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courageousadj: able to face and deal with danger or fear without flinching
dominatev: to have or control a lot of power and influence over somebody or something
emotionn: a strong feeling such as love, anger, etc. deriving from one’s situation, mood, or relationships with others
exceptionn: something that is not included in a general rule or pattern; a person or thing that is excluded or stands apart from others
definitelyadv: without any question and beyond doubt; clearly
superioradj: better, higher in quality, or more advanced than others
inferioradj: lower in rank, status, or quality
propertyn: a thing or things that belong to someone
collectiveadj: done or shared by every member of a group of people
ingredientn: one of the things used to make something, especially one of the foods used to make a particular dish
definev: to state or explain precisely the nature, scope, or meaning of something
doubtn: a feeling of being uncertain about something, especially about how good or accurate it is
absolutelyadv: without restriction or limitation; completely or utterly
straightadj: extending or moving in one direction without bending or curving; having no deviations
twistv: to bend or turn something into a certain shape
processn: a series of actions or operations performed to achieve a particular outcome or goal; a systematic procedure or approach used to accomplish a specific task or objective; a method of treating milk to make it suitable for consumption or use in other dairy products
deconstructv: to break something down into its separate parts to interpret or analyze it; to interpret or analyze a text, an artwork, etc. to show that there is no fixed meaning
redefinev: to change the meaning or interpretation of something; to make people think about something in a new or different way
jayn: a type of bird that belongs to the crow family and is known for its brightly colored feathers and loud, raucous call
whipv: to hit a person or an animal severely with a thin, flexible stick with a cord or leather thong at the end, as a punishment, discipline, etc.
boomn: a sudden increase in economic activity, or a sudden happening that brings good fortune; a deep, loud, and prolonged sound
snotn: mucus produced by the nose, often mixed with saliva or other secretions that can be expelled by blowing the nose or sneezing
sleeven: a part of a garment that covers all or part of an arm
probableadj: likely to happen or likely to be true
frustrationn: the feeling of being upset or annoyed as a result of being unable to change or achieve something
responsibleadj: answerable or accountable for something within one’s power, control, or management
guidelinen: a general rule or principle that provides guidance to appropriate behavior; a piece of advice or instructions that tell you how something should be done or what something should be
structuren: the way of construction of something and the arrangement of its parts, or a complex thing constructed of many parts
tragicadj: causing great sadness or suffering; very unfortunate
burialn: the act or ceremony of placing a dead body in a grave
folkn: people in general, especially those of a particular group or type
limousinen: a large, luxurious car usually driven by a chauffeur, often used for special occasions or for transporting important people
stickv: to put something, usually a sharp object, into something; to restrict yourself to doing or using one certain thing and not change; (noun) a thin piece of wood or other material
apologizev: to express regret for committing wrongdoing or causing a problem
propn: a piece of wood, metal, etc., placed beneath or against something to support it or keep it in position; a system, institution, or person that gives help or support to someone or something
liftv: to raise something to a higher position or level; to pick up something or somebody and move them to a different position
paralyzev: to cause a person or part of the body to become unable to move or feel
hostagen: a person who is held by another as security, typically to fulfill certain conditions or demands; a person who is forcibly confined or controlled
madadj: insane, especially due to a mental illness; very angry
destroyv: to ruin or damage severely or completely; to eradicate or eliminate completely
tenementn: a run-down and often overcrowded apartment building or dwelling, typically found in urban areas and housing lower-income families or individuals
parn: a state of being equal to someone or something
heroinn: a highly addictive and illegal drug derived from morphine, typically administered by injection and often associated with serious health problems, including overdose and addiction
overdosen: excessive and dangerous ingestion or application of a drug
upstairsadv: on or to an upper or highest floor of a building
immediatelyadv: now or without delay
relationn: the way two persons or groups of people feel and act toward one another
jeopardyn: the state of being in danger or at risk of harm or loss
swearv: to make a solemn promise or vow; to use rude or offensive language
secrecyn: the state or quality of being kept hidden or private; the act of keeping something confidential or unknown to others
AIn: (abbreviation for artificial intelligence) the theory and development of computer systems capable of doing activities that would ordinarily need human intelligence, such as object recognition, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation
supposev: to think that something is likely to be actual or possible
prowlv: to move about stealthily, especially in search of prey or as part of a criminal act; to wander or roam around aimlessly or restlessly
functionn: the purpose or use of an object, system, or process; a particular activity or operation that is designed to serve a specific purpose; a mathematical concept that describes a relationship between two sets of values, called the input and output sets; (verb) to operate or work in a specific way, or to perform a particular task or purpose
inappropriateadj: not suitable or proper for a particular occasion, purpose, or person
rapn: a type of music characterized by a strong, repetitive beat and lyrics that often focus on social and political issues; a reproach for some lapse or misdeed
opportuneadj: suitable or happening at a time that is suitable or convenient for a particular purpose
petrifyv: to turn to stone; to make hard and unyielding
bustv: to break something; (noun) a woman’s chest, or the measurement around a woman’s chest; (noun) an occasion for something excessive, such as work, eating, drinking, etc.
wisdomn: the quality of being wise, or the ability to use your knowledge and experience to make sensible decisions
zipn: a fastener made of interlocking teeth or ridges that is used to join two edges or pieces of fabric; a sound or motion that resembles the sound made by a zipper when it is pulled; (of a computer) a popular file compression and archiving format; (short for Zone Improvement Plan) a system of postal codes used in the United States to help facilitate mail delivery more efficiently
pantsn: an item of clothing that covers the lower part of the body and each leg separately, typically with a waistband and two legs
beholdv: to look at and observe with attention
remorsen: a feeling of deep regret and sorry, usually for something you have done
tremendousadj: very great in degree or extent or amount or impact; extremely good
conflictn: a strong disagreement, argument, or a violent clash between two opposing groups or individuals
excitev: to make someone feel suddenly enthusiastic or eager
envelopv: to surround and cover completely; to encase
equationn: the act of regarding as equal; (mathematics) a statement that expresses the equality of two expressions by connecting them with the equals sign
violentadj: involving or caused by physical force or aggression against someone or something
operatev: to work in a particular way; to supervise something
foundationn: the lowest load-bearing part of a building, typically below ground level; a fundamental basis or principle upon which something is built or established; an organization that provides funding or support for charitable or educational purposes
separatev: to force, take, or pull apart; mark as different
objectifyv: to treat or represent someone or something as an object, without regard for their dignity or worth; to view or depict someone as a mere physical entity rather than as a complex person with feelings, thoughts, and desires
diseasen: a disorder or illness that affects the body or mind, often characterized by specific symptoms or abnormal functioning of organs or systems
epidemicn: the widespread outbreak of a particular disease in a large number of people at the same time
proportionn: a part, share, or amount of something considered in comparative relation to a whole
envisionv: to imagine or expect what a situation will be like in the future
promotev: to encourage or persuade people to like, buy, use, do, or support something; to raise someone to a higher position or rank
equalityn: the state or quality of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities; fairness and impartiality
liberatev: to set free; to release or rescue from captivity or oppression
adherev: to stick firmly; to be compatible