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grantv: to agree to give or allow somebody
sufferv: to experience pain, distress, or hardship; to undergo or endure something painful or unpleasant
folkn: people in general, especially those of a particular group or type
inlandadj: situated or located away from the coast or a body of water; (adverb) towards or into the interior of a region
exemptadj: free from or not subject to a particular requirement or restriction; (verb) to excuse someone or something from an obligation, payment, etc.
vitaladj: necessary for the success or continued existence of something
wholeheartedadj: sincere, genuine, and enthusiastic; with complete devotion or commitment
policyn: a set of rules, guidelines, principles, or procedures that govern decision-making or action, often used in the context of business or government; a course of action or plan of action adopted or followed by an organization or individual to achieve a goal or objective
multifacetedadj: having many different aspects, features, or sides; complex and varied
declarev: to say, state, or announce something clearly, officially, or publicly
pollutionn: the introduction of harmful substances or waste into the natural environment that causes adverse change
summitn: the highest point of a mountain or hill; a meeting of heads of state or government to discuss important issues
presidentn: the leader of a republic, for example, the US; the person in charge of the organization such as a company, university, club, etc.
primeadj: main or most important; basic
ministern: a person appointed to or a job of a head of a government department
industriousadj: hardworking, diligent, and persistent in effort
photographn: a picture or image that is produced by a camera; a visual representation or record of a person, object, or scene that has been captured electronically or on film
unusuallyadv: in a way that is not typical or expected
hummingadj: producing a continuous, low, vibrating sound like that of the bee
urgev: to spur on or encourage someone, especially by cheers and shouts; (noun) a strong desire or impulse, especially one that is difficult to control or resist
governmentn: the group of people with authority to control a country or state
permanentadj: lasting for a long time without essential change
documentaryn: a film or a radio or television program that gives facts and information about a subject; of or derived from official documents
domen: a rounded vault forming the roof of a building or structure, typically with a circular base
discussv: to talk about or examine in detail through conversation or debate; to exchange ideas, opinions, or information on a particular topic
eventuallyadv: finally, particularly after a long time or a lot of struggle, complications, and so on
bulkn: the quantity or size of something that is very large; the main part of something
witn: the ability to say or write things or ideas in a clever and humorous way
declinev: to become gradually smaller, fewer, worse, etc.; to refuse to accept
maskv: to conceal something; (noun) a covering that you wear over your face to hide it
advertisev: to draw attention to something such as a product, service, or event in public to encourage people to buy, use, or attend it
claimv: to assert that something is true; to demand or request something as one’s own; to lay legal or moral right to something; (noun) a demand or assertion of a right or something that one believes to be true
pollutev: to make an area or substance, such as land, air, water, etc., dirty or harmful to living things by adding waste matter or harmful chemicals
particlen: a small piece of something; a word or piece of a term with grammatical function but little or no significance
lodgen: a small country house where people stay when they want to participate in outdoor activities; (verb) officially present a complaint, appeal, claim, etc. to the appropriate authorities
miraculousadj: very effective or lucky, or completely unexpected
lungn: either of the two organs in the chest that people and some animals use for breathing
smokern: a person who smokes tobacco regularly, or a device used for smoking
purifyv: to remove harmful substances from something and increase the concentration of it
dwellern: a person or animal that lives in a particular place or region; an inhabitant of a specific location
economyn: the system by which a country or region produces manages, and distributes goods and services, including the money and finances involved in these activities; (of an airline) the lowest-priced, most basic option for seating in commercial travel
attributev: to say or regard that something is the result of a particular thing; (noun) a quality or feature that someone or something possesses;
tuberculosisn: an infectious disease usually caused by tubercle bacteria that can attack many parts of a person’s body, especially their lungs
malarian: a severe disease caused by a parasite that is spread by the bite of an infected mosquito
diarrhean: a common digestive disorder with the frequent passage of loose, watery stools that can be caused by various factors such as infections, food poisoning, and certain medications
counciln: a group of people who have been elected or appointed to make decisions or give advice on a particular subject or in a particular place
environmentn: the natural world such as air, water, and land in which humans, animals, and plants live
colleaguen: one of a group of a coworker, especially in a profession or a business
crisisn: a time of great disagreement, confusion, or danger when problems must be resolved or critical decisions must be taken
adoptv: to choose to follow something; to legally take a child from another family and care for them as if they were one’s own
stringentadj: strict, severe, or demanding; requiring close attention to rules or regulations; extreme or excessive in some way
visionn: the ability to think about or see the future with imagination and intelligence; the faculty of being able to see
celebratev: to acknowledge a memorable or good day or event with a social gathering or enjoyable activity
independencen: freedom from another’s or others’ control or influence
criticn: someone who expresses opinions about the quality of books, music, etc.
democracyn: a form of government in which the people have the authority to deliberate and decide legislation, or to choose governing officials to do so
educatev: to provide or receive instruction or training over a period of time at a school, university, etc.
sensorn: a device that receives a signal or stimulus such as heat, pressure, light, motion, etc. and responds to it in a specific manner
interpretv: to explain or assign the meaning of information, actions, etc.
residentn: a person who lives in a particular place or has their home in a place
welfaren: the general health, happiness, and prosperous of a person or group
associationn: a people or groups of people who have joined in a single organization together for a particular purpose; a social or business connection or relationship
elderlyadj: (a polite word for) old
temperaturen: the degree of hotness or coldness of a thing or place
degreen: a unit of measurement for angles, temperature, or level of proficiency or achievement; a rank or level of academic or professional attainment
similarlyadv: in almost the same way
precautionn: a measure taken in advance to prevent harm, danger, or injury; foresightfulness
severeadj: extremely serious or bad in feeling, manner, or strict and harsh; extremely strong or vigorous
hazardousadj: involving risk or danger; unsafe or unhealthy
monitorv: to observe, check, and track the progress or quality of something over a period of time
ruraladj: of or relating to the countryside
installv: to fix furniture, a machine, or a piece of equipment into position so that it can be used; put into an office or a position
constituencyn: a group of people who live in a particular geographic area and are represented politically by an elected official; a body of customers or clients who regularly use a particular service or product
parliamentn: a legislative body, especially the one that represents the people of a country or state
warriorn: a person who engaged in or experienced warfare, especially in the past
enforcementn: the act of ensuring that rules, regulations, or laws are obeyed or implemented; the act of applying force or pressure to compel compliance with rules or laws
spewv: to eject forcefully and abundantly; to flow out rapidly and in large amounts
constructv: to build or create something; to assemble or combine different parts to form something whole
whackv: to hit someone or something hard or noisily
molen: small velvety-furred burrowing mammal having small eyes and fossorial forefeet; a spy who works against enemy espionage; a small congenital pigmented spot on the skin
offendv: to cause someone to feel upset, angry, or annoyed
alarmn: a loud noise or an automatic signal that warns people of danger; a device that signals the occurrence of some undesirable event or particular danger
emergencyn: a sudden unforeseen crisis usually involving danger that requires immediate action
call-inn: a phone or radio request for a person or group to report to a specified location or perform a designated role or task; a radio or television program that encourages listeners or viewers to call in with comments or questions or to participate in a discussion
strengthn: the quality or state of being physically, or sometimes mentally, strong
crackv: to break or cause to break without dividing into separate parts; (noun) a line on the surface of something along which it has separated without breaking
fueln: a substance that is typically burned to generate heat or energy
electrifyv: to make a machine or system work by using electricity; to make someone extremely enthusiastic about or interested in something
inspectionn: the act of examining, assessing, or reviewing something to ensure its accuracy, quality, safety, or compliance; the process of investigating or evaluating something
authorizev: to give official permission or approval for something to happen; to empower or give authority to someone or something
industrialadj: of or relating to or resulting from industry
crackern: a crisp, dry baked food usually made from flour and served as a snack or with soup or cheese; a person who breaks into computer systems or networks without authorization, commonly known as a hacker; a small firework that is designed to make a loud noise when ignited
supremeadj: highest in rank, level, or importance
mandaten: an official or authoritative instruction or command; a commission or authority to carry out a particular task
nowhereadv: not in, at, or to any place; not anywhere
empathyn: the ability to share another person’s feelings or experiences by imagining that person’s situation
fellowadj: someone who has the same job or interests as you, or is in the same class, profession, or situation as you
rubv: to move one’s hand or an object over the surface of something with pressure
blamev: to think or say that someone or something did something wrong or is responsible for something bad
stubblen: short, rough growth of hair or bristles on a person’s face after a period of not shaving; the short, rough growth remaining after cutting or harvesting a crop
paddyn: a flooded field where rice is grown, also known as a rice paddy; rice that is still in its husk, harvested from marshy fields called paddies, usually in Asia
cropn: a plant that is cultivated in large amounts, particularly for food
combinationn: a collection of things that have been combined; an assemblage of separate parts or qualities
agriculturen: the practice or science of cultivating the land or raising stock
groundwatern: water that is present beneath the surface of the ground, especially in soil or in pores and crevices in rock
urbanadj: relating to or located in a town or city
laborern: a person who works hard physically, typically doing unskilled or manual labor; a worker or employee who performs physically demanding tasks
sustainableadj: able to continue or be continued for a long time
transportn: a system for moving people or products from one location to another using automobiles, roads, and so on
segregatev: to separate or set apart from others, often based on race, gender, or some other characteristic
recyclev: to sort and collect things to process them and produce valuable materials that can be used again
plaguen: any epidemic disease with a high death rate; (also called pest) a serious, sometimes fatal, infection spread by rats that causes fever and swellings on the body
priden: a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one’s achievements
partnershipn: the state of a cooperative relationship between people or groups, especially in business
landfilln: a site for the disposal of waste materials
eliminatev: to remove or get rid of someone or something
responsibleadj: answerable or accountable for something within one’s power, control, or management
apathyn: lack of emotion, concern, or enthusiasm
bureaucracyn: a system of government in which most of the important decisions are made by state officials rather than by elected representatives
decidev: to make up someone’s mind about something; to come to a conclusion or judgment after considering options
advantagen: a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favorable or superior position; a beneficial feature or asset that someone or something has
necessarilyadv: in an essential manner; in such a way as could not be otherwise
relyv: to require a specific thing or the assistance and support of someone or something to continue, run properly, or succeed.
assetn: something or someone that is useful or valuable quality, skill, etc.; valuable property
blessv: to make or pronounce holy; to hallow; to consecrate; to sanctify
enlightenv: to give someone greater knowledge or understanding about a particular subject or situation, often in a spiritual or moral sense

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