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chiefadj: most important or primary; (noun) a person who is in charge
ninjan: a Japanese warrior or assassin trained in martial arts and stealth tactics, associated with the feudal era of Japan
dropoutn: a person who leaves school, college, or a training program before completing it
relocatev: to move or move something or someone to a new place and build a house or a business there
countyn: an administrative division of a country or state, typically one of several comprising a larger division
fairlyadv: to a certain extent or degree; without favoring one party in an evenhanded manner
determinantn: a factor, circumstance, or condition that contributes to the shaping, influencing, or determining of a particular outcome or result
layern: a sheet, quantity, or thickness of the material, typically one of several, covering a surface or body; a level or part within a system or set of ideas
conceptn: an idea or principle associated with something abstract
frameworkn: the structural components of a building or object that support its weight and give it form; the underlying structure of a system, concept, or text
motivationn: the reason or enthusiasm for acting or behaving in a particular way
influencen: the ability to affect someone’s or something’s character, growth, or behavior, or the effect itself
constructv: to build or create something; to assemble or combine different parts to form something whole
decidev: to make up someone’s mind about something; to come to a conclusion or judgment after considering options
cluttern: to fill a room or place with so many items that it becomes messy
creditorn: a person, company, etc. to whom a debtor owes money
schemen: an organized and often large-scale plan or arrangement for doing something
loyaltyn: the quality of being devoted or faithful to someone or something
dynamicsn: the branch of mechanics that deals with the motion of bodies under the action of forces, including the particular case in which a body remains at rest; forces that produce or stimulate movement, growth, or change
unfortunateadj: having bad luck or fortune; unlucky
heron: a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities; a character in literature or history who is central to the plot and who exhibits heroic qualities
bobv: to move up and down quickly and repeatedly, often in a short, jerky motion; to cut, trim, or shorten hair, especially by repeatedly snipping with scissors; (noun) a hairstyle in which the hair is cut short and even all around, usually above the shoulders
cruxn: the most important or fundamental part of a matter or situation; the key point or central issue
presentationn: the act of formally introducing or displaying something to others; the manner in which something is presented or given visually, verbally, or otherwise
consciouslyadv: with awareness; in a deliberate manner
in-betweenadj: occurring or existing between two things or points; intermediate in position, condition, or time
claimv: to assert that something is true; to demand or request something as one’s own; to lay legal or moral right to something; (noun) a demand or assertion of a right or something that one believes to be true
propn: a piece of wood, metal, etc., placed beneath or against something to support it or keep it in position; a system, institution, or person that gives help or support to someone or something
finn: a thin flat part on the body of a fish or other aquatic animal used for propulsion or balance
explorev: to travel to or penetrate an area or a country to learn about it; to thoroughly examine a subject or a possibility to learn more about it
levern: a handle used to operate a vehicle or a machine; a rigid bar resting on a pivot so that one end of it can be pushed or pulled easily
graphn: a picture consisting of a line, lines, points, etc., that shows how two or more sets of certain quantities are related to each other
fantasticadj: extremely good; excellent
productiveadj: resulting in or making a lot or a significant amount of something, especially something of value
fabricn: cloth or other material produced by weaving wool, cotton, silk, etc., used for making clothes, covering furniture, etc.
invisibleadj: impossible or nearly impossible to see
incrediblyadv: in a way that is very difficult to believe; exceedingly or extremely
criticn: someone who expresses opinions about the quality of books, music, etc.
equivalentn: having the same value, quality, meaning, purpose, etc.
steeln: a strong metal alloy made up of iron with typically a few tenths of a percent of carbon used for making things that need a strong structure
cementv: make fast as if with cement; (noun) a building material that is a powder made of a mixture of calcined limestone and clay, used with water, sand, and small stones to make concrete
dimensionn: a measurable extent of a particular kind, such as width, height, or length
swathn: a strip of land, especially a long, narrow one; a large amount or quantity of something
competitiveadj: involving competition or competitiveness
advantagen: a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favorable or superior position; a beneficial feature or asset that someone or something has
dynamicadj: having a lot of energy, ideas, and enthusiasm, and a strong personality; of or relating to dynamics (= the branch of physics and engineering concerned with the forces that cause motions of bodies)
appointmentn: a formal arrangement to meet someone at a particular time and place, especially for a reason connected with their work; the act of putting a person into a job or position of responsibility
succeedv: to accomplish or achieve a desired or intended result or goal; to prosper or attain success in a given field or endeavor
definev: to state or explain precisely the nature, scope, or meaning of something
scarev: to frighten a person or animal, or to become frightened
manipulatev: to influence or control something or someone to your advantage, often in an unfair or dishonest way
interactv: to communicate or react with somebody
frighteningadj: causing fear or alarm, or very surprising and alarming
rationn: a fixed portion or allowance of something, often referring to food, supplies, or resources, that is distributed or allocated to individuals or groups, especially during times of scarcity or in organized systems
conventionaladj: based on or following traditional rules, standards, customs, etc.
recommendv: to suggest that someone or something would be a suitable fit for a particular purpose or role
twitn: a silly or foolish person; someone regarded as annoying or irritating
fakeadj: not genuine; fraudulent or counterfeit
cropn: a plant that is cultivated in large amounts, particularly for food
wiltv: to become limp and drooping, often as a result of heat, lack of water, or disease; to lose strength, vitality, or energy; to fade or wither away
tweakv: to pinch or squeeze something sharply; to adjust something finely
statisticsn: the discipline that concerns the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data
cyclen: an interval during which a recurring sequence of events occurs; a bicycle or motorcycle
clockworkn: a mechanism in which a series of gears, springs and other mechanical elements are used to power a device, especially a clock
productivityn: the state or quality of being productive; the rate at which a company or individual produces goods or services, often measured in terms of output per unit of input, such as labor, capital, or time
vitalityn: the state of being strong and active; energy
medicinaladj: of or relating to the treatment or cure of disease
flashn: a sudden intense burst of radiant energy; a momentary brightness
recognizev: to acknowledge or realize something or someone; to identify, remember, or become aware of something that was previously known or encountered
achievev: to successfully complete a task or goal, often through hard work, perseverance, and dedication; to attain or accomplish something that one has set out to do
Christn: the man that Christians believe is the prophet and the son of God, and whose life and sermons form the basis for Christianity
debitn: an entry in a financial account that represents money owed or transferred out of the account; a payment card or other means of withdrawing funds from a bank account
whipv: to hit a person or an animal severely with a thin, flexible stick with a cord or leather thong at the end, as a punishment, discipline, etc.
modernadj: of or belonging to the present time or recent times
warfaren: the use of military force to achieve political, economic, or social objectives
desperatelyadv: in a way that shows a lack of hope and a willingness to do anything because of the problematic situation; with great urgency
badgen: a small emblem or token worn as a symbol of belonging or rank, often used by law enforcement or military organizations
motivatev: to make someone want to do something, especially something that requires tremendous work and effort
qualifiedadj: officially recognized as having completed a training course or passed the exams that are necessary to perform a particular job
terriblyadv: very badly; to a great extent or very much
valedictoriann: the student who delivers the farewell address at a graduation ceremony, typically the student with the highest academic ranking in their class
knightn: a mounted soldier in the past, typically one of noble birth trained to fight in armor; (today in Great Britain) a person honored by the sovereign for personal merit
probableadj: likely to happen or likely to be true
experimentn: the scientific test conducted to observe what happens and gain new knowledge
progressionn: the act or process of changing to the next stage or phase or moving forward
granularadj: consisting of or resembling small grains or particles; having a rough, irregular texture or appearance
fashionn: a style that is popular at a particular time or place; the state of being popular
wholesomeadj: good for or likely to improve your health; conducive to or characterized by physical or moral well-being
individualn: a single person or thing, as distinct from a group
botherv: to disturb, annoy, or cause inconvenience or worry to someone; to take the trouble or effort to do something
deep-seatedadj: firmly established or strongly felt; deeply ingrained or settled
psychen: the human soul, mind, or spirit
dedicatev: to give all of your energy, time, etc., entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause; to set apart for a particular purpose or use
insaneadj: extremely stupid, crazy, or dangerous; mentally ill
compellingadj: arousing strong and irresistible interest, attention, or admiration
trafficn: the movement of vehicles, people, or goods along a route or through a transport system; the amount of such movement in a particular place or at a particular time
economyn: the system by which a country or region produces manages, and distributes goods and services, including the money and finances involved in these activities; (of an airline) the lowest-priced, most basic option for seating in commercial travel
introductionn: a preliminary explanation or remarks given before the start of a text, performance, or event; the act of bringing something new into existence or introducing something to a wider audience or new market
engagingadj: attracting, pleasant, or charming
unlockv: to open something, such as a door, window, etc., usually using a key
rewardn: a thing given in acknowledgment of service, hard work, achievement, etc.
hookn: a curved device used for suspending, holding, or pulling something, especially one attached to a surface for hanging things on; a sharp curve or crook
engagementn: a mutual promise to marry someone; an agreement to do something, especially at a particular time
meaningfuladj: having meaning, function, or purpose; serious, significant, or worthwhile
revenuen: the income that a government receives from taxes or that a company earns from its business
communaladj: belonging to or used by a group rather than individuals; for common use
discoveryn: the act or process of finding information, a place, or an object, or learning about something that was previously not known
consumev: to spend something, especially fuel, energy, or time, in a large amount
initiallyadv: at the beginning; at first
motton: a phrase or slogan that expresses a guiding principle or goal
cabaln: a small, secret group of people who work together to achieve a particular goal, especially one that is seen as being against the interests of those who are not part of the group
maintainv: to continue to uphold or sustain; to keep in a particular state or condition; to assert or declare something to be true
leadershipn: the ability, act, or status of leading a group of people or an organization
monopolyn: exclusive control or possession of something, especially an area of business; a board game in which players try to gain a monopoly on real estate
cotn: a small bed for a baby or child, typically with high sides to prevent the child from falling out
industriousadj: hardworking, diligent, and persistent in effort
boardwalkn: a path or walkway, usually raised and made of wood, along or near a beach, boardwalk, or waterfront area, often used for recreation or pedestrian traffic
stickv: to put something, usually a sharp object, into something; to restrict yourself to doing or using one certain thing and not change; (noun) a thin piece of wood or other material
balloonn: a small bag made of thin rubber or other light material that can be inflated with air or gas, used as a toy or as a decoration; (verb) to become inflated
pyramidn: a polyhedron having a polygonal base and triangular sides with a common vertex; a massive monument with a square base and four triangular sides, begun by Cheops around 2700 BC as royal tombs in ancient Egypt
locatev: to specify or determine the exact position of someone or something
recommendationn: an official suggestion that something is good or suitable for a particular purpose or job
excitingadj: causing a lot of interest or excitement