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womanhoodn: the state or condition of being an adult female; a term used to describe the social and cultural aspects of being a woman
pretensionn: the act of claiming or asserting something, especially without good reason or without evidence; an unfounded or excessive claim or ambition
flexibleadj: able to change or be changed to suit new conditions or situations; able to bend easily
developv: to grow or expand; to improve or refine through a process of progress and refinement, often to achieve greater sophistication or complexity; to elaborate or add detail to something that is in the process of being created
supposev: to think that something is likely to be actual or possible
thoughtfuladj: characterized by careful and considerate thinking; showing consideration for the feelings and needs of others; reflecting deep or serious thought
gentleadj: having or showing a kindly or tender nature; soft and mild
shadowyadj: dark, dim, or vague, as if obscured by shadows; mysterious or uncertain
mothn: an insect with wings similar to a butterfly that travels at night and is attracted to light
cousinn: the child of your aunt or uncle
ever-presentadj: always existing or noticeable; constant, ubiquitous, or pervasive
bombardv: to attack a place with bombs or gunshots continuously; to address with continuously or persistently, as if with a barrage
homemakingn: the act or practice of managing a household and taking care of domestic duties such as cooking, cleaning, and organizing; the work or occupation of being a homemaker
outfitn: a set of clothing worn together, typically for a particular occasion or activity; any cohesive unit such as a company, military, etc.
cartoonn: a simple drawing depicting a humorous or critical situation, often accompanied by a caption
humorn: the quality of being amusing or funny; the liquid parts of the body
shynessn: the quality or state of being worried or embarrassed about meeting and speaking to other people
approvaln: the belief that someone or something is good or acceptable
launchv: to send or propel something into the air or space using a device such as a rocket, missile, or spacecraft; to make something available or on sale for the first time
imprintv: to make a mark or impression on a surface; to leave a lasting impression or influence on someone or something; (noun) a mark or impression made by pressing or stamping something onto a surface; a distinctive feature or characteristic that is left by something or someone
constantlyadv: all the time
monitorv: to observe, check, and track the progress or quality of something over a period of time
primaryadj: first or highest in rank, order, or importance; most fundamental or essential; pertaining to the initial or introductory stage of something, such as a school year or election cycle
traditionn: a belief, custom, or way of doing something that has been passed down from generation to generation within a group or society
generationn: all the people born and living at about the same time, regarded collectively; the production of heat or electricity
vagueadj: not clearly expressed or understood
notionn: a general idea or understanding of something, particularly an abstract or complex concept; a belief or opinion, often one that is not based on solid evidence or facts
tenuousadj: very weak or slight that it hardly exists
relyv: to require a specific thing or the assistance and support of someone or something to continue, run properly, or succeed.
twistv: to bend or turn something into a certain shape
unexpectedadj: not anticipated or regarded as likely to happen
elicitv: to obtain information or a reaction from someone, usually with difficulty
drawingn: the act of making a picture with a pencil, pen, or other instruments on paper, cardboard, or other material
chaosn: a state of complete confusion or disorder, often characterized by a lack of predictability or control
movementn: a group of people working together to achieve a shared goal, especially a political, social, or artistic one; the process of moving or being moved, physically or figuratively
assassinationn: the act of killing a public figure, especially a political leader, usually for political or religious motives
feministadj: describing a belief in and advocacy for achieving gender equality in social, political, and economic spheres; advocating for the rights and empowerment of women; (noun) a person who believes in and advocates for gender equality between men and women
laughtern: the act or sound of laughing
parn: a state of being equal to someone or something
divorcen: the legal dissolution of a marriage
arrestv: to take into custody
heeln: the rounded back part of the foot below the ankle; someone who is morally reprehensible; (verb) to follow someone or something
ceilingn: a room’s top interior surface
perspectiven: a confident attitude toward something; a particular style of thinking about something
universaladj: existing or affecting everywhere or everyone
consequentlyadv: as a result or outcome of something
amazingadj: extremely surprising, especially in a way that you like or admire
antennan: an electrical device that sends or receives radio or television signals; (biology) one of one or more pairs of appendages used for sensing in insects
collaboratev: to work with someone else to produce or achieve something
appreciationn: the act of recognizing and valuing the worth or importance of something or someone; gratitude or thankfulness; an increase in value over time
succinctadj: concise, clear, and to the point; using as few words as possible to convey an idea or message; brief but comprehensive
intellectn: the ability to think logically and comprehend information, especially at an advanced level
turkeyn: (of an animal) a large bird with a fan-shaped tail native to North America, widely grown for food; (of a country) a Eurasian republic in Asia Minor and the Balkans
difficultyn: a condition or state that causes problems
circumstancen: the specific conditions or events that surround a particular situation or occurrence
blessv: to make or pronounce holy; to hallow; to consecrate; to sanctify
perceptionn: a belief, opinion, or image you have based on how you regard, understand, or interpret something; the ability to see, hear, or notice something through the senses
agentn: a person who represents and negotiates on behalf of someone else, such as a literary agent or talent agent; (of chemistry and medicine) a substance that brings about a chemical or physical effect; (of computer science) a piece of software that performs a task autonomously