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dinosaurn: a large extinct reptile, often with an armored back, long neck, tail, and bony plates on the skin
extinctadj: no longer in existence
mysteryn: something difficult to understand or explain; a secret or enigmatic quality that adds to the fascination or interest of something; a genre of fiction that involves the solution of a crime or a puzzle
evolutionaryadj: relating to or denoting how living things develop or change from earlier forms
biologyn: the scientific study of life and the natural processes of living things
dominancen: the state or quality of being the most powerful or influential person or group
amazingadj: extremely surprising, especially in a way that you like or admire
ridiculousadj: very silly or unreasonable and deserving to be laughed at
spiken: a narrow, thin, pointed piece of metal, wood, etc.; a sudden large increase in the magnitude or concentration of something
internaladj: of or relating to the inside of something
anatomyn: the scientific study that deals with the physical structure of humans, animals, or plants
colleaguen: one of a group of a coworker, especially in a profession or a business
lungn: either of the two organs in the chest that people and some animals use for breathing
paleontologyn: the study of fossils and the history of life on Earth
comparativeadj: relating to the comparison of different things or groups; denoting a degree of difference or comparison between two or more things; characterized by comparison or contrast
planetn: any of the nine large celestial bodies that circle in the solar system; any celestial body that revolves around a star
environmentn: the natural world such as air, water, and land in which humans, animals, and plants live
harshadj: severe and unkind; extremely tough and unpleasant to inhabit
landscapen: an expanse of scenery that can be seen in a single view; a large area of land, especially in the country and relating to its appearance
fernn: a non-flowering plant with long, feathery fronds that reproduce by spores rather than seeds
lizardn: a reptile that has a relatively long body, two pairs of legs, and a tapering tail
mammaln: any animal of which the female gives birth to live young, not eggs, and feeds her young on milk from her own body
insectn: any small creature that has six legs and a body divided into three sections
carnivorousadj: feeding on the flesh of other animals
herbivorousadj: describing animals that primarily eat plants; feeding primarily on vegetables
reptilen: a cold-blooded animal that has dry, scaly skin and lays eggs on land, such as snakes, lizards, and turtles
competev: to strive to achieve more success than someone or something
oxygenn: the chemical element with the symbol O that is present in air and water and is necessary for people, animals, and plants to live
estimatev: to guess or calculate the cost, size, value, etc. of something
crucialadj: extremely vital or necessary
survivev: to live or exist despite a dangerous event or period
thrivev: to grow vigorously; to make steady progress
diversifyv: to make something include more different types or things; to spread out activities or investments
fossilizedadj: transformed into a fossil (= something preserved in rock for a very long period) or preserved in the form of a fossil; antiquated or inflexible
skeletonn: the structure of bones in a human or animal body, or a framework of bones or other material that supports a plant
extantadj: still in existence; surviving or currently present
phylogeneticsn: the study of the evolutionary relationships and history of organisms based on comparisons of their genetic sequences and other biological characteristics
bracketn: projecting support or fixture used to attach or bear weight; a small shelf or ledge; a punctuation mark ( [ ] ) used to enclose words, numbers, or symbols
fancyv: to want to do or have something; (noun) something that many people believe but that is false, or that does not exist; imagination or fantasy
specificallyadv: only associated with or meant for one thing
descendantn: children or offspring of a specific person, plant, or animal
crocodilen: a large, carnivorous reptile with powerful jaws and a long, scaly body; native to tropical regions and often found in rivers and freshwater habitats
relativeadj: considered and evaluated through comparison with something else
cousinn: the child of your aunt or uncle
anatomicaladj: of or relating to the structure of the body and its parts
fossiln: any preserved remains, impression, or trace of any once-living thing that has become hard and turned into rock
reconstructv: to build or form something again that has been damaged or destroyed
specificadj: clearly defined or particular to a certain thing or situation; distinct, explicit, and precise
instancen: a particular example or single occurrence of something
resemblev: to look like or be similar to someone or something
modernadj: of or belonging to the present time or recent times
blueprintn: a photographic print of an early plan for a building or machine
mammalianadj: of or relating to mammals, a class of warm-blooded vertebrate animals that typically nurse their young and have hair or fur on their skin; characterized by mammalian qualities, such as nurturing and protective behavior
reintroducev: to bring back something that has been previously abolished or discontinued
launchv: to send or propel something into the air or space using a device such as a rocket, missile, or spacecraft; to make something available or on sale for the first time
cavityn: an empty space or hollowness within a solid object, especially within the body, such as a tooth or bone; a hole or depression in a surface or the ground
visualizev: to form a mental image or concept of something; to make something visible
ribcagen: the bony structure in the chest that protects the heart and lungs, composed of twelve pairs of curved bones called ribs that are joined to the spine in the back and the breastbone (sternum) in the front
spinaladj: of or relating to the spine (= the long bone in the body’s back)
vertebran: a bone in the spine, or the spinal column forming the supporting structure of the spine and protecting the spinal cord
columnn: one of the vertical blocks that split content on a page or screen from top to bottom; an upright pillar that often supports an arch, entablature, or other structure or stands alone as a monument
horizontaladj: parallel to the ground or in a baseline; being at the same level as all members of a group
imaginaryadj: existing only in someone’s mind
thoraxn: the part of an insect’s body that bears the wings and legs, located between the head and the abdomen
ceilingn: a room’s top interior surface
ribn: each of a series of curved bones that are connected to the spine and surround the chest; (adjective) subject to laughter or ridicule
interfacen: (computer science) a program that controls a display for the user and that allows the user to interact with the system; (chemistry) a surface forming a common boundary between two things
giantadj: enormous; much bigger or more important than similar items usually are
inflatev: to fill something with air or gas so that it becomes bigger and rounder
expandv: to increase or to make something greater in size, number, or importance
inhalev: to breathe in air or a different substance, such as smoke
contractn: a legally binding agreement between two or more parties, setting out their rights and obligations to each other, typically in writing and enforceable by law
exhalev: to breathe out air or vapor from the lungs or mouth; to release or emit something slowly or gently
branchn: a division of a tree or woody shrub that grows out from the trunk or a main stem; a division of some larger or more complex organization
tuben: a cylindrical container of metal, plastic, glass, etc., usually sealed and used as a means of preserving food or chemicals; a hollow cylindrical shape
bronchusn: (in the plural, “bronchi”) either of the two main branches of the trachea that lead to the lungs and distribute air to the bronchioles and alveoli
ultimateadj: furthest or highest in degree or order
alveolusn: (in the plural, “alveoli”) a small, hollow cavity, pit, or socket; the small sacs in the lungs, where gas exchange with the blood occurs
membranen: a soft, thin layer that forms animal or vegetable tissue
bloodstreamn: the blood flowing through the body
diffusionn: a spreading motion in multiple directions
criticn: someone who expresses opinions about the quality of books, music, etc.
respiratoryadj: relating to the organs and processes involved in breathing, such as the lungs and the act of inhaling and exhaling air
processn: a series of actions or operations performed to achieve a particular outcome or goal; a systematic procedure or approach used to accomplish a specific task or objective; a method of treating milk to make it suitable for consumption or use in other dairy products
barriern: a fence or other obstruction that makes it hard to move or get in; any condition that makes it difficult to make progress or to achieve an objective
crazyadj: stupid or not sensible; very angry
immobilizev: to render someone or something unable to move or function normally; to restrain, inhibit, or stop
denseadj: containing a large number of people or something with little space between them
spongen: a soft material with many microscopic pores that can absorb a large amount of liquid and is used for washing and cleaning
inflexibleadj: not able to be changed or adapted; rigid or unyielding
directionaladj: relating to or indicating orientation; having a certain course; related to the management or control of an organization in a particular direction
ventilatev: to supply fresh air to a room, building, etc.; to remove stale air from it
flexibleadj: able to change or be changed to suit new conditions or situations; able to bend easily
structuren: the way of construction of something and the arrangement of its parts, or a complex thing constructed of many parts
sacn: a bag or pouch, typically made of fabric or leather, used to hold something valuable or important; a structure resembling a bag in an animal or plant
setupn: the arrangement or organization of something, often with a specific purpose or intention; a scheme or plan that is intended to deceive or trick someone
extensionn: a thing that is added to something to make it longer, larger, or wider; an educational opportunity provided by colleges and universities to people who are not enrolled as regular students; an additional telephone set that is connected to the same telephone line
invadev: to enter aggressively into another’s territory by military force for conquest and occupation
skeletaladj: of, relating to, or forming a skeleton (= frame of bones); very thin or emaciated
tissuen: an ensemble of similar cells of the animal or plant that together carry out a specific function
pneumaticadj: relating to or using air or gas under pressure, particularly in machinery or devices; operated by compressed air or gas
cluen: an object, a piece of evidence, or some information that helps someone to find the answer to a problem, question, or mystery
huntv: to go after and try to catch wild animals to kill them for food, sport, or profit
traitn: a particular feature of your nature
indicatev: to show, point out, or make known something, often through a sign or a symbol; to suggest or imply something without stating it directly
anchorn: a device, typically made of metal, that is used to moor a ship or boat in a particular place, typically by being dropped to the seabed; a central cohesive source of support and stability
facilitatev: to make something easier or more likely to happen
evolutionn: a gradual process of transformation of living things
diffuseadj: spread out widely; not concentrated in one place
immobilityn: the state of being unable to move; the quality of being unable to be moved or changed easily
permitv: to allow for something to happen or be done; (noun) the act of giving a formal, usually written, authorization
rupturen: a break or tear in something, especially a bodily tissue or a physical object
enhancev: to increase or improve the quality, amount, or strength of someone or something
respirationn: the process of inhaling and exhaling air to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide with the environment; the total of the physiological processes by which living organisms metabolize oxygen and release carbon dioxide
equipv: to provide a person or a place with the things that are needed for a particular purpose or activity
sauropodn: a large, long-necked dinosaur that was dominant during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, characterized by its massive sizes and quadrupedal stances, such as Brachiosaurus, Apatosaurus, and Diplodocus
theropodn: a type of carnivorous dinosaur that existed during the Mesozoic Era and is characterized by having three-toed limbs, a stiff tail, and sharp teeth, such as the Tyrannosaurus and Velociraptor
predatoryadj: living by eating other animals, especially by catching prey that is still alive
hollowadj: having a hole, empty space inside, or indentation on the surface
rigidadj: extremely strict and difficult to change or adapt; incapable of or resistant to bending
frameworkn: the structural components of a building or object that support its weight and give it form; the underlying structure of a system, concept, or text
delicateadj: very fine, subtle, and pleasing; easily broken or damaged or destroyed
straitjacketn: a garment or device designed to restrain a person’s arms and body, typically used in psychiatric or medical settings to prevent a patient from harming themselves or others
evolvev: to develop gradually, or to cause the development of something or someone gradually
hypoxicadj: relating to or characterized by a deficiency of oxygen, particularly in the body’s tissues or organs
atmospheren: the mass of air that surrounds the Earth; the pervading tone or mood of a place, situation, or creative work
adaptiveadj: capable of adjusting to new situations or changing conditions
advantagen: a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favorable or superior position; a beneficial feature or asset that someone or something has
adaptv: to make fit for or change to suit a new purpose or environment
launch-padn: a platform or structure designed to support and launch a rocket or other spacecraft into space
hypothesisn: a proposed idea or explanation that is based on a few known facts but has not yet been proven to be true or accurate
diversificationn: the act of expanding a business or portfolio by adding new products, services, or investments to reduce risk and increase profitability

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