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Word | Meaning | Advanced |
nod | v: to lower and raise one’s head, sometimes several times, as to show approval, agreement, greeting, or confirmation | |
chant | n: a simple melody or tune, typically one that is repeated or sung in a monotonous way; (verb) recite with musical intonation | |
beehive | n: a structure or container where bees live and store their honey | |
awful | adj: causing fear, dread, or terror; very bad or unpleasant | |
row | n: an arrangement of objects or people side by side in a line; (verb) to propel a boat through the water using oars | |
colony | n: a country or an area that is governed by a more powerful country that is often far away | |
estimate | v: to guess or calculate the cost, size, value, etc. of something | |
mite | n: a tiny arachnid-like creature that is related to ticks and spiders and often lives as a parasite on plants or animals | |
introduction | n: a preliminary explanation or remarks given before the start of a text, performance, or event; the act of bringing something new into existence or introducing something to a wider audience or new market | |
phenomenon | n: something that exists and can be perceptible, especially one that is not fully understood | |
collapse | v: to fall down or give way suddenly, often after breaking apart | |
disorder | n: an untidy state or a lack of organization; a physical condition or illness that causes problems with how a section of the body or brain functions | |
valley | n: a long depression on the surface of the land, which typically contains a river | |
temporary | adj: not lasting or be used for a very long | |
almond | n: a type of nut that comes from the almond tree widely cultivated for its edible seeds, which is enclosed in a hard, ridged outer casing called a shell, that can be eaten raw or roasted and is often used in baking and as an ingredient in various dishes | |
documentary | n: a film or a radio or television program that gives facts and information about a subject; of or derived from official documents | |
graveyard | n: a cemetery, especially one in a churchyard | |
influenza | n: (formal for flu) a highly contagious viral disease that causes fever, severe aching, and catarrh and often occurs in epidemics | |
wipe | v: to clean or dry something by rubbing with a piece of cloth or paper or one’s hand and removing dirt, food, or liquid | |
population | n: the total number of people in a country, region, or location | |
virus | n: a tiny infectious organic material that causes disease in people, animals, and plants | |
identify | v: to recognize someone or something and say or prove who or what they are | |
acute | adj: extremely sharp or severe | |
paralysis | n: a condition in which you are unable to move or lose control of part or most of the body because of illness or injury | |
regret | v: to feel sad, repentant, or disappointed over something you have done or something you have not been able to do | |
profoundly | adv: to a great or complete degree; deeply | |
disease | n: a disorder or illness that affects the body or mind, often characterized by specific symptoms or abnormal functioning of organs or systems | |
implication | n: something that is inferred or indirectly stated; the act or fact of being involved in something | |
ubiquitous | adj: being or existing everywhere at once | |
struggle | v: to make a great effort to do something when it is difficult, or there are a lot of problems; to use force or violence to break away from restraint or constriction | |
suddenly | adv: quickly and unexpectedly | |
susceptible | adj: easily influenced, harmed, or affected by something | |
combination | n: a collection of things that have been combined; an assemblage of separate parts or qualities | |
dynamic | adj: having a lot of energy, ideas, and enthusiasm, and a strong personality; of or relating to dynamics (= the branch of physics and engineering concerned with the forces that cause motions of bodies) | |
pesticide | n: a substance used for preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any pest | |
hive | n: a structure for the reception and habitation of bees, either built by people or made by the bees themselves; a place swarming people | |
surprisingly | adv: in a way that causes amazement or wonder | |
discovery | n: the act or process of finding information, a place, or an object, or learning about something that was previously not known | |
beekeeper | n: a person who keeps bees, either for their honey or to pollinate crops | |
replace | v: to take the place of something | |
recover | v: to return to a former condition, health, mind, or strength | |
cow | n: a domesticated mammal with characteristic features such as a hump, large udders, and curved horns that is raised for its milk or meat | |
nation | n: a large organized community of people living in a particular country or region and having a particular culture | |
survive | v: to live or exist despite a dangerous event or period | |
split | v: to divide, or to make something divide into two or more parts, especially along a particular line | |
delivery | n: the act of taking or sending something to a destination; the bringing of a baby during childbirth | |
postal | adj: relating to or involving the package or mail delivery; referring to an individual or situation involving the postal service | |
pound | n: the standard unit of money in the UK; the standard unit of weight equal to 16 ounces | |
packaging | n: the process, materials, or container used to wrap or contain a product for distribution, storage, or sale; the design or appearance of a product’s packaging | |
concerned | adj: feeling worry or interest about something; showing interest or attention | |
install | v: to fix furniture, a machine, or a piece of equipment into position so that it can be used; put into an office or a position | |
tragic | adj: causing great sadness or suffering; very unfortunate | |
fascinating | adj: extremely interesting | |
card-carrying | n: referring to someone who is a recognized and active member of a particular group or organization, often implying a strong dedication or loyalty | |
quirk | n: a peculiar behavior, habit, or characteristic that is distinctive to an individual or group | |
backyard | n: a whole space behind and belonging to a house | |
engage | v: to attract and keep someone’s attention and interest; to participate in or obtain services of something | |
passion | n: intense, driving, or overpowering feeling or conviction | |
communal | adj: belonging to or used by a group rather than individuals; for common use | |
commerce | n: the activity of buying and selling things, especially on a large scale | |
livelihood | n: a means of earning money people need to pay for food, a place to live, clothing, etc. | |
independence | n: freedom from another’s or others’ control or influence | |
tenacious | adj: characterized by persistent determination, holding firmly onto something, or refusing to give up; not easily discouraged or defeated; showing strength or resolve in the face of challenges or obstacles | |
intuitive | adj: obtained through feelings rather than facts or proof | |
inventive | adj: able to come up with novel and unique ideas | |
privilege | n: a special right or advantage that only one person or group of people has, usually because they are rich and powerful in a society | |
tragedy | n: an event or situation causing great loss, misfortune, or destruction; a play or literature that deals with a severe and sad event and often ends with the death of the main character | |
explanation | n: the information or arguments that someone provides to make something understandable or clear | |
impoverished | adj: reduced to poverty or destitution; lacking in resources, means, or vitality; depleted or exhausted | |
excuse | n: a reason or explanation, either true or invented, given to justify a fault or defend your behavior; (verb) to make someone free from blame or clear from guilt | |
squalor | n: a state of extreme dirtiness, poverty, and overall unclean living conditions; a condition of squalid or miserable living | |
knowledgeable | adj: having or showing extensive knowledge, expertise, or understanding of a particular subject or field | |
formal | adj: following established, public, or official forms and conventions, often in a serious or somber manner | |
wax | n: a substance that is solid at room temperature but becomes softer and more pliable when heated, often used in the production of candles, polishes, and cosmetics; (verb) to become large | |
capable | adj: having the ability, skill, or potential to do something; competent or proficient in a particular task or area of expertise | |
render | v: to bring someone or something into a particular state; to provide something such as service, help, etc. | |
dung | n: solid waste from animals, especially from large animals such as cattle and horses; (verb) to fertilize or dress with animals’ excrement | |
tin | n: a silvery-white metal that is typically soft and malleable, often used to make containers or packaging materials; a thin sheet of metal or metal alloy used for a variety of purposes | |
veil | n: a piece of fine cloth worn by women to cover or conceal the face; (verb) to cover, conceal, or obscure | |
screening | n: the process of evaluating or testing individuals or objects to determine their suitability or potential problems; a showing of a film or movie for a select group of viewers before its general release | |
meadow | n: a field of grass and wildflowers, especially one used for hay | |
ingenuity | n: the quality of inventing things or solving problems in clever new ways | |
inspiring | adj: stimulating and motivating you to want to do something | |
poster | n: a large sheet or picture that is placed either on a public space to promote or announce something or on a wall to decorate it | |
alarm | n: a loud noise or an automatic signal that warns people of danger; a device that signals the occurrence of some undesirable event or particular danger | |
decibel | n: (also “dB”) a unit used to measure the intensity of sound or the comparative loudness of two sounds based on a logarithmic scale | |
moving | adj: causing strong emotions or feelings, especially sadness or sympathy | |
ancient | adj: relating to the long ago, particularly the historical period preceding the fall of the Western Roman Empire; very old | |
raft | n: a flat structure, usually made of logs or planks, that can be used for transport or as a platform for swimmer | |
segment | n: a part or section of something; a distinct group within a larger whole | |
industrious | adj: hardworking, diligent, and persistent in effort | |
agriculture | n: the practice or science of cultivating the land or raising stock | |
migratory | adj: relating to or characterized by the movement of individuals or groups from one place to another, often for regular seasonal or environmental reasons | |
nomad | n: a member of a group of people who move from place to place rather than living in one place all the time; a wanderer; a person with no fixed abode | |
grove | n: a small group of trees growing closely together | |
complain | v: to say dissatisfaction or annoyance about something or somebody | |
encourage | v: to give someone support, confidence, or hope; to persuade someone to do or continue to do something by making it easier for them and making them believe it is a good thing to do | |
din | n: a loud, confused noise; a loud, persistent racket | |
essential | adj: indispensable; fundamental | |
nomadic | adj: moving from one location to another rather than staying in one place all of the time | |
overhaul | n: a thorough examination, evaluation, or inspection of something, often with the intent of making necessary improvements; a major reorganization or restructuring of a system or process; (verb) to thoroughly examine, repair, and improve something to ensure that it is functioning properly and up to standard | |
pitch | n: the property of sound that varies with variation in the frequency of vibration; the degree of a slope, especially of a roof; short presentation for selling or sharing something | |
historic | adj: famous or significant in history, or potentially so | |
exciting | adj: causing a lot of interest or excitement | |
involve | v: to include or affect someone or something as a necessary part of something else | |
importance | n: the quality of being important and worthy of note | |
ethical | adj: of or relating to principles about what is right and wrong, or the branch of knowledge dealing with these | |
indirectly | adv: not going straight to the point; implying or suggesting something | |
pollinate | v: to transfer pollen from the male part of a flower to the female part, thereby fertilizing the plant and allowing it to produce fruit or seeds; to spread or disseminate an idea or influence to others | |
honeybee | n: a type of bee that is known for producing honey and pollinating flowers | |
illustrate | v: to provide pictures, photographs, diagrams, etc. in a book or something for explanation | |
cranberry | n: a small, tart red berry often used in cooking or for its medicinal properties | |
wheat | n: a cereal plant that is the most important kind grown in temperate countries, the grain of which is ground to make flour for bread, pasta, pastry, etc | |
jam | n: a situation in which something becomes stuck because of a dense crowd of people, vehicles, etc.; a preserve of crushed fruit | |
ingredient | n: one of the things used to make something, especially one of the foods used to make a particular dish | |
starve | v: to suffer or die from lack of food; to cause someone or something to suffer or die from lack of food; to deprive something of necessary nourishment or sustenance | |
diet | n: the food and drink that a person, animal, or community eats and drinks regularly; a legislative assembly in certain countries, for example, Japan | |
diminish | v: to reduce or be reduced in size, extent, or importance; to make something smaller, weaker, etc. | |
fountain | n: a structure usually consisting of a basin and a jet of water that is sprayed into the air, often used for decoration or as a source of drinking water | |
messenger | n: someone or something that carries a message, especially one sent to convey information, news, or an official document | |
expression | n: the act of conveying thoughts, feelings, or ideas using words, facial expressions, body language, or art; a look or gesture that conveys a particular emotion or mood | |
pollen | n: a fine powder substance consisting of microscopic grains produced by plants that facilitate their reproductive process through the process of pollination | |
nectar | n: a sweet liquid produced by flowers that attracts and provides food for bees and other insects; any sweet liquid that is enjoyed as a drink or used as a flavoring | |
sperm | n: the reproductive cell produced by a man or male animal | |
infertile | adj: unable to grow crops or sustain life; not able to produce offspring or offspring that are viable | |
bloom | n: a flower, especially one having showy or colorful parts; the best time of youth | |
fertilize | v: to cause an egg, female animal, or plant to develop by joining sperm from the male with them; to add a natural or chemical substance to land to make plants grow well | |
orchard | n: a piece of land that is planted with fruit trees, such as apples, pears, or cherries | |
instance | n: a particular example or single occurrence of something | |
faithful | adj: loyal, constant, and steadfast in affection or allegiance | |
crop | n: a plant that is cultivated in large amounts, particularly for food | |
exclusive | adj: not divided or shared with others | |
generate | v: to produce or create something; to make offspring by reproduction | |
static | adj: not moving or not capable of moving, not changing or not capable of changing | |
minority | n: the smaller part of a group, especially a number or part representing less than half of the whole; a period before adult legal age | |
native | adj: connecting with or describing someone’s birth country or place of birth, or someone born in a specific country or place | |
colonial | adj: of or relating to a colony (= a territory that is controlled by a more powerful country); to the period of time during which a country or region was a colony | |
mammal | n: any animal of which the female gives birth to live young, not eggs, and feeds her young on milk from her own body | |
combine | v: to join or merge to form a single thing or group | |
survey | n: an investigation of the opinions, behavior, etc. of a particular group of people, made by asking people questions | |
intense | adj: (especially of a feeling) very strong; extremely sharp or severe | |
pollinator | n: an animal or insect, such as bees, butterflies, birds, etc., that carries pollen from a male part of a flower to a female part of a flower, fertilizing it and allowing it to produce seeds | |
bumblebee | n: a large, furry bee with black and yellow bands on its body that is known for its loud buzzing sound and its important role in pollinating plants | |
eusocial | adj: referring to a social system or behavior in which individuals within a community or colony exhibit cooperative and specialized roles, as seen in certain insects like ants and bees | |
sweat | n: the salty liquid that is produced by the glands in the skin, especially when the body is hot or under stress | |
gem | n: a precious or semiprecious stone, usually of high quality and often used as jewelry; something that is considered to be a highly prized and valuable possession or attribute of a person or thing | |
kleptoplasty | n: the ability of some animals to “steal” chloroplasts from other organisms and incorporate them into their bodies, allowing them to photosynthesize like plants | |
fancy | v: to want to do or have something; (noun) something that many people believe but that is false, or that does not exist; imagination or fantasy | |
murder | n: the crime of killing somebody intentionally | |
solitary | adj: existing, living, or doing without others | |
drill | n: a tool or machine used for making round holes or driving fasteners; a training or practice | |
branch | n: a division of a tree or woody shrub that grows out from the trunk or a main stem; a division of some larger or more complex organization | |
environment | n: the natural world such as air, water, and land in which humans, animals, and plants live | |
chain | n: a series of connected links or objects; a system or group of interconnected elements; a restraint or shackle | |
disappear | v: to cease to exist or be visible | |
extinct | adj: no longer in existence | |
decline | v: to become gradually smaller, fewer, worse, etc.; to refuse to accept | |
bat | n: a nocturnal animal with wings that flies and feeds at night, similar to a mouse; a piece of wood with a handle used for hitting the ball in sports including baseball, cricket, and table tennis | |
extraordinary | adj: exceptional, unexpected, very unusual; surpassing the ordinary or usual | |
syndrome | n: a group of signs and symptoms that occur together and are characteristic of a particular condition or disorder | |
cave | n: a large hole in the side of a hill, cliff, mountain, or under the ground | |
county | n: an administrative division of a country or state, typically one of several comprising a larger division | |
incredible | adj: unbelievable; enormous | |
deficit | n: the total amount by which money spent is greater than money earned in a particular period of time; the property of being an amount by which something, especially an amount of money, is less than expected or required | |
reconnect | v: to connect again after a break or interruption | |
lawn | n: a stretch of ground covered with grass, typically attached to a house, and often used for recreation or aesthetics | |
terribly | adv: very badly; to a great extent or very much | |
engaging | adj: attracting, pleasant, or charming | |
symbol | n: something visible that is used to represent something else | |
prestige | n: respect and admiration felt or shown for someone or something based on a perception of their achievements or quality | |
desert | n: arid land with little or no vegetation often covered with sand or rocks | |
sterile | adj: free from living microorganisms, especially bacteria, fungi, and viruses; incapable of reproducing | |
greenhouse | n: a building with walls and roof made chiefly of transparent material, such as glass, for growing plants in | |
mow | v: to cut down and trim grass or other vegetation, usually with a machine such as a lawnmower; to cut down or harvest crops | |
useless | adj: not serving any useful purpose; having no practical result | |
biology | n: the scientific study of life and the natural processes of living things | |
rethink | v: to consider again a plan, idea, etc., especially to change it | |
probable | adj: likely to happen or likely to be true | |
opposed | adj: being completely different from something or disagreeing strongly with something | |
advantage | n: a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favorable or superior position; a beneficial feature or asset that someone or something has | |
reinforce | v: to strengthen or support something, especially by adding another material to it; to make emotion, idea, etc. stronger | |
transform | v: to change in outward structure or looks; | |
amazing | adj: extremely surprising, especially in a way that you like or admire | |
weed | n: a wild plant growing where it is not wanted and in competition with cultivated plants | |
insect | n: any small creature that has six legs and a body divided into three sections | |
relation | n: the way two persons or groups of people feel and act toward one another | |
companion | n: a person or an animal with whom you spend a lot of time, or you travel | |
fragrance | n: a pleasant or sweet smell, especially one that is natural to a particular substance | |
convert | v: to have a talk with someone; (adjective) reversed in order, relation, or action | |
apparently | adv: based on what you have heard or read | |
gateway | n: an entrance, door, or other openings that lead to a larger space, particularly one that serves as an entry point or access point to a larger area or system; a route, means, or method used to gain access to or acquire something | |
transformation | n: a complete change in form, nature, or appearance of someone or something | |
extreme | adj: very great in amount or degree |