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brainn: the organ inside the head that is responsible for one’s movement, thought, memory, and feeling
diagramn: a simplified illustration of the appearance, structure, or workings of something
visualadj: relating to seeing or sight
opticadj: relating to vision or the eyes; relating to or involving light or optics
nervousadj: worried and anxious about something; relating to the nerves
representationn: the act of speaking, acting, or being present on behalf of someone officially; a statement of facts and reasons made in appealing or protesting
substantiallyadv: to a great extent or degree
complicatedadj: involving a lot of different things or parts in a way that is difficult to understand or analyze
intervenev: to intentionally get involved in a situation to improve it or prevent it from getting worse
keyboardn: device consisting of a set of keys on a piano, typewriter, computer, etc., that you press to make it work
crackv: to break or cause to break without dividing into separate parts; (noun) a line on the surface of something along which it has separated without breaking
glimpsen: a brief or partial view; the act of seeing something or someone for a very short time or only partly
skulln: a bone framework that surrounds the brain and gives the head its shape
slicen: a flat, often thin, piece of bread, meat, cheese, etc., that has been cut from a larger piece; a wound made by cutting
microscopen: an instrument used to see objects or substances that are too small to be seen with the naked eye
structuren: the way of construction of something and the arrangement of its parts, or a complex thing constructed of many parts
suddenlyadv: quickly and unexpectedly
chemicaladj: relating to or connected with chemistry;
stainv: to discolor, defile, or tarnish something; (noun) a discoloration or dirty mark on a surface that is difficult to remove
tissuen: an ensemble of similar cells of the animal or plant that together carry out a specific function
developv: to grow or expand; to improve or refine through a process of progress and refinement, often to achieve greater sophistication or complexity; to elaborate or add detail to something that is in the process of being created
launchv: to send or propel something into the air or space using a device such as a rocket, missile, or spacecraft; to make something available or on sale for the first time
modernadj: of or belonging to the present time or recent times
neurosciencen: the scientific study of the function, structure, and disorder of the brain and the nervous system
revn: a measure of the rate at which an engine or motor rotates, often expressed in revolutions per minute (RPM); (verb) to increase the number of rotations per minute
labeln: a small piece of paper, fabric, or other material attached to an object and giving information about it; (verb) to assign to a category
visibleadj: capable of being seen; or open to easy view
spann: the entire length of something, such as time or space from beginning to end; the amount of space that something covers
anatomyn: the scientific study that deals with the physical structure of humans, animals, or plants
yieldn: the total output of crops, profits, etc. that are produced; (verb) to produce or supply helpful something, such as a profit, an amount of food, or information
neuronn: a cell that is specialized to carry information within the brain and between the brain and other parts of the body
transistorn: a semiconductor device that can be used to amplify or switch electronic signals and power which is an essential component in modern electronics
circuitn: (in electrical engineering) an electrical device that provides a path for electrical current to flow; a journey or route around a particular place or area
visualizev: to form a mental image or concept of something; to make something visible
involvev: to include or affect someone or something as a necessary part of something else
fluorescentadj: emitting or reflecting vibrant and vivid light, especially under ultraviolet light; describing a type of lamp or bulb that produces such light
proteinn: a molecule made up of a long chain of amino acids, which is essential for the structure and function of the body’s tissues
oddlyadv: in a way that is unexpected, strange, or peculiar
luminescentadj: emitting light or glowing softly, often without heat; having the ability to produce or emit light, especially through chemical reactions or by absorbing and then releasing energy
jellyfishn: a marine creature with a soft, jelly-like body and tentacles for stinging
glowv: to give out a steady, strong light
variantn: something that is slightly different from others of the same type
geneticallyadv: in a way that relates to or is produced by genes (= the units in the cells of a living thing received by an animal or plant from its parents) or heredity
engineern: a person whose job is designing, building, or maintaining something such as machines, structures, or software
glowingadj: highly enthusiastic; greatly praised
identifyv: to recognize someone or something and say or prove who or what they are
individualn: a single person or thing, as distinct from a group
molecularadj: of or relating to molecules (= a group of two or more atoms held together by attractive forces known as chemical bonds)
componentn: one of several parts that combines with others to form something bigger
moleculen: a group of two or more atoms held together by attractive forces known as chemical bonds
antibodyn: a substance produced in the blood that attacks and kills harmful bacteria, viruses, etc., to fight disease
henchmann: a loyal follower or assistant, often used to describe someone willing to do the dirty or illegal work for a leader or criminal
immuneadj: protected against a particular disease or toxin due to the presence of specific antibodies or sensitized white blood cells
recognizev: to acknowledge or realize something or someone; to identify, remember, or become aware of something that was previously known or encountered
specificadj: clearly defined or particular to a certain thing or situation; distinct, explicit, and precise
virusn: a tiny infectious organic material that causes disease in people, animals, and plants
invadev: to enter aggressively into another’s territory by military force for conquest and occupation
individuallyadv: separately or apart from others
serotoninn: a neurotransmitter (= a chemical that carries nerve impulses) involved in, e.g., sleep, emotion, and memory
transportn: a system for moving people or products from one location to another using automobiles, roads, and so on
contextn: the circumstances, facts, or conditions that surround a particular event, situation, or statement and that give it meaning
diseasen: a disorder or illness that affects the body or mind, often characterized by specific symptoms or abnormal functioning of organs or systems
depressionn: a mental condition in which a person feels very unhappy and without hope for the future; a severe recession in an economy or market
anxietyn: a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something that is happening or might happen in the future
criticn: someone who expresses opinions about the quality of books, music, etc.
machineryn: a group of large machines or the components of a machine that make it work; social institution functions or structure for doing something
get-gon: the start or beginning of something
evolvev: to develop gradually, or to cause the development of something or someone gradually
detectv: to find or recognize something, especially something difficult to see, hear, etc.
functionn: the purpose or use of an object, system, or process; a particular activity or operation that is designed to serve a specific purpose; a mathematical concept that describes a relationship between two sets of values, called the input and output sets; (verb) to operate or work in a specific way, or to perform a particular task or purpose
paletten: a thin board or tablet used by artists to mix and apply paint; a range of colors or shades used in a particular work of art
feebleadj: lacking physical or mental strength; weak or frail; lacking force, effectiveness, or impact
scratchv: to cut or damage the surface of something or the skin with a sharp or pointed object
ready-madeadj: (of a product) already made or prepared; (of an idea or solution) preconceived or complete and requiring no further development or work
refinedadj: made pure by having impurities or unwanted elements removed by processing
steadyadj: firmly fixed, supported, or balanced; not shaking or moving