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headachen: pain in the head; someone or something that causes anxiety or trouble
swallowv: to make food, drink, pills, etc., pass down your throat into your stomach; (noun) small long-winged songbird noted for swift, graceful flight and the regularity of its migrations
aspirinn: a drug used to reduce pain, fever, and inflammation
stomachn: the internal organ in the body where food is digested, situated in the abdomen; the part of the body below the chest that contains the stomach
intestinen: a long, tube-like organ in the digestive system that is responsible for absorbing nutrients from food and eliminating waste products
painlessadj: causing little or no physical discomfort; not causing pain or discomfort
medicationn: a drug or other form of medicine that treats, prevents, or alleviates the symptoms of the disease
downsiden: the negative aspects or consequences of something; the potential for loss or failure
dilutionn: the process of making something weaker, less concentrated, or less potent by adding or mixing in other substances; the act of reducing the strength or impact of an idea, principle, or tradition
patientn: a person who is receiving medical treatment, care, or attention from a healthcare professional, such as a doctor, nurse, or therapist; a personal quality or characteristic
HIVn: (abbreviation for “Human Immunodeficiency Virus”) a virus that attacks the body’s immune system and can lead to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), primarily transmitted through unprotected sexual activities, blood transfusions, and sharing contaminated needles
virusn: a tiny infectious organic material that causes disease in people, animals, and plants
adverseadj: unfavorable or harmful
dilutev: to make a substance less concentrated by adding a liquid or another substance to it
viraladj: relating to or caused by a virus
reservoirn: a natural or artificial lake used to store water for community use; a large or extra supply of something
lymphn: a colorless fluid containing white blood cells that carry waste matter away from body tissue and help to prevent infections from spreading
nodv: to lower and raise one’s head, sometimes several times, as to show approval, agreement, greeting, or confirmation
nervousadj: worried and anxious about something; relating to the nerves
lungn: either of the two organs in the chest that people and some animals use for breathing
consistentadj: always behaving or happening in the same way, or having the same thoughts, standards, etc.
therapyn: the act of caring for someone through medication, remedial training, etc.
discontinuev: to cease or stop doing something; to interrupt or terminate something that is already ongoing or in progress
infectv: to affect a person, an animal, or a plant with a disease-causing organism
lasern: a device that emits powerful and narrow light that can be used as a tool to cut metal through a process of optical amplification
dentistryn: the branch of medicine that is concerned with the study, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases, disorders, and conditions of the oral cavity and associated structures, including teeth, gums, and jaws; the profession or practice of a dentist
diabetesn: a medical condition in which the body cannot produce enough insulin to control the glucose levels in the blood
healingn: the process of becoming or making somebody or something well again
surgeryn: medical treatment of injuries or diseases involving an incision with instruments and often removing or replacing some parts of the body; the branch of medical science that treats disease or injury by operative procedures
imaginableadj: capable of being imagined
transportn: a system for moving people or products from one location to another using automobiles, roads, and so on
pulsen: the regular heartbeat as it sends blood around the body, especially when it is felt at the wrist or side of the neck; a solid regular vibration of sound, electric current, light, or other waves
pokev: to push or prod with a sharp object or the finger
drilln: a tool or machine used for making round holes or driving fasteners; a training or practice
immediatelyadv: now or without delay
beamn: a long, sturdy piece of timber, metal, or other material used to support a structure or span a distance; a ray or stream of light emitted by a source
membranen: a soft, thin layer that forms animal or vegetable tissue
immersev: to become fully involved in a particular activity; to dip or submerge in a liquid, especially so that they or it are entirely covered
liquidn: a substance, such as water or oil that flows freely and is neither a solid nor a gas
piercev: to cut or make a way through with a sharp instrument
microsecondn: one millionth (= 0.000,001) of a second
inducev: to persuade someone to do something; to cause to act in a specific manner
tuben: a cylindrical container of metal, plastic, glass, etc., usually sealed and used as a means of preserving food or chemicals; a hollow cylindrical shape
petrin: (petri dish) a small, clear, and round dish with a lid used in laboratories, especially for growing bacteria
devicen: a piece of equipment, tool, or technology that serves a particular purpose or function, often mechanical or electronic
incisionn: a sharp cut made in something with a sharp tool, especially during a medical procedure
infectionn: a condition in which pathogenic microorganisms or viruses have entered the body
meanderv: to wander or roam aimlessly or leisurely; to follow a winding or circuitous course, as a river or road
sprinklern: a device that sprays water over a large area used especially for watering crops or gardens or for firefighting
eradicatev: to get rid of or destroy something completely, especially something bad