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particlen: a small piece of something; a word or piece of a term with grammatical function but little or no significance
acceleratev: to make something faster or earlier; to cause to develop or progress more quickly
arcaden: a covered passageway or walkway, often lined with shops or restaurants; a series of arches supported by columns; a type of video game in which the player controls a character moving through a series of levels and obstacles
unwindv: to relax and release tension, often by engaging in leisure activities or by simply resting; to reverse the winding or twisting of something
gleamv: to reflect light in a way that creates a shining or bright and attractive appearance; to become visible or apparent
insertv: to put something inside something else
fanfaren: a short, loud, and attention-grabbing burst of sound, often to announce or celebrate something special; a flourished or ostentatious display or demonstration
quantumn: the smallest amount or unit of something, especially (electromagnetic) energy
normn: something that is regarded as usual, typical, or standard
spinningn: the act of rotating rapidly around an axis; in the context of textiles, the process of twisting fibers together to form thread or yarn
levern: a handle used to operate a vehicle or a machine; a rigid bar resting on a pivot so that one end of it can be pushed or pulled easily
sinkv: to submerge or go down below the surface of a liquid or substance; to decline or deteriorate; to cause something to go down into a liquid substance or sink into something else
opponentn: a person against whom you are playing or fighting in a game, competition, debate, etc.
giantadj: enormous; much bigger or more important than similar items usually are
electronn: a tiny particle with the negative electrical charge
Newtonianadj: relating to Sir Isaac Newton or his laws of motion and universal gravitation
physicsn: the science of matter and energy and their interactions
movementn: a group of people working together to achieve a shared goal, especially a political, social, or artistic one; the process of moving or being moved, physically or figuratively
governv: to legally control and direct a country, city, group of people, etc. and be responsible for introducing new laws, organizing and maintaining public services
mechanicsn: the branch of physics that deals with the study of motion, forces, and energy; (mechanic) someone whose occupation is repairing and maintaining automobiles
minimizev: to make something, especially something bad, small or less serious
influencen: the ability to affect someone’s or something’s character, growth, or behavior, or the effect itself
photonn: a unit or quantum of electromagnetic energy, typically regarded as a particle that is the basic constituent of all light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation
moleculen: a group of two or more atoms held together by attractive forces known as chemical bonds
vacuumn: a space empty of matter; a device or tool used for cleaning or removing debris by creating suction
flashn: a sudden intense burst of radiant energy; a momentary brightness
collisionn: an instance of two or more objects or entities crashing into each other, usually resulting in damage, impact, or conflict
detectv: to find or recognize something, especially something difficult to see, hear, etc.
consequencen: the outcome of a particular action or event, especially relative to an individual
uncertainadj: not being sure of something; not being able to choose
principlen: a fundamental law or truth that explains or controls how something happens or works
velocityn: the rate of change of an object’s position with respect to time, often measured in meters per second (m/s)
vicen: wrongdoing or wicked behavior; (in the form of vice versa) with the order reversed; (as a prefix) someone with a job immediately below a particular person
largelyadv: virtually entirely; to a large degree
probableadj: likely to happen or likely to be true
distributev: to give something to a large number of individuals, or to spread or furnish something
observev: to watch or notice something carefully, often to gather information or insights; to take note of something or someone; to celebrate or commemorate a special event or occasion
concentrationn: the ability to focus all your time and energy on one thing without thinking about anything else.
oppositionn: the act of disagreeing or resisting; the state of strong disagreement
likelihoodn: the probability or chance that something will happen or be the case
determinantn: a factor, circumstance, or condition that contributes to the shaping, influencing, or determining of a particular outcome or result
predictv: to state beforehand that something will happen in the future, mainly based on knowledge or experience
manipulatev: to influence or control something or someone to your advantage, often in an unfair or dishonest way
rodn: a long, thin, straight piece of wood, metal, or other material used for support, as a weapon, or for punishment
strengthn: the quality or state of being physically, or sometimes mentally, strong
preciseadj: sharply exact or accurate or delimited
spinv: to cause something to rotate rapidly; to cause someone to feel dizzy or disoriented
constructv: to build or create something; to assemble or combine different parts to form something whole
tunneln: an underground or underwater passage, typically for trains or cars
apparentadj: able to see or understand easily or clearly
universen: everything that exists, especially all physical matter, including planets, stars, galaxies, and all other forms of matter and energy
spitv: to eject saliva or other liquid from the mouth
evidentadj: apparent to the mind, senses, or judgment
presencen: the fact or state that someone or something exists, occurs, or is present
obstaclen: a thing that blocks one’s way or prevents or hinders progress
rown: an arrangement of objects or people side by side in a line
miniatureadj: being on a very small scale
complicatedadj: involving a lot of different things or parts in a way that is difficult to understand or analyze
interferencen: the act or process of getting involved in and trying to influence a specific situation; the state of being affected and influenced with
developv: to grow or expand; to improve or refine through a process of progress and refinement, often to achieve greater sophistication or complexity; to elaborate or add detail to something that is in the process of being created
accurateadj: correct and exact in all details
advancev: to go or move forward; to develop in a positive way
degreen: a unit of measurement for angles, temperature, or level of proficiency or achievement; a rank or level of academic or professional attainment
handyadj: valuable and convenient; easy or ready to reach or use
advantagen: a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favorable or superior position; a beneficial feature or asset that someone or something has
frequentadj: happening constantly
evolvev: to develop gradually, or to cause the development of something or someone gradually
mastn: a long pole aboard a boat or ship that holds up the sails
maneuvern: a motion or combination of moves that requires skill and care; a clever strategy, activity, or movement intended to give someone an advantage
dominatev: to have or control a lot of power and influence over somebody or something
trickyadj: requiring care and skill because challenging to do or deal with
distinctiveadj: having a quality or characteristic that makes it stand out from others
featn: a notable or impressive achievement, especially one that requires great skill or bravery
possibilityn: a chance that something may happen or be true
superpositionn: a principle in physics that describes the combination or overlaying of two or more waves or states of matter; (of geology) the process by which layers of rock or sediment are deposited on top of one another over time
simultaneouslyadv: at the same time
strikev: to wallop somebody or something with the hand, fist, or weapon; to have an emotional or cognitive impact upon
championn: someone who has won first place in a competition; someone who fights for a specific group of people or a belief
techniquen: a particular way or art of doing something that needs skill

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