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obsessv: to fill the mind of someone continually so that one can’t think of anything else
giganticadj: extremely large
obsessionn: the state in which a person’s mind is filled with thoughts of one single object or particular person
cassetten: a small, rectangular plastic case containing magnetic tape used to record and playback audio or data on devices such as tape players or recorders; a pre-recorded tape containing music, speech, or other sound recordings
vinyln: a synthetic resin or plastic material that can be molded into various shapes and forms, particularly used in construction, furniture, and record production
junkn: discarded or unused material or objects, often considered worthless or of little value; also used to describe cheap or poorly made items or food that is high in calories but lacking in nutrition
rumn: a distilled alcoholic beverage made from sugarcane or molasses, often aged and typically with a sweet, rich, or spicy flavor
warehousen: a large building for storing goods and merchandise, especially before they are sold, used, or sent out to shops
churchn: a building or institution dedicated to religious worship or activities; a Christian religious organization or denomination
basementn: a room or a part of a building that is partly or entirely below ground level
preservev: to keep or maintain a particular quality, feature, etc., especially to prevent it from decaying, being damaged, or being destroyed
institutionalizev: to establish or make something a part of an institution (= a place such as a university, hospital, etc.)
treasuren: a valuable or desirable possession; something that is cherished or held dear; a collection of valuable objects or money that is hidden or protected
garbagen: waste material, especially food waste and kitchen refuse
absolutelyadv: without restriction or limitation; completely or utterly
obscureadj: not well known to many people
binn: a container, usually that has a lid and used for waste
crazyadj: stupid or not sensible; very angry
artworkn: the pieces of art, such as pictures and photographs used in books, magazines, etc.
genren: a particular type or style of literature, art, music, or film that involves a particular set of characteristics
releasev: to set free or allow to escape from confinement
revivaln: an instance of bringing something back to life, popularity, or prominence; a period of renewed interest or enthusiasm in something that was previously considered outdated or old-fashioned
mentionv: to speak or write about something or someone briefly
communaladj: belonging to or used by a group rather than individuals; for common use
traditionn: a belief, custom, or way of doing something that has been passed down from generation to generation within a group or society
knitv: to make a garment or fabric by interlocking loops of yarn with needles or a machine
competitiveadj: involving competition or competitiveness
huntv: to go after and try to catch wild animals to kill them for food, sport, or profit
opportuneadj: suitable or happening at a time that is suitable or convenient for a particular purpose
impressiveadj: arousing admiration due to size, quality, or skill
weirdadj: extraordinary, unexpected, or difficult to explain
oddballn: a person or thing that is strange, eccentric, or unique in a peculiar way; an unconventional or eccentric individual
individualn: a single person or thing, as distinct from a group
obsessiveadj: relating to or characterized by an obsession or excessive interest in a particular thing or activity; tending to dwell on or repeat certain thoughts or behaviors
maniacadj: behaving in an extremely wild or violent way; (noun) a person who is extremely enthusiastic about or devoted to a particular thing
archaeologyn: the branch of anthropology that studies prehistoric people and their cultures
artifactn: a person-made object, especially one of historical or cultural interest
chasev: to pursue something or someone to catch or capture them; to go after something vigorously or with determination; (noun) a pursuit or a hunt; a narrow groove or channel cut into a surface, often used for decorative purposes
holyadj: of or related to a god, divine power, or a particular religion
grailn: a sacred or highly prized object, often associated with a quest or search for something elusive or unattainable
surroundv: to be all around something or somebody
mysteryn: something difficult to understand or explain; a secret or enigmatic quality that adds to the fascination or interest of something; a genre of fiction that involves the solution of a crime or a puzzle
destinev: to determine or set the course of something in advance, often in a way that seems predetermined or inevitable; to specify or choose someone or something for a particular fate or outcome
legendn: an old story that may or may not be accurate regarding some persons and events; a well-known person who is admired by others for a long time, particularly in a particular field
overlookv: to fail to notice something; to watch over someone; to provide a view from above
endangeredadj: at risk of extinction because it is facing significant threats
brilliantadj: extremely clever, skilled, or impressive
composev: to write music, poetry, or formal writing; to constitute or make up a whole, or a specified part of it
supposev: to think that something is likely to be actual or possible
developv: to grow or expand; to improve or refine through a process of progress and refinement, often to achieve greater sophistication or complexity; to elaborate or add detail to something that is in the process of being created
instrumentn: an object used to make musical sounds, such as a piano, guitar, or drum; a tool or device used for a specific activity, particularly in specialist or scientific work
percussionn: the section of an orchestra or band that plays instruments such as drums, cymbals, and tambourines; the action of striking something to produce a sound
influencen: the ability to affect someone’s or something’s character, growth, or behavior, or the effect itself
folkloren: traditional customs, beliefs, stories, and songs of a community, passed down orally
compassn: a navigational instrument for finding directions with a needle that can move easily and that always points to the north; the limit or range of capability
funkn: a feeling of sadness or depression; a low or unenergetic mood; a type of music that combines jazz, soul, and R and B
jazzn: a type of music that originated in the African-American community in the United States and that is characterized by improvisation, syncopated rhythms, and a strong emphasis on self-expression
affordv: to have enough money or time to be able to buy or do something
labeln: a small piece of paper, fabric, or other material attached to an object and giving information about it; (verb) to assign to a category
mainstreamn: the ideas, opinions, beliefs, etc., that are considered normal or accepted by most people
jukeboxn: a machine that plays recorded music when a selection is made by inserting coins or tokens, typically found in bars, restaurants, and other public places in the past
invitev: to ask someone to come or join; to offer an opportunity or possibility for something to happen or take place
oddsn: the degree or probability that a particular thing will or will not happen
independencen: freedom from another’s or others’ control or influence
distributev: to give something to a large number of individuals, or to spread or furnish something
schedulen: a list of planned activities, tasks, or things that must be completed showing when they are intended to happen or be done
accumulatev: to collect or acquire a large number of things over a long period of time
spann: the entire length of something, such as time or space from beginning to end; the amount of space that something covers
flean: a small, agile, wingless, and parasitic insect that feeds on the blood of mammals and birds
dustyadj: covered with or characterized by dust; having a dry, powdery texture or appearance; having a lot of dust or dirt in the air
moldn: a hollow container used to give shape to liquid or soft substance, which then becomes solid in the same shape as the container; a soft, green, or gray growth that forms on stale food or objects exposed to warm, moist air for too long
specificallyadv: only associated with or meant for one thing
inspectv: to look at someone or something closely, usually to examine their condition or to detect flaws
intriguev: to make someone interested, especially by being strange, unusual, or mysterious; to make a secret plan with other people to harm someone
turntablen: a revolving plate or platform used for rotating objects, particularly a device used for playing vinyl records that rotates the record at a constant speed while a needle reads the grooves to produce sound
questn: a long or challenging search for something
instantlyadv: immediately
backstoryn: the history and events that occur before the main events of a story or the history and details of a person or thing that are not widely known
sleeven: a part of a garment that covers all or part of an arm
arrangev: to plan, prepare for, and carry out something
reissuev: to print or produce something again or anew
tapv: to hit someone or something quickly, gently, and often repeatedly; to use existing resources, such as energy, knowledge, etc.
sessionn: a formal meeting or series of meetings for the execution of a particular group’s functions; a period spent doing a particular activity
destroyv: to ruin or damage severely or completely; to eradicate or eliminate completely
floodn: a large amount of water flowing beyond its normal limits; an overwhelming number or amount
earthquaken: a sudden and violent shaking of the ground caused by the movement of rock beneath the earth’s surface
remasterv: to modify, enhance, or improve the quality of a previously recorded audio or video work, typically by using more advanced technology or techniques; (noun) the process of adjusting the audio levels, cleaning up noise or imperfections, and optimizing overall sound or picture quality
praisen: an expression that shows approval and admiration of the achievements or characteristics of someone or something
criticn: someone who expresses opinions about the quality of books, music, etc.
inspirev: to make somebody fill with the desire, confidence, or enthusiasm, especially to do something creative
decidev: to make up someone’s mind about something; to come to a conclusion or judgment after considering options
revivev: to bring back to life, consciousness, or strength; to restore
retirementn: the fact or act of stopping working and leaving one’s job
rarityn: the condition or trait of being unusual; something that is unusual
oblivionn: the state of being completely forgotten or unknown; the state of being unconscious or unaware; the condition of being destroyed, wiped out, or erased from existence
constantadj: happening repeatedly or all the time
loopn: a shape like a curve or a circle made by something long and thin, such as a piece of string, that bends round and crosses itself
phasen: any stage in a series of events, change, or development
couchn: a piece of furniture made for sitting, usually with a back and armrests, designed to seat more than one person
agendan: a list or outline of things to be done, discussed, or considered
vitaladj: necessary for the success or continued existence of something
trumpetn: a brass musical instrument with a flared bell and a bright, penetrating tone; (verb) to announce or praise loudly or publicly
contextn: the circumstances, facts, or conditions that surround a particular event, situation, or statement and that give it meaning
archn: a curved structure with two supports that holds the weight of something above it, such as a bridge or the upper part of a building
discoveryn: the act or process of finding information, a place, or an object, or learning about something that was previously not known
elevatev: to raise something from a lower to a higher position; to give a promotion to or assign to a higher position
curatorn: a person whose job is to manage the objects or artworks in a museum, art gallery, etc.
musicologyn: the study of music as a scholarly discipline typically focuses on issues related to the history, theory, and cultural context of music
encounterv: to face something, particularly something unpleasant or difficult, while attempting to do something else; to meet, especially unexpectedly
outletn: a means of release or expression, often for emotions or energy; a place of business that sells goods directly to customers; a device or opening through which something can flow out
sanityn: the state of being mentally sound, healthy, and rational
maddenv: to make someone extremely angry or irritated, often to the point of losing control or rationality; to become irrational or frenzied with anger or frustration
curaten: a clergyman who is in charge of a parish; a person in charge of a museum, gallery, or church, responsible for the care and display of its collections and exhibitions; (verb) to carefully select, organize, and maintain items in a collection, exhibition, or presentation
overwhelmingadj: very great or intense; so powerful that you cannot fight or react against it
demonstratev: to display something or give an exhibition to an interested audience
hinderv: to make it difficult for someone to do something; to limit the development of something
browsev: to shop around in a leisurely and casual way; to look through a book, magazine, Internet, etc., casually and randomly, without seeking anything in particular; (of an animal) to feed on plants
catalogn: a complete list of items, often including technical details and prices
paralysisn: a condition in which you are unable to move or lose control of part or most of the body because of illness or injury
revenuen: the income that a government receives from taxes or that a company earns from its business
industriousadj: hardworking, diligent, and persistent in effort
progressiveadj: relating to or supporting development or advancement, especially social or political one
progressionn: the act or process of changing to the next stage or phase or moving forward
takeawayn: a message or conclusion that can be taken away from a situation or piece of information
disposev: to put things or people in a particular manner or position; to incline someone towards a specific activity or mood; throw or cast away
sanctuaryn: a place of refuge or safety, especially for victims of persecution or abuse
slogann: a short, catchy phrase or motto that is used by a person, organization, or company to promote a particular product, cause, or idea
classicadj: judged or deserving to be regarded as one of the best or most important of its kind over a period of time; of a well-known type
introductionn: a preliminary explanation or remarks given before the start of a text, performance, or event; the act of bringing something new into existence or introducing something to a wider audience or new market
humbleadj: having or showing a modest or low estimate of one’s quality or importance
platformn: the raised flat space close to the track at a train station where passengers get on or off the train; (technology) a computational or digital environment in which a piece of software is executed
massiveadj: enormous amount; very heavy and solid
collaboratev: to work with someone else to produce or achieve something
consistv: to be composed or made up of
necessarilyadv: in an essential manner; in such a way as could not be otherwise
nerdn: a person who is very interested in and knowledgeable about a particular subject such as computers, mathematics, chess, etc.
recommendationn: an official suggestion that something is good or suitable for a particular purpose or job
algorithmn: a set of rules or rigorous instructions typically used to solve a specific problem or to perform a computation
concludev: to come to an end or close; to reach a judgment or opinion by reasoning
autobiographyn: a written account of someone’s own life, written by that person
amazingadj: extremely surprising, especially in a way that you like or admire
belongv: to be the property of someone or something; to be a member or part of a group; to be in the proper or appropriate place
invitingadj: having an attractive or tempting quality that draws people in; encouraging or alluring in a way that makes people want to take part or participate
deservev: to be worthy of or entitled to something, especially something good or valuable
cherishv: to hold someone or something dear; to feel or show affection for someone or something
rediscoverv: to discover or find again something that was previously known but lost
embracev: to accept something willingly and enthusiastically; (noun) the act of clasping another person in the arms as in greeting or affection
alternativen: one of two or more available possibilities or choice
digitaladj: processing or storing information as a succession of 1 and 0 to show that a signal is present or missing; relating to the use of computer technology, especially the internet