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lobbyn: a large area inside the entrance of a public building where people can meet and wait; a group of people who try to persuade a politician, the government, or an official group to influence legislation
brochuren: a small book or pamphlet advertising a product, service, or place of interest
festivaln: a celebration or event, usually marking a particular religious or cultural occasion, often involving processions, music, dancing, and the performance of plays or other artistic works
thumbn: the short, thick digit of the hand next to the index finger; (verb) to travel by getting free rides from motorists
suburbn: an outlying district or residential area of a city or town, typically comprising middle-class and affluent neighborhoods
collaborationn: the act or situation of working together to create or produce something
harborn: an area of water next to the coast where ships and boats are protected from rough water by piers, jetties, and other artificial structures; (verb) keep in one’s possession
lurev: to tempt or persuade someone to do something
specificadj: clearly defined or particular to a certain thing or situation; distinct, explicit, and precise
resistv: to refuse to accept something and attempt to prevent it from happening
trafficn: the movement of vehicles, people, or goods along a route or through a transport system; the amount of such movement in a particular place or at a particular time
residentn: a person who lives in a particular place or has their home in a place
performern: a person who entertains an audience or group by presenting artistic or theatrical acts, such as an actor, musician, dancer, or singer
autobiographicaladj: relating to or based on the experiences, thoughts, or life story of oneself; about one’s own life history or personal narrative
lawnn: a stretch of ground covered with grass, typically attached to a house, and often used for recreation or aesthetics
drivewayn: a private road leading from a street or road to a house or garage, typically providing access for vehicles
loneadj: solitary or single
twinn: either of two children born at the same time from the same mother
peern: a person who has the same age, status, or ability
commotionn: a state of confused and noisy disturbance
exuberantadj: full of energy, enthusiasm, or excitement; lively, animated, or unrestrained in behavior or expression; characterized by abundant growth or profuse production
amazev: to fill with wonder, surprise, or admiration
incredibleadj: unbelievable; enormous
ownershipn: the state or fact of possessing, controlling, or having the right to something; the legal and moral right to use or dispose of something as one chooses
communaladj: belonging to or used by a group rather than individuals; for common use
dialoguen: a conversation in a book, play, or film
celebratedadj: renowned for possessing admirable attributes
diversityn: the quality or fact of many different types of things or people being included in something; a range of different things or people
representv: to speak, act, or be present on behalf of another person or group; to form or constitute
radicaladj: relating to the essential aspects of anything; far beyond the norm, mainly used of opinions and actions
transformv: to change in outward structure or looks;
modernadj: of or belonging to the present time or recent times
rubblen: fragments of rock, stone, or other materials that remain after a building or other structure has been destroyed or demolished; the remains of something that has been broken down or destroyed
civicadj: of or relating to a town, city, or the people who live in it
celebratev: to acknowledge a memorable or good day or event with a social gathering or enjoyable activity
expressionn: the act of conveying thoughts, feelings, or ideas using words, facial expressions, body language, or art; a look or gesture that conveys a particular emotion or mood
spiritn: the part of a person which is the seat of their mind, feelings, and character rather than their physical body; the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people
circuitn: (in electrical engineering) an electrical device that provides a path for electrical current to flow; a journey or route around a particular place or area
seminaladj: highly original, influential, or innovative; containing the seeds or beginnings of future development or growth; (of medicine) of or relating to semen or the male reproductive system
monumentaladj: great in importance or influence, size, extent, or solidity; massive
passeadj: no longer fashionable or current; outdated; considered to be old-fashioned or out of date
establishmentn: a business or organization, especially a well-established one; the act of starting or forming something that is meant to last for a long time
acceleratev: to make something faster or earlier; to cause to develop or progress more quickly
disappearv: to cease to exist or be visible
emergev: to move out of or away from something and become visible
thrivev: to grow vigorously; to make steady progress
emergingadj: starting to exist, mature, or become well-known
essentialadj: indispensable; fundamental
protagonistn: the main character in a literary work, film, or other stories
passiveadj: characterized by a lack of activity or initiative; not actively participating or engaging in something; marked by a tendency to accept things without resistance or opposition
spectatorn: someone present at an event, such as a sports game, play, or concert, to watch or observe it
imaginaryadj: existing only in someone’s mind
outdov: to do better than someone; to surpass
immersev: to become fully involved in a particular activity; to dip or submerge in a liquid, especially so that they or it are entirely covered
germn: a very tiny living that causes the disease; a piece of something such as an organism, concept, etc., capable of growing into a new one or part of one
gendern: the range of characteristics of femininity and masculinity and differentiating between them, especially when considering social and cultural differences rather than differences in biology
processn: a series of actions or operations performed to achieve a particular outcome or goal; a systematic procedure or approach used to accomplish a specific task or objective; a method of treating milk to make it suitable for consumption or use in other dairy products
snapshotn: an informal photograph, especially one taken quickly
liftv: to raise something to a higher position or level; to pick up something or somebody and move them to a different position
pioneern: inventor; explorer; someone who is among the first to achieve something
venuen: a location or place where an event or activity takes place; a place where something happens or is performed
departv: to go away or leave, especially to start a journey
explorern: a person who travels to places where no one or few people have been before to find out what is there
anewadv: in a new or different way
flingv: to throw or push something or someone with force or recklessness, especially because you are angry
explorev: to travel to or penetrate an area or a country to learn about it; to thoroughly examine a subject or a possibility to learn more about it
overlookv: to fail to notice something; to watch over someone; to provide a view from above
intellectn: the ability to think logically and comprehend information, especially at an advanced level
disabilityn: a physical or mental condition that makes it difficult for someone to do some things that other people do
amazingadj: extremely surprising, especially in a way that you like or admire
ferryn: a boat or ship used to transport people, vehicles, or goods across a body of water, especially on a regular schedule
terminaln: a building or place where buses, trains, or airplanes stop and where passengers or goods can be picked up or dropped off; (adjective) of or situated at the ends of a delivery route
headsetn: a pair of headphones, typically with a microphone attached
commutern: a person who regularly travels long distances between their home and place of work, typically by public transportation or car
gentleadj: having or showing a kindly or tender nature; soft and mild
editv: to prepare written material for publication by correcting, condensing, or otherwise modifying it
participatev: to take part in something
innovativeadj: introducing or using new methods, ideas, etc.
fantasticadj: extremely good; excellent
royaladj: relating to or belonging to the king or queen or a member of their family
luxuryn: a state of great comfort or sophistication, mainly provided by expensive and beautiful things
giantadj: enormous; much bigger or more important than similar items usually are
puppetn: a doll or figure that is manipulated by strings, wires, or hands to represent a person or animal; a person who is controlled or manipulated by someone else
sultann: a king or ruler of an Islamic country or state, particularly in the Middle East; a title of respect for a Muslim ruler or leader
standstilln: a complete halt in movement or activity, especially due to an obstruction or lack of resources
massiveadj: enormous amount; very heavy and solid
endlessadj: having no end or conclusion; infinitely very large in size or amount
possibilityn: a chance that something may happen or be true
reignn: the period of time during which a monarch or government holds power; (verb) to be the king or queen
transformationn: a complete change in form, nature, or appearance of someone or something
artisticadj: of or relating to art or artist; satisfying aesthetic standards and sensibilities
occupationn: a person’s job or profession; the act of taking possession
reclamationn: the process of restoring or reclaiming something, particularly land or resources that have been damaged or depleted; the act of obtaining or recovering something that was lost or taken away
economyn: the system by which a country or region produces manages, and distributes goods and services, including the money and finances involved in these activities; (of an airline) the lowest-priced, most basic option for seating in commercial travel
promotev: to encourage or persuade people to like, buy, use, do, or support something; to raise someone to a higher position or rank
creativeadj: relating to or involving the use of skill and original and unusual ideas to create something
opportuneadj: suitable or happening at a time that is suitable or convenient for a particular purpose
priden: a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one’s achievements
improvev: to make or become better
psychologyn: the scientific study of mind and behavior
well-beingn: the state of being happy and healthy and prosperous
bombn: a weapon that explodes and is used to kill or injure people or to cause damage to something
sparklev: to emit or reflect bright flashes of light, especially with animation and joy
brilliantadj: extremely clever, skilled, or impressive
capturev: to catch a person or an animal and confine them in an area which they cannot escape
complexityn: the state or quality of being complicated or intricate and difficult to understand
excitementn: a feeling of great enthusiasm and eagerness