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relationn: the way two persons or groups of people feel and act toward one another
formaladj: following established, public, or official forms and conventions, often in a serious or somber manner
structuren: the way of construction of something and the arrangement of its parts, or a complex thing constructed of many parts
outskirtn: the part of a town or city away from the center, typically the suburbs; the fringe or border of something.
discussv: to talk about or examine in detail through conversation or debate; to exchange ideas, opinions, or information on a particular topic
overhauln: a thorough examination, evaluation, or inspection of something, often with the intent of making necessary improvements; a major reorganization or restructuring of a system or process; (verb) to thoroughly examine, repair, and improve something to ensure that it is functioning properly and up to standard
simplifyv: to make something more straightforward, more understandable, or easier to do
releasev: to set free or allow to escape from confinement
passionn: intense, driving, or overpowering feeling or conviction
progressiveadj: relating to or supporting development or advancement, especially social or political one
denseadj: containing a large number of people or something with little space between them
counseln: advice or guidance given by a person with specialized knowledge or experience, particularly in a professional or legal context; the act of providing advice or guidance
phenomenonn: something that exists and can be perceptible, especially one that is not fully understood
invasionn: army’s act of forcibly entering another country or territory to take control of it
affectedadj: influenced; feeling or showing emotion, especially exaggerated emotion; not natural or sincere
ordinaryadj: not different, exceptional, or unexpected in any way, especially in quality, ability, size, or degree
hiken: a long walk or journey, especially for pleasure or exercise; an increase in cost
grizzlyn: (also “silvertip”) a large North American bear species, often with greyish or brownish fur; a person who has streaks of grey or white hair
preservev: to keep or maintain a particular quality, feature, etc., especially to prevent it from decaying, being damaged, or being destroyed
whollyadv: completely, entirely, or altogether; without exception or reservation
concernedadj: feeling worry or interest about something; showing interest or attention
terrifyv: to frighten someone very much
involvev: to include or affect someone or something as a necessary part of something else
episoden: a happening or story that is distinctive in a series of related events; an abrupt short period during which someone suffers from the effects of a physical or mental illness
threatenv: to utter intentions of injury or punishment against someone
suev: to claim a person or organization, especially by filing a legal claim for money or redress
graden: a particular level of quality, size, importance, etc.
principaladj: most important, main, or chief
dragv: to pull or haul with force
proceedv: to move forward or to continue with a process or action; to advance or progress
argumentn: a set of statements or reasons used to support or refute a proposition or theory; a verbal or physical fight or dispute
aftadj: (the opposite of “forward”) located at or towards the rear or back of a ship, aircraft, or other vehicle
sleeplessnessn: the condition of being unable to sleep or having difficulty sleeping
capitulatev: to surrender, especially under agreed-upon conditions, usually after a prolonged resistance; to acknowledge defeat or give in to an opponent or adversary
studn: a small object with a head on one end and a sharp point on the other, used for fastening clothing, leather, or other materials; an animal used for breeding, typically a male horse or bull that is of superior breeding stock; (verb) to decorate or adorn with studs; to provide with studs for support
leadershipn: the ability, act, or status of leading a group of people or an organization
conferv: to have a meeting or discussion to come to a decision or agreement or exchange ideas; to bestow something
liabilityn: a legal or financial responsibility or obligation
forthadv: forward, outward, or onward in location, direction, or progress; into view or consideration; with confidence, boldness, or in the open
biologyn: the scientific study of life and the natural processes of living things
nationn: a large organized community of people living in a particular country or region and having a particular culture
disabledadj: having a physical or mental condition that limits someone’s specific actions that most other people can do
foundationn: the lowest load-bearing part of a building, typically below ground level; a fundamental basis or principle upon which something is built or established; an organization that provides funding or support for charitable or educational purposes
minefieldn: an area or situation that contains a hidden danger or risk, particularly a literal minefield of explosives or a figurative minefield of potential problems or missteps
imperceptibleadj: undetectable or indiscernible by the senses or by normal means of measurement; extremely subtle, faint, or gradual
pediatricsn: the branch of medicine that deals with the care and treatment of children
patientn: a person who is receiving medical treatment, care, or attention from a healthcare professional, such as a doctor, nurse, or therapist; a personal quality or characteristic
cuffn: a band or strip of material, usually worn around the wrist or ankle, often used to secure or fasten something in place; a blow or hit delivered with an open hand, typically to the head or ear
firmadj: resolute or unwavering in decision-making or action; strong or secure in structure, make, or composition; reliable, trustworthy, or dependable; (noun) a business or company
questn: a long or challenging search for something
candidaten: a person who is seeking or being considered for some kind of position, title, honor, or award; a job applicant
sinisteradj: giving the impression that something bad or evil is happening or will happen
bulgev: to protrude or extend outward
motifn: a recurring element in an artistic or literary work, typically a particular image or idea; a theme that is repeated or elaborated in a piece of music
innuendon: an indirect or subtle suggestion, hint, or insinuation, typically of a negative or derogatory nature, often in a suggestive or critical way
tortn: a civil wrong or breach of duty that results in harm or loss to someone, for which legal action can be taken to claim compensation
reformern: a person who makes changes to a system or law to improve it
alarmn: a loud noise or an automatic signal that warns people of danger; a device that signals the occurrence of some undesirable event or particular danger
lawsuitn: a legal action taken by one party against another in a court of law, typically seeking damages or some other form of remedy for perceived wrongs or harms suffered
crazyadj: stupid or not sensible; very angry
districtn: a part of a country or town, especially one with particular features
dolln: a child’s toy that typically represents a human figure, especially a young girl; an attractive woman; a woman who is subservient or passive
pantsn: an item of clothing that covers the lower part of the body and each leg separately, typically with a waistband and two legs
appealingadj: attractive or exciting; evoking a positive response or desire; having qualities that are likely to encourage someone to like or enjoy something
relativeadj: considered and evaluated through comparison with something else
cripplingadj: causing someone to become unable to walk or move; causing severe damage or harm
tipn: the top or extreme point of something slender or tapering, usually a mountain or hill; a piece of advice about something practical; a small amount of money given for services
icebergn: a large piece of ice floating in the sea, detached from a glacier
judgmentn: the ability to form valuable opinions and make reasonable decisions
redressv: to correct an error, a fault, or something bad
regulationn: an official rule made and maintained by a government or some other authority; the act of controlling or directing something according to a rule
pollutev: to make an area or substance, such as land, air, water, etc., dirty or harmful to living things by adding waste matter or harmful chemicals
vocabularyn: the words used by a language, group, or individual; the knowledge and understanding of words and their meanings that a person possesses
framen: a strong border or structure of the wood, metal, etc. that surrounds something such as a picture, door, or window
referv: to direct someone’s attention, thoughts, or questions to another source or person; to mention, cite, or allude to something as evidence or support
disputen: a disagreement, argument, or controversy between two people, groups, or countries, especially a formal one
individualn: a single person or thing, as distinct from a group
peern: a person who has the same age, status, or ability
microscopen: an instrument used to see objects or substances that are too small to be seen with the naked eye
extenuatev: to lessen or partially excuse the seriousness, magnitude, or impact of something, typically by providing explanations or mitigating factors; to make something appear less severe or significant
circumstancen: the specific conditions or events that surround a particular situation or occurrence
hindsightn: understanding or knowledge that comes after an event has occurred; the ability to perceive or understand events with greater clarity or accuracy in retrospect
biasn: a strong feeling in favor of or against one group of people, an idea, or thing, often not based on fair judgment
scenarion: a description of possible actions or events in the future; a written outline of a play, film, or literary work
sketchn: a simple, quickly-made picture that does not have many details; a short descriptive summary of something
squintv: to look at something with half-closed eyes, especially when trying to see more clearly or in bright light; to consider or examine something with suspicion, doubt, or skepticism
hopv: to jump lightly and quickly on one foot or both feet; to move rapidly from one place to another; to travel using an aircraft, bus, etc.
judgen: a person who makes decisions in a court of law; (verb) to determine the result of or form a critical opinion of something
accidentn: an unfortunate event, especially one causing damage or injury
extinctadj: no longer in existence
utopian: an ideal and perfect society in which all social and political problems have been solved, and all members live in harmony and prosperity
formulan: a group of symbols, letters, or numbers that represent a rule, law, or mathematical statement
paralysisn: a condition in which you are unable to move or lose control of part or most of the body because of illness or injury
basisn: the most important facts, ideas, or events from which something is developed; the way how things are organized or arranged
proposev: to make a proposal, declare a plan for something
broadadj: very wide; general
absolutelyadv: without restriction or limitation; completely or utterly
vitaladj: necessary for the success or continued existence of something
anecdoten: a short and amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person
macron: (computing) a set of instructions that automate a frequently used series of keystrokes or mouse actions; (photography) a lens that allows you to take close-up photographs; (economics) a large-scale economic policy or system
healthcaren: the organized activity or business of preserving mental and physical health by preventing or treating illness through services offered by the health profession
transformv: to change in outward structure or looks;
pervadev: to spread throughout something; to permeate
defendv: to protect someone or something from attack, criticism, danger, etc.
universaladj: existing or affecting everywhere or everyone
distrustn: a lack of trust or confidence in someone or something
justicen: the quality of being fair and reasonable and treating people equally according to their due
defensiveadj: used or intended to protect someone or something against attack or aggression
medicinaladj: of or relating to the treatment or cure of disease
reliableadj: worthy of being relied on; trustworthy
estimatev: to guess or calculate the cost, size, value, etc. of something
studiedadj: deliberately considered or scrutinized; carefully thought out or planned
instituten: an organization that has a specific purpose, particularly one dealing with science, education, or a particular profession; (verb) to initiate, introduce, or establish something
chilln: a feeling of coldness that makes one shiver; (verb) to make cool or cooler
professionaladj: having or showing the skill appropriate to a particular job; competent or skillful
interactionn: the act of connecting with someone, mainly when working, playing, or spending time with them
tragicadj: causing great sadness or suffering; very unfortunate
dosen: a quantity or amount of medicine or a drug that is taken or administered at one time, typically measured out in specific units; a similar measure of exposure to a harmful substance or radiation
responsibleadj: answerable or accountable for something within one’s power, control, or management
literallyadv: in the real or original meaning of a word or phrase; in a literal sense or way; not figuratively
drownv: to die or cause to die by being unable to breathe underwater
separatev: to force, take, or pull apart; mark as different
sectn: a group of people who follow a particular religious or philosophical belief system, especially one that is regarded as outside the norm or mainstream
conceptn: an idea or principle associated with something abstract
processn: a series of actions or operations performed to achieve a particular outcome or goal; a systematic procedure or approach used to accomplish a specific task or objective; a method of treating milk to make it suitable for consumption or use in other dairy products
tolerancen: the willingness to accept or tolerate something, especially something that is different or unpleasant
discreetadj: characterized by the ability to keep secrets or maintain confidentiality; showing prudence, tact, or reserve in behavior or speech; not likely to draw attention or cause offense
suspendv: to stop something from continuing or being in force or effect, either temporarily or permanently; to hang something freely
declinev: to become gradually smaller, fewer, worse, etc.; to refuse to accept
attributev: to say or regard that something is the result of a particular thing; (noun) a quality or feature that someone or something possesses;
agendan: a list or outline of things to be done, discussed, or considered
surveyn: an investigation of the opinions, behavior, etc. of a particular group of people, made by asking people questions
maintainv: to continue to uphold or sustain; to keep in a particular state or condition; to assert or declare something to be true
supposev: to think that something is likely to be actual or possible
disruptv: to prevent or stop something, especially an event, activity, or process, from continuing in the usual way by causing a problem or disturbance
assertv: to state something firmly and confidently, often in a way that is intended to convince others that it is true
claimv: to assert that something is true; to demand or request something as one’s own; to lay legal or moral right to something; (noun) a demand or assertion of a right or something that one believes to be true
violn: a stringed instrument, typically with six strings and frets, played with a bow, also called a viola da gamba
indicationn: a sign or remark that something exists, is real, or is likely to occur
corrosionn: the process of gradual deterioration or destruction of a material, typically metal, due to a chemical reaction with its environment, often resulting in rust or decay
governmentn: the group of people with authority to control a country or state
unionn: a group of employees who have banded together to advocate for their rights and better their working conditions; the act or the state of joining together or being joined together
presidentn: the leader of a republic, for example, the US; the person in charge of the organization such as a company, university, club, etc.
railroadn: metal tracks laid with rails on which trains run; a system of tracks with the trains operated by an organization
interstateadj: between or involving different states (= the territory occupied by one of the constituent administrative districts of a nation)
highwayn: a main road, especially one connecting major towns or cities
competev: to strive to achieve more success than someone or something
environmentn: the natural world such as air, water, and land in which humans, animals, and plants live
evolvev: to develop gradually, or to cause the development of something or someone gradually
pebblen: a small, smooth, rounded rock, especially one worn by the action of water
litigationn: the process of resolving legal disputes through the court system
idiotn: a foolish or stupid person who lacks common sense or judgment; a derogatory term used to describe someone who is mentally deficient
countyn: an administrative division of a country or state, typically one of several comprising a larger division
banv: to officially or legally forbid or refuse to allow something
recessn: a period of time when the members of a parliament, committee, etc., are adjourned; a short break in a trial in court
warnv: to make someone aware of potential danger or difficulty, particularly one that may occur in the future
labeln: a small piece of paper, fabric, or other material attached to an object and giving information about it; (verb) to assign to a category
cautionn: great care and attention that you take to avoid danger or mistakes; a warning against certain acts
archaeologyn: the branch of anthropology that studies prehistoric people and their cultures
extremeadj: very great in amount or degree
aphrodisiacn: a substance that is believed to enhance sexual desire or performance
explanationn: the information or arguments that someone provides to make something understandable or clear
lurev: to tempt or persuade someone to do something
prongn: a pointed projecting part, typically one of two or more, on a fork or other implement; a projecting pointed part of an antler (= branched structure that grows from the head of most male deer and some female deer)
hookn: a curved device used for suspending, holding, or pulling something, especially one attached to a surface for hanging things on; a sharp curve or crook
harmfuladj: causing or likely to damage or injury to somebody or something,
swallowv: to make food, drink, pills, etc., pass down your throat into your stomach; (noun) small long-winged songbird noted for swift, graceful flight and the regularity of its migrations
randomadj: made, done, or happening without method, conscious decision, or any regular pattern
juryn: a group of people called upon to render a verdict or judgment in a legal trial; a group of people chosen for a special purpose or task
consistencyn: the quality of acting or being done in the same way over time; the quality of not containing any logical contradictions
regulatev: to control something, especially by means of rules or laws
lifetimen: the duration of someone’s life or something’s existence;
prunen: a dried plum that has a black, wrinkled appearance; (verb) to cut off branches from a tree, bush, or plant, especially to encourage growth
junglen: an area of tropical forest where in which trees and plants grow very thickly
amendv: to change a text, law, statement, etc., slightly to remove faults or errors or to improve it
hurdlen: a barrier or obstacle that must be overcome
platformn: the raised flat space close to the track at a train station where passengers get on or off the train; (technology) a computational or digital environment in which a piece of software is executed
essentialadj: indispensable; fundamental
complicatedadj: involving a lot of different things or parts in a way that is difficult to understand or analyze
uncertainadj: not being sure of something; not being able to choose
whisperv: to speak very quietly to somebody using the breath rather than the voice so that only those close to you can hear you
brainn: the organ inside the head that is responsible for one’s movement, thought, memory, and feeling
subconsciousadj: relating to or concerning the part of the mind that is not fully conscious but still influences thoughts, feelings, and behavior
instinctn: an inborn behavioral pattern that is often responsive to specific stimuli; an innate feeling that causes you to act or believe that something is true
creativeadj: relating to or involving the use of skill and original and unusual ideas to create something
veneern: a thin layer of material applied to the surface of something for decoration or protection; a superficial or deceptive outward appearance that conceals the true nature of something beneath it
consciousadj: being aware of and able to respond to what is happening around you
logicn: a way of thinking or reasoning conducted or evaluated by strict validity principles; the study of correct reasoning or good arguments
doubtn: a feeling of being uncertain about something, especially about how good or accurate it is
headachen: pain in the head; someone or something that causes anxiety or trouble
tumorn: a mass of diseased tissue that forms when cells in the body divide and grow in an uncontrolled way
unnecessaryadj: not needed or required; not essential or important
accomplishmentn: the successful completion of a task or goal; an ability that has been acquired by training
statisticsn: the discipline that concerns the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data
helln: the place thought to be where bad people go and are punished after death, often depicted as being located beneath the earth; an extraordinarily unpleasant or difficult place
AIn: (abbreviation for artificial intelligence) the theory and development of computer systems capable of doing activities that would ordinarily need human intelligence, such as object recognition, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation
accomplishv: to finish or achieve something successfully
restorev: to repair or return something or someone to a previous good state or position
tweakv: to pinch or squeeze something sharply; to adjust something finely
reformn: the act of improving or correcting something that is wrong or bad; a change made to correct a flaw or problem
businesspersonn: a person who is engaged in business, typically as an owner or executive
band-aidn: a small strip or patch of adhesive material, with a sterile gauze pad in the center, used to cover a minor wound or injury and help promote healing
gapen: an act of opening the mouth wide, often as a sign of surprise, wonder, or boredom; a wide opening or gap in something, especially in a physical object or landscape; (verb) to open one’s mouth wide, often as a result of surprise, shock, or amazement
extensiveadj: covering a large area; having a wide range
sufferv: to experience pain, distress, or hardship; to undergo or endure something painful or unpleasant
pathologyn: the study of the nature and cause of diseases and disorders; the medical specialty that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and disorders
boundaryn: a real or imaginary line that marks the limit or extent of something and separates it from other things or places
definev: to state or explain precisely the nature, scope, or meaning of something
frontiern: a border that separates two countries, or the area near this line
artificialadj: not natural and made by human beings; not real but produced to resemble something
inviolableadj: not to be violated or broken; secure from being violated, desecrated, or compromised
diken: a wall or embankment built to hold back water and prevent flooding; a barrier made of earth, stone, or concrete; a narrow channel cut into rock or soil by erosion
wadev: to walk through water that is not deep enough to swim in; to struggle or proceed slowly and laboriously through something, such as a difficult situation or a crowd of people
rebuildv: to build again or anew
seesawn: a long, narrow board balanced on a fulcrum or pivot point, often used as a toy or play equipment in a children’s playground
disappearv: to cease to exist or be visible
gymn: a place equipped for exercise and other physical training
merryadj: cheerful and lively, often with a sense of joyfulness or celebration; characterized by a happy or festive mood
associatev: to mentally connect someone or something with someone or something else
complexityn: the state or quality of being complicated or intricate and difficult to understand
softwaren: a set of computer programs and associated documentation and data for doing particular computational jobs
normn: something that is regarded as usual, typical, or standard
objectiven: a goal, aim, or purpose that is intended or sought after; a goal that is based on facts, evidence, or unbiased reasoning rather than personal opinions, feelings, or beliefs; (adjective) of or relating something that is based on facts and not influenced by personal feelings or biases
philosophyn: the study of general and fundamental questions, such as those about existence, reason, knowledge, values, mind
elementn: a fundamental or essential part of something
migratev: to move from one country or region to another and settle there; to move from one place to another periodically or seasonally
principlen: a fundamental law or truth that explains or controls how something happens or works
constitutionn: the set of fundamental principles or established precedents that a state, a country, or an organization is governed by; the act of forming or establishing something
internv: to put someone in prison, especially for political or military reasons; (noun) a student or trainee who works, sometimes for free, to get work experience or to fulfill qualification criteria
interpretv: to explain or assign the meaning of information, actions, etc.
humanizev: to make something or someone more humane or compassionate; to make something more relatable or understandable to humans
accordn: an official agreement or treaty between two organizations, countries, etc.; (verb) allow to have
affirmativeadj: indicating agreement, support, or confirmation; positive or assertive in tone
jurisdictionn: the extent or range of authority, power, or control exercised by a particular entity or organization, such as a government or court; the area within which such authority or control is exercised
dismissv: to regard something or someone as not important and not worth considering; to terminate someone’s employment
prejudicen: a thought or feeling that is unfair and makes no sense, mainly when it is formed without enough thought or knowledge
quicksandn: a type of loose sand or soil that behaves like a liquid, capable of trapping and engulfing living beings or objects that become stuck in it; dangerous or difficult situations that can trap or overwhelm people who find themselves in them
racismn: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people based on their membership in a particular ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized
gendern: the range of characteristics of femininity and masculinity and differentiating between them, especially when considering social and cultural differences rather than differences in biology
discriminatev: to treat a person or particular group of people worse or better than another, especially in an unfair way; to recognize or perceive the difference between people or things
pollutionn: the introduction of harmful substances or waste into the natural environment that causes adverse change
eliminatev: to remove or get rid of someone or something
boundv: to move forward by leaps and bounds; to form the boundary of something
accountabilityn: the state of being responsible for one’s actions or decisions; the obligation to explain, justify, or take ownership of one’s actions or their consequences; the expectation of being answerable and liable for the outcomes of one’s behavior or performance
appellateadj: relating to or having the power to hear appeals from lower courts or tribunals; referring to a court that primarily hears appeals
votern: a person who votes or has a legal right to vote in a political election
decisionn: the act or process of making up someone’s mind about something; a choice or judgment reached after considering options
disgruntledadj: displeased, dissatisfied, or resentful, often because of unfair treatment or perceived injustices
denominatorn: the number below the line in a fraction
shiftn: a slight transition in position, direction, or trend
tossv: to throw something carelessly with a light motion
unreasonableadj: not fair, sensible, or likely to be true
agencyn: an organization or business that is responsible for specific activities or services, especially when representing other organizations or businesses; the capacity or power to act or exert influence; the ability to make decisions and take action
decidev: to make up someone’s mind about something; to come to a conclusion or judgment after considering options
descendv: to move downward and lower; to come from, or to be connected by a relationship of blood
gridlockn: a situation in which traffic or progress is obstructed due to congestion, blockage, or a lack of movement; a deadlock or impasse in negotiations or decision-making