as well as your wages for doing a particular job
empowerv: to give someone the power or authority to do something
laptopn: a portable computer that is small enough to be carried around easily and used on your lap
approvev: to think that someone or something is favorable, acceptable, or appropriate; to officially accept a plan, request, etc.
approvaln: the belief that someone or something is good or acceptable
magnificentadj: extremely beautiful and impressive; grand or noble in thought or deed
erodev: to gradually wear away or break down (rock, soil, or other material) through the action of wind, water, or other natural agents; to gradually weaken or undermine (something) over time
unfairadj: not giving equal treatment or opportunities to people involved; marked by injustice, partiality, or deception
regardlessadv: not paying attention or considering something or someone even if the situation is bad or there are difficulties
rankn: a position in a hierarchy of status or authority; (verb) to take or have a position relative to others
proficiencyn: expertise or ability in a particular area or skill; skillfulness or adeptness in performing tasks or duties
immediatelyadv: now or without delay
calculatedadj: done with careful thought or planning; deliberate and intentional; based on a process of reasoning or estimation rather than on instinct or chance
investv: to put money, effort, time, etc. into something to make a profit or achieve a result
balancen: a condition in which everything has the same weight or force; something left after other parts have been taken away
intenseadj: (especially of a feeling) very strong; extremely sharp or severe
compassionateadj: feeling or showing sympathy and concern for the suffering or bad luck of others
humbleadj: having or showing a modest or low estimate of one’s quality or importance
huntv: to go after and try to catch wild animals to kill them for food, sport, or profit
decisionn: the act or process of making up someone’s mind about something; a choice or judgment reached after considering options
appreciatev: to value and acknowledge the worth of someone or something; to be grateful for something or someone
conversationn: an informal talk between two or more people to exchange their views, ideas, information, etc.
definev: to state or explain precisely the nature, scope, or meaning of something