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Word | Meaning | Advanced |
obsess | v: to fill the mind of someone continually so that one can’t think of anything else | |
adopt | v: to choose to follow something; to legally take a child from another family and care for them as if they were one’s own | |
shore | n: the land along the edge of a sea, lake, broad river, or other large body of water; (verb) to support by placing against something solid or rigid | |
fascinate | v: to attract and hold the attention of someone deeply and irresistibly | |
magic | n: beliefs and actions employed to influence supernatural beings and forces; any art or performance that invokes supernatural powers | |
movement | n: a group of people working together to achieve a shared goal, especially a political, social, or artistic one; the process of moving or being moved, physically or figuratively | |
thrill | n: a feeling of extreme and sudden excitement and pleasure; to cause someone to feel sudden intense sensation or emotion | |
terrify | v: to frighten someone very much | |
unrelenting | adj: not easing or slackening in intensity; persistent and unwavering in pursuit of a goal | |
accidentally | adv: by chance or without planning | |
barn | n: a large farm building used for storage of crops or housing livestock | |
mason | n: a skilled worker who builds structures with stone, brick, or concrete | |
jar | n: a cylindrical container, typically made of glass, metal, or pottery, with a wide mouth and a screwed or sealed lid, used for storing food, liquids, and other materials | |
midair | n: some point in the air; above ground level | |
acute | adj: extremely sharp or severe | |
blur | n: a faint or indistinct image or sound; something that is not clear or distinct; (verb) to become unclear; to lose clear vision | |
causal | adj: relating to or indicating a cause or the relationship between causes and effects; resulting from a cause | |
rhythm | n: a strong regular repeated pattern of sounds, words, or musical notes that are used in music, poetry, and dancing | |
mechanism | n: a part of a machine, or a set of parts that performs a task; a natural or established process that occurs during a specific situation or reaction | |
anatomy | n: the scientific study that deals with the physical structure of humans, animals, or plants | |
Newtonian | adj: relating to Sir Isaac Newton or his laws of motion and universal gravitation | |
component | n: one of several parts that combines with others to form something bigger | |
worm | n: a long, thin creature with a soft and long cylindrical tube-like body, no limbs, and a lack of eyes | |
squirm | v: to twist, wiggle, or contort the body uncomfortably or awkwardly, often due to embarrassment, discomfort, or nervousness | |
kangaroo | n: a large marsupial native to Australia with powerful hind legs for jumping and carrying young in a pouch on the mother’s belly | |
hop | v: to jump lightly and quickly on one foot or both feet; to move rapidly from one place to another; to travel using an aircraft, bus, etc. | |
bout | n: a short period of intense activity or experience; a match or contest, especially in boxing or wrestling; a period of illness or disease | |
fable | n: a short story, often with animal characters, that teaches a general truth or a moral lesson | |
peel | v: to remove the skin of fruit and vegetables | |
drag | v: to pull or haul with force | |
territory | n: an area under the control of a ruler or state | |
seize | v: to catch or take hold of someone or something suddenly and forcibly; to capture the attention or imagination of something | |
compulsion | n: an irresistible urge or impulse to do something, often resulting from internal or external pressures or forces of habit | |
primordial | adj: existing from the beginning of time or the start of a particular process; relating to the earliest stage of the universe | |
urge | v: to spur on or encourage someone, especially by cheers and shouts; (noun) a strong desire or impulse, especially one that is difficult to control or resist | |
experiment | n: the scientific test conducted to observe what happens and gain new knowledge | |
statistics | n: the discipline that concerns the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data | |
rider | n: a clause, amendment, or stipulation added to a legal document or bill; a person who rides on or operates a vehicle or animal; a person who travels a specified distance on horseback to deliver a message | |
degree | n: a unit of measurement for angles, temperature, or level of proficiency or achievement; a rank or level of academic or professional attainment | |
modern | adj: of or belonging to the present time or recent times | |
mimic | v: to imitate someone’s speech, movement, or behavior, especially to make others laugh | |
dive | v: to jump into the water with your head and arms going in first, or to move down to a deeper level underwater | |
horizontal | adj: parallel to the ground or in a baseline; being at the same level as all members of a group | |
punch | v: to strike someone or something with one’s fist; to make a hole in something | |
flee | v: to leave by running away, especially out of fear or danger | |
infest | v: to swarm or overrun with a large number of something undesirable, such as pests or parasites | |
loft | n: a large, open space in an upper part of a building, typically under a roof; a raised platform or gallery in a building, which is used for storage or as a work or living space | |
hurl | v: to throw something with great force | |
attach | v: to fasten, join, or connect one thing to another | |
butterfly | n: a diurnal insect typically has a slender body with knobbed antennae and broad, colorful wings | |
assume | v: to think or accept something to be true without having proof of it; to take or begin to have power; to begin to exhibit a specific quality or appearance | |
bust | v: to break something; (noun) a woman’s chest, or the measurement around a woman’s chest; (noun) an occasion for something excessive, such as work, eating, drinking, etc. | |
duration | n: the length of time something lasts or continues | |
instance | n: a particular example or single occurrence of something | |
humming | adj: producing a continuous, low, vibrating sound like that of the bee | |
complexity | n: the state or quality of being complicated or intricate and difficult to understand | |
curiosity | n: a strong desire to know or learn about something | |
redefine | v: to change the meaning or interpretation of something; to make people think about something in a new or different way | |
hero | n: a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities; a character in literature or history who is central to the plot and who exhibits heroic qualities | |
motorcycle | n: a two-wheeled vehicle that is driven by an engine and has no pedals | |
landing | n: the act of coming to rest on the ground or another surface after being in flight or jumping; a platform or area of ground where a plane or spacecraft can come to rest | |
invention | n: the creation of a new device or process resulting from study and experimentation; the act of inventing | |
technique | n: a particular way or art of doing something that needs skill | |
expand | v: to increase or to make something greater in size, number, or importance | |
plywood | n: a strong, flexible, and lightweight engineered wood made of thin layers of wood veneer that have been glued together at alternating, perpendicular angles | |
flinch | v: to make a quick, nervous movement in response to pain, fear, or surprise; to draw back or wince involuntarily | |
tilt | v: to incline or bend from a vertical position; (noun) the act of inclining or the state of being inclined or leaning to one side | |
wham | n: a sudden, forceful impact or blow; a loud noise or sound effect used in music or film | |
extreme | adj: very great in amount or degree | |
invite | v: to ask someone to come or join; to offer an opportunity or possibility for something to happen or take place | |
hawk | n: a bird of prey typically having short rounded wings and a long tail; an advocate of an aggressive policy on foreign relations | |
celebrate | v: to acknowledge a memorable or good day or event with a social gathering or enjoyable activity | |
anniversary | n: the annual recurrence of a date marking a notable event; a date on which an event occurred in a previous year | |
wright | n: a person who makes or repairs something, especially a craftsman or artisan who works with wood or metal | |
broth | n: a liquid in which meat, fish, or vegetables have been cooked, used as a base for soups and stews | |
quotation | n: a group of words taken from a text or speech and repeated by someone other than the original author or speaker | |
fence | n: a structure, usually made of wood or metal, that encloses an area, typically for protection or to keep animals or people in or out; a dealer in stolen property | |
mount | v: to increase, go up, or advance gradually or continuously; to prepare and supply with the necessary equipment for execution or performance; to ride on something or someone | |
acquaint | v: to cause someone to become aware of or familiar with someone or something | |
incite | v: to encourage, stir up, or provoke someone to do something; to urge, instigate, or stimulate someone to take action, often negative or aggressive | |
hardware | n: durable tools, machinery, and other equipment; the physical and electronic parts of a computer or other electronic systems | |
junk | n: discarded or unused material or objects, often considered worthless or of little value; also used to describe cheap or poorly made items or food that is high in calories but lacking in nutrition | |
habitual | adj: commonly used or repeated | |
spot | n: a particular location or place; a small round or roundish area, differing in color or feels from the surface around it | |
confuse | v: to mistake one thing for another; to make somebody hard to understand | |
vertical | adj: upright or perpendicular to a horizontal surface or line | |
comfort | n: a state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint | |
zone | n: a specific area, region, or section that is marked off or defined in some way | |
encounter | v: to face something, particularly something unpleasant or difficult, while attempting to do something else; to meet, especially unexpectedly | |
unexpected | adj: not anticipated or regarded as likely to happen | |
turbulence | n: a state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty, often accompanied by violent or disruptive activity or behavior, such as air turbulence during a flight | |
accelerate | v: to make something faster or earlier; to cause to develop or progress more quickly | |
oddly | adv: in a way that is unexpected, strange, or peculiar | |
compose | v: to write music, poetry, or formal writing; to constitute or make up a whole, or a specified part of it | |
piccolo | n: a small, high-pitched flute that is typically used in orchestras and marching bands | |
flute | n: a musical instrument consisting of a metal, wood, or bamboo tube with a row of fingerholes and sometimes keys, played by blowing across a hole near one end | |
prototype | n: a first or preliminary example of something such as a device or vehicle from which other forms are developed | |
spaceship | n: (especially in science fiction) a spacecraft designed to carry a crew into interstellar space | |
invisible | adj: impossible or nearly impossible to see | |
icon | n: a picture or statue of a holy person considered to be a sacred thing; a little icon on the screen of a computer or smartphone that denotes an application or a file | |
zenith | n: the highest point or peak; the point in the sky directly above the observer; the culmination or apex of something | |
unlock | v: to open something, such as a door, window, etc., usually using a key | |
brake | n: a device used to slow or stop a moving vehicle, typically by applying pressure to the wheels | |
radial | adj: of or relating to rays or the radii of a circle; spreading out from a central point | |
heaven | n: (of various religious and mythological traditions) a place or state of existence considered to be the abode of the divine, the afterlife, or a higher realm of being; a state of great happiness, contentment, or beauty | |
speck | n: a very small spot, piece, or amount | |
slam | v: to shut a door or window noisily; to strike something violently or noisily | |
lab | n: a workplace for the conduct of scientific research; a laboratory | |
mechanics | n: the branch of physics that deals with the study of motion, forces, and energy; (mechanic) someone whose occupation is repairing and maintaining automobiles | |
mustard | n: a yellow or brown condiment that tastes spicy made from the seeds of various plants; (adjective) between yellow and brown | |
petri | n: (petri dish) a small, clear, and round dish with a lid used in laboratories, especially for growing bacteria | |
circus | n: a traveling show or entertainment that often features acrobats, clowns, animals, and other performers; a chaotic, confusing, or tumultuous situation or environment | |
nationality | n: the legal status or right of belonging to a particular country | |
gender | n: the range of characteristics of femininity and masculinity and differentiating between them, especially when considering social and cultural differences rather than differences in biology | |
timid | adj: showing a lack of courage or confidence; easily frightened, shy, or hesitant in the face of danger or potential risk | |
bold | adj: brave, daring, and confident; not frightened of danger or afraid to say what you feel or to take risks | |
outcast | adj: excluded or rejected from a society or a particular group; (noun) a person who is excluded or rejected from a society or a home | |
obsessive | adj: relating to or characterized by an obsession or excessive interest in a particular thing or activity; tending to dwell on or repeat certain thoughts or behaviors | |
relish | v: to enjoy or take pleasure in; to taste with appreciation | |
afterward | adv: after the time mentioned | |
esteem | n: great respect and approval for or a good opinion of someone | |
blossom | n: the reproductive structure on a flowering plant that consists of usually colorful petals and a typically green calyx (merging of sepals); the state or time of flowering; the peak of a person’s or thing’s development or success | |
brave | adj: showing courage or fearlessness in the face of danger, difficulty, or adversity |