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Word | Meaning | Advanced |
dialogue | n: a conversation in a book, play, or film | |
exciting | adj: causing a lot of interest or excitement | |
wilt | v: to become limp and drooping, often as a result of heat, lack of water, or disease; to lose strength, vitality, or energy; to fade or wither away | |
satisfy | v: to make somebody pleased by giving them what they want or need | |
satisfaction | n: a pleasant feeling you have when you have fulfilled a desire, need, or expectation or have achieved something | |
exchange | v: to give something and receive something else in return, often with the implication that the items being traded are of equal or comparable value; (noun) the act of giving or taking something in return for something else; a place or system where goods or services can be bought, sold, or traded | |
faithful | adj: loyal, constant, and steadfast in affection or allegiance | |
vow | v: to make a promise or commitment, usually formal and solemn | |
cricket | n: leaping insect; a game played with a ball and bat by two teams of eleven players | |
writ | n: a written legal order or command | |
conflict | n: a strong disagreement, argument, or a violent clash between two opposing groups or individuals | |
pleasant | adj: enjoyable, attractive, friendly, or agreeable | |
polite | adj: showing consideration, respect, or deference towards others; having good manners, civility, or courteous behavior | |
antisocial | adj: not wanting to be around or spend time with other people; unwilling or unable to conform to accepted social norms or standards | |
eavesdrop | v: to listen to someone else’s conversation without their knowledge or permission | |
rid | v: to make someone or something free of unwanted or unpleasant tasks, objects, or person | |
conversation | n: an informal talk between two or more people to exchange their views, ideas, information, etc. | |
fiction | n: the type of book or story, especially novels, that describes imaginary events and people; anything made up or imagined that is not true | |
overhear | v: to hear what other people are saying without intending to and their knowledge | |
vampire | n: a mythical creature, usually depicted as undead and needing to drink the blood of the living to survive; someone who preys on or exploits others, especially for their gain | |
flirt | v: to talk or behave as if sexually attracted to someone, without serious intentions; (noun) a seductive woman who uses her sex appeal to exploit men | |
zombie | n: a dead body that has been brought back to life by a supernatural force; someone who acts or responds in a mechanical or apathetic way | |
suppose | v: to think that something is likely to be actual or possible | |
vegetarian | n: a person who does not eat meat or fish, or often any animal products, for health or religious reasons | |
decide | v: to make up someone’s mind about something; to come to a conclusion or judgment after considering options | |
pretension | n: the act of claiming or asserting something, especially without good reason or without evidence; an unfounded or excessive claim or ambition | |
mutter | v: to speak or say something quietly and in a low voice; to make complaining remarks or noises under one’s breath | |
informal | adj: relaxed, casual, or unofficial in style or manner; not ceremonious or strict in adherence to rules or conventions; suitable for ordinary or everyday occasions | |
contraction | n: the act or process of becoming smaller or shorter in size, volume, or amount | |
attempt | n: an act or effort of trying to do something, especially something difficult | |
lengthy | adj: tediously continuing for a long time; very long in time or size | |
adverb | n: a type of word that modifies, describes, or provides additional information about a verb, adjective, or other adverbs, such as often, quickly, or very | |
instance | n: a particular example or single occurrence of something | |
threateningly | adv: in a manner that suggests or indicates a threat; in a way that is intimidating or menacing | |
redundant | adj: unnecessarily repetitive or excessive; exceeding what is necessary or essential; characterized by unnecessary repetition or duplication of efforts | |
lovingly | adv: in a manner showing deep affection or care; with fondness and warmth; in a way that expresses or suggests love | |
recap | v: to repeat or summarize what has been said, decided, etc. | |
imaginary | adj: existing only in someone’s mind | |
fin | n: a thin flat part on the body of a fish or other aquatic animal used for propulsion or balance | |
fictional | adj: imaginary and not real; of or related to literary fiction |