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magiciann: a person who performs magic tricks or illusions to entertain an audience; typically involves sleight of hand or deception to create seemingly impossible or supernatural effects
buryv: to place a dead body in the ground, grave, or tomb
coffinn: a box or container used to bury a dead body; a case or structure resembling a coffin
decidev: to make up someone’s mind about something; to come to a conclusion or judgment after considering options
pursuev: to do something or attempt to attain something over time; to follow or seek someone or something, especially in trying to catch them
pillarn: a tall, vertical column or support structure that helps to hold up other parts of a building or structure; a person or thing regarded as providing essential support or core strength to something
hallucinatev: to experience a seemingly real perception of something that does not actually exist, usually as a result of a mental illness or drug use
skepticn: a person who doubts or questions the truth of specific claims, beliefs, or doctrines, especially those in religion or the supernatural
helicoptern: a type of aircraft that is capable of hovering in place and moving vertically, as well as flying horizontally; often used for emergency medical services, military operations, and transport in areas with limited access
temptv: to make someone want to do or have something, especially something that is unnecessary or wrong
validadj: having a reasonable basis in logic or fact; still legally or officially acceptable
journaln: a newspaper or magazine specialized in a specific topic or profession
medicinaladj: of or relating to the treatment or cure of disease
survivev: to live or exist despite a dangerous event or period
amazingadj: extremely surprising, especially in a way that you like or admire
obsessv: to fill the mind of someone continually so that one can’t think of anything else
underwateradv: below or under the surface of the water
competev: to strive to achieve more success than someone or something
breathn: the air that is taken into and expelled from your lungs; the process of taking into and expelling air from your lungs
trapn: a piece of equipment or hole for catching animals or people; (verb) to catch animals or people and prevent them from escaping
underneathadv: under or below something else
rescuev: to save someone or something from a dangerous or difficult situation
resuscitatev: to make someone or something active or vigorous again;
brainn: the organ inside the head that is responsible for one’s movement, thought, memory, and feeling
damagev: to harm or cause injury to something or someone, often resulting in decreased value or functionality; to impair or negatively affect something, such as a reputation or relationship; (noun) harm or injury that is caused to a person, thing, or entity
coren: the most essential or fundamental part of something
temperaturen: the degree of hotness or coldness of a thing or place
degreen: a unit of measurement for angles, temperature, or level of proficiency or achievement; a rank or level of academic or professional attainment
neurosurgeonn: a medical doctor who specializes in the surgical treatment of conditions affecting the nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves
hypoxicadj: relating to or characterized by a deficiency of oxygen, particularly in the body’s tissues or organs
hopv: to jump lightly and quickly on one foot or both feet; to move rapidly from one place to another; to travel using an aircraft, bus, etc.
shiverv: to shake or quiver with cold, fear, or excitement; to tremble or vibrate rapidly
attemptn: an act or effort of trying to do something, especially something difficult
illusionn: a false idea or belief, especially about somebody or about a situation
scrubv: to clean something thoroughly, typically with a brush and soap or detergent
tuben: a cylindrical container of metal, plastic, glass, etc., usually sealed and used as a means of preserving food or chemicals; a hollow cylindrical shape
depotn: a place or a building where goods, materials, or equipment are stored, manufactured, or distributed; a transportation hub where buses or trains start or end their journeys
balloonn: a small bag made of thin rubber or other light material that can be inflated with air or gas, used as a toy or as a decoration; (verb) to become inflated
ductn: a tube, pipe, or channel for conveying air, water, or other substances
circulatev: to move continuously or freely around a place or closed system
liquidn: a substance, such as water or oil that flows freely and is neither a solid nor a gas
chemicaladj: relating to or connected with chemistry;
oxygenn: the chemical element with the symbol O that is present in air and water and is necessary for people, animals, and plants to live
sinkv: to submerge or go down below the surface of a liquid or substance; to decline or deteriorate; to cause something to go down into a liquid substance or sink into something else
stickv: to put something, usually a sharp object, into something; to restrict yourself to doing or using one certain thing and not change; (noun) a thin piece of wood or other material
standingadj: existing or remaining upright; having a vertical position; (noun) social, financial, or professional status or reputation
disappearv: to cease to exist or be visible
hookn: a curved device used for suspending, holding, or pulling something, especially one attached to a surface for hanging things on; a sharp curve or crook
bypassn: an alternative road, channel, pipe, or connection that allows flow while the main one is closed or obstructed; (verb) to go past or round
surgeryn: medical treatment of injuries or diseases involving an incision with instruments and often removing or replacing some parts of the body; the branch of medical science that treats disease or injury by operative procedures
arteryn: one of the thick tubes in humans and most other animals that takes blood away from the heart to one or more parts of the body such as tissues, lungs, brain, etc.
insaneadj: extremely stupid, crazy, or dangerous; mentally ill
obviousadj: easy to see, discover or understand
crazyadj: stupid or not sensible; very angry
pearln: a hard, roundish object found within the shells of certain mollusks and used as a gem
divern: a person who dives, especially one who does so professionally or as a sport; a bird that dives into the water to catch fish or other prey
divev: to jump into the water with your head and arms going in first, or to move down to a deeper level underwater
discoveryn: the act or process of finding information, a place, or an object, or learning about something that was previously not known
aspectn: one part or feature of a situation, problem, subject, etc.
depthn: the distance between the top and bottom of something; between the top surface and a distance below it
staticadj: not moving or not capable of moving, not changing or not capable of changing
apnean: a temporary cessation of breathing, especially during sleep; a medical condition characterized by the repeated occurrence of such interruptions
movingadj: causing strong emotions or feelings, especially sadness or sympathy
studiedadj: deliberately considered or scrutinized; carefully thought out or planned
depletev: to reduce something, especially supplies of energy, money, etc., by a large amount; to use up resources or materials
relaxv: to become or cause someone to become less active or tense and calmer
purgev: to remove or get rid of something, especially that is unwanted or impure
hyperventilationn: a condition in which a person breathes very quickly and deeply, causing an increase in oxygen and a decrease in carbon dioxide levels in the blood, which can lead to symptoms such as dizziness, tingling, and fainting
lightheadedadj: feeling dizzy, weak, or faint; having a sensation of being slightly detached from reality or detached from one’s surroundings
tinglev: to cause a stinging or prickling sensation; (noun) a feeling of slight numbness or a slight prickling or stinging sensation, typically as a result of cold or excitement
ridv: to make someone or something free of unwanted or unpleasant tasks, objects, or person
infiniteadj: unlimited or very great; impossible to measure
immediatelyadv: now or without delay
processn: a series of actions or operations performed to achieve a particular outcome or goal; a systematic procedure or approach used to accomplish a specific task or objective; a method of treating milk to make it suitable for consumption or use in other dairy products
rown: an arrangement of objects or people side by side in a line; (verb) to propel a boat through the water using oars
dazen: the feeling of distress and disbelief that you have when something bad happens accidentally; (verb) to confuse or stun someone with a sudden intense light or loud noise
awfuladj: causing fear, dread, or terror; very bad or unpleasant
headachen: pain in the head; someone or something that causes anxiety or trouble
poundn: the standard unit of money in the UK; the standard unit of weight equal to 16 ounces
lungn: either of the two organs in the chest that people and some animals use for breathing
nutritionaladj: of or relating to the substance required by the body to maintain health and growth
portionn: one component of a larger entity
adaptv: to make fit for or change to suit a new purpose or environment
individualn: a single person or thing, as distinct from a group
varyv: to become different in terms of size, shape, etc.
olympiadn: a period of four years, originally the time between the ancient Olympic Games and now commonly used to refer to the modern Olympic Games, which are held every four years
athleten: a person who competes in one or more sports that involve physical strength, speed, or endurance
extremeadj: very great in amount or degree
situadj: short for “situated,” meaning located or placed in a particular position or circumstance
duressn: the use of force, coercion, or threat to compel someone to do something against their will; a condition of being forced or constrained to act or behave in a certain way
primeadj: main or most important; basic; (prime number, noun) a natural number greater than 1 that cannot be formed by multiplying two smaller natural numbers (e.g., 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 and 13)
whalen: a very large sea mammal that has a streamlined body and breathes through a blowhole on the head; a very large person; impressive in size or qualities
assumev: to think or accept something to be true without having proof of it; to take or begin to have power; to begin to exhibit a specific quality or appearance
metabolismn: the set of chemical reactions in cells or organisms that are necessary for life-sustaining
spheren: a round object or geometric shape that is three-dimensional and symmetrical around a central point; a particular aspect or scope of life or activity
schedulen: a list of planned activities, tasks, or things that must be completed showing when they are intended to happen or be done
drownv: to die or cause to die by being unable to breathe underwater
boringadj: lacking interest or excitement; tedious or dull
handcuffn: a pair of metal restraints that are designed to lock around a person’s wrists and prevent them from moving their hands freely; (verb) to restrain or restrict the movement of a person by applying handcuffs, typically as part of an arrest or other security-related process
criticn: someone who expresses opinions about the quality of books, music, etc.
movementn: a group of people working together to achieve a shared goal, especially a political, social, or artistic one; the process of moving or being moved, physically or figuratively
convulsionn: a violent, involuntary contraction or shaking of the muscles, especially those in the limbs or face; a sudden, intense, and often violent disturbance or upheaval
naturallyadv: as might be expected; by natural manners
slumpv: to fall or sink suddenly, often due to loss of support or stability; to decline or decrease abruptly, as in business or economic conditions; to become despondent or dispirited; (noun) a sudden or prolonged decline or drop in value, price, or quality
anten: a mandatory bet or contribution made by all players in a game of cards or gambling as a prerequisite for participation; any initial or essential action or investment required for a particular endeavor
purityn: the state of being undiluted or unmixed with anything else; the state of being free from immorality, especially of a sexual nature
flushv: to become red on your face, especially because you are embarrassed, angry, or hot; to rinse, clean, or empty something, especially a toilet, by causing large quantities of water to flow
competitionn: a situation in which someone is attempting to beat or outperform another
beavern: a large, semiaquatic rodent with a wide, flat tail and webbed feet, noted for its ability to build dams and lodges
simulatev: to make a pretense of someone’s behavior or looks; to reproduce something that exists in real life using computers, models, etc., usually for study or training purposes
altituden: the height of an object or point in relation to sea level or ground level
wipev: to clean or dry something by rubbing with a piece of cloth or paper or one’s hand and removing dirt, food, or liquid
definitelyadv: without any question and beyond doubt; clearly
impressiveadj: arousing admiration due to size, quality, or skill
siftv: to put flour, sugar, etc. through a sieve (= a utensil consisting of a wire or plastic mesh in a frame) to remove lumps or large particles
messn: a state of confusion, dirtiness, or untidiness; (verb) to fail to do something or to make something dirty or untidy
announcev: to make something known or officially inform people about something
publiclyadv: in a manner accessible to or observable by the public; by the government
competitorn: a person who participates in a sporting contest; a person or organization that competes with others, particularly in business
suddenlyadv: quickly and unexpectedly
advancementn: the development, improvement, or progress of something
magicn: beliefs and actions employed to influence supernatural beings and forces; any art or performance that invokes supernatural powers
lurev: to tempt or persuade someone to do something
caimann: a type of predatory reptile that belongs to the crocodilian family which resembles alligators and crocodiles but are smaller in size, typically found in Central and South America
uprightadj: perpendicular to a horizontal surface or line; (adverb) in a vertical position
suitn: a set of clothes that are made from the same material; a claim or complaint that a person or organization can file in court against another party; (verb) to be fit or acceptable for
buoyantadj: lighthearted and cheerful; tending to float; having a positive attitude or outlook
strapn: a long, narrow strip or belt of leather, fabric, or another material used for binding, fastening, or supporting something or someone; a band or string that attaches one object to another, often used to secure items during transport
looseadj: not securely fixed or fastened in place or able to be detached or separated from something
nervousadj: worried and anxious about something; relating to the nerves
monitorv: to observe, check, and track the progress or quality of something over a period of time
beepv: to make a short, high-pitched sound, typically as a signal or warning
tickn: a light, sharp, repetitive sound or action; a mark indicating that something is correct or has been done; any of two families of small parasitic arachnids with barbed proboscis
normallyadv: usually; under normal conditions
desperatelyadv: in a way that shows a lack of hope and a willingness to do anything because of the problematic situation; with great urgency
downfalln: a sudden or catastrophic decline or failure
halfwayadj: in or at a point midway or an equal distance between two points
dedicatev: to give all of your energy, time, etc., entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause; to set apart for a particular purpose or use
crackv: to break or cause to break without dividing into separate parts; (noun) a line on the surface of something along which it has separated without breaking
depressedadj: sad and without any hope
sensationn: a feeling associated with stimulation of a sense organ or with a specific body condition; a general feeling of interest and excitement
shuntv: to redirect or transfer something, often a flow of liquid or gas, to an alternative path or conduit; to move someone or something aside or out of the way; (noun) a device used to divert or redirect the flow of something, usually electrical current or fluid
extremityn: the farthest or most remote point or the greatest or the highest degree
vitaladj: necessary for the success or continued existence of something
organn: a part of the body of an animal or plant that has a particular purpose and performs a specific job
throbv: to beat with a strong, regular rhythm, as a pulse or a heart
numbadj: unable to feel physical sensation and movement; not showing human feeling or sensitivity
hypochondriacadj: pertaining to or suffering from hypochondria, a condition marked by excessive anxiety about one’s health and an abnormal concern that one has a serious disease, despite the absence of any physical evidence
paranoidadj: unreasonably or obsessively believing that other people do not like you or want to harm you
contractionn: the act or process of becoming smaller or shorter in size, volume, or amount
urgev: to spur on or encourage someone, especially by cheers and shouts; (noun) a strong desire or impulse, especially one that is difficult to control or resist
sufferv: to experience pain, distress, or hardship; to undergo or endure something painful or unpleasant
deprivationn: a state of not having something, such as food or money, that you need for a pleasant life
ischemicadj: relating to or caused by an inadequate supply of blood to an organ or tissue, leading to reduced oxygen and nutrient levels
heartbeatn: the regular movement or sound of the heart as it sends blood around the body; an animating or vital unifying force
skipv: to move along lightly and quickly, making a step from one foot to the other with a hop or bounce; to intentionally fail to do something which would normally do
slidev: to move or cause to move smoothly along a surface without interruption
bindv: to tie or fasten someone or something tightly with rope, string, etc. so that they cannot move or are held together strongly
screamv: to give a loud, high shout suddenly, especially because of fear, anger, excitement, etc.; to utter or declare in a very loud voice
weirdadj: extraordinary, unexpected, or difficult to explain
questn: a long or challenging search for something
legitimateadj: accordant with or allowed by law; lawful
shufflev: to move or mix around in a casual or unorganized way; to walk with short, dragging steps
deckn: a flat surface that is usually made of wood or other material and is attached to a building, vehicle, or other structure
experimentn: the scientific test conducted to observe what happens and gain new knowledge