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Word | Meaning | Advanced |
concerto | n: a composition for one or more solo instruments and an orchestra, typically in three movements | |
compose | v: to write music, poetry, or formal writing; to constitute or make up a whole, or a specified part of it | |
commission | n: a formal instruction, command, or request given to a person or group; an official group of people entrusted by a government or other official body to control or enforce something | |
movement | n: a group of people working together to achieve a shared goal, especially a political, social, or artistic one; the process of moving or being moved, physically or figuratively | |
ambitious | adj: having a great desire to attain achievement, power, or wealth | |
combination | n: a collection of things that have been combined; an assemblage of separate parts or qualities | |
solo | adv: without anybody else or anything else; alone | |
instrument | n: an object used to make musical sounds, such as a piano, guitar, or drum; a tool or device used for a specific activity, particularly in specialist or scientific work | |
elegant | adj: pleasing and graceful in appearance or manner, or showing good taste and refinement | |
counterpoint | n: the technique of combining two or more independent melodies in such a way as to form a harmonious whole | |
blend | v: to mix or combine two or more substances | |
germ | n: a very tiny living that causes the disease; a piece of something such as an organism, concept, etc., capable of growing into a new one or part of one | |
baroque | adj: of or relating to an ornate and elaborate style of art, architecture, and music that flourished in Europe in the late 16th and early 17th centuries; characterized by a sense of grandeur and drama | |
imperious | adj: having or showing a proud and bossy manner; domineering | |
lighthearted | adj: having a carefree or cheerful mood; not serious or heavy | |
gusto | n: enthusiasm or energy in doing something | |
violin | n: a four-stringed wooden musical instrument held against the neck and played by passing a bow across the strings | |
oboe | n: a musical instrument of the woodwind family with a narrow conical bore, double reed, and a piercing, high-pitched sound | |
string | n: long, thin material used for tying things together, composed of several twisted threads | |
bassoon | n: a musical instrument of the woodwind family, similar to a large oboe, with a narrow conical bore and a double reed | |
dynamic | adj: having a lot of energy, ideas, and enthusiasm, and a strong personality; of or relating to dynamics (= the branch of physics and engineering concerned with the forces that cause motions of bodies) | |
dialogue | n: a conversation in a book, play, or film | |
horn | n: a hard, pointed, often curved part that grows on the top of the heads of some animals, such as sheep and cows; a noisemaker or musical instrument that makes a loud noise when you blow through it | |
woodwind | adj: a category of musical instruments that are played by blowing air into or over a reed, including instruments such as flutes, clarinets, and saxophones | |
sect | n: a group of people who follow a particular religious or philosophical belief system, especially one that is regarded as outside the norm or mainstream | |
trumpet | n: a brass musical instrument with a flared bell and a bright, penetrating tone; (verb) to announce or praise loudly or publicly | |
soloist | n: a person who performs a solo, especially a solo musician or singer | |
permutation | n: a rearrangement of a set of items, especially into a different order | |
viola | n: a stringed instrument of the violin family, slightly larger than a violin and tuned a fifth lower | |
cello | n: a large stringed instrument of the viola family, typically held between the knees when played; also known as violoncello | |
orchestra | n: a large group of musicians who play classical music together, usually with instruments such as strings, woodwinds, brass, and percussion | |
flute | n: a musical instrument consisting of a metal, wood, or bamboo tube with a row of fingerholes and sometimes keys, played by blowing across a hole near one end | |
harpsichord | n: a keyboard instrument with strings plucked by plectra rather than struck by hammers like a piano. It is known for its distinctive and bright sound; it was a common instrument in the Baroque and classical music periods | |
tutti | n: (in music) all voices or instruments playing together | |
alternate | adj: occurring or existing one after the other regularly | |
accompany | v: to go somewhere or travel with someone or something | |
continuo | n: a group of instruments in Baroque music that play a primarily harmonic accompaniment, including a keyboard instrument, and one or more chordal instruments such as a cello or bassoon | |
recognizable | adj: easy to become aware of or identify | |
quintessence | n: the perfect example of a quality or class | |
adhere | v: to stick firmly; to be compatible | |
strict | adj: strongly limiting someone’s freedom; allowing no deviation from a standard, rule, belief, etc. | |
ritornello | n: (in classical music) a repeated section or refrain in a composition | |
recurring | adj: happening or occurring again periodically or repeatedly | |
cadence | n: the rhythmic flow or pattern of sounds or words, especially in relation to music or speech; the rhythmic or periodic movement or progression of something | |
presto | adv: in a quick tempo, especially faster than allegro (= a tempo marking indicating that music should be played in a lively, brisk manner); suddenly | |
fugue | n: a compositional technique in which a main melody is introduced and then imitated by voices entering one after another | |
imitate | v: to copy the speech, behavior, appearance, etc. of someone or something | |
overlap | v: to partially cover something by going beyond its edge | |
keyboard | n: device consisting of a set of keys on a piano, typewriter, computer, etc., that you press to make it work | |
reduction | n: a decrease in size, amount, or degree | |
gross | adj: being the total amount of something before any deductions; obese and ugly or unpleasant | |
Christ | n: the man that Christians believe is the prophet and the son of God, and whose life and sermons form the basis for Christianity |