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processn: a series of actions or operations performed to achieve a particular outcome or goal; a systematic procedure or approach used to accomplish a specific task or objective; a method of treating milk to make it suitable for consumption or use in other dairy products
mergern: the process of two or more companies joining together and becoming one entity, often to improve their competitive position or achieve synergies in operations or distribution
honorn: high regard or great respect for someone; the quality of having and doing based on a keen sense of morality; (verb) to show respect towards someone
pharmacyn: a place where medicines are prepared and dispensed; a drugstore or chemist’s
clinicn: a building or hospital department where people can go for medical care or advice, especially of a particular condition
communaladj: belonging to or used by a group rather than individuals; for common use
welfaren: the general health, happiness, and prosperous of a person or group
economyn: the system by which a country or region produces manages, and distributes goods and services, including the money and finances involved in these activities; (of an airline) the lowest-priced, most basic option for seating in commercial travel
upsetadj: causing or marked by anxiety, uneasiness, trouble, or grief; (verb) to make someone anxious, unhappy, or angry
decisionn: the act or process of making up someone’s mind about something; a choice or judgment reached after considering options
involvev: to include or affect someone or something as a necessary part of something else
reconnectv: to connect again after a break or interruption
resolvev: to find a suitable answer to the problems or difficulty
blessingn: a gift or favor from a higher power or force; an act or expression of approval, encouragement, or gratitude; something that brings happiness or good fortune
underestimatev: to think or suppose that a quantity, price, or size is smaller than it is
strengthn: the quality or state of being physically, or sometimes mentally, strong
self-respectn: a feeling of being proud of and confident in yourself
leapv: to jump or spring into the air, often with the feet leaving the ground or a surface below; to move quickly or suddenly, often forward or upward
faithn: complete trust in something or someone’s ability or knowledge; a strong belief in religion, divine power, etc.
platformn: the raised flat space close to the track at a train station where passengers get on or off the train; (technology) a computational or digital environment in which a piece of software is executed
empowerv: to give someone the power or authority to do something
engagev: to attract and keep someone’s attention and interest; to participate in or obtain services of something
colleaguen: one of a group of a coworker, especially in a profession or a business
amendv: to change a text, law, statement, etc., slightly to remove faults or errors or to improve it
committedadj: willing to put in a lot of effort, time, and energy into something; firmly believing in something
helplessadj: unable to take care of oneself or to do things without help
determinantn: a factor, circumstance, or condition that contributes to the shaping, influencing, or determining of a particular outcome or result
strugglev: to make a great effort to do something when it is difficult, or there are a lot of problems; to use force or violence to break away from restraint or constriction
sufferv: to experience pain, distress, or hardship; to undergo or endure something painful or unpleasant
silentadj: without any or little sound
brutalityn: the quality or state of being cruel or savage
motivatev: to make someone want to do something, especially something that requires tremendous work and effort
independencen: freedom from another’s or others’ control or influence
candidaten: a person who is seeking or being considered for some kind of position, title, honor, or award; a job applicant
electv: to choose someone for a specific position by voting for them; to decide or choose to do something
hurdlen: a barrier or obstacle that must be overcome
unfortunatelyadv: by bad luck; unluckily
counciln: a group of people who have been elected or appointed to make decisions or give advice on a particular subject or in a particular place
proceedv: to move forward or to continue with a process or action; to advance or progress
separatev: to force, take, or pull apart; mark as different
sewv: to join, fasten, or repair two pieces of something by putting the thread through them with a needle
prioritizev: to assign a higher level of importance to something compared to other things
pumpv: to cause water, air, gas, etc. to move from one place to another by using mechanical equipment; to get or supply something such as money, information, etc. in significant quantities
legislationn: a law or a set of laws suggested and then passed by a parliament, or the act of making or enacting laws
representationn: the act of speaking, acting, or being present on behalf of someone officially; a statement of facts and reasons made in appealing or protesting
resonatev: to be filled with a deep echoing sound
distancen: the amount of space between two points, measured in units such as miles, meters, or kilometers; the extent, scope, or range between two things, such as distance or emotional distance
swatv: to strike or hit someone or something with a quick, sharp blow, usually with the hand or a flat object; (noun, an acronym that stands for “Special Weapons And Tactics”) specialized groups within police departments that are trained to handle high-risk operations that regular officers are not equipped to deal with
districtn: a part of a country or town, especially one with particular features
horrifyv: to shock or disgust greatly
innocentadj: not guilty of a crime, offense, etc.; not having an evil mind or knowledge
threatenv: to utter intentions of injury or punishment against someone
in-lawn: a relative by marriage, such as a mother-in-law, brother-in-law, or sister-in-law
relocatev: to move or move something or someone to a new place and build a house or a business there
provincen: the territory occupied by one of the constituent administrative districts of a nation
trauman: an emotional wound or shock often has long-lasting effects caused by a highly upsetting or shocking experience
threatn: a strong indication or likelihood of harm, danger, or adverse consequences; an expression of intent to inflict harm or injury on someone or something, often made as a means of coercion or intimidation
persistv: to continue to do and refuse to stop something despite difficulties or opposition, even if it appears unreasonable
historicadj: famous or significant in history, or potentially so
influxn: the arrival or entry of a large number of people, objects, or ideas into a place or system
internaladj: of or relating to the inside of something
displacev: to force someone or something to leave their home or place of origin, especially as a result of conflict, natural disaster, or manipulation
originn: the first existence or beginning of something
observev: to watch or notice something carefully, often to gather information or insights; to take note of something or someone; to celebrate or commemorate a special event or occasion
representv: to speak, act, or be present on behalf of another person or group; to form or constitute
strengthenv: to become stronger or more effective; to make someone or something stronger or more effective
upcomingadj: approaching or soon to happen; in the near future; pending or anticipated
investv: to put money, effort, time, etc. into something to make a profit or achieve a result
developv: to grow or expand; to improve or refine through a process of progress and refinement, often to achieve greater sophistication or complexity; to elaborate or add detail to something that is in the process of being created
discussv: to talk about or examine in detail through conversation or debate; to exchange ideas, opinions, or information on a particular topic
infrastructuren: the basic systems, services, or features that are necessary for an organization or country, such as transport and power supplies
schemen: an organized and often large-scale plan or arrangement for doing something
uselessadj: not serving any useful purpose; having no practical result
journalistn: a person who collects and writes news stories or articles for newspapers, magazines, radio, television, or other online media
importancen: the quality of being important and worthy of note
inclusiveadj: including much or everything, and especially including stated limits; not excluding any of the people, things, ideas, etc. involved in something
votern: a person who votes or has a legal right to vote in a political election
shiftn: a slight transition in position, direction, or trend
absolutelyadv: without restriction or limitation; completely or utterly
statisticsn: the discipline that concerns the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data
opportuneadj: suitable or happening at a time that is suitable or convenient for a particular purpose