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Word | Meaning | Advanced |
modern | adj: of or belonging to the present time or recent times | |
movement | n: a group of people working together to achieve a shared goal, especially a political, social, or artistic one; the process of moving or being moved, physically or figuratively | |
flourish | v: to grow or develop vigorously or successfully | |
roughly | adv: approximately but not precisely; with a violent manner | |
explore | v: to travel to or penetrate an area or a country to learn about it; to thoroughly examine a subject or a possibility to learn more about it | |
rethink | v: to consider again a plan, idea, etc., especially to change it | |
novel | n: an extended fictional work in prose; usually in the form of a story; (adjective) original and of a kind not seen before | |
poet | n: a person who writes poetry | |
pound | n: the standard unit of money in the UK; the standard unit of weight equal to 16 ounces | |
dominate | v: to have or control a lot of power and influence over somebody or something | |
attempt | n: an act or effort of trying to do something, especially something difficult | |
depict | v: to illustrate someone or something in a photograph | |
accurate | adj: correct and exact in all details | |
meticulous | adj: cautious and precise; paying great attention to detail | |
revolutionary | adj: relating to or characterized by a complete or dramatic change | |
identify | v: to recognize someone or something and say or prove who or what they are | |
psychology | n: the scientific study of mind and behavior | |
unconscious | adj: in the state of lacking awareness and the capacity for sensory perception, especially as the result of a head injury or illness | |
assert | v: to state something firmly and confidently, often in a way that is intended to convince others that it is true | |
psychoanalysis | n: a system of psychological theory and therapy that aims to treat mental and emotional disorders by investigating the interaction of conscious and unconscious elements in the mind | |
linguistics | n: the study of language and its structure, including the study of grammar, syntax, and phonetics | |
contend | v: to struggle to win or surmount something | |
arbitrary | adj: based on chance, or individual whim rather than any reason | |
unreliable | adj: not able to be trusted or depended on | |
construct | v: to build or create something; to assemble or combine different parts to form something whole | |
anthropology | n: the scientific study of humanity, concerned with human behavior, human biology, cultures, societies, and linguistics in both the present and past, including past human species | |
sophistication | n: the quality or state of having a great deal of worldly experience; the quality or state of being intellectually or culturally refined | |
religion | n: a deep conviction in a supernatural power that controls human destiny | |
expose | v: to show something by uncovering it; to make something accessible to some action or influence | |
alternative | n: one of two or more available possibilities or choice | |
worldview | n: a particular philosophy or cognitive orientation of life or conception of the world | |
physics | n: the science of matter and energy and their interactions | |
relative | adj: considered and evaluated through comparison with something else | |
undermine | v: to make someone or something less powerful, less effective, weaker gradually; to make someone’s fame, confidence, or authority less effective or weaker gradually | |
principle | n: a fundamental law or truth that explains or controls how something happens or works | |
disparate | adj: very different or distinct from something else and is not connected or comparable in any way | |
exert | v: to put forth effort; to put into action; to bring into play | |
enormous | adj: extremely large or great | |
influence | n: the ability to affect someone’s or something’s character, growth, or behavior, or the effect itself | |
artistic | adj: of or relating to art or artist; satisfying aesthetic standards and sensibilities | |
obsess | v: to fill the mind of someone continually so that one can’t think of anything else | |
portray | v: to depict or describe someone or something in a painting, film, book, or other artistic work | |
dub | v: to give someone or something an unofficial name or nickname; to provide movies with a voice of a foreign language | |
preoccupied | adj: having one’s thoughts or attention absorbed by something; busy | |
render | v: to bring someone or something into a particular state; to provide something such as service, help, etc. | |
tackle | v: to try to deal with a complex problem or situation | |
experiment | n: the scientific test conducted to observe what happens and gain new knowledge | |
innovation | n: the creation of a new device or process resulting from study and experimentation | |
stream | n: a small, narrow river; a continuous flow of something, such as liquid, gas, people, vehicles, etc. | |
conscious | adj: being aware of and able to respond to what is happening around you | |
narrative | n: a story or a description of a series of events or process of telling a story | |
convey | v: to express ideas, feelings, etc. so that it is known or understood by other people; to carry something from one place to another | |
verbatim | adv: word for word; in the exact words; exactly as spoken or written | |
authorial | adj: of or relating to the writer of a book, article, or document | |
interference | n: the act or process of getting involved in and trying to influence a specific situation; the state of being affected and influenced with | |
technique | n: a particular way or art of doing something that needs skill | |
fury | n: intense and often violent anger | |
perspective | n: a confident attitude toward something; a particular style of thinking about something | |
stack | n: a pile of something arranged or laid one on top of another; a large tall chimney through which combustion gases and smoke can be evacuated | |
pit | n: a hole in the ground or a cavity in a surface; a place for storing or holding something; a section of a theater or sports arena where people can sit | |
approximate | adj: nearly accurate or correct, but not completely so | |
prime | adj: main or most important; basic | |
radical | adj: relating to the essential aspects of anything; far beyond the norm, mainly used of opinions and actions | |
extensive | adj: covering a large area; having a wide range | |
repetition | n: the act of doing or saying something many times | |
insistence | n: the act or an instance of demanding or saying something clearly; persistence | |
virtually | adv: almost completely | |
discard | v: to throw something away or get rid of something that you no longer wanted or need | |
linear | adj: of, relating to, or consisting of lines or length; able to be expressed as a straight line, especially on a graph | |
chronology | n: the science of arranging events in their order of occurrence in time | |
abrupt | adj: sudden and unexpected | |
characteristic | n: a typical feature or quality that can identify, tell apart, or describe something or somebody | |
fiction | n: the type of book or story, especially novels, that describes imaginary events and people; anything made up or imagined that is not true | |
poetry | n: poems in general as a genre of literature | |
deserve | v: to be worthy of or entitled to something, especially something good or valuable | |
reputation | n: the general opinion that people have about someone or something, especially when this is based on their previous experiences or behaviors | |
difficulty | n: a condition or state that causes problems |