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nursen: a healthcare professional who is trained to provide care for the sick or injured; (verb) to try to cure by special care or treatment of an illness or injury
sufferv: to experience pain, distress, or hardship; to undergo or endure something painful or unpleasant
severeadj: extremely serious or bad in feeling, manner, or strict and harsh; extremely strong or vigorous
unrelentingadj: not easing or slackening in intensity; persistent and unwavering in pursuit of a goal
depressionn: a mental condition in which a person feels very unhappy and without hope for the future; a severe recession in an economy or market
concentrationn: the ability to focus all your time and energy on one thing without thinking about anything else.
convulsev: to experience a sudden and violent contraction of the muscles, often caused by pain, illness, or emotional distress, or to make someone or something do this
therapyn: the act of caring for someone through medication, remedial training, etc.
symptomn: any sensation or change in body or mind that is experienced by a patient and is associated with a particular disease
liftv: to raise something to a higher position or level; to pick up something or somebody and move them to a different position
graduaten: a person who has a first degree from university or college; (verb) to complete the first course of university or college and get a degree
graden: a particular level of quality, size, importance, etc.
negativeadj: having the quality of something bad or harmful; expressing refusal
impressiveadj: arousing admiration due to size, quality, or skill
stigman: a mark of shame or disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person
leftoveradj: not consumed or used at the end of something
resemblancen: similarity in appearance or exterior or superficial details
modernadj: of or belonging to the present time or recent times
proceduren: a way of doing something, especially the official or well-known way
medicinaladj: of or relating to the treatment or cure of disease
administerv: to oversee and control the operation or arrangement of something
electricaladj: relating to electricity
brainn: the organ inside the head that is responsible for one’s movement, thought, memory, and feeling
seizuren: the action of taking something from somebody by the use of legal authority; a sudden occurrence or recurrence of a disease
patientn: a person who is receiving medical treatment, care, or attention from a healthcare professional, such as a doctor, nurse, or therapist; a personal quality or characteristic
tonguen: a moveable mass of muscle tissue covered with mucous membrane that is in the mouth; a language
anesthesian: a state of controlled, temporary loss of bodily sensation or awareness that is induced for medical purposes
electroden: either of two points or ends of a conductor at which electricity enters or leaves an object, substance, or region
pulsen: the regular heartbeat as it sends blood around the body, especially when it is felt at the wrist or side of the neck; a solid regular vibration of sound, electric current, light, or other waves
neuronn: a cell that is specialized to carry information within the brain and between the brain and other parts of the body
unisonn: occurring or corresponding together, simultaneously, or exactly; (music) two or more sounds or tones at the same pitch or in octaves
relaxv: to become or cause someone to become less active or tense and calmer
spasmn: a sudden, involuntary contraction of a muscle, causing a range of sensations from mild discomfort to severe pain; a sudden outburst or brief episode of intense emotion or activity
indicationn: a sign or remark that something exists, is real, or is likely to occur
electrifyv: to make a machine or system work by using electricity; to make someone extremely enthusiastic about or interested in something
floodn: a large amount of water flowing beyond its normal limits; an overwhelming number or amount
twitchv: to make a sudden and quick movement with a part of the body; (noun) a sudden, small, jerky movement of a muscle or part of the body
resumev: to continue or begin anew after a pause or interruption
normn: something that is regarded as usual, typical, or standard
sessionn: a formal meeting or series of meetings for the execution of a particular group’s functions; a period spent doing a particular activity
bipolaradj: of, relating to, or occurring in both polar regions; of or relating to manic depressive illness
disordern: an untidy state or a lack of organization; a physical condition or illness that causes problems with how a section of the body or brain functions
adverseadj: unfavorable or harmful
reactionn: a response that reveals a person’s feelings or attitude; (in chemistry) a process in which one or more substances are changed into others
medicationn: a drug or other form of medicine that treats, prevents, or alleviates the symptoms of the disease
undergov: to go through something unpleasant or that involves a change
improvev: to make or become better
frequentadj: happening constantly
occasionaladj: happening or appearing at irregular intervals; not constant or regular
maintenancen: the act or process of keeping something, either artificial materials or living things, in good condition; the money needed for a person’s or family’s living expenses
achev: to experience a dull, persistent pain or discomfort, typically of moderate or low intensity; to feel a continuous dull pain
fatiguen: a feeling of tiredness or weariness, especially as a result of physical or mental exertion; the reduction in the strength or efficiency of a material or structure due to repeated use or stress
nauseatev: to cause feelings of nausea or sickness; to feel sick or queasy; to cause repugnance or disgust
rarelyadv: not happening often; infrequently; seldom
fascinatingadj: extremely interesting
communicatev: to share or exchange information with others by speaking, writing, moving your body, or using other signals
influencen: the ability to affect someone’s or something’s character, growth, or behavior, or the effect itself
chemistryn: the branch of the natural sciences dealing with the composition of substances and their properties and reactions
contributev: to give something, especially money or goods, to provide or achieve something together with other people
moodn: the way you feel at a particular time; an angry or impatient state of mind
sparkv: to start something or make it grow, especially suddenly; to emit a tiny piece of fire or electricity
triggerv: to make something happen suddenly; to cause something such as a device, machine, etc. to function
releasev: to set free or allow to escape from confinement
neurotransmittern: a chemical that carries nerve impulses between neurons or between neurons and muscles
moleculen: a group of two or more atoms held together by attractive forces known as chemical bonds
stimmingn: a behavior often exhibited by individuals on the autism spectrum characterized by repetitive bodily movements or sounds, such as hand flapping or rocking, often used as a form of self-regulation or sensory stimulation
hormonen: a chemical substance made by organs that encourages or influences the development, growth, sex, etc., of an animal and is carried around the body in the blood
resistantadj: not affected by something, especially changes or new ideas; of or relating to immunity to disease or infection
decidev: to make up someone’s mind about something; to come to a conclusion or judgment after considering options
surroundingadj: that is near or around, or closely encircling something
perceptionn: a belief, opinion, or image you have based on how you regard, understand, or interpret something; the ability to see, hear, or notice something through the senses
persistv: to continue to do and refuse to stop something despite difficulties or opposition, even if it appears unreasonable
alikeadv: similar or identical in nature or appearance