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rucksackn: a type of backpack or knapsack that is typically used for hiking, camping, or other outdoor activities, which has shoulder straps and a compartment for storing gear or personal items
argumentn: a set of statements or reasons used to support or refute a proposition or theory; a verbal or physical fight or dispute
oddsn: the degree or probability that a particular thing will or will not happen
migrationn: the movement of animals to a new location, frequently as the seasons change
relationn: the way two persons or groups of people feel and act toward one another
arguev: to express differing opinions or points of view, often in a heated or contentious manner; to present a case or reasoning to persuade or convince others
irritatingadj: causing annoyance, frustration, or exasperation; provoking impatience or irritation
spotn: a particular location or place; a small round or roundish area, differing in color or feels from the surface around it
inventionn: the creation of a new device or process resulting from study and experimentation; the act of inventing
contentiousadj: likely to cause people to disagree and argue; liking to argue
topicn: a subject that is being discussed or written about
unexpectedadj: not anticipated or regarded as likely to happen
delightn: a feeling of great pleasure or happiness
splitv: to divide, or to make something divide into two or more parts, especially along a particular line
bubblen: a thin, round, and often transparent mass of gas that is surrounded by a thin layer of liquid; a state of economic or social prosperity that is unsustainable and eventually collapses
filtern: any of several types of equipment or systems used to separate particles from liquids or gases or to remove specific forms of light
amplifyv: to enhance something, particularly sound or brightness
coren: the most essential or fundamental part of something
digitaladj: processing or storing information as a succession of 1 and 0 to show that a signal is present or missing; relating to the use of computer technology, especially the internet
ignorev: to intentionally not listen or pay attention to
contradictv: to deny the truth of a statement by stating the opposite; to be in conflict with
convictionn: a strong belief or opinion, especially one that is based on principles or evidence; (criminal law) a final judgment of guilty in a criminal case and the punishment that is imposed
fakeadj: not genuine; fraudulent or counterfeit
definitelyadv: without any question and beyond doubt; clearly
sufficientadj: adequate; enough for a particular purpose or requirement
dividev: to separate or cause to separate into parts or groups
rethinkv: to consider again a plan, idea, etc., especially to change it
fortunateadj: having good luck or lucky
perspectiven: a confident attitude toward something; a particular style of thinking about something
discussv: to talk about or examine in detail through conversation or debate; to exchange ideas, opinions, or information on a particular topic
editorialadj: relating to the expression of opinions or interpretations in the media
modestadj: having or showing a humble estimate of one’s merits, importance, etc.; free from vanity, egotism, boastfulness, or great pretensions
journalistn: a person who collects and writes news stories or articles for newspapers, magazines, radio, television, or other online media
impressiveadj: arousing admiration due to size, quality, or skill
trumpn: a playing card with a picture of a trumpeter on it, used in certain card games
arrivaln: the act or situation of coming or being brought to a place; accomplishment of an objective
refugeen: a displaced person who has crossed national borders and who cannot or is unwilling to return home due to political, religious, or economic reasons or because of a war
dominatev: to have or control a lot of power and influence over somebody or something
debaten: a formal discussion or argument of opposing viewpoints, often to persuade others to adopt a specific position; a public discussion, often on an issue of current interest, in which participants offer opinions and differing perspectives
upcomingadj: approaching or soon to happen; in the near future; pending or anticipated
electv: to choose someone for a specific position by voting for them; to decide or choose to do something
reinventv: to change something so drastically that it looks to be completely new
nerdn: a person who is very interested in and knowledgeable about a particular subject such as computers, mathematics, chess, etc.
obviousadj: easy to see, discover or understand
platformn: the raised flat space close to the track at a train station where passengers get on or off the train; (technology) a computational or digital environment in which a piece of software is executed
oppositionn: the act of disagreeing or resisting; the state of strong disagreement
decidev: to make up someone’s mind about something; to come to a conclusion or judgment after considering options
launchv: to send or propel something into the air or space using a device such as a rocket, missile, or spacecraft; to make something available or on sale for the first time
techien: a person who is highly skilled or knowledgeable in the field of technology, particularly with computers or electronic devices
viableadj: capable of being done as intended; able to succeed
surveyn: an investigation of the opinions, behavior, etc. of a particular group of people, made by asking people questions
embeddedadj: fixed firmly into the surface of something
doen: a mature female of mammals of which the male is called a buck, such as a deer or a rabbit
gayadj: homosexual; happy, carefree
disagreev: to have or express a different opinion, idea, etc.
experimentn: the scientific test conducted to observe what happens and gain new knowledge
whatsoeveradv: not at all; no matter what
registryn: an official list or record that contains details of people, objects, or events; a computer system that stores and manages data about something; the act or process of registering something, such as an event, a person, or an object
germn: a very tiny living that causes the disease; a piece of something such as an organism, concept, etc., capable of growing into a new one or part of one
hackv: to hit and cut somebody or something roughly and violently; to find a bug in a computer program and break into their systems or networks
algorithmn: a set of rules or rigorous instructions typically used to solve a specific problem or to perform a computation
introductoryadj: intended as an introduction or preliminary; serving as a base or starting point
awfuladj: causing fear, dread, or terror; very bad or unpleasant
axn: a tool with a metal blade that is usually attached to a wooden handle and is used for chopping wood or other materials
murdern: the crime of killing somebody intentionally
databasen: a large amount of data stored in a computer system in such a way that it can be searched and updated easily
peacefuladj: not involving violence, conflict, or war
engineern: a person whose job is designing, building, or maintaining something such as machines, structures, or software
domesticadj: relating to or inside a particular country, not foreign or international
partnershipn: the state of a cooperative relationship between people or groups, especially in business
assumev: to think or accept something to be true without having proof of it; to take or begin to have power; to begin to exhibit a specific quality or appearance
invitev: to ask someone to come or join; to offer an opportunity or possibility for something to happen or take place
bailiffn: a court official responsible for maintaining order and security in a courtroom; an officer of the court who enforces judgments and court orders, such as evictions and repossessions; a person responsible for managing a large estate or property
spokespersonn: a person who represents or speaks on behalf of an organization, group, or individual to the media or the public
counselorn: a person trained to give advice and help people deal with personal or emotional problems
pregnantadj: having a baby or young animal developing in the uterus
in-lawn: a relative by marriage, such as a mother-in-law, brother-in-law, or sister-in-law
observev: to watch or notice something carefully, often to gather information or insights; to take note of something or someone; to celebrate or commemorate a special event or occasion
trendn: a general direction in which something is changing or developing
hipstern: a person who follows a trend or style characterized by a particular subculture, particularly one that is associated with alternative music, fashion, and lifestyle practices
beardn: hair that grows on a man’s face, often around the mouth and chin
comprehendv: to understand the nature or meaning of something fully
Nazin: a member or supporter of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, which controlled Germany from 1933 to 1945 and carried out a genocidal campaign against Jews and other marginalized groups; someone who subscribes to similar racist or authoritarian beliefs
participatev: to take part in something
selfien: a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam to share on social media
violentadj: involving or caused by physical force or aggression against someone or something
excitev: to make someone feel suddenly enthusiastic or eager
expandv: to increase or to make something greater in size, number, or importance
diversityn: the quality or fact of many different types of things or people being included in something; a range of different things or people
embracev: to accept something willingly and enthusiastically; (noun) the act of clasping another person in the arms as in greeting or affection
competitionn: a situation in which someone is attempting to beat or outperform another
outletn: a means of release or expression, often for emotions or energy; a place of business that sells goods directly to customers; a device or opening through which something can flow out
coordinatedadj: effectively arranged or organized so that all the parts work smoothly or systematically together
slackadj: lacking in tension or firmness; loose or not tight; having a relaxed or lazy attitude
collaborationn: the act or situation of working together to create or produce something
presidentn: the leader of a republic, for example, the US; the person in charge of the organization such as a company, university, club, etc.
patronn: a person who gives financial or other support to a person, organization, or activity; a loyal or regular customer of a particular shop, restaurant, etc.
symboln: something visible that is used to represent something else
intensiveadj: involving a lot of work or activity in a short time
attituden: the way you think and feel about someone or something
viewpointn: a way of thinking about a specific subject; a place from which something can be viewed, especially in an area of natural beauty
convergev: to move or draw together at a specific location; (of lines) to move towards the same point where they join or meet
nationn: a large organized community of people living in a particular country or region and having a particular culture
grotton: (also grot) a small cave or cavern, often with a natural or artificial structure that makes it suitable for use as a shelter, shrine, or place of worship
mentionv: to speak or write about something or someone briefly
gymn: a place equipped for exercise and other physical training
conferv: to have a meeting or discussion to come to a decision or agreement or exchange ideas; to bestow something