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superbugn: a strain of bacteria that is resistant to multiple types of antibiotics, making it difficult or impossible to treat with traditional medications
photographn: a picture or image that is produced by a camera; a visual representation or record of a person, object, or scene that has been captured electronically or on film
fann: a person who admires and supports a person, group, sport, sports team, etc.; a device for creating a current of air by the movement of a surface or surfaces
celebratev: to acknowledge a memorable or good day or event with a social gathering or enjoyable activity
victoryn: success in a game, competition, election, or battle, or the knowledge that you have won
surgeryn: medical treatment of injuries or diseases involving an incision with instruments and often removing or replacing some parts of the body; the branch of medical science that treats disease or injury by operative procedures
developv: to grow or expand; to improve or refine through a process of progress and refinement, often to achieve greater sophistication or complexity; to elaborate or add detail to something that is in the process of being created
relatev: to establish a connection or association between two or more things; to narrate or tell about an event, experience, or relationship; to empathize or feel sympathy with someone or something
infectionn: a condition in which pathogenic microorganisms or viruses have entered the body
shockn: a strong feeling or physical reaction to a sudden and unexpected event or experience, especially something unpleasant
primeadj: main or most important; basic
encouragev: to give someone support, confidence, or hope; to persuade someone to do or continue to do something by making it easier for them and making them believe it is a good thing to do
declarev: to say, state, or announce something clearly, officially, or publicly
widespreadadj: existing or happening in various places or among many people
introductionn: a preliminary explanation or remarks given before the start of a text, performance, or event; the act of bringing something new into existence or introducing something to a wider audience or new market
antibioticn: a substance or drug that kills or slows down the growth of bacteria
resistantadj: not affected by something, especially changes or new ideas; of or relating to immunity to disease or infection
bacterian: single-celled or noncellular spherical or spiral or rod-shaped organisms that exist in large numbers in the air, water, and soil, and also in living and dead creatures and plants, and are often a cause of disease
emergev: to move out of or away from something and become visible
viciousadj: having or showing a desire to cause harm to others; having the nature of vice
cyclen: an interval during which a recurring sequence of events occurs; a bicycle or motorcycle
originn: the first existence or beginning of something
recognizev: to acknowledge or realize something or someone; to identify, remember, or become aware of something that was previously known or encountered
diseasen: a disorder or illness that affects the body or mind, often characterized by specific symptoms or abnormal functioning of organs or systems
estimatev: to guess or calculate the cost, size, value, etc. of something
tolln: money that you have to pay to use a particular road, bridge, etc.; (verb) to ring slowly
contextn: the circumstances, facts, or conditions that surround a particular event, situation, or statement and that give it meaning
cancern: abnormal growth of cells that can invade and destroy surrounding tissues and organs; a disease characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells
physicistn: a scientist who specializes in the field of physics
physicsn: the science of matter and energy and their interactions
microben: a tiny living thing that can only be seen with a microscope and that may cause disease
virusn: a tiny infectious organic material that causes disease in people, animals, and plants
ultravioletadj: relating to or occupying the part of the spectrum beyond the violet end, especially radiation
spectrumn: an ordered array of colors into which a light beam can be split
infraredadj: relating to or denoting electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength just longer than that of red light but shorter than that of microwave radiation, used for sensing heat and for remote control
visibleadj: capable of being seen; or open to easy view
wavelengthn: the distance between two points in the same phase in consecutive cycles of a wave
perspectiven: a confident attitude toward something; a particular style of thinking about something
mechanismn: a part of a machine, or a set of parts that performs a task; a natural or established process that occurs during a specific situation or reaction
bugn: any tiny insect; a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine
sterilizev: to make something free of all forms of life, especially bacteria or viruses, by using heat, chemicals, or radiation
germiciden: a substance or agent that is used to kill or inhibit the growth of microorganisms, particularly bacteria, and other pathogens
hazardn: something dangerous and likely to cause damage
damagev: to harm or cause injury to something or someone, often resulting in decreased value or functionality; to impair or negatively affect something, such as a reputation or relationship; (noun) harm or injury that is caused to a person, thing, or entity
cataractn: a clouding of the lens in the eye that affects vision; a large waterfall
conventionaladj: based on or following traditional rules, standards, customs, etc.
exposuren: the state of being in a particular situation or place where there is no protection from or guarantee to something harmful; the disclosure of something secret
backgroundn: the details of a person’s social heritage, such as family, vocational or educational experience; past information that is essential to understanding a situation or problem
colleaguen: one of a group of a coworker, especially in a profession or a business
superimposev: to place, layer, or overlay one thing on top of another, typically in such a way that both are still visible; to add or combine something additional into an existing structure, design, or system
impn: a mischievous or misbehaving child; a small and mischievous demon or sprite in folklore
penetratev: to pass into or through something, often by overcoming resistance
ultimateadj: furthest or highest in degree or order
damn: a wall constructed over a river to block the flow of water, mainly used to generate energy
solidadj: hard or firm; characterized by good substantial quality
incrediblyadv: in a way that is very difficult to believe; exceedingly or extremely
absorbv: to take in a fluid or other substance gradually
biologyn: the scientific study of life and the natural processes of living things
doen: a mature female of mammals of which the male is called a buck, such as a deer or a rabbit
labn: a workplace for the conduct of scientific research; a laboratory
delightn: a feeling of great pleasure or happiness
emphaticadj: expressing something forcibly and clearly; done or said with emphasis
purityn: the state of being undiluted or unmixed with anything else; the state of being free from immorality, especially of a sexual nature
thrilln: a feeling of extreme and sudden excitement and pleasure; to cause someone to feel sudden intense sensation or emotion
inexpensiveadj: costing little; having a low price
preparationn: the activity of getting ready for something or making something ready
influenzan: (formal for flu) a highly contagious viral disease that causes fever, severe aching, and catarrh and often occurs in epidemics
measlesn: a highly infectious viral disease that causes fever, red spots on the skin, and other flu-like symptoms, typically affects children
politiciann: a person who is a member of a government or law-making organization, especially as an elected member of parliament, etc.
hometownn: the town or city where one was born or grew up
statuen: a sculpture of a person or animal, typically made of stone or metal, that is intended to represent the subject in a lifelike or symbolic way
advancev: to go or move forward; to develop in a positive way
graspv: to take hold of something or someone quickly and firmly
obstaclen: a thing that blocks one’s way or prevents or hinders progress
rollv: to move in a particular direction by turning over and over or from side to side
melanoman: a type of skin cancer that originates in the cells that produce pigment, usually occurring on sun-exposed skin areas
approvaln: the belief that someone or something is good or acceptable
launchv: to send or propel something into the air or space using a device such as a rocket, missile, or spacecraft; to make something available or on sale for the first time
persuadev: to convince or induce someone to do something by presenting a reason or argument; to sway or influence someone’s decision or opinion
skepticismn: an attitude of doubting or questioning that claims or statements are true or valuable or that something will happen; the disbelief in any claims of ultimate knowledge
barriern: a fence or other obstruction that makes it hard to move or get in; any condition that makes it difficult to make progress or to achieve an objective