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humanityn: all people living on the earth; the quality or state of being human rather than an animal, a machine, etc.
giantadj: enormous; much bigger or more important than similar items usually are
titanicadj: of or having a great size, power, or influence; of or relating to Titanium (= a light, strong grey, lustrous, corrosion-resistant metallic element)
destroyv: to ruin or damage severely or completely; to eradicate or eliminate completely
eternaladj: being without beginning or end; lasting forever
helln: the place thought to be where bad people go and are punished after death, often depicted as being located beneath the earth; an extraordinarily unpleasant or difficult place
foresightn: the ability to anticipate or predict future events or outcomes; the act of planning for the future with wisdom and prudence; an intuitive sense of what is to come
persuadev: to convince or induce someone to do something by presenting a reason or argument; to sway or influence someone’s decision or opinion
Zeusn: the king of the gods in ancient Greek mythology, who was the god of the sky and thunder, and was the most powerful of the Olympian gods, who resided on Mount Olympus
entrustv: to delegate or assign responsibility or authority to someone else; to put trust or confidence in someone’s abilities or judgment
brothn: a liquid in which meat, fish, or vegetables have been cooked, used as a base for soups and stews
distributev: to give something to a large number of individuals, or to spread or furnish something
creaturen: a living being, especially an animal
fleev: to leave by running away, especially out of fear or danger
glitterv: to shine with bright, sparkling light; to reflect light in a way that sparkles and shines
furn: the hairy coat of a mammal, especially when fine, soft, and thick
clawn: a curved, pointed appendage found on the foot or leg of an animal, used for gripping or grasping; a human hand with long, narrow fingers that are curved like a claw; a machine or tool with a claw-like opening used for gripping or lifting objects
hummingadj: producing a continuous, low, vibrating sound like that of the bee
mudn: a soft, wet, sticky earth or clay
decreen: an official order that has the force of law
mortaladj: subject to death; unrelenting and deadly
worshipv: to have or show a strong feeling of profound respect and admiration for a religious entity such as God or a god
inhabitantn: a person or an animal that lives in a particular place
mountv: to increase, go up, or advance gradually or continuously; to prepare and supply with the necessary equipment for execution or performance; to ride on something or someone
deemv: to consider or decide something in a particular way
subservientadj: willing to obey or serve someone else without question or complaint; excessively obedient or submissive
vulnerableadj: capable of being hurt or influenced physically or mentally
elementn: a fundamental or essential part of something
dependentadj: relying on someone or something else for support or aid
envisionv: to imagine or expect what a situation will be like in the future
crudeadj: being in an unrefined or natural state; (noun) the unprocessed form of oil
decidev: to make up someone’s mind about something; to come to a conclusion or judgment after considering options
sacrificen: the act of killing an animal or person or surrendering a possession as an offering to a deity; (verb) to give up something important or valuable to help another person or get or do something that seems more important
wilyadj: characterized by slyness, deviousness, or cunning; using trickery or stratagems to achieve one’s goals
advantagen: a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favorable or superior position; a beneficial feature or asset that someone or something has
bulln: a male bovine animal; an investor who has a positive outlook on the market or a particular investment and buys with the expectation of prices increasing
dividev: to separate or cause to separate into parts or groups
concealv: to prevent something from being seen, found, observed, or discovered
succulentadj: having thick and fleshy leaves or stems that can store water, typically used to describe plants in arid environments; (noun) a type of plant that has thick, fleshy leaves or stems that are capable of storing water
fleshn: the soft substance composing the body of a person or animal, as opposed to bones and other structures
appealingadj: attractive or exciting; evoking a positive response or desire; having qualities that are likely to encourage someone to like or enjoy something
bellyn: the front part of the body below the chest, containing the stomach and bowels; the rounded or curved part of an object, such as a ship or aircraft
layern: a sheet, quantity, or thickness of the material, typically one of several, covering a surface or body; a level or part within a system or set of ideas
portionn: one component of a larger entity
outragen: an intense feeling of anger or indignation in response to something that is perceived as unfair, unjust, or offensive; a public display of anger or protest against such injustices
deceptionn: the act of misleading or tricking someone, often by creating a false impression or concealing the truth; a fraudulent or dishonest action
forbidv: to order somebody not to do something, especially officially; to keep something from happening or arising
refusev: to show that one is not willing to do or accept something
denyv: to state that one refuses to admit the existence or truth of something
workshopn: a place where people work, especially one where they do manual or practical work; a brief intensive course for a small group
flamen: a bright, visible light and heat source caused by combustion; a strong, intense feeling typically associated with passion, aggression, or anger
hollowadj: having a hole, empty space inside, or indentation on the surface
fenneln: a bulbous plant with feathery leaves and yellow flowers, commonly used as an herb and a vegetable in cooking, whose seeds are used as a spice and for their medicinal properties
stalkv: to follow or track someone or something closely and quietly, usually to cause harm or surveillance; to move slowly and quietly to avoid detection; (noun) the main stem of a plant that supports leaves, flowers, and fruit; the stem or main axis of a support structure or framework
harnessv: to control and exploit the power of something, especially natural resources that produce energy; (noun) a set of narrow pieces of leather and metal that are used to control or hold in place a person, animal, or object
ultimateadj: furthest or highest in degree or order
dominatev: to have or control a lot of power and influence over somebody or something
forgev: to fashion or shape metal by heating it and hammering it into shape; to create or develop something new or original; to form strong bonds or relationships with others
wagen: a particular amount of money that somebody earns, usually every week or every month, for work or services
catalystn: a person or thing that causes an important event to happen or changes the current situation rapidly; (chemistry) a substance that initiates or accelerates a chemical reaction without being changed itself
progressionn: the act or process of changing to the next stage or phase or moving forward
civilizationn: a complex and highly organized society that has developed over time and has a dominant culture, including features such as language, religion, government, technology, and social customs
priden: a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one’s achievements
subvertv: to undermine, overthrow, or weaken the established order, system, or authority; to bring about fundamental change or revolution from within
furiousadj: extremely angry; full of rage
imposev: to officially force a new law, tax, duty, etc. to be obeyed or received
brutaladj: harsh or cruel
punishmentn: a penalty or consequence inflicted for wrongdoing or offense; a means of enforcing discipline or preventing further wrongdoing
chainn: a series of connected links or objects; a system or group of interconnected elements; a restraint or shackle
cliffn: a steep rock face, especially one at the edge of the sea or a river
vulturen: a large bird of prey with a bald head, sharp beak, and keen eyesight, feeding mainly on carrion (the flesh of dead animals)
livern: a large organ in the body, involved in many metabolic processes, such as detoxification of the organism, and the synthesis of proteins
perpetualadj: continuing for an extended period in the same way without stopping or being interrupted
agonyn: extreme physical or mental pain or suffering, often prolonged or intense
regretv: to feel sad, repentant, or disappointed over something you have done or something you have not been able to do
rebellionn: an act of violent or open resistance to an established government or ruler
resilientadj: able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions
oppressv: to treat people in a cruel and authoritarian way, especially by denying them the same freedoms, rights, etc. as other people
belovedadj: loved very much
mythologyn: a collection of myths (= traditional stories accepted as history) or the study of myths
celebratedadj: renowned for possessing admirable attributes
mischievousadj: causing or showing a fondness for playfully causing trouble; harmful or troublesome, especially in a playful or amusing way
inquisitiveadj: curious and interested in learning or finding out about things; questioning or prying into matters that are not one’s concern; curious or nosy
spiritn: the part of a person which is the seat of their mind, feelings, and character rather than their physical body; the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people
recurringadj: happening or occurring again periodically or repeatedly
literaturen: written works, such as novels, plays, poems, or short stories that are considered to have artistic or intellectual value
lyricn: the words of a pop song
draman: a play in a theatre, television, or radio, or performance on a stage
romanticadj: of or relating to love or a sexual relationship
heron: a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities; a character in literature or history who is central to the plot and who exhibits heroic qualities
empathyn: the ability to share another person’s feelings or experiences by imagining that person’s situation
protagonistn: the main character in a literary work, film, or other stories
perfectionn: the state or condition of being without any flaws or defects; the highest level of excellence or accomplishment; the act of making something perfect or complete
moraladj: concerned with the principles of what is right and wrong, fairness, honesty, etc.
intellectn: the ability to think logically and comprehend information, especially at an advanced level
impelv: to drive, motivate, or urge someone to take action; to propel or provide a strong force to move something in a specific direction
motifn: a recurring element in an artistic or literary work, typically a particular image or idea; a theme that is repeated or elaborated in a piece of music
nobleadj: having or showing excellent personal qualities or high moral principles that people admire
envisagev: to imagine and expect something in the future; to plan or forecast something
cautionn: great care and attention that you take to avoid danger or mistakes; a warning against certain acts
subtitlen: a secondary title or alternate title that is displayed below the primary title often used to provide additional information or translation for a movie or video; a text that appears at the bottom of a movie, TV show, or video to provide a written translation or transcription of the spoken dialogue in another language
noveln: an extended fictional work in prose; usually in the form of a story; (adjective) original and of a kind not seen before
modernadj: of or belonging to the present time or recent times
damagev: to harm or cause injury to something or someone, often resulting in decreased value or functionality; to impair or negatively affect something, such as a reputation or relationship; (noun) harm or injury that is caused to a person, thing, or entity
corruptadj: characterized by dishonest behavior or actions, often involving bribery, fraud, or the abuse of power for personal gain; morally or ethically flawed or polluted; (verb) to make someone or something morally depraved or causing it to become dishonest
remainsn: the leftover parts or pieces of something that have been destroyed, removed, or consumed; the physical or biological remains of a deceased person, plant, animal
relevancen: the state or degree of being closely connected or appropriate to the matter at hand
ethicaladj: of or relating to principles about what is right and wrong, or the branch of knowledge dealing with these
questn: a long or challenging search for something
surroundingadj: that is near or around, or closely encircling something
rebeln: someone who resists or opposes authority or control, especially by fighting against it
trickstern: a person or character who uses cunning and deceit to achieve their goals, often in traditional folklore or mythology
symboln: something visible that is used to represent something else
capturev: to catch a person or an animal and confine them in an area which they cannot escape
individualn: a single person or thing, as distinct from a group
ignitev: to set on fire; to cause to start burning