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Word | Meaning | Advanced |
meteorology | n: the branch of science that deals with processes in the Earth’s atmosphere that cause weather conditions | |
degree | n: a unit of measurement for angles, temperature, or level of proficiency or achievement; a rank or level of academic or professional attainment | |
bachelor | n: an unmarried man; a person who holds an undergraduate degree from a college or university | |
prediction | n: the act of predicting the future by reasoning; a statement made about the future | |
marshal | n: a military officer of high rank or a person in charge of organizing or leading a parade or public event; a law enforcement official or officer responsible for maintaining order and enforcing regulations; (verb) to organize, arrange, or gather together resources, information, or people in a deliberate and systematic manner | |
shepherd | n: a person who tends and guards sheep, especially in a rural area | |
outdo | v: to do better than someone; to surpass | |
climate | n: the weather in a particular location averaged over some long period | |
fairy | n: a mythical being of folklore and romance usually depicted as having magic powers | |
gravity | n: the force that attracts a body towards the center of the earth or towards any other physical body having mass; a manner that is solemn | |
association | n: a people or groups of people who have joined in a single organization together for a particular purpose; a social or business connection or relationship | |
advancement | n: the development, improvement, or progress of something | |
query | n: a question or inquiry, often used in the context of research, information-gathering, or data analysis; a request for information | |
genetically | adv: in a way that relates to or is produced by genes (= the units in the cells of a living thing received by an animal or plant from its parents) or heredity | |
modify | v: to change something slightly, such as a plan, option, law, etc., especially to make it more suitable for a particular purpose | |
evolution | n: a gradual process of transformation of living things | |
contribute | v: to give something, especially money or goods, to provide or achieve something together with other people | |
beg | v: to ask for something urgently or earnestly; to appeal to someone to do something | |
perception | n: a belief, opinion, or image you have based on how you regard, understand, or interpret something; the ability to see, hear, or notice something through the senses | |
bias | n: a strong feeling in favor of or against one group of people, an idea, or thing, often not based on fair judgment | |
confirmation | n: a statement, often written, that shows that something is true, correct, or definite | |
cognitive | adj: of or relating to mental processes of understanding | |
dissonance | n: a lack of harmony or agreement between people or things; a harsh or discordant combination of sounds | |
fancy | v: to want to do or have something; (noun) something that many people believe but that is false, or that does not exist; imagination or fantasy | |
academic | adj: associated with schools, colleges, and universities, especially studying and thinking, not with practical skills | |
recognize | v: to acknowledge or realize something or someone; to identify, remember, or become aware of something that was previously known or encountered | |
guilty | adj: feeling responsible for or having done something wrong or criminal | |
tweet | n: a short, high sound made by a small bird; a message sent using Twitter, the social media application | |
chuckle | n: a soft, partly suppressed laugh; an act of laughing quietly; (verb) to laugh quietly or softly, often in a suppressed or restrained way | |
fundamental | adj: forming an essential base or core from which everything else develops or is affected | |
flaw | n: a fault, mistake, or weakness that causes something not to be perfect | |
illustrate | v: to provide pictures, photographs, diagrams, etc. in a book or something for explanation | |
mood | n: the way you feel at a particular time; an angry or impatient state of mind | |
necessarily | adv: in an essential manner; in such a way as could not be otherwise | |
scholar | n: professor; a person who studies a topic in considerable depth, particularly in a university | |
peer | n: a person who has the same age, status, or ability | |
terminology | n: the special words or phrases that are used within a particular field or subject; the language or jargon of a particular group or profession | |
illusory | adj: not real or true; based on or having the nature of an illusion | |
superior | adj: better, higher in quality, or more advanced than others | |
complexity | n: the state or quality of being complicated or intricate and difficult to understand | |
underestimate | v: to think or suppose that a quantity, price, or size is smaller than it is | |
definition | n: a concise explanation of the meaning of a word, phrase, or symbol | |
intelligent | adj: having the capacity for thought and reason, especially to a high degree | |
rodent | n: a small, gnawing mammal, such as a mouse, rat, or squirrel, that has sharp incisors and typically has a long, thin tail | |
forecast | n: a prediction or statement about how something, such as the weather, will develop or what will happen in the future; (verb) to predict the future in advance | |
accurate | adj: correct and exact in all details | |
almanac | n: a calendar that provides daily, monthly, and annual information on astronomical events, weather patterns, and other relevant topics; an annual publication that contains such information, along with predictions and advice for the coming year | |
occasional | adj: happening or appearing at irregular intervals; not constant or regular | |
misinformation | n: information that is false or inaccurate, or the act of giving wrong information, especially deliberately | |
hurricane | n: a violent, tropical, cyclonic storm of the western North Atlantic, having wind speeds of or over 64 knots (74 miles per hour) | |
outlet | n: a means of release or expression, often for emotions or energy; a place of business that sells goods directly to customers; a device or opening through which something can flow out | |
assign | v: to give a specific job or piece of work to a someone | |
dismiss | v: to regard something or someone as not important and not worth considering; to terminate someone’s employment | |
fake | adj: not genuine; fraudulent or counterfeit | |
viral | adj: relating to or caused by a virus | |
nation | n: a large organized community of people living in a particular country or region and having a particular culture | |
advisory | adj: giving advice or suggestions on a particular matter; having the function of providing recommendations or guidance | |
committee | n: a group of people appointed or elected to perform a specific function or manage a particular task, often within a larger organization | |
satellite | n: an electronic device that is sent up into space and moves around the Earth or another planet, used for gathering information or communicating by radio, television, etc. | |
wildfire | n: a large, uncontrolled fire that spreads quickly through a natural area such as a forest, grassland, or mountain slope | |
fascinating | adj: extremely interesting | |
geek | n: a person who is highly interested and knowledgeable about a particular subject or field, often to the point of being obsessed | |
observe | v: to watch or notice something carefully, often to gather information or insights; to take note of something or someone; to celebrate or commemorate a special event or occasion | |
predict | v: to state beforehand that something will happen in the future, mainly based on knowledge or experience | |
contribution | n: the act of giving something, especially money, to a particular cause or organization; a voluntary gift as of money or service or ideas made to some worthwhile cause | |
landfall | n: the arrival or touching down of a ship, aircraft, or meteor on land after a voyage or journey; the first sighting or approach of land from the sea | |
rainfall | n: the amount of rain that falls in a specific location at a particular moment | |
sigh | v: to emit a deep, audible breath or sound, often expressing feelings of tiredness, frustration, or relief; to express longing, wish, or regret; (noun) the act of exhaling audibly in a long, deep, and often melancholy way | |
amuse | v: to entertain or divert the mind; to make someone laugh | |
struggle | v: to make a great effort to do something when it is difficult, or there are a lot of problems; to use force or violence to break away from restraint or constriction | |
perceive | v: to become aware or conscious of something through the senses | |
flood | n: a large amount of water flowing beyond its normal limits; an overwhelming number or amount | |
anomaly | n: something or someone that deviates from what is expected or normal, often in a way that is difficult to explain or understand | |
norm | n: something that is regarded as usual, typical, or standard | |
downgrade | v: to reduce in importance, rank, or status; to decrease the quality or value of something; to lower a score or rating; (noun) a negative change in the rating of a security, a company’s stock, or a country’s sovereign debt by a rating agency | |
upgrade | v: to improve the value or usefulness of something such as a machine, computer system, etc., or to replace it with something newer or of a higher standard | |
expand | v: to increase or to make something greater in size, number, or importance | |
radial | adj: of or relating to rays or the radii of a circle; spreading out from a central point | |
pi | n: a mathematical constant that is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter, approximately equal to 3.14159 | |
inventory | n: a complete list of all the items or goods held in stock by a business or organization; the act of making such a list | |
upbringing | n: the conditions and experiences in which a child is cared for and taught, especially in relation to their moral and social development | |
perspective | n: a confident attitude toward something; a particular style of thinking about something | |
faith | n: complete trust in something or someone’s ability or knowledge; a strong belief in religion, divine power, etc. | |
evaluate | v: to assess or estimate the quality, significance, quantity, or value of something | |
consume | v: to spend something, especially fuel, energy, or time, in a large amount | |
clip | n: a small metal or plastic device used for holding an object or objects together or in place; a short part of electronic media, either an audio clip or video clip | |
revered | v: highly respected or admired, often because of moral or spiritual qualities | |
skeptic | n: a person who doubts or questions the truth of specific claims, beliefs, or doctrines, especially those in religion or the supernatural | |
contrary | n: acting in opposition to what is expected or desired | |
engaging | adj: attracting, pleasant, or charming | |
conduct | v: to organize and carry out a particular activity | |
argument | n: a set of statements or reasons used to support or refute a proposition or theory; a verbal or physical fight or dispute | |
doubt | n: a feeling of being uncertain about something, especially about how good or accurate it is | |
responsible | adj: answerable or accountable for something within one’s power, control, or management | |
preserve | v: to keep or maintain a particular quality, feature, etc., especially to prevent it from decaying, being damaged, or being destroyed | |
critic | n: someone who expresses opinions about the quality of books, music, etc. |