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ancientadj: relating to the long ago, particularly the historical period preceding the fall of the Western Roman Empire; very old
banishv: to expel or send away from a place or situation, especially permanently
wanderv: to walk around slowly or to a place, often without any clear purpose or direction
vastadj: enormous in size, number, amount, or quantity
desertn: arid land with little or no vegetation often covered with sand or rocks
priestessn: a female priest, especially one who is associated with a non-Christian religion or ancient belief system
exilen: the state of being forced to leave one’s country or home, typically for political or punitive reasons
hymnn: a song of praise or worship, especially one in a religious service or ceremony
epicn: a long and eventful or heroic history, story, poem, or film; (adjective) very imposing or impressive
poemn: a piece of writing that emphasizes the expression of feelings and ideas by paying particular attention to diction (sometimes rhyme), rhythm, and imagery
biblen: the sacred writings of the Christian religions, consisting of the Old and New Testaments; a book regarded as authoritative in its field
patriarchn: a man who is the head of a family or tribe or a man who is revered because of his age, wisdom, or spiritual leadership
birthplacen: the house, town, etc., where someone was born
empiren: a group of countries ruled by one leader or government
conquerv: to bring under control by force or authority
independencen: freedom from another’s or others’ control or influence
bannern: a long strip of cloth or paper bearing a symbol, logo, slogan, or another message, especially carried in a demonstration or procession or hung in a public place; a form of the online advertisement appearing on a web page
Semiticadj: relating to the group of languages that includes Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic, spoken by the peoples of the middle east and north Africa
invadev: to enter aggressively into another’s territory by military force for conquest and occupation
frequentadj: happening constantly
revoltn: to take violent action against authority, especially government or ruler
regainv: to get something back or recover something after it has been lost or taken away
fracturen: the breaking or cracking of a rigid material or object such as bone
dynastyn: a sequence of influential leaders who are all from the same family or a period when they rule a country
gapn: a conspicuous disparity or difference separates something such as a figure, people, their opinions, situation, etc.
appointv: to give someone a job or role, especially as a public official or member of an organization; to arrange or decide on a time or a place
templen: a place of worship, especially one that is associated with a particular religion or faith; the flat area on either side of the forehead
royaltyn: revenue derived from the use of a patent, copyright, or other right; the people who are the family of a king and queen
traditionallyadv: in accordance with tradition; typically or commonly done in a particular way
religionn: a deep conviction in a supernatural power that controls human destiny
educatedadj: having received a high standard of education
mathematicsn: the science dealing with the logic of quantities, shapes, spaces, and arrangement
calculationn: the act or process of using numbers to judge an amount of something
merchantn: a person who buys and sells a large number of goods, especially one who imports and exports goods
communicatev: to share or exchange information with others by speaking, writing, moving your body, or using other signals
distancen: the amount of space between two points, measured in units such as miles, meters, or kilometers; the extent, scope, or range between two things, such as distance or emotional distance
pictogramn: a graphic symbol that conveys its meaning through its pictorial resemblance to a physical object
developv: to grow or expand; to improve or refine through a process of progress and refinement, often to achieve greater sophistication or complexity; to elaborate or add detail to something that is in the process of being created
scriptn: a written text of a film, play, broadcast, or speech; something written by hand
cuneiformadj: of or relating to a form of writing consisting of pressing a reed stylus into clay to create wedge-shaped marks used in ancient Mesopotamia
stylusn: a thin, pointed tool used to write, draw, or select items on a touchscreen device
clayn: a natural, earthy material that is made up of very small particles of minerals and can be molded when wet and then fired to produce ceramics
wedge-shapedadj: having the shape of a wedge, which is a triangular object typically wider at one end than the other
transcribev: to copy or reproduce something in written or printed form; to translate spoken language into written text
attributev: to say or regard that something is the result of a particular thing; (noun) a quality or feature that someone or something possesses;
individualn: a single person or thing, as distinct from a group
multistoriedadj: having multiple stories or levels, especially about a building or other structure
brickn: a rectangular block of baked clay used as a building material
granaryn: a storehouse or other building where grain is kept; a place where grain is grown
irrigationn: the agricultural practice of supplying land with water through pipes or channels so that crops grow well
grainn: wheat or any other small hard seeds used as a food; a relatively small granular particle of a substance
storagen: the act or process of putting in and keeping something in a particular place for use in the future; an electronic memory device that can store information
overseev: to watch and direct someone or something to make sure that it is being done correctly
interpretv: to explain or assign the meaning of information, actions, etc.
sacredadj: connected with religion or religious purposes; worthy of respect or dedication because of a connection with a god
presidev: to be in charge of or to lead a meeting, ceremony, or organization
festivaln: a celebration or event, usually marking a particular religious or cultural occasion, often involving processions, music, dancing, and the performance of plays or other artistic works
ritualn: any customary observance or practice; any prescribed procedure for conducting religious ceremonies
celebratev: to acknowledge a memorable or good day or event with a social gathering or enjoyable activity
equinoxn: either of two times of the year, usually in March and September, when the sun crosses the celestial equator, resulting in equal amounts of daylight and darkness worldwide
accomplishv: to finish or achieve something successfully
combinev: to join or merge to form a single thing or group
mythologyn: a collection of myths (= traditional stories accepted as history) or the study of myths
patronn: a person who gives financial or other support to a person, organization, or activity; a loyal or regular customer of a particular shop, restaurant, etc.
deityn: a divine being or god worshipped and revered by people in a particular religion or culture
dedicatev: to give all of your energy, time, etc., entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause; to set apart for a particular purpose or use
praisen: an expression that shows approval and admiration of the achievements or characteristics of someone or something
glorifyv: to praise or honor something or someone, often in an exaggerated or overly positive way; to elevate or exalt something or someone to a higher status or position
relationn: the way two persons or groups of people feel and act toward one another
pantheonn: a temple dedicated to all the gods or goddesses of a particular religion or mythology; a group of something or someone that is remarkably respected, famous, or important
aloofadj: emotionally detached or reserved; distant or uninvolved in personal relationships or social interactions; standing apart from others
sufferv: to experience pain, distress, or hardship; to undergo or endure something painful or unpleasant
pleadv: to make a serious and urgent request or appeal, especially for help or mercy
contributionn: the act of giving something, especially money, to a particular cause or organization; a voluntary gift as of money or service or ideas made to some worthwhile cause
poetryn: poems in general as a genre of literature
goddessn: a female god, especially in ancient mythology; a woman who is worshipped or adored
desiren: a strong feeling of wanting to have or do something
divineadj: of, from, or like a god; holy or sacred
chaoticadj: without any order or organization; extremely disorganized, unpredictable, and confusing
sparkv: to start something or make it grow, especially suddenly; to emit a tiny piece of fire or electricity
universen: everything that exists, especially all physical matter, including planets, stars, galaxies, and all other forms of matter and energy
delightn: a feeling of great pleasure or happiness
transcendv: to rise above or go beyond the limits of something
gendern: the range of characteristics of femininity and masculinity and differentiating between them, especially when considering social and cultural differences rather than differences in biology
boundaryn: a real or imaginary line that marks the limit or extent of something and separates it from other things or places
attendantn: a person who is employed to provide a service or perform tasks, often in a public place, such as a flight attendant, parking attendant, or hospital attendant
prostituten: a person, typically a woman, who engages in sexual activity in exchange for payment
eunuchn: a male who has been castrated, often to serve a particular role assigned by society; a man who has had his testicles removed, often historically to serve as a royal attendant, scholar, or religious figure
oden: a lyrical poem that expresses feelings or praise for a person, place, or thing; a poem that is marked by a prominent theme or tone
pronounn: a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence, such as “he,” “she,” “they,” or “it”
explorev: to travel to or penetrate an area or a country to learn about it; to thoroughly examine a subject or a possibility to learn more about it
emotionn: a strong feeling such as love, anger, etc. deriving from one’s situation, mood, or relationships with others
advantagen: a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favorable or superior position; a beneficial feature or asset that someone or something has
vacuumn: a space empty of matter; a device or tool used for cleaning or removing debris by creating suction
coupn: a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government; an impressive or successful action or achievement
nephewn: a son of your brother or sister
legendaryadj: famous or well-known, especially through long-standing popular stories or tradition
ultimateadj: furthest or highest in degree or order
crushv: to press it firmly, usually with your hands or a tool, so that it becomes flat or smaller
uprisingn: a public rebellion, especially against an established government or authority
influencen: the ability to affect someone’s or something’s character, growth, or behavior, or the effect itself
testamentn: a thing that proves the existence or truth of something else
Christn: the man that Christians believe is the prophet and the son of God, and whose life and sermons form the basis for Christianity
tabletn: a small flat electronic device used for browsing the internet, reading, writing, or playing games; a small, solid pill of medicine

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