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Word | Meaning | Advanced |
guilty | adj: feeling responsible for or having done something wrong or criminal | |
stack | n: a pile of something arranged or laid one on top of another; a large tall chimney through which combustion gases and smoke can be evacuated | |
sink | v: to submerge or go down below the surface of a liquid or substance; to decline or deteriorate; to cause something to go down into a liquid substance or sink into something else | |
peak | n: the point to which something or someone is at its strongest, best, or most successful; the pointed top of a mountain | |
freak | n: an abnormality that is not typical or expected | |
charm | n: the power or quality of pleasing or fascinating people | |
develop | v: to grow or expand; to improve or refine through a process of progress and refinement, often to achieve greater sophistication or complexity; to elaborate or add detail to something that is in the process of being created | |
excuse | n: a reason or explanation, either true or invented, given to justify a fault or defend your behavior; (verb) to make someone free from blame or clear from guilt | |
certify | v: to formally state, especially in writing, that something is true | |
complexity | n: the state or quality of being complicated or intricate and difficult to understand | |
transformation | n: a complete change in form, nature, or appearance of someone or something | |
examine | v: to study or consider a person or object attentively and thoroughly to learn something about them | |
suited | adj: appropriate, fitting, or acceptable for a particular purpose or occasion; matched or corresponding to a specific person, dress, or circumstances | |
pipeline | n: a very long large tube that is usually underground and is used for carrying liquid or gas for long distances | |
talent | n: a natural ability to be good at something; someone who has a natural ability to be good at something | |
hire | v: to give somebody a job | |
outdated | adj: no longer useful or valid because of being old-fashioned | |
organization | n: a group of people who work together for a shared purpose | |
evolve | v: to develop gradually, or to cause the development of something or someone gradually | |
flexibility | n: the quality of changing or being changed easily according to new conditions or situations | |
cooperation | n: the act or situation of working together with someone towards a shared purpose, benefit, etc. | |
groundwork | n: the basic or preparatory work or steps that provide a foundation for something | |
define | v: to state or explain precisely the nature, scope, or meaning of something | |
occasion | n: a time or event that is suitable or appropriate for something to happen or be done; a particular event or circumstance that requires or allows for something to be done | |
old-fashioned | adj: of or relating to a time in the past; not modern | |
individual | n: a single person or thing, as distinct from a group | |
hell | n: the place thought to be where bad people go and are punished after death, often depicted as being located beneath the earth; an extraordinarily unpleasant or difficult place | |
mission-critical | adj: essential to the success or functioning of a particular mission, task, or operation, often with significant consequences if not completed or accomplished correctly | |
judgment | n: the ability to form valuable opinions and make reasonable decisions | |
needless | adj: describing something unnecessary, pointless, or superfluous and could be avoided without any harm or adverse consequences | |
ingrained | adj: deeply rooted in someone’s mind or behavior; difficult to change due to being established for a long time | |
inconsistent | adj: not remaining constant or in agreement | |
command | n: authority, control, or mastery over something, often referring to military or leadership contexts; a directive, order, or instruction; expertise or confidence in a specific area; (verb) to give an authoritative order or instruction, or to be in charge or control of something | |
reward | n: a thing given in acknowledgment of service, hard work, achievement, etc. | |
moving | adj: causing strong emotions or feelings, especially sadness or sympathy | |
digital | adj: processing or storing information as a succession of 1 and 0 to show that a signal is present or missing; relating to the use of computer technology, especially the internet | |
interconnect | v: to connect similar things | |
talented | adj: having a natural ability or aptitude for something; showing exceptional skill or ability in a particular area | |
up-and-coming | adj: having a promising future, showing signs of potential success, likely to become important or successful | |
rub | v: to move one’s hand or an object over the surface of something with pressure | |
recreation | n: the activity that renews your health and spirits by enjoyment and relaxation; the act or process of making something that existed in the past exists or seems to exist again in a different time or place | |
strategize | v: to plan or devise a detailed plan, especially for achieving success in situations | |
decision | n: the act or process of making up someone’s mind about something; a choice or judgment reached after considering options | |
peer | n: a person who has the same age, status, or ability | |
bunch | n: a grouping of several similar things which are growing or fastened together | |
executive | n: a person or group of people with top-level management responsibility in a business or other organization; the branch that is responsible for implementing, administering, and enforcing laws, as well as running the day-to-day operations | |
individually | adv: separately or apart from others | |
evil | adj: profoundly immoral, cruel, and wicked; having or exerting a harmful effect on people | |
inefficient | adj: lacking the ability or skill and not making the best use of time, money, energy, etc. | |
annoying | adj: making someone feel slightly angry | |
confidence | n: the feeling or attitude that one can trust or rely on the abilities or good qualities of someone or something | |
trigger | v: to make something happen suddenly; to cause something such as a device, machine, etc. to function | |
confident | adj: feeling sure about your abilities or qualities or having trust in people, plans, or the future | |
imply | v: to indicate the truth or existence of something without referring to it | |
fast-track | n: a process or procedure designed to expedite or speed up the completion of a task or project; a system that allows specific individuals or groups to bypass normal procedures or requirements to achieve a desired outcome more quickly | |
redefine | v: to change the meaning or interpretation of something; to make people think about something in a new or different way | |
impressive | adj: arousing admiration due to size, quality, or skill | |
promote | v: to encourage or persuade people to like, buy, use, do, or support something; to raise someone to a higher position or rank | |
blame | v: to think or say that someone or something did something wrong or is responsible for something bad | |
assured | adj: confident and sure; having no doubts or worries | |
trap | n: a piece of equipment or hole for catching animals or people; (verb) to catch animals or people and prevent them from escaping | |
stake | n: a share or financial investment in something such as a business; a wooden or metal post set up to mark something | |
intervene | v: to intentionally get involved in a situation to improve it or prevent it from getting worse | |
soon-to-be | adj: used to describe someone or something that will soon become something else or will soon be in a different state or position | |
destiny | n: the events that will inevitably happen to a particular person or thing in the future | |
succumb | v: to fail to oppose something, such as desire, pressure, or some other opposing force; to die or suffer badly from the effect of a disease or injury | |
paradox | n: a statement, situation, or person that has two opposite facts or features and therefore seems impossible, is difficult to understand, or is strange; | |
module | n: a self-contained unit or component of a larger system or structure; a standardized unit of computer hardware or software designed to perform a specific function | |
rely | v: to require a specific thing or the assistance and support of someone or something to continue, run properly, or succeed. | |
on-the-job | adj: while at work or during employment; relating to or involving the experience of doing a job | |
environment | n: the natural world such as air, water, and land in which humans, animals, and plants live | |
undergo | v: to go through something unpleasant or that involves a change | |
unprecedented | adj: never having been seen, done, or known before | |
disrupt | v: to prevent or stop something, especially an event, activity, or process, from continuing in the usual way by causing a problem or disturbance | |
critic | n: someone who expresses opinions about the quality of books, music, etc. | |
responsible | adj: answerable or accountable for something within one’s power, control, or management | |
inherit | v: to receive money, property, or a title from someone after they have died | |
stubborn | adj: refusing to change one’s mind or behavior despite persuasion or evidence to the contrary; unyielding; difficult to move or change | |
transform | v: to change in outward structure or looks; | |
naval | adj: of or relating to ships, sailors, or the navy | |
pilot | n: a person who flies an aircraft, especially as a job; a person qualified to guide ships through a difficult area of water | |
airborne | adj: moved or conveyed by or through the air; in the air | |
terrifying | adj: very frightening or intimidating | |
exhilarating | adj: making one feel very happy and lively; invigorating; providing a feeling of excitement or thrill | |
likewise | adv: in the same way | |
flee | v: to leave by running away, especially out of fear or danger | |
cave | n: a large hole in the side of a hill, cliff, mountain, or under the ground | |
propose | v: to make a proposal, declare a plan for something | |
creative | adj: relating to or involving the use of skill and original and unusual ideas to create something | |
strategy | n: a detailed plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall goal. | |
trade-off | n: a balance achieved between two desirable but incompatible features; an exchange that occurs as a compromise | |
inevitably | adv: in a manner that cannot be avoided or prevented | |
indict | v: to formally charge or accuse someone of a crime, based on the decision of a grand jury or other legal authority; to bring a legal case against someone, typically to prosecute and punish them | |
individualism | n: the habit or principle of being independent and self-reliant | |
progression | n: the act or process of changing to the next stage or phase or moving forward | |
dilemma | n: a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more options, especially that are equally unfavorable ones | |
empower | v: to give someone the power or authority to do something | |
folk | n: people in general, especially those of a particular group or type | |
advocate | n: a person who supports or suggests an idea, development, or way of doing something | |
indefinitely | adv: without any fixed or definite limit; for an unknown or unspecified period of time | |
engineer | n: a person whose job is designing, building, or maintaining something such as machines, structures, or software | |
fin | n: a thin flat part on the body of a fish or other aquatic animal used for propulsion or balance | |
comfort | n: a state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint | |
zone | n: a specific area, region, or section that is marked off or defined in some way | |
blind | adj: unable to see; unable or unwilling to perceive or understand the true nature of something | |
interaction | n: the act of connecting with someone, mainly when working, playing, or spending time with them | |
magic | n: beliefs and actions employed to influence supernatural beings and forces; any art or performance that invokes supernatural powers | |
wand | n: a slender rod or stick, especially one used for magic or divination; a rod or staff carried by certain officials as a symbol of authority | |
occasional | adj: happening or appearing at irregular intervals; not constant or regular | |
debrief | v: to question, investigate, or discuss with someone after an event or task to share information and evaluate the performance | |
coop | v: a farm building or enclosure for housing poultry | |
periodic | adj: happening at regular intervals over a while | |
session | n: a formal meeting or series of meetings for the execution of a particular group’s functions; a period spent doing a particular activity | |
therapy | n: the act of caring for someone through medication, remedial training, etc. | |
communicate | v: to share or exchange information with others by speaking, writing, moving your body, or using other signals | |
observation | n: the act or activity of carefully examining or monitoring something or someone | |
conversation | n: an informal talk between two or more people to exchange their views, ideas, information, etc. | |
reinforce | v: to strengthen or support something, especially by adding another material to it; to make emotion, idea, etc. stronger | |
mentorship | n: a relationship in which a more experienced or more knowledgeable person helps to guide a less experienced or less knowledgeable person | |
buffet | n: a meal where guests serve themselves from a counter or sideboard | |
chain | n: a series of connected links or objects; a system or group of interconnected elements; a restraint or shackle | |
eager | adj: showing enthusiasm and a strong desire or interest to do something | |
nip | v: to pinch or squeeze with the fingers or a tool; to seize suddenly or quickly; to give a small bite or pinch; to decrease or reduce the size or amount of something by a small amount | |
bud | n: a small swelling on a plant stem or twig containing an undeveloped shoot | |
gleam | v: to reflect light in a way that creates a shining or bright and attractive appearance; to become visible or apparent |