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Word | Meaning | Advanced |
harmony | n: the combination of simultaneous musical notes to produce a pleasing effect; an attractive combination of related things and their properties | |
melody | n: a succession of musical tones forming part of a larger piece of music | |
pitch | n: the property of sound that varies with variation in the frequency of vibration; the degree of a slope, especially of a roof; short presentation for selling or sharing something | |
unison | n: occurring or corresponding together, simultaneously, or exactly; (music) two or more sounds or tones at the same pitch or in octaves | |
mechanics | n: the branch of physics that deals with the study of motion, forces, and energy; (mechanic) someone whose occupation is repairing and maintaining automobiles | |
vast | adj: enormous in size, number, amount, or quantity | |
complicated | adj: involving a lot of different things or parts in a way that is difficult to understand or analyze | |
analyze | v: to think about in-depth and evaluate to discover essential features or meaning | |
interval | n: a period between two events or times; a short break or pause | |
numerical | adj: relating to, expressed, or denoted by a number | |
polyphony | n: music consisting of two or more independent melodies or voices sounding together | |
compose | v: to write music, poetry, or formal writing; to constitute or make up a whole, or a specified part of it | |
hollow | adj: having a hole, empty space inside, or indentation on the surface | |
parallel | adj: being everywhere equidistant and not intersecting; of or relating to the simultaneous performance of multiple operations | |
harmonic | adj: relating to the production of sound waves with a frequency that is an integral multiple of the frequency of the original wave; having a pleasing, pleasing, or agreeable sound. | |
Renaissance | n: a new growth in activity or enthusiasm in anything, particularly art, literature, or music | |
triad | n: a group of three people or things; a group of three musical notes played in one chord | |
chord | n: a straight line connecting two points on a curve; a combination of three or more musical notes played or sung at the same time | |
combination | n: a collection of things that have been combined; an assemblage of separate parts or qualities | |
simultaneously | adv: at the same time | |
precise | adj: sharply exact or accurate or delimited | |
rearrange | v: to change the order or position of things already made; to change the time, date, or place of an event already planned | |
inversion | n: the action or fact of inverting something, or the state of being inverted; the reversal of the normal order or arrangement of things | |
vary | v: to become different in terms of size, shape, etc. | |
depth | n: the distance between the top and bottom of something; between the top surface and a distance below it | |
echo | n: a sound heard after being reflected off a surface, such as a wall or a cliff | |
complement | v: to improve or make something more appealing by adding or contributing extra features to it | |
accompaniment | n: something that is added to or goes along with something else as a supplement, complement, or support; music played or sung along with a solo instrument or vocalist | |
beneath | adv: in or to a lower place than someone or something | |
stable | adj: firm and steady; not easily moved, disturbed, or changed | |
consonance | n: agreement or compatibility between opinions, actions, or characters; the repetition of similar sounds, especially consonants, in a phrase or verse, especially to create a pleasing effect | |
harsh | adj: severe and unkind; extremely tough and unpleasant to inhabit | |
unfamiliar | adj: not known or recognized; not experienced or encountered before | |
unstable | adj: lacking solidity, persistence, or firmness and therefore not strong, safe, or likely to continue; lacking control of one’s emotions | |
dissonance | n: a lack of harmony or agreement between people or things; a harsh or discordant combination of sounds | |
instability | n: the state of being unstable or uncertain and likely to change suddenly | |
temporary | adj: not lasting or be used for a very long | |
stability | n: the quality or attribute of being firm and steadfast | |
unsatisfying | adj: not fulfilling someone’s desires, expectations, or needs; incomplete or inadequate. | |
consonant | n: a speech sound that is produced by completely or partially blocking the airflow through the mouth; a letter or group of letters representing a consonant sound, for example, “b,” “c,” “d,” etc. | |
broaden | v: to make or become wider or more extensive; to make or become more tolerant or liberal. | |
essential | adj: indispensable; fundamental | |
debatable | adj: open to discussion or argument; capable of being disputed or doubted | |
construct | v: to build or create something; to assemble or combine different parts to form something whole | |
choral | adj: sung or performed by a choir; of or relating to a choir or choral music. | |
lush | adj: produced or growing in extreme abundance, often in an attractive way; having strong sexual appeal | |
shifting | adj: constantly changing or moving | |
philosophy | n: the study of general and fundamental questions, such as those about existence, reason, knowledge, values, mind | |
mathematics | n: the science dealing with the logic of quantities, shapes, spaces, and arrangement | |
ratio | n: the relative size or amount of one thing to another, typically expressed in the form of a fraction or decimal | |
blacksmith | n: a smith who forges and shapes iron with a hammer and anvil | |
anvil | n: a heavy iron block with a flat top and a horn-like projection used as a working surface for forging, shaping, and hammering hot metal |