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immediatelyadv: now or without delay
optimizev: to make the best or most effective use of something
schedulen: a list of planned activities, tasks, or things that must be completed showing when they are intended to happen or be done
constantlyadv: all the time
shavev: to remove body hair with a razor; to cut the price of something
slightlyadv: in a small degree or extent; a little
softwaren: a set of computer programs and associated documentation and data for doing particular computational jobs
engineern: a person whose job is designing, building, or maintaining something such as machines, structures, or software
surroundv: to be all around something or somebody
predictv: to state beforehand that something will happen in the future, mainly based on knowledge or experience
analyticsn: the systematic computational analysis of data or statistics; information resulting from this analysis
gistn: the essence or main point of a text, speech, or situation
tracev: to find or discover someone or something that was lost
machine-learningn: the process through which computers change the way they perform jobs without following explicit instructions by using algorithms and statistical models to analyze and draw inferences from patterns in data
algorithmn: a set of rules or rigorous instructions typically used to solve a specific problem or to perform a computation
accuracyn: the state or degree of being exact or correct; the ability to perform something with proficiency and without mistake
yelpn: a sharp, high-pitched bark or cry, typically made by a dog or fox
weirdadj: extraordinary, unexpected, or difficult to explain
disturbv: to interrupt someone who is trying to work, sleep, etc.
instinctn: an inborn behavioral pattern that is often responsive to specific stimuli; an innate feeling that causes you to act or believe that something is true
decidev: to make up someone’s mind about something; to come to a conclusion or judgment after considering options
appn: (abbreviation for application) software designed to run on smartphones and other mobile devices or inside a web browser on a PC
randomadj: made, done, or happening without method, conscious decision, or any regular pattern
locatev: to specify or determine the exact position of someone or something
suddenlyadv: quickly and unexpectedly
miraculousadj: very effective or lucky, or completely unexpected
destinationn: the place to which someone or something is going or being sent; the ultimate purpose or goal of a journey or action
austereadj: severe or strict in manner or attitude; without adornment or ornamentation; ascetically simple
brickn: a rectangular block of baked clay used as a building material
wroughtadj: made or fashioned carefully or decoratively; (of materials) beaten out or shaped by hammering
fencen: a structure, usually made of wood or metal, that encloses an area, typically for protection or to keep animals or people in or out; a dealer in stolen property
psychiatricadj: of or relating to the treatment or study of mental illness or disorders
emergencyn: a sudden unforeseen crisis usually involving danger that requires immediate action
appropriateadj: suitable or proper in the circumstances; fitting
exhilaratingadj: making one feel very happy and lively; invigorating; providing a feeling of excitement or thrill
hookedadj: being caught or caught up in something; curved down like an eagle’s beak
groceryn: a shop that sells food and other household items
alleyn: a narrow lane or way between buildings, often used as a passage or a shortcut; a small street that runs between two other streets
floristn: a person who sells and arranges flowers, often as their profession
discoveryn: the act or process of finding information, a place, or an object, or learning about something that was previously not known
ignorev: to intentionally not listen or pay attention to
preferencen: a stronger liking or interest for something or someone than another thing or person
conceptn: an idea or principle associated with something abstract
experimentn: the scientific test conducted to observe what happens and gain new knowledge
involvev: to include or affect someone or something as a necessary part of something else
dietn: the food and drink that a person, animal, or community eats and drinks regularly; a legislative assembly in certain countries, for example, Japan
eliminatev: to remove or get rid of someone or something
cumulativeadj: increasing or growing by one addition after another
eventuallyadv: finally, particularly after a long time or a lot of struggle, complications, and so on
tattoon: a form of body modification made by inserting ink, dyes, or pigments, either permanent or temporary, into the skin to form a design
playlistn: a curated list of songs or audio recordings that can be played in a specific order or shuffled randomly, often created for a specific purpose or event
podcastn: a radio program made available in digital format that you can download from the Internet and play on a computer or music player
graden: a particular level of quality, size, importance, etc.
recitaln: a public performance of music or dance, usually by a soloist or a group of performers; a detailed account of events or facts
communaladj: belonging to or used by a group rather than individuals; for common use
amazingadj: extremely surprising, especially in a way that you like or admire
opportuneadj: suitable or happening at a time that is suitable or convenient for a particular purpose
transitionn: the process or period of changing from one state or circumstance to another
freelanceadj: doing particular pieces of work for different organizations rather than being employed by one specific organization
flexibilityn: the quality of changing or being changed easily according to new conditions or situations
paradoxicaladj: seemingly contradictory or absurd because of having two opposite features or facts, though it is probably true
blindadj: unable to see; unable or unwilling to perceive or understand the true nature of something
complexityn: the state or quality of being complicated or intricate and difficult to understand
couragen: the ability to face danger, difficulty, uncertainty, or pain without being overcome by fear or despair; the quality of being brave or courageous
comfortn: a state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint
zonen: a specific area, region, or section that is marked off or defined in some way
yogan: a Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline including breath control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures, which is widely practiced for health and relaxation
descendv: to move downward and lower; to come from, or to be connected by a relationship of blood
downwardadj: moving towards a lower position or a lower level
revelationn: a fact that has been disclosed to others, especially a surprising one; the act of revealing or telling the fact or truth to others; communication of knowledge to humans by a divine or supernatural agency
bubblen: a thin, round, and often transparent mass of gas that is surrounded by a thin layer of liquid; a state of economic or social prosperity that is unsustainable and eventually collapses
decidedlyadv: in a manner that is beyond doubt or question; in a way that is clear and unmistakable; in an emphatic or determined manner
influencen: the ability to affect someone’s or something’s character, growth, or behavior, or the effect itself
necessarilyadv: in an essential manner; in such a way as could not be otherwise
constrainv: to restrict or limit someone or something’s freedom or ability to do something
structuren: the way of construction of something and the arrangement of its parts, or a complex thing constructed of many parts
contextn: the circumstances, facts, or conditions that surround a particular event, situation, or statement and that give it meaning
initiallyadv: at the beginning; at first
transcendv: to rise above or go beyond the limits of something
photographn: a picture or image that is produced by a camera; a visual representation or record of a person, object, or scene that has been captured electronically or on film
inquiryn: the act or process of asking a question or asking for information; an official process of investigating a matter of public interest
relationn: the way two persons or groups of people feel and act toward one another
scrapn: a small piece or amount of something, especially leftover from a larger whole
wrapv: to cover or enclose something entirely with paper, cloth, or other material
bowv: to bend your knee or body, or lower your head; (noun) a weapon made of a curved piece of wood or other flexible material, strung with a cord and used to shoot arrows
electv: to choose someone for a specific position by voting for them; to decide or choose to do something
concludev: to come to an end or close; to reach a judgment or opinion by reasoning
encouragev: to give someone support, confidence, or hope; to persuade someone to do or continue to do something by making it easier for them and making them believe it is a good thing to do
experimentaladj: relating to or based on new ideas, forms, methods, etc. that have not been tried before, usually to find out what effect they have
interactv: to communicate or react with somebody
defaultv: to fail to fulfill an obligation or pay a debt when it is due; to fail to meet expectations or perform as required; to choose or accept a predetermined option or condition without making a deliberate selection or choice; (noun) a failure to fulfill an obligation or to meet a requirement; the pre-set or automatic settings that a system or program uses when the user has selected no other options

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