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revolutionn: a large-scale attempt to overthrow the government of a country, often using violence or war;
significancen: the importance or value attached to something; the quality of being significant or noteworthy
longevityn: the property of being long-lived; significant duration of service
grandparentn: a parent of one’s father or mother
lifetimen: the duration of someone’s life or something’s existence;
lifespann: the length of time for which a person, animal lives, or thing exists
paradigmn: a standard or typical example of something; a pattern or model
archn: a curved structure with two supports that holds the weight of something above it, such as a bridge or the upper part of a building
metaphorn: a figure of speech in which an expression is used to refer to something that it does not denote to suggest a similarity
peakn: the point to which something or someone is at its strongest, best, or most successful; the pointed top of a mountain
midlifen: the period of life between young adulthood and old age, typically characterized by a sense of maturity, stability, and sometimes, dissatisfaction or restlessness
declinev: to become gradually smaller, fewer, worse, etc.; to refuse to accept
decrepituden: a state of being worn out or weakened by old age, illness, or hard use; the condition or process of becoming feeble, infirm, or dilapidated
pathologyn: the study of the nature and cause of diseases and disorders; the medical specialty that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and disorders
philosophyn: the study of general and fundamental questions, such as those about existence, reason, knowledge, values, mind
developv: to grow or expand; to improve or refine through a process of progress and refinement, often to achieve greater sophistication or complexity; to elaborate or add detail to something that is in the process of being created
adolescentn: a young person who is in the process of developing from a child into an adult
childhoodn: the state or time of being a child
appropriateadj: suitable or proper in the circumstances; fitting
writn: a written legal order or command
staircasen: a set of stairs inside a building, usually with posts and bars that are fixed at the side
upwardadv: toward the top or highest point, or a higher position or level; (adjective) extending or moving toward a higher place
ascensionn: the act of rising or ascending, particularly to a higher level of power, status, or spiritual enlightenment; in Christian theology, the bodily rising of Jesus into heaven on the 40th day after his resurrection
spiritn: the part of a person which is the seat of their mind, feelings, and character rather than their physical body; the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people
wisdomn: the quality of being wise, or the ability to use your knowledge and experience to make sensible decisions
authenticityn: the quality of being real or genuine
hostileadj: unfriendly or aggressively opposed
anxiousadj: worried and nervous
differv: to be not like someone or something in some way
depressv: to make someone feel sad, low in spirits, or without hope; to make markets, businesses, etc., less active
approachingadj: drawing nearer in time or space; coming close to someone or something
negativeadj: having the quality of something bad or harmful; expressing refusal
scaredadj: afraid or frightened
crotchn: the part of the body between the legs where they join the torso, including the area around the genitals
smackv: to hit something or someone with force, often making a loud noise; to deliver a sharp criticism or rebuke
dabv: to touch or apply something lightly, usually several times
well-beingn: the state of being happy and healthy and prosperous
discoveryn: the act or process of finding information, a place, or an object, or learning about something that was previously not known
opposedadj: being completely different from something or disagreeing strongly with something
subsidev: to become less intense or widespread; to sink to a lower level
romanticizev: to make something seem more attractive or appealing than it is, especially by exaggerating or idealizing its qualities; to view or present something in a romantic or sentimental way
obviousadj: easy to see, discover or understand
guaranteev: to promise something will happen formally, especially that certain conditions about a product, service, or transaction would be met
fruitionn: the realization or fulfillment of a plan, goal, or desire; the achievement or completion of something desired or worked for; the state of being fully developed or accomplished
geneticadj: of or relating to genes (= parts of the DNA in cells) or the science of genes
discussv: to talk about or examine in detail through conversation or debate; to exchange ideas, opinions, or information on a particular topic
oddadj: strange or unexpected; not divisible by two
operatev: to work in a particular way; to supervise something
universaladj: existing or affecting everywhere or everyone
entropyn: a scientific concept that is most commonly associated with a state of disorder, randomness, or uncertainty
thermodynamicsn: the area of physics that deals with heat, work, and temperature and their relation to energy, entropy, and the physical properties of matter and radiation
decayn: the process or state of rotting or decomposition by natural causes such as the action of bacteria and fungi; (verb) to rot or decompose through natural causes
exceptionn: something that is not included in a general rule or pattern; a person or thing that is excluded or stands apart from others
evolvev: to develop gradually, or to cause the development of something or someone gradually
extremeadj: very great in amount or degree
retirev: to withdraw from one’s position or occupation, especially because of age
diagnosev: to determine or distinguish the nature of a problem or an illness through a careful analysis
diseasen: a disorder or illness that affects the body or mind, often characterized by specific symptoms or abnormal functioning of organs or systems
fataladj: causing or resulting in death; lethal
remainsn: the leftover parts or pieces of something that have been destroyed, removed, or consumed; the physical or biological remains of a deceased person, plant, animal
intactadj: undamaged and complete
quotationn: a group of words taken from a text or speech and repeated by someone other than the original author or speaker
diminishv: to reduce or be reduced in size, extent, or importance; to make something smaller, weaker, etc.
embodimentn: someone or something that precisely expresses a characteristic or an idea
mountv: to increase, go up, or advance gradually or continuously; to prepare and supply with the necessary equipment for execution or performance; to ride on something or someone
tampv: to pack down or compress tightly using a tool or instrument; to suppress or reduce something, such as an emotion, a conflict, or a rumor
beneathadv: in or to a lower place than someone or something
violentadj: involving or caused by physical force or aggression against someone or something
abusen: the use of something in an incorrect or harmful manner
neglectv: to not give enough care or attention to something; to leave something undone
parn: a state of being equal to someone or something
sufferv: to experience pain, distress, or hardship; to undergo or endure something painful or unpleasant
depressionn: a mental condition in which a person feels very unhappy and without hope for the future; a severe recession in an economy or market
psychicadj: relating to or capable of extrasensory perception or paranormal phenomena; relating to the mind or mental processes
relationn: the way two persons or groups of people feel and act toward one another
closuren: the situation that a company, organization, etc. has ceased operations permanently
finn: a thin flat part on the body of a fish or other aquatic animal used for propulsion or balance
supposev: to think that something is likely to be actual or possible
accomplishv: to finish or achieve something successfully
studiedadj: deliberately considered or scrutinized; carefully thought out or planned
processn: a series of actions or operations performed to achieve a particular outcome or goal; a systematic procedure or approach used to accomplish a specific task or objective; a method of treating milk to make it suitable for consumption or use in other dairy products
psychologyn: the scientific study of mind and behavior
clarityn: the quality of being coherent and understandable; the quality of transparency or purity
forgivenessn: the act of stopping feeling angry or resentful towards someone for a mistake or offense with compassion
germn: a very tiny living that causes the disease; a piece of something such as an organism, concept, etc., capable of growing into a new one or part of one
psychiatryn: the branch of medicine concerned with the study, treatment, and prevention of mental illness
concentrationn: the ability to focus all your time and energy on one thing without thinking about anything else.
releasev: to set free or allow to escape from confinement
determinantn: a factor, circumstance, or condition that contributes to the shaping, influencing, or determining of a particular outcome or result
relatev: to establish a connection or association between two or more things; to narrate or tell about an event, experience, or relationship; to empathize or feel sympathy with someone or something
assignv: to give a specific job or piece of work to a someone
attituden: the way you think and feel about someone or something
clingv: to hold onto something tightly; to be closely attached to someone or something
triggerv: to make something happen suddenly; to cause something such as a device, machine, etc. to function
cognitiveadj: of or relating to mental processes of understanding
manifestv: to show something such as feeling, attitude, quality, etc. clearly through signs or actions
neurologicaladj: of or relating to the science of neurology or the nervous system
neuraladj: of or relating to a nerve or the nervous system that includes the brain
pathwayn: a track that constitutes or serves as a path; an approach or a way of doing something
brainn: the organ inside the head that is responsible for one’s movement, thought, memory, and feeling
reactv: to take action in response to something
chemicaladj: relating to or connected with chemistry;
electricaladj: relating to electricity
hardwiredadj: built-in or innate, often referring to behavior or traits that are instinctive or automatic, as if pre-programmed in the brain or genetics
normn: something that is regarded as usual, typical, or standard
anxietyn: a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something that is happening or might happen in the future
alterv: to cause to change or make different
visionn: the ability to think about or see the future with imagination and intelligence; the faculty of being able to see
maintainv: to continue to uphold or sustain; to keep in a particular state or condition; to assert or declare something to be true
resetv: to set again or differently; to return to a previous state or condition
thermostatn: a device that automatically regulates temperature by controlling the heating or cooling system based on the temperature in a room or building
feistyadj: full of energy or courage, often in the face of opposition or challenge; lively or spunky in temperament
agencyn: an organization or business that is responsible for specific activities or services, especially when representing other organizations or businesses; the capacity or power to act or exert influence; the ability to make decisions and take action
pubertyn: the process of a person’s physical changes through which their sexual organs develop and become capable of reproduction
demographicn: a statistic characterizing that describes people or groups of people based on their age, sex, income, etc.
redefinev: to change the meaning or interpretation of something; to make people think about something in a new or different way
shiftn: a slight transition in position, direction, or trend
generationn: all the people born and living at about the same time, regarded collectively; the production of heat or electricity
conceivev: to have or develop an idea, a plan, etc. in mind; to become pregnant