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horrorn: intense fear or disgust, especially at something shocking or terrifying
trenchn: a long, deep ditch made in the ground, usually parallel to a plate boundary and marking a subduction zone; a long ditch built in the ground for carrying away water
warfaren: the use of military force to achieve political, economic, or social objectives
poisonousadj: containing or producing toxic substances; harmful or dangerous to living beings, often causing illness, injury, or death; capable of causing serious harm or destruction
mustardn: a yellow or brown condiment that tastes spicy made from the seeds of various plants; (adjective) between yellow and brown
exposedadj: having no protection or shield from something, such as bad weather, attack, or criticism
blistern: a small, fluid-filled bubble on the skin caused by friction, burning, or other skin irritation; can also refer to a similar bubble found in other materials; (verb) to become covered with blisters or to cause blisters to form; to criticize or rebuke severely
desperatelyadv: in a way that shows a lack of hope and a willingness to do anything because of the problematic situation; with great urgency
developv: to grow or expand; to improve or refine through a process of progress and refinement, often to achieve greater sophistication or complexity; to elaborate or add detail to something that is in the process of being created
antidoten: a chemical substance or remedy that stops or controls the effects of a poison or disease
viciousadj: having or showing a desire to cause harm to others; having the nature of vice
processn: a series of actions or operations performed to achieve a particular outcome or goal; a systematic procedure or approach used to accomplish a specific task or objective; a method of treating milk to make it suitable for consumption or use in other dairy products
discoveryn: the act or process of finding information, a place, or an object, or learning about something that was previously not known
irrevocablyadv: in a way that is impossible to be changed, reversed, or recovered
damn: a wall constructed over a river to block the flow of water, mainly used to generate energy
marrown: a soft, fatty, vascular substance in the cavities of bones, in which blood cells are produced; the choicest or most essential part of some idea or experience
haltingadj: hesitant or wavering in speech or action; faltering; stopping or pausing repeatedly and intermittently
awfuladj: causing fear, dread, or terror; very bad or unpleasant
cancern: abnormal growth of cells that can invade and destroy surrounding tissues and organs; a disease characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells
characteristicn: a typical feature or quality that can identify, tell apart, or describe something or somebody
atrocityn: brutal act; an extremely wicked or cruel act
championn: someone who has won first place in a competition; someone who fights for a specific group of people or a belief
investigatev: to conduct a systematic or formal inquiry to identify and evaluate the facts of a crime, problem, statement, etc. to establish the truth
injectv: to put a liquid such as a drug or other substance into a person’s or an animal’s body using a needle and syringe (= small tube)
compoundn: an item composed of two or more distinct elements combined; a chemical formed by the combination of two or more elements
veinn: a blood vessel that carries blood from various parts of the body back to the heart; a mineral deposit or layer of rock that is contained within another rock formation
patientn: a person who is receiving medical treatment, care, or attention from a healthcare professional, such as a doctor, nurse, or therapist; a personal quality or characteristic
chemotherapyn: the treatment of disease, particularly cancer, using special drugs that have a toxic effect on cancer cells; frequently used in conjunction with other therapies such as surgery and radiation
injectionn: the act of introducing a liquid, especially a drug, into the body using a needle and a syringe
cytotoxinn: a poisonous substance that specifically targets and damages or kills cells, often associated with bacterial or viral infections
toxicadj: of or relating to or caused by a poison; poisonous
essentiallyadv: relating to the essential features or concepts of anything
medicinaladj: of or relating to the treatment or cure of disease
reservev: to keep something for future use or contingency; to obtain or arrange something, such as a meeting, seat, etc., in advance
preciseadj: sharply exact or accurate or delimited
hallmarkn: a distinctive characteristic or attribute of a person or thing
alkyln: a group of organic compounds that contain a single bond between a carbon atom and a hydrogen atom and are often used as building blocks for more complex organic molecules
bloodstreamn: the blood flowing through the body
exposev: to show something by uncovering it; to make something accessible to some action or influence
damagev: to harm or cause injury to something or someone, often resulting in decreased value or functionality; to impair or negatively affect something, such as a reputation or relationship; (noun) harm or injury that is caused to a person, thing, or entity
helixn: a three-dimensional spiral shape or structure, particularly like that of a spring or a DNA molecule
structuren: the way of construction of something and the arrangement of its parts, or a complex thing constructed of many parts
multiplyv: to add a number to itself a specified number of times; to increase or cause to increase very much in number or quantity
concentrationn: the ability to focus all your time and energy on one thing without thinking about anything else.
frequentadj: happening constantly
accumulatev: to collect or acquire a large number of things over a long period of time
involvev: to include or affect someone or something as a necessary part of something else
tubulen: a small, tube-like structure; a minute duct or canal in a plant or animal body
stabilizev: to become or cause to become steady or unlikely to give way
tuben: a cylindrical container of metal, plastic, glass, etc., usually sealed and used as a means of preserving food or chemicals; a hollow cylindrical shape
assemblev: to collect in one place as a single group
divisionn: the act or outcome of splitting into separate parts; a critical organizational unit or sector
disadvantagen: a drawback or a negative aspect of something; (verb) to put someone or something in an unfavorable position
naturallyadv: as might be expected; by natural manners
renewv: to begin or resume something again after an interruption
folliclen: a small sac or cavity in the body, especially in the skin or scalp, that contains and nourishes a hair or feather; a small gland or sac that produces and releases a bodily secretion
gastrointestinaladj: relating to the stomach and intestines, particularly about the digestive system or related disorders
reproductiveadj: connected with the process of reproduction; relating to reproducing babies, young animals, or plants
normn: something that is regarded as usual, typical, or standard
chemon: short for chemotherapy, a treatment for cancer that uses drugs to destroy cancer cells
fatiguen: a feeling of tiredness or weariness, especially as a result of physical or mental exertion; the reduction in the strength or efficiency of a material or structure due to repeated use or stress
infertileadj: unable to grow crops or sustain life; not able to produce offspring or offspring that are viable
nausean: a feeling of sickness or discomfort in the stomach that is often accompanied by an urge to vomit; a sensation of loathing or disgust
vomitv: to eject food, blood, etc., from the stomach through the mouth; (noun) the matter ejected from the stomach through the mouth
prescribev: (of a doctor) to advise and order the use of particular medicine or treatment for someone, especially in writing; to issue commands or orders for something
medicationn: a drug or other form of medicine that treats, prevents, or alleviates the symptoms of the disease
devicen: a piece of equipment, tool, or technology that serves a particular purpose or function, often mechanical or electronic
temperaturen: the degree of hotness or coldness of a thing or place
constrictv: to make something narrow or tight, often restricting movement or flow; to become narrow or tighter
vesseln: a ship or large boat
tissuen: an ensemble of similar cells of the animal or plant that together carry out a specific function
recoverv: to return to a former condition, health, mind, or strength
diagnosev: to determine or distinguish the nature of a problem or an illness through a careful analysis
outlookn: the likely future situation for someone or something; a habitual or characteristic mental attitude to life and the world of a particular person, group, or culture
individualn: a single person or thing, as distinct from a group
testiclen: one of the two oval-shaped organs in men that produce sperm and testosterone; in animals, the equivalent organ responsible for producing sperm and often also regulating testosterone levels
survivev: to live or exist despite a dangerous event or period
advancev: to go or move forward; to develop in a positive way
acuteadj: extremely sharp or severe
myeloidadj: relating to or arising from bone marrow; pertaining to certain types of white blood cells, such as granulocytes and monocytes, which are formed in the bone marrow
leukemian: a type of cancer that affects the blood and bone marrow, in which abnormal white blood cells are produced and grow uncontrollably
aggressiveadj: behaving in an angry, energetic, or threatening way towards another person; tending to spread quickly
estimatev: to guess or calculate the cost, size, value, etc. of something
remissionn: a period of time when a disease or condition is no longer present or active; a lessening or reduction of symptoms or intensity; forgiveness or pardon for sins or debts
phasen: any stage in a series of events, change, or development
interventionn: the action or process of being done to improve or help a circumstance, often they have not been asked to do so
intentn: a strong determination or attention to do or achieve something; (adjective) having a strong determination to do or achieve something
improvev: to make or become better
survivaln: the state of continuing to exist or live, frequently in the face of difficulty or danger

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