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mammaln: any animal of which the female gives birth to live young, not eggs, and feeds her young on milk from her own body
vertebrateadj: relating to animals that have a backbone or spinal column, such as mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish
backbonen: the spinal column of a vertebrate; a symbolic representation of strength and resilience
distinguishedadj: (used of persons or their work) standing above others in quality, attainment, or reputation
featn: a notable or impressive achievement, especially one that requires great skill or bravery
furn: the hairy coat of a mammal, especially when fine, soft, and thick
lungn: either of the two organs in the chest that people and some animals use for breathing
nourishingadj: providing the necessary nutrients or sustenance to support health and growth
creaturen: a living being, especially an animal
biologyn: the scientific study of life and the natural processes of living things
remarkableadj: worthy of attention because unusual or special
placentan: a temporary organ that feeds a fetus (= unborn and developing baby) inside its mother’s womb
giraffen: a tall African mammal with a very long neck and legs, typically with distinctive brownish-yellow fur and dark patches; an animal often found in zoos and wildlife preserves
whalen: a very large sea mammal that has a streamlined body and breathes through a blowhole on the head; a very large person; impressive in size or qualities
solidadj: hard or firm; characterized by good substantial quality
diskn: a flat, circular plate, typically made of metal, glass, or plastic, used for storing data or playing music
tissuen: an ensemble of similar cells of the animal or plant that together carry out a specific function
attachen: a person who works at an embassy, usually having a specialized area of responsibility; a shallow and rectangular briefcase
uterusn: a hollow muscular organ in the body of a woman or other female mammal in which a baby or young animal develops before birth
developv: to grow or expand; to improve or refine through a process of progress and refinement, often to achieve greater sophistication or complexity; to elaborate or add detail to something that is in the process of being created
embryon: an animal organism in the early stages of growth, either in its mother’s womb or in an egg, or a plant that is developing in a seed
calfn: a young cow, bull, or other domestic bovine animals
pregnantadj: having a baby or young animal developing in the uterus
funneln: a tube or pipe that is wide at the top, sloping sides, narrow at the bottom, used for pouring liquids or powders into a small opening; a smokestack on a ship or steam engine
nutrientn: any substance that is essential for the maintenance and growth of living things
oxygenn: the chemical element with the symbol O that is present in air and water and is necessary for people, animals, and plants to live
straightadj: extending or moving in one direction without bending or curving; having no deviations
umbilicaln: relating to a flexible cord-like structure that connects a developing fetus to the placenta in the mother’s uterus during pregnancy, called umbilical cord; connected or corresponding closely to something essential, such as a source of nourishment or support
cordn: a strong, thick, or thin thread or rope; a piece of plastic-coated wire used to transport electricity to a piece of equipment
exportv: to send goods or services to another country for sale; to transfer electronic data out of a database or document in a format that other programs can use
wombn: the organ of a woman or female mammal in which a baby develops before birth
instancen: a particular example or single occurrence of something
respiratoryadj: relating to the organs and processes involved in breathing, such as the lungs and the act of inhaling and exhaling air
circulatoryadj: relating to the system that moves blood through the body, which includes the heart, arteries, and veins
disposev: to put things or people in a particular manner or position; to incline someone towards a specific activity or mood; throw or cast away
fattyadj: containing a lot of fat
marsupialadj: relating to or characteristic of mammals of the order Marsupialia, which typically carry their newborn offspring in a pouch on their abdomen; referring to animals such as kangaroos, koalas, and opossums
pouchn: a small bag or container with a drawstring or zipper used to carry small items; a small sac or pocket within an organ or tissue in the body
weighv: to have a particular weight; to carefully evaluate things before making a conclusion
gramn: a metric unit of weight equal to one-thousandth of a kilogram
equivalentn: having the same value, quality, meaning, purpose, etc.
grainn: wheat or any other small hard seeds used as a food; a relatively small granular particle of a substance
kangaroon: a large marsupial native to Australia with powerful hind legs for jumping and carrying young in a pouch on the mother’s belly
crawlv: to move forward slowly, as people or animals with their bodies near the ground
vaginan: the passage in the body of a woman or female animal that connects her outer sex organs to her uterus
sucklev: to feed or nurse at the mother’s breast or a similar source of fluid, usually used for infants or young animals obtaining milk
simultaneouslyadv: at the same time
unfavorableadj: not advantageous or beneficial; opposed to one’s interests or desires
pausev: to take a short break from talking or doing something before continuing
breastn: either of the two round soft parts of a woman’s chest which secrete milk after childbirth
misnomern: a name or term that is inaccurate or misleading, often because it does not accurately describe the thing it is naming
nipplen: the dark part of the skin which sticks out from the breast of a mammal and from which milk can be secreted
monotremen: a primitive mammal that lays eggs instead of giving birth to live young, such as a platypus or echidna
arguablyadv: used when expressing an opinion or idea that you believe can be proven true
echidnan: a solitary, burrowing, egg-laying mammal native to Australia and New Guinea, also known as a spiny anteater, which has a long, slender snout and a specialized tongue for capturing ants and termites
duck-billedadj: referring to the platypus or certain types of birds with a flat, broad bill or snout resembling that of a duck; describing something that has a bill or beak resembling that of a duck
platypusn: a semiaquatic, egg-laying mammal native to Australia and Tasmania, having a broad tail, webbed feet, and a bill resembling that of a duck
referv: to direct someone’s attention, thoughts, or questions to another source or person; to mention, cite, or allude to something as evidence or support
reproductionn: the process by which organisms create offspring; the production of something similar to an original work
excretionn: the process of eliminating waste products from the body; the waste products themselves
reptilen: a cold-blooded animal that has dry, scaly skin and lays eggs on land, such as snakes, lizards, and turtles
dinosaurn: a large extinct reptile, often with an armored back, long neck, tail, and bony plates on the skin
shelln: hard outer covering or case of eggs, nuts, some seeds, and some animals
hatchv: to cause an egg to break to allow a young animal to come out; to produce and expand something that is in an early stage
adaptationn: the action or process of changing to suit different conditions
associatev: to mentally connect someone or something with someone or something else
mammalianadj: of or relating to mammals, a class of warm-blooded vertebrate animals that typically nurse their young and have hair or fur on their skin; characterized by mammalian qualities, such as nurturing and protective behavior
venomousadj: extremely poisonous or injurious; containing or producing venom; marked by deep ill will
spurn: a thing that encourages someone to do something; any sharply pointed projection; (verb) to incite or stimulate someone or something
definev: to state or explain precisely the nature, scope, or meaning of something
characteristicn: a typical feature or quality that can identify, tell apart, or describe something or somebody
evolutionaryadj: relating to or denoting how living things develop or change from earlier forms
bizarreadj: very strange or unusual
millenniumn: a span of 1000 years, or the 1000th anniversary (plural: millennia)
diversityn: the quality or fact of many different types of things or people being included in something; a range of different things or people
kingdomn: the country ruled by a king or queen