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streamn: a small, narrow river; a continuous flow of something, such as liquid, gas, people, vehicles, etc.
dewn: the tiny drops of water that have condensed on a cool surface overnight
statisticsn: the discipline that concerns the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data
representv: to speak, act, or be present on behalf of another person or group; to form or constitute
conflictn: a strong disagreement, argument, or a violent clash between two opposing groups or individuals
emergingadj: starting to exist, mature, or become well-known
varyv: to become different in terms of size, shape, etc.
ordinaryadj: not different, exceptional, or unexpected in any way, especially in quality, ability, size, or degree
wildlifen: animals, birds, insects, etc. that grow independently of people and live in natural conditions
veinn: a blood vessel that carries blood from various parts of the body back to the heart; a mineral deposit or layer of rock that is contained within another rock formation
ecosystemn: all the plants and living creatures in an area and the way they affect each other and the environment
archetypen: a very typical example of a certain person or thing; a recurrent symbol or motif in literature, art, or mythology that represents a universal pattern of human nature
pricklev: to cause a tingling or stinging sensation, often from a sharp or pointed object; to provoke or irritate someone, causing them to feel uncomfortable or annoyed; (noun) a small, pointed, and often sharp spine or thorn that grows on a plant or animal
creekn: a small, narrow stream or waterway; a narrow, winding passage between cliffs or hills
populatev: to inhabit or occupy a particular area, region, or environment with a certain number or type of people, animals, or plants; to fill out or complete a form, document, or database with relevant information
cutthroatadj: marked by ruthless competition or deceit; willing to do anything to achieve one’s goals, even if it means hurting others
rainbown: an arch of colors in the sky caused by the refraction and dispersion of sunlight through rain
troutn: a species of freshwater fish, typically found in cold, clear streams, known for its speckled appearance and often favored for sport fishing and culinary purposes
settlev: to reach an agreement of disagreement
folkn: people in general, especially those of a particular group or type
concernedadj: feeling worry or interest about something; showing interest or attention
passeadj: no longer fashionable or current; outdated; considered to be old-fashioned or out of date
oddlyadv: in a way that is unexpected, strange, or peculiar
precedentn: a previous event or action that serves as an example or rule to authorize or justify similar events or actions in the future
suitn: a set of clothes that are made from the same material; a claim or complaint that a person or organization can file in court against another party; (verb) to be fit or acceptable for
involvev: to include or affect someone or something as a necessary part of something else
supremeadj: highest in rank, level, or importance
claimv: to assert that something is true; to demand or request something as one’s own; to lay legal or moral right to something; (noun) a demand or assertion of a right or something that one believes to be true
economyn: the system by which a country or region produces manages, and distributes goods and services, including the money and finances involved in these activities; (of an airline) the lowest-priced, most basic option for seating in commercial travel
incentiven: something, such as a punishment, reward, etc., that encourages a person to do something
conservev: to protect something, especially the natural environment or culture, from change, damage, or destruction
lawsuitn: a legal action taken by one party against another in a court of law, typically seeking damages or some other form of remedy for perceived wrongs or harms suffered
significancen: the importance or value attached to something; the quality of being significant or noteworthy
agriculturen: the practice or science of cultivating the land or raising stock
environmentn: the natural world such as air, water, and land in which humans, animals, and plants live
communaladj: belonging to or used by a group rather than individuals; for common use
gearn: a toothed wheel that engages another toothed mechanism to change the speed or direction of transmitted motion; a set of tools, equipment, or other items for a particular purpose
presentationn: the act of formally introducing or displaying something to others; the manner in which something is presented or given visually, verbally, or otherwise
footprintn: a mark of a foot, shoe, or animal’s foot left on a surface
securityn: the state of being free from danger, risk, or harm; measures taken to protect against threats or attacks; a financial asset, such as a stock or bond that derives value exclusively from the ownership interest or claim to a particular underlying asset or obligation
adequateadj: enough, acceptable, satisfactory for a particular purpose or need
suppleadj: flexible and easy to bend or move; gracefully agile; adaptable or responsive to change or new ideas
efficientadj: performing at the highest level of productivity with the least wasted effort or resources; capable of achieving maximum output with minimum wasted effort, time, or materials
brandn: a type of product, service, etc., made by a particular company and sold under a specific name; identification mark on the skin of livestock, criminals, etc., made by burning
nationn: a large organized community of people living in a particular country or region and having a particular culture
betv: to risk money on the result of an event or a competition, such as a race or game, to get more money; to have faith or confidence in something
pintn: a unit of measurement for liquid and dry substances, typically equal to 1/8th of a gallon or 16 fluid ounces, commonly used to measure beverages, such as beer or milk, as well as certain food ingredients
drainv: to empty or dry something by removing the liquid from it
brewv: to make beer or tea by mixing a substance with hot water
consumptionn: the amount used or eaten; the act of using up a resource such as energy, food, or materials
gallonn: a unit for measuring volume, in the US, it is equal to about 3.79 liters, and in the UK, Canada, and other countries, it is equal to about 4.55 liters
remainingadj: left over or still present after other parts have been used, removed, or destroyed; existing or persisting in a particular state or condition
aftadj: (the opposite of “forward”) located at or towards the rear or back of a ship, aircraft, or other vehicle
correlationn: a statistical relationship between two variables in which one variable is affected by the other; a reciprocal relation between two or more facts, numbers, etc.
stewardn: a person responsible for the management and care of another’s property or for the supervision of the domestic staff of a large household or organization; a person in charge of arranging for the supply of food to a college, club, etc.
restorev: to repair or return something or someone to a previous good state or position
decidev: to make up someone’s mind about something; to come to a conclusion or judgment after considering options
maintainv: to continue to uphold or sustain; to keep in a particular state or condition; to assert or declare something to be true
individualn: a single person or thing, as distinct from a group
diversionn: a change of direction or course; the act of redirecting attention or activity to a different topic or task; a form of entertainment or pastime that provides a temporary distraction or relief
portionn: one component of a larger entity
measuredadj: done with careful consideration or calculated precision; controlled or regulated in manner or speech; deliberate and thoughtful
dividev: to separate or cause to separate into parts or groups
incrementn: a regular increase in the amount of something, such as money; a process of becoming larger, longer, or more important
serialadj: consisting of or occurring in a series or sequence; relating to or involving a series or sequence of events, stories, or incidents
certificaten: an official document stating that the information contained within is true
degradev: to make something worse, especially in quality; to show or treat someone in a way that makes them seem no value and do not have the respect or reasonable opinion of others
inexpensiveadj: costing little; having a low price
measurableadj: able to be measured, quantified, or assessed in some way
circumstancen: the specific conditions or events that surround a particular situation or occurrence
litigationn: the process of resolving legal disputes through the court system
regulationn: an official rule made and maintained by a government or some other authority; the act of controlling or directing something according to a rule
buyern: a person or organization that purchases or acquires goods, property, or services from a seller or vendor
opportuneadj: suitable or happening at a time that is suitable or convenient for a particular purpose
criticn: someone who expresses opinions about the quality of books, music, etc.
meaningfuladj: having meaning, function, or purpose; serious, significant, or worthwhile
transactionn: an instance of buying or selling something; the act or process of doing something
allyn: a country that has officially agreed to assist and support another country, particularly in the event of a war
ruraladj: of or relating to the countryside
technologicaladj: based on scientific and industrial progress