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shiftn: a slight transition in position, direction, or trend
ovaladj: having the shape of an egg, rounded at one end and pointed at the other, or having the general outline of an egg
airwaven: a system of transmitting sound, video, or other data through the air using radio waves or other electromagnetic waves
symboln: something visible that is used to represent something else
representativen: someone who speaks or acts officially on behalf of another person or group of people
surveyn: an investigation of the opinions, behavior, etc. of a particular group of people, made by asking people questions
educatedadj: having received a high standard of education
illiterateadj: unable to read or write; lacking basic education and knowledge in reading and writing
revn: a measure of the rate at which an engine or motor rotates, often expressed in revolutions per minute (RPM); (verb) to increase the number of rotations per minute
diverseadj: including numerous categories of individuals or entities; various
revoltn: to take violent action against authority, especially government or ruler
grievancen: a real or imagined cause for complaint or protest, especially regarding an unfair or unjust treatment
influencen: the ability to affect someone’s or something’s character, growth, or behavior, or the effect itself
widenv: to become or make something broader, wider, more extensive
lensn: a transparent optical device with curved sides, used in an optical instrument that makes objects seem larger, smaller, clearer, etc.; (metaphor) the basic thoughts or mindsets through which someone sees or understands the environment or situation
mundaneadj: very ordinary and therefore lacking interest or excitement
religionn: a deep conviction in a supernatural power that controls human destiny
analyzev: to think about in-depth and evaluate to discover essential features or meaning
moundn: a raised area of ground or dirt, often used for burial, construction, or as a fortification; a large, rounded pile or heap
discoveryn: the act or process of finding information, a place, or an object, or learning about something that was previously not known
unemployedadj: not having a job, although able to work
povertyn: the condition of being extremely poor
despairn: the feeling that there is no hope and you cannot do anything to improve a difficult situation
vendorn: a person or company that sells goods or services
sparkv: to start something or make it grow, especially suddenly; to emit a tiny piece of fire or electricity
revolutionn: a large-scale attempt to overthrow the government of a country, often using violence or war;
fueln: a substance that is typically burned to generate heat or energy
trendn: a general direction in which something is changing or developing
attractv: to draw or entice someone or something towards them through the qualities they have, especially positive ones
accoladen: an expression of praise, honor, or approval, often in the form of an award or ceremonial gesture; a sign of recognition or achievement
multinationaladj: relating to or involving multiple countries or nationalities; having operations or business interests in multiple countries
economyn: the system by which a country or region produces manages, and distributes goods and services, including the money and finances involved in these activities; (of an airline) the lowest-priced, most basic option for seating in commercial travel
capitan: a Latin word meaning “head,” used to express the amount for each person; any head or headlike expansion on a structure, as on a bone
surprisinglyadv: in a way that causes amazement or wonder
opportuneadj: suitable or happening at a time that is suitable or convenient for a particular purpose
oppositionn: the act of disagreeing or resisting; the state of strong disagreement
satisfactionn: a pleasant feeling you have when you have fulfilled a desire, need, or expectation or have achieved something
plummetv: to fall or drop suddenly and steeply; to decline rapidly or sharply
injusticen: a violation of the rights of others or the laws of a society
contraryn: acting in opposition to what is expected or desired
clashn: a fight or argument between two groups of people; a loud noise caused by striking against something
despisev: to feel strong dislike or contempt for someone or something, often because of a perceived fault or failing; to have a low or unfavorable opinion of something
libertyn: the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one’s way of life, behavior, or political views
desiren: a strong feeling of wanting to have or do something
admirev: to have regard for or respect for someone’s qualities or the actions they have performed
frequentadj: happening constantly
open-endedadj: without any limits or restrictions; allowing for a spontaneous response
transparentadj: easy to perceive, detect, or understand; (of a material or article) permitting light to pass through freely
democracyn: a form of government in which the people have the authority to deliberate and decide legislation, or to choose governing officials to do so
open-mindedadj: willing to listen to or consider new or different ideas
constitutionn: the set of fundamental principles or established precedents that a state, a country, or an organization is governed by; the act of forming or establishing something
theoreticaladj: relating to the concepts and principles upon which a particular topic is founded, rather than practice and experience
fundamentaladj: forming an essential base or core from which everything else develops or is affected
progressionn: the act or process of changing to the next stage or phase or moving forward
percentagen: the number, amount, or rate of something, which is usually the amount per hundred
aspirationn: a strong desire to achieve something; the action or process of drawing breath
aspiringadj: desiring or striving for recognition or advancement; wanting to be successful in life
developv: to grow or expand; to improve or refine through a process of progress and refinement, often to achieve greater sophistication or complexity; to elaborate or add detail to something that is in the process of being created
regimen: the organization, a system, or method that is the governing authority of a political unit
protectiveadj: serving to protect or shield from harm or danger; designed to prevent damage or injury
essentiallyadv: relating to the essential features or concepts of anything
wardenn: a person responsible for the supervision and management of a particular place, such as a prison, a national park, or a university campus
propelv: to move, drive or push something forward or in a particular direction, often with a lot of force
consequencen: the outcome of a particular action or event, especially relative to an individual
catastrophicadj: extremely harmful; causing physical or financial destruction
parliamentn: a legislative body, especially the one that represents the people of a country or state
militaryadj: relating to or characteristic of members of the armed forces; of or relating to war or warfare
counciln: a group of people who have been elected or appointed to make decisions or give advice on a particular subject or in a particular place
crackv: to break or cause to break without dividing into separate parts; (noun) a line on the surface of something along which it has separated without breaking
protestn: a strong expression of disagreement, disapproval, or opposition
sufferv: to experience pain, distress, or hardship; to undergo or endure something painful or unpleasant
basisn: the most important facts, ideas, or events from which something is developed; the way how things are organized or arranged
ignorev: to intentionally not listen or pay attention to
optimisticadj: hoping or expecting that good thing will happen or something will be successful
dividev: to separate or cause to separate into parts or groups
secularadj: not connected with religious or spiritual matters; worldly
priorityn: something that is more important than other things and should be dealt with first
governmentn: the group of people with authority to control a country or state
identicaladj: being the exact same one
stabilityn: the quality or attribute of being firm and steadfast
moraladj: concerned with the principles of what is right and wrong, fairness, honesty, etc.
participatev: to take part in something
spectatorn: someone present at an event, such as a sports game, play, or concert, to watch or observe it
affairn: event, situation, or subject that is significant from a political or public perspective; a secretive or illicit sexual relationship
electv: to choose someone for a specific position by voting for them; to decide or choose to do something
strikev: to wallop somebody or something with the hand, fist, or weapon; to have an emotional or cognitive impact upon
nervousadj: worried and anxious about something; relating to the nerves
oustv: to force someone out of a position of power, job, place, or competition
optimismn: a feeling or the belief that good things will happen, or the quality of being full of hope and emphasizing the positive aspects of a situation
turbulentadj: marked by a lot of sudden changes, confusion, or uncertainty; characterized by intense activity or agitation
transitionn: the process or period of changing from one state or circumstance to another
digitn: one of the elements that collectively form a system of numeration; a finger, thumb, or toe
turnoutn: the number of people who are present at an event or vote at an election
votern: a person who votes or has a legal right to vote in a political election
scarcelyadv: hardly or almost not; only just
quartern: one of four equal parts; a fourth part or portion
honestyn: the quality of being truthful, sincere, and morally upright; adherence to moral and ethical principles
faithn: complete trust in something or someone’s ability or knowledge; a strong belief in religion, divine power, etc.
processn: a series of actions or operations performed to achieve a particular outcome or goal; a systematic procedure or approach used to accomplish a specific task or objective; a method of treating milk to make it suitable for consumption or use in other dairy products
oppressv: to treat people in a cruel and authoritarian way, especially by denying them the same freedoms, rights, etc. as other people
peacefuladj: not involving violence, conflict, or war
victimn: a person who has been harmed, injured, or otherwise negatively affected by a particular action, circumstance, or event
autocracyn: a form of government in which one person has unlimited power and authority; a system of government in which a ruler or ruling class holds absolute power and controls all aspects of society
paternaladj: relating to or characteristic of a father; fatherly in nature; showing the qualities or behavior of a good and caring father
concludev: to come to an end or close; to reach a judgment or opinion by reasoning
tectonicadj: relating to the structure of the Earth’s crust and the large-scale processes that occur as a result of movements within it
elevatev: to raise something from a lower to a higher position; to give a promotion to or assign to a higher position
resignationn: an act of giving up or resigning from a job or office
communaladj: belonging to or used by a group rather than individuals; for common use
responsibleadj: answerable or accountable for something within one’s power, control, or management
empowerv: to give someone the power or authority to do something
underestimatev: to think or suppose that a quantity, price, or size is smaller than it is
dissidentn: a person who opposes the policies or actions of a government or other authority, often publicly and openly; a rebel or revolutionary
braveadj: showing courage or fearlessness in the face of danger, difficulty, or adversity
consensusn: general agreement or accord in the judgment or opinion reached by a group as a whole
counterpartn: a person or thing that corresponds to or has the same function as another person or thing
contextn: the circumstances, facts, or conditions that surround a particular event, situation, or statement and that give it meaning
monolithicadj: characterized by massiveness, rigidity, and uniformity
gendern: the range of characteristics of femininity and masculinity and differentiating between them, especially when considering social and cultural differences rather than differences in biology
employv: to give somebody a job and pay them for it; to make use of
absolutelyadv: without restriction or limitation; completely or utterly
correlationn: a statistical relationship between two variables in which one variable is affected by the other; a reciprocal relation between two or more facts, numbers, etc.
whatsoeveradv: not at all; no matter what
variableadj: likely to change or vary often; (noun) a symbol, like x or y, that is used in mathematical or logical expressions to represent a value that may be changed
indexn: a list of items, such as names, subjects, or keywords, that is arranged in a particular order and is usually found at the end of a book or document; a number or symbol that indicates the value or level of something, such as a stock index or a temperature index
transformv: to change in outward structure or looks;
transformationn: a complete change in form, nature, or appearance of someone or something
ordinaryadj: not different, exceptional, or unexpected in any way, especially in quality, ability, size, or degree