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intriguingadj: arousing curiosity or interest, often due to a mysterious or complex quality; fascinating or captivating
individualn: a single person or thing, as distinct from a group
psychologyn: the scientific study of mind and behavior
opportuneadj: suitable or happening at a time that is suitable or convenient for a particular purpose
conversationn: an informal talk between two or more people to exchange their views, ideas, information, etc.
interactv: to communicate or react with somebody
displayv: to exhibit or show something to others, often to attract attention or demonstrate its features, properties, or value
symptomn: any sensation or change in body or mind that is experienced by a patient and is associated with a particular disease
discussv: to talk about or examine in detail through conversation or debate; to exchange ideas, opinions, or information on a particular topic
gratuitousadj: given or done without charge or payment
intrudev: to enter or to be present in a place or situation where one is not wanted or allowed; to interrupt or disturb someone or something
glimpsen: a brief or partial view; the act of seeing something or someone for a very short time or only partly
spann: the entire length of something, such as time or space from beginning to end; the amount of space that something covers
spectrumn: an ordered array of colors into which a light beam can be split
neuronn: a cell that is specialized to carry information within the brain and between the brain and other parts of the body
narrativen: a story or a description of a series of events or process of telling a story
boringadj: lacking interest or excitement; tedious or dull
hemispheren: half of the terrestrial globe; half of a sphere
regardv: to think about or consider somebody or something in a specified way
thundern: the loud, deep sound made by air expanding along the path of a bolt of lightning; a deep, prolonged loud noise
twitn: a silly or foolish person; someone regarded as annoying or irritating
diagnosev: to determine or distinguish the nature of a problem or an illness through a careful analysis
inherentadj: existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute
fascinatev: to attract and hold the attention of someone deeply and irresistibly
influentialadj: having significant impact or power on someone or something
traitn: a particular feature of your nature
alignv: to put or arrange two or more things in a straight line or to form a straight line
dimensionn: a measurable extent of a particular kind, such as width, height, or length
normallyadv: usually; under normal conditions
distributev: to give something to a large number of individuals, or to spread or furnish something
universaladj: existing or affecting everywhere or everyone
aspectn: one part or feature of a situation, problem, subject, etc.
acronymn: a word formed from the first letter of each word in a phrase, such as NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) or AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)
conscientiousadj: characterized by a sense of duty or responsibility; diligent, meticulous, and careful in one’s work or actions
contrastv: to put in opposition to show or emphasize differences
lackadaisicaladj: lacking enthusiasm or energy; lazy or sluggish; showing a lack of interest or concern
extrovertn: a person who is outgoing, sociable, and confident
introvertn: a shy and reticent person
agreeableadj: pleasant and enjoyable
decidedlyadv: in a manner that is beyond doubt or question; in a way that is clear and unmistakable; in an emphatic or determined manner
neuroticadj: suffering from neurosis or excessive and irrational anxiety or distress, often about everyday situations and circumstances
stableadj: firm and steady; not easily moved, disturbed, or changed
implicationn: something that is inferred or indirectly stated; the act or fact of being involved in something
well-beingn: the state of being happy and healthy and prosperous
predictv: to state beforehand that something will happen in the future, mainly based on knowledge or experience
achievev: to successfully complete a task or goal, often through hard work, perseverance, and dedication; to attain or accomplish something that one has set out to do
audaciousadj: showing a willingness to take bold risks or to do something that is considered unconventional or daring; marked by originality, creativity, or boldness
occasionallyadv: now and then; sometimes but not often
oddadj: strange or unexpected; not divisible by two
stickv: to put something, usually a sharp object, into something; to restrict yourself to doing or using one certain thing and not change; (noun) a thin piece of wood or other material
deadlinen: a date or period by which something must be done
perseverev: to persist in the course of action, despite opposition or difficulty; to continue with determination despite setbacks, obstacles, or discouragement
conduciveadj: tending to make something likely or possible
revn: a measure of the rate at which an engine or motor rotates, often expressed in revolutions per minute (RPM); (verb) to increase the number of rotations per minute
virtuallyadv: almost completely
lickv: to pass the tongue over something to moisten, taste, or eat
elbown: the joint between the upper arm and the lower arm; the bend in a pipe or tube formed at this joint
consequentadj: resulting or following as a result of something else; (noun) something that is logical or naturally follows from something else
genen: the fundamental unit of heredity and the sequence of nucleotides in DNA that codes for the creation of RNA or protein.
physiologyn: the branch of the biological sciences dealing with the functioning of organisms
sociogenicadj: pertaining to or caused by sociological or social factors; describing the origin or development of psychological conditions, behaviors, or traits that are influenced by society and its norms
individuallyadv: separately or apart from others
idiosyncrasyn: a distinctive or unique way of functioning, behaving, or thinking that is characteristic of an individual or a group; a peculiar or eccentric habit or behavior
stimulationn: the act of arousing interest or activity in something; the action of providing a stimulus
excitingadj: causing a lot of interest or excitement
magneticadj: having the properties of attracting or repelling certain materials containing iron or steel
misconstruev: to misunderstand or misinterpret the meaning, intention, or significance of something; to misjudge or misread
antisocialadj: not wanting to be around or spend time with other people; unwilling or unable to conform to accepted social norms or standards
necessarilyadv: in an essential manner; in such a way as could not be otherwise
internaladj: of or relating to the inside of something
stimulantn: a substance or drug that increases or heightens physiological or nervous system activity typically used to improve alertness, attention, or concentration
caffeinen: a stimulant drug that is found in coffee, tea, and other beverages and that is used to increase alertness and improve mental and physical performance
engagev: to attract and keep someone’s attention and interest; to participate in or obtain services of something
quantitativeadj: relating to, measuring, or expressing in terms of quantity; involving numerical or statistical data
consequencen: the outcome of a particular action or event, especially relative to an individual
intercoursen: communication between individuals; the sexual activity between individuals, especially the insertion of a man’s penis into a woman’s vagina
frequencyn: an ordered array of colors into which a light beam can be split
conjugaladj: relating to marriage or the relationship between spouses; pertaining to the married state or married life
frankadj: honest and sincere; open and candid in expression
heroicadj: courageous and daring; having or displaying qualities appropriate for legendary figures that is courage and daring
handlev: to deal with a situation, problem, or strong emotion
communicatev: to share or exchange information with others by speaking, writing, moving your body, or using other signals
encounterv: to face something, particularly something unpleasant or difficult, while attempting to do something else; to meet, especially unexpectedly
punctuatev: to insert punctuation marks (= comma, period, colon, etc.) in the text; to interrupt periodically
mutualadj: common to or shared by two or more parties
gazev: to stare at something or someone for an extended time, usually out of surprise or adoration, or because you are thinking about something else
diminutiveadj: very small or tiny in size; expressing smallness or endearment; (noun) a word or suffix that indicates smallness in size or affection
chuckv: to throw something carelessly or casually; to get rid of something or someone
intimateadj: having a very close friendship, personal
preferv: to like, choose, or want one thing or person better than another
concreteadj: existing in a physical or material form rather than an abstract one; based on facts rather than ideas or guesses; made of or covered with cement
extremeadj: very great in amount or degree
contextn: the circumstances, facts, or conditions that surround a particular event, situation, or statement and that give it meaning
complexityn: the state or quality of being complicated or intricate and difficult to understand
contingentadj: possible but not certain to occur; (noun) a group of people or things that are present or available to do something if it is needed
weaseln: a small carnivorous mammal with a long and slender body, short legs, and a long and narrow head, known for its ability to hunt rodents and small animals; someone who behaves in an untrustworthy, deceitful, or cunning manner
consultv: to seek or get advice or information from a person, book, or other source having special knowledge on a particular subject
contractn: a legally binding agreement between two or more parties, setting out their rights and obligations to each other, typically in writing and enforceable by law
colleaguen: one of a group of a coworker, especially in a profession or a business
secondlyadv: used to introduce the second point or item in a list or series of statements, considerations, etc.
overloadv: to put too much a load in or on something
fellowadj: someone who has the same job or interests as you, or is in the same class, profession, or situation as you
haltv: to bring or come to a stop; to force to stop moving or operating
classicadj: judged or deserving to be regarded as one of the best or most important of its kind over a period of time; of a well-known type
accurateadj: correct and exact in all details
assertiveadj: characterized by a confident and forceful personality; expressing one’s opinions or desires directly and positively; standing up for oneself in a firm but non-aggressive manner
rollv: to move in a particular direction by turning over and over or from side to side
gentleadj: having or showing a kindly or tender nature; soft and mild
alludev: to suggest or make reference to something indirectly
lungn: either of the two organs in the chest that people and some animals use for breathing
heedv: to pay attention to or take notice of something, particularly a warning or piece of advice; to listen to and comply with something
bunchn: a grouping of several similar things which are growing or fastened together
distinctivelyadv: in a way that is distinguishable, unique, or characterized by a particular quality or feature
Elizabethann: pertaining to the reign of Queen Elizabeth I of England (1558-1603); relating to the culture, literature, and history of that time period
featn: a notable or impressive achievement, especially one that requires great skill or bravery
uncomfortableadj: providing or feeling physical discomfort or slight pain
pigeonholen: a small compartment for a single item, especially a small hole or shelf for holding papers or files; (verb) to treat or classify according to a mental stereotype
pigeonn: a stout-bodied bird with a small head, short legs, and a short, cooing call, typically found in cities and domesticated for food
belongv: to be the property of someone or something; to be a member or part of a group; to be in the proper or appropriate place
relatev: to establish a connection or association between two or more things; to narrate or tell about an event, experience, or relationship; to empathize or feel sympathy with someone or something
disagreeableadj: unpleasant or unpleasant to deal with; not likely to agree or comply with something or someone; having an unpleasant or negative temperament
barriern: a fence or other obstruction that makes it hard to move or get in; any condition that makes it difficult to make progress or to achieve an objective
administerv: to oversee and control the operation or arrangement of something
torporn: a state of reduced activity or a slowed metabolism, often occurring in hibernating animals or as a result of extreme stress or fatigue
enactv: to make a law; to put something into practice
scriptn: a written text of a film, play, broadcast, or speech; something written by hand
advancev: to go or move forward; to develop in a positive way
professv: to declare openly, often publicly or formally, that one has a particular skill, belief, or feeling; to admit or affirm
humorn: the quality of being amusing or funny; the liquid parts of the body
engagementn: a mutual promise to marry someone; an agreement to do something, especially at a particular time
arduousadj: requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring, often involving physical or mental labor
protractv: to prolong or lengthen in time; to extend the duration of something
pseudoadj: (meaning “false” or “not genuine”) indicating something that is similar to or resembling something else but is not that thing
chaptern: a separate section of a written work usually numbered and titled
slingv: to throw or drop something somewhere carelessly; to hang loosely or freely; (noun) a length of rope, fabric, or chain used to support or lift something
arrown: a thin, pointed projectile designed to be shot from a bow; a symbol or pointer that is shaped like an arrow
retirev: to withdraw from one’s position or occupation, especially because of age
cubiclen: a small, partitioned area or booth intended for working or studying, often in an office or educational setting
evacuatev: to remove people or things from a place of danger or threat; to leave or abandon a place or situation, often due to fear or risk
flushv: to become red on your face, especially because you are embarrassed, angry, or hot; to rinse, clean, or empty something, especially a toilet, by causing large quantities of water to flow
graveln: small stones and pebbles, often mixed with sand, used for road surfaces, concrete, landscaping, or as a decorative material
guaranteev: to promise something will happen formally, especially that certain conditions about a product, service, or transaction would be met
constipationn: a condition in which bowel movements occur less frequently or with difficulty, often resulting in hard, dry stools and discomfort or pain during elimination