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disastern: an unexpected event or series of events that cause widespread damage, destruction, or loss of life
permanentadj: lasting for a long time without essential change
disabledadj: having a physical or mental condition that limits someone’s specific actions that most other people can do
displacev: to force someone or something to leave their home or place of origin, especially as a result of conflict, natural disaster, or manipulation
communaladj: belonging to or used by a group rather than individuals; for common use
recoverv: to return to a former condition, health, mind, or strength
economyn: the system by which a country or region produces manages, and distributes goods and services, including the money and finances involved in these activities; (of an airline) the lowest-priced, most basic option for seating in commercial travel
initialadj: of or happening at the beginning; (noun) the first letter of a word, especially a person’s name
mitigatev: to make less severe or less intense; to alleviate or lessen the adverse effects of something
floodn: a large amount of water flowing beyond its normal limits; an overwhelming number or amount
electrifyv: to make a machine or system work by using electricity; to make someone extremely enthusiastic about or interested in something
constructv: to build or create something; to assemble or combine different parts to form something whole
insurev: to provide coverage in the event of loss or damage
rebuildv: to build again or anew
resilientadj: able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions
claimv: to assert that something is true; to demand or request something as one’s own; to lay legal or moral right to something; (noun) a demand or assertion of a right or something that one believes to be true
processn: a series of actions or operations performed to achieve a particular outcome or goal; a systematic procedure or approach used to accomplish a specific task or objective; a method of treating milk to make it suitable for consumption or use in other dairy products
rotorcraftn: an aircraft or vehicle that uses one or more rotors for lift, propulsion, and directional control, including helicopters, gyroplanes, and tilt rotors
hummingbirdn: a small bird with a highly specialized beak and wings that allow it to hover in place, known for its rapid wingbeats and ability to fly in any direction
hawkn: a bird of prey typically having short rounded wings and a long tail; an advocate of an aggressive policy on foreign relations
extensiveadj: covering a large area; having a wide range
hurricanen: a violent, tropical, cyclonic storm of the western North Atlantic, having wind speeds of or over 64 knots (74 miles per hour)
fantasticadj: extremely good; excellent
structuraladj: associated with the way on construction or organization of anything
engineern: a person whose job is designing, building, or maintaining something such as machines, structures, or software
damagev: to harm or cause injury to something or someone, often resulting in decreased value or functionality; to impair or negatively affect something, such as a reputation or relationship; (noun) harm or injury that is caused to a person, thing, or entity
binocularn: (often used in plural form) a device or instrument designed for use with both eyes simultaneously, enabling a viewer to see objects in a three-dimensional perspective and with greater depth perception; (adjective) relating to or involving both eyes, especially when viewing through a device such as a pair of binoculars; involving or requiring the use of both eyes
satelliten: an electronic device that is sent up into space and moves around the Earth or another planet, used for gathering information or communicating by radio, television, etc.
spatialadj: of or relating space and the position, area, and size of things
surveyn: an investigation of the opinions, behavior, etc. of a particular group of people, made by asking people questions
imageryn: the use of words or pictures in books, photographs, paintings, etc., that produces pictures in the minds of people; the ability to form mental images of things or events
reconstructionn: the process of rebuilding or repairing something that has been damaged or destroyed or of restoring something to its original condition
mudsliden: a natural disaster in which a large amount of mud, rocks, and debris slide uncontrollably down a steep slope
hydrologyn: the scientific study of water, including its properties, distribution, and movement on and beneath the Earth’s surface, and its interaction with the environment
rescuev: to save someone or something from a dangerous or difficult situation
wipev: to clean or dry something by rubbing with a piece of cloth or paper or one’s hand and removing dirt, food, or liquid
propertyn: a thing or things that belong to someone
salmonn: a type of fish that is commonly found in the North Atlantic and North Pacific oceans
incidentn: an event or occurrence, often unexpected or unplanned; something that happens
commandn: authority, control, or mastery over something, often referring to military or leadership contexts; a directive, order, or instruction; expertise or confidence in a specific area; (verb) to give an authoritative order or instruction, or to be in charge or control of something
resolutionn: a firm decision or determination to do or not do something; the action of solving a problem, dispute, or conflict; the quality of being resolved or determined; the clarity and sharpness of an image or display
criticn: someone who expresses opinions about the quality of books, music, etc.
infrastructuren: the basic systems, services, or features that are necessary for an organization or country, such as transport and power supplies
underwateradv: below or under the surface of the water
unmannedadj: not having a human crew or operator, as in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or unmanned spacecraft
marineadj: relating to the sea and the creatures and plants that live there
dolphinn: a marine mammal that typically has a beaklike snout, a streamlined body, and flippers and that feeds on fish and squid
overlookv: to fail to notice something; to watch over someone; to provide a view from above
tsunamin: a huge ocean wave caused by an earthquake, volcano, or other disturbance
devastatev: to wreck a place or an area or cause significant damage
statisticsn: the discipline that concerns the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data
pipelinen: a very long large tube that is usually underground and is used for carrying liquid or gas for long distances
reliefn: a feeling of happiness and relaxation that comes when something burdensome is removed or reduced
earthquaken: a sudden and violent shaking of the ground caused by the movement of rock beneath the earth’s surface
viewpointn: a way of thinking about a specific subject; a place from which something can be viewed, especially in an area of natural beauty
divern: a person who dives, especially one who does so professionally or as a sport; a bird that dives into the water to catch fish or other prey
capen: a type of long, loose outer garment that covers the back, shoulders, and arms; a headland or promontory extending into the sea or other large body of water
rubblen: fragments of rock, stone, or other materials that remain after a building or other structure has been destroyed or demolished; the remains of something that has been broken down or destroyed
rappelv: to descend a steep slope or vertical surface using a rope and a sliding device; to perform a controlled descent using such a device; (noun) the act of descending a cliff or other vertical drop by a double rope coiled around the body and fixed at a higher point
survivorn: a person who remains alive after an event in which others have died
basementn: a room or a part of a building that is partly or entirely below ground level
meltv: to turn from something solid into something soft or liquid as a result of heating
replacev: to take the place of something
assistv: to help someone in doing anything
innovativeadj: introducing or using new methods, ideas, etc.
resistantadj: not affected by something, especially changes or new ideas; of or relating to immunity to disease or infection
immediatelyadv: now or without delay
chemicaladj: relating to or connected with chemistry;
derailmentn: the act or process of a train coming off its tracks; a deviation or diversion from a planned or expected course of action or thought
ruraladj: of or relating to the countryside
countyn: an administrative division of a country or state, typically one of several comprising a larger division
oddsn: the degree or probability that a particular thing will or will not happen
railroadn: metal tracks laid with rails on which trains run; a system of tracks with the trains operated by an organization
transportn: a system for moving people or products from one location to another using automobiles, roads, and so on
probableadj: likely to happen or likely to be true
interfacen: (computer science) a program that controls a display for the user and that allows the user to interact with the system; (chemistry) a surface forming a common boundary between two things
overwhelmv: to defeat someone or something by using a great deal of force; to have a strong emotional effect on somebody
cognitiveadj: of or relating to mental processes of understanding
nuggetn: a small piece of gold or other precious metal or mineral found ready-formed in the earth; a small round piece of some food
decisionn: the act or process of making up someone’s mind about something; a choice or judgment reached after considering options
beamn: a long, sturdy piece of timber, metal, or other material used to support a structure or span a distance; a ray or stream of light emitted by a source
serialadj: consisting of or occurring in a series or sequence; relating to or involving a series or sequence of events, stories, or incidents
locatev: to specify or determine the exact position of someone or something
inspectv: to look at someone or something closely, usually to examine their condition or to detect flaws
phasen: any stage in a series of events, change, or development
compressv: to press or squeeze together to make something take up less space
sequencen: a series of related events, actions, numbers, etc., which have a particular order
paralleladj: being everywhere equidistant and not intersecting; of or relating to the simultaneous performance of multiple operations
misnomern: a name or term that is inaccurate or misleading, often because it does not accurately describe the thing it is naming
undergroundadj: under the surface of the ground; a secret group organized to achieve a specific purpose, such as overthrowing the government or occupying a force