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announcev: to make something known or officially inform people about something
planetn: any of the nine large celestial bodies that circle in the solar system; any celestial body that revolves around a star
launchv: to send or propel something into the air or space using a device such as a rocket, missile, or spacecraft; to make something available or on sale for the first time
fleetn: a group of military ships, aircraft, etc., operating together under the same ownership; (adjective) moving very fast
satelliten: an electronic device that is sent up into space and moves around the Earth or another planet, used for gathering information or communicating by radio, television, etc.
democracyn: a form of government in which the people have the authority to deliberate and decide legislation, or to choose governing officials to do so
imageryn: the use of words or pictures in books, photographs, paintings, etc., that produces pictures in the minds of people; the ability to form mental images of things or events
typicaladj: having the usual characteristics or traits of a specific group of things
marblen: a hard crystalline metamorphic rock that has a pattern of lines going through it and takes a high polish used for sculpture and as building material; a small ball made of stone, especially one used in children’s games
astronautn: a person trained by a space agency to travel outside the Earth’s atmosphere
fragileadj: delicate or easily broken or damaged
accomplishedadj: having completed a task or achieved a goal successfully; skilled or proficient at something
rocketn: a large tube-shaped object that moves very first by a stream of gases let out behind it, used for space travel or as a weapon
animationn: the technique of photographing successive drawings or positions of puppets or models to create an illusion of movement when the film is shown as a sequence; enthusiasm and energy in the way you look or behave
orbitn: the path of an object around a celestial body, especially a planet, star, or moon, under the influence of gravity.
downlinkn: a communication link that is used to transmit data or signals from a satellite or space vehicle to a receiving station on Earth
locatev: to specify or determine the exact position of someone or something
stackn: a pile of something arranged or laid one on top of another; a large tall chimney through which combustion gases and smoke can be evacuated
immenseadj: extremely large or great
agriculturen: the practice or science of cultivating the land or raising stock
improvev: to make or become better
cropn: a plant that is cultivated in large amounts, particularly for food
yieldn: the total output of crops, profits, etc. that are produced; (verb) to produce or supply helpful something, such as a profit, an amount of food, or information
governmentn: the group of people with authority to control a country or state
disastern: an unexpected event or series of events that cause widespread damage, destruction, or loss of life
floodn: a large amount of water flowing beyond its normal limits; an overwhelming number or amount
earthquaken: a sudden and violent shaking of the ground caused by the movement of rock beneath the earth’s surface
deforestv: to clear an area of forest or trees
refugeen: a displaced person who has crossed national borders and who cannot or is unwilling to return home due to political, religious, or economic reasons or because of a war
fleev: to leave by running away, especially out of fear or danger
ongoingadj: continuing to exist or develop, or currently happening
crisisn: a time of great disagreement, confusion, or danger when problems must be resolved or critical decisions must be taken
up-to-dateadj: reflecting or incorporating the latest information, methods, or ideas; current; modern
dramaticadj: very sudden, very excellent, or full of action and excitement
lapsen: a temporary or brief failure in judgment, action, or behavior; a gradual or slow decline, often referring to a loss of performance, quality, or attention; a period of time that has passed; (verb) to fall or slip into a particular state, often one that is undesirable or unintended
dramaticallyadv: in a very impressive manner
initiallyadv: at the beginning; at first
journalistn: a person who collects and writes news stories or articles for newspapers, magazines, radio, television, or other online media
unbiasedadj: free from prejudice or favoritism; fair and impartial in judgment and decision-making
nonprofitadj: not established for commercial profit
databasen: a large amount of data stored in a computer system in such a way that it can be searched and updated easily
AIn: (abbreviation for artificial intelligence) the theory and development of computer systems capable of doing activities that would ordinarily need human intelligence, such as object recognition, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation
intelligencen: the ability to learn, comprehend, or make judgments or conclusions based on reasons
sizableadj: large in size or amount
prototypen: a first or preliminary example of something such as a device or vehicle from which other forms are developed
graphn: a picture consisting of a line, lines, points, etc., that shows how two or more sets of certain quantities are related to each other
vesseln: a ship or large boat
zoomv: to move along very quickly; (noun) the act of rising upward into the air
illegaladj: not allowed by law
transmitv: to send or forward an electronic signal; to pass something from one person or thing to another
beaconn: a light or other visible object serving as a signal, guide, or warning
frequentadj: happening constantly
integratev: to combine one thing with another so that they form a whole or work together; to accept equal participation for members of all races and ethnic groups
digitaladj: processing or storing information as a succession of 1 and 0 to show that a signal is present or missing; relating to the use of computer technology, especially the internet
sophisticatedadj: having a great deal of worldly experience and knowledge of people’s behavior, culture, and fashion
browsev: to shop around in a leisurely and casual way; to look through a book, magazine, Internet, etc., casually and randomly, without seeking anything in particular; (of an animal) to feed on plants
ultimateadj: furthest or highest in degree or order
abstractadj: based on general ideas, feelings, or qualities and not on any a physical or concrete existence
entirelyadv: completely
queryn: a question or inquiry, often used in the context of research, information-gathering, or data analysis; a request for information
interfacen: (computer science) a program that controls a display for the user and that allows the user to interact with the system; (chemistry) a surface forming a common boundary between two things
plotn: a secret plan or scheme to achieve a specific goal; the plan or main story of a literary work; (verb) to plan secretly, usually something illegal
indexn: a list of items, such as names, subjects, or keywords, that is arranged in a particular order and is usually found at the end of a book or document; a number or symbol that indicates the value or level of something, such as a stock index or a temperature index
analogyn: a comparison between similar things that have similar aspects, often used to help explain a principle or concept