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Word | Meaning | Advanced |
ambience | n: the atmosphere or feeling that is created by a specific environment, usually physical or sensory; the mood or character of a particular place or setting | |
expression | n: the act of conveying thoughts, feelings, or ideas using words, facial expressions, body language, or art; a look or gesture that conveys a particular emotion or mood | |
structure | n: the way of construction of something and the arrangement of its parts, or a complex thing constructed of many parts | |
architect | n: a person whose job is to design plans to be used in making something, such as buildings | |
chapel | n: a place of worship, especially a non-conformist or dissenting place of worship | |
quintessence | n: the perfect example of a quality or class | |
well-being | n: the state of being happy and healthy and prosperous | |
normally | adv: usually; under normal conditions | |
lux | n: a unit of measurement of the intensity of light equal to one lumen per square meter | |
uniformity | n: the state or quality of being the same or consistent in form, character, or action; the absence of variation or diversity | |
uniform | adj: always the same; showing a single form or character in all occurrences; (noun) the special set of clothes worn by members of a particular group as a means of identification | |
grid | n: a pattern of regularly spaced horizontal and vertical lines; a system of high tension cables by which electrical power is distributed throughout a region | |
pantheon | n: a temple dedicated to all the gods or goddesses of a particular religion or mythology; a group of something or someone that is remarkably respected, famous, or important | |
feat | n: a notable or impressive achievement, especially one that requires great skill or bravery | |
comfort | n: a state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint | |
opposed | adj: being completely different from something or disagreeing strongly with something | |
gorgeous | adj: wonderful and attractive | |
environment | n: the natural world such as air, water, and land in which humans, animals, and plants live | |
relevance | n: the state or degree of being closely connected or appropriate to the matter at hand | |
shadow | n: a dark area or shape cast by an object blocking the passage of light; an area in darkness or shade; a reflected image or copy of something; a person, activity, or influence that follows or accompanies someone or something closely and persistently, often in a secretive or ominous manner | |
evil | adj: profoundly immoral, cruel, and wicked; having or exerting a harmful effect on people | |
aggressive | adj: behaving in an angry, energetic, or threatening way towards another person; tending to spread quickly | |
planet | n: any of the nine large celestial bodies that circle in the solar system; any celestial body that revolves around a star | |
manifestation | n: a visible or tangible form of something, especially a particular sign of a disease or condition | |
dynamics | n: the branch of mechanics that deals with the motion of bodies under the action of forces, including the particular case in which a body remains at rest; forces that produce or stimulate movement, growth, or change | |
brilliant | adj: extremely clever, skilled, or impressive | |
subtle | adj: not readily apparent or visible | |
modulate | v: to change the key, style, loudness, etc., of something in music to create a particular effect; to fix or adjust the time, amount, degree, or rate of something | |
indirect | adj: happening in addition to the main or intended aim, cause or result, often in a way that is not obvious; not following the shortest or straight way | |
integral | adj: necessary to make a whole complete; essential, or fundamental; combining with something else to form a whole; (noun, of mathematics) a fundamental concept in calculus that represents the area under a curve between two points on a graph | |
element | n: a fundamental or essential part of something | |
improve | v: to make or become better | |
surround | v: to be all around something or somebody | |
craft | n: an activity that requires a particular skill in making things with one’s hands | |
process | n: a series of actions or operations performed to achieve a particular outcome or goal; a systematic procedure or approach used to accomplish a specific task or objective; a method of treating milk to make it suitable for consumption or use in other dairy products | |
quantitative | adj: relating to, measuring, or expressing in terms of quantity; involving numerical or statistical data | |
qualitative | adj: relating to or involving qualities, such as properties, characteristics, or features, rather than quantities or numbers, often used to describe research or analysis that focuses on subjective or non-measurable factors | |
integrate | v: to combine one thing with another so that they form a whole or work together; to accept equal participation for members of all races and ethnic groups | |
holistic | adj: relating to or dealing with the whole of something rather than just its parts | |
architecture | n: the art and science of designing and constructing buildings | |
peculiar | adj: odd and uncommon, sometimes in an unpleasant way | |
eclipse | n: an obscuring of one celestial body by another, often used to describe a lunar or solar eclipse; a period of obscurity or decline, often used to describe a decline in popularity or influence; (verb) to surpass, overshadow, or outshine someone or something | |
statistics | n: the discipline that concerns the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data | |
intriguing | adj: arousing curiosity or interest, often due to a mysterious or complex quality; fascinating or captivating | |
illustrate | v: to provide pictures, photographs, diagrams, etc. in a book or something for explanation | |
enhance | v: to increase or improve the quality, amount, or strength of someone or something | |
consult | v: to seek or get advice or information from a person, book, or other source having special knowledge on a particular subject | |
preach | v: to deliver a religious or moral message to an audience | |
sunlight | n: the light emitted by the sun; the rays of the sun | |
dynamic | adj: having a lot of energy, ideas, and enthusiasm, and a strong personality; of or relating to dynamics (= the branch of physics and engineering concerned with the forces that cause motions of bodies) | |
dim | adj: poorly lit; not bright | |
remarkable | adj: worthy of attention because unusual or special | |
adaptable | adj: able or willing to modify or be modified to deal with new situations | |
boring | adj: lacking interest or excitement; tedious or dull | |
dull | adj: not interesting or exciting; not bright, vivid, or shiny; not active, brisk, or sharp | |
owe | v: to be under a moral or legal obligation to pay or do something in return for something received; | |
introduction | n: a preliminary explanation or remarks given before the start of a text, performance, or event; the act of bringing something new into existence or introducing something to a wider audience or new market | |
anniversary | n: the annual recurrence of a date marking a notable event; a date on which an event occurred in a previous year | |
methodology | n: a set of ways or principles of doing, teaching, or studying something | |
modern | adj: of or belonging to the present time or recent times | |
focal | adj: relating to an important or central point or area; sharp or precise in focus or detail | |
glow | v: to give out a steady, strong light | |
ambient | adj: relating to the immediate surroundings of something; creating a particular atmosphere or mood, often through sound or lighting | |
luminescence | n: the emission of light occurs as a result of a substance or object being stimulated by energy sources such as heat, electricity, or radiation but without the substance or object becoming significantly hotter or undergoing combustion | |
distinctly | adv: in a way that is clearly or noticeably different or separates from something else; in a way that is unmistakably or unequivocally defined or identifiable | |
motor | n: a device that converts electricity, fuel, etc. into movement and makes a machine, vehicle, etc. work | |
impressive | adj: arousing admiration due to size, quality, or skill | |
spotlight | n: a beam of light used to illuminate a particular area or person | |
patch | n: a small piece of material or fabric used to repair or reinforce a tear, hole, or damaged area; a small plot of land used for cultivation or a specific purpose | |
highlight | v: to make something prominent, mainly so that people give it more attention | |
retail | n: the sale of goods or services to consumers, especially in small quantities, either directly to the end customer or through retail outlets | |
merchandise | n: goods or products that are available for sale, especially those that are part of a company’s stock or inventory; anything that is marketed or sold to customers as a commodity or product | |
accent | n: a distinctive way of pronouncing the words of a language that shows which area, country, or social group a person comes from; particular importance or significance | |
infinite | adj: unlimited or very great; impossible to measure | |
dissolve | v: to be or cause to be absorbed by a liquid to form a part of the solution; to close down or dismiss | |
infinity | n: the state or quality of having no end or limit; (mathematics) a number greater than any natural number | |
relax | v: to become or cause someone to become less active or tense and calmer | |
contemplate | v: to think about a possible future action or to think about something for a long time thoughtfully | |
nation | n: a large organized community of people living in a particular country or region and having a particular culture | |
embrace | v: to accept something willingly and enthusiastically; (noun) the act of clasping another person in the arms as in greeting or affection | |
exhibition | n: a public event or display of works of art, scientific or industrial objects, or other items of interest, usually held in a museum or art gallery | |
gesture | n: a movement of the hands, head, or face that express a particular meaning | |
skyline | n: the outline of buildings and other structures against the sky, especially when viewed from a distance | |
chandelier | n: a branched decorative light fixture designed to be mounted on ceilings or walls | |
opera | n: a drama set to music, in which the words are sung rather than spoken | |
decoration | n: the act of adding something that is intended to make something more attractive; an award or honor that is given to someone in recognition of their achievements | |
icing | n: a sweet, often sugary, mixture used to cover or decorate cakes, pastries, or desserts; a thin layer of ice formed on a surface, often caused by freezing rain or excessive condensation | |
playful | adj: having a lighthearted, mischievous, or fun-loving nature; displaying a sense of enjoyment or amusement; characterized by a desire for entertainment or play | |
addition | n: the act or process of adding something to something else; the process of adding numbers | |
architectural | adj: of or relating to the design and construction of buildings and other structures and the features and style of such structures | |
distinct | adj: noticeable from something else of a similar type | |
icon | n: a picture or statue of a holy person considered to be a sacred thing; a little icon on the screen of a computer or smartphone that denotes an application or a file | |
attempt | n: an act or effort of trying to do something, especially something difficult | |
therapy | n: the act of caring for someone through medication, remedial training, etc. | |
medicinal | adj: of or relating to the treatment or cure of disease | |
aspect | n: one part or feature of a situation, problem, subject, etc. | |
biochemical | adj: relating to the chemical processes and substances that occur within living organisms | |
sensitive | adj: able to notice slight changes, signals, or influences; able to feel or perceive other’s feelings; susceptible to the things people say or do | |
circadian | adj: relating to a physiological cycle that lasts approximately 24 hours, impacting physical and behavioral changes that occur over the course of a day, such as sleep-wake cycles or fluctuations in hormones | |
rhythm | n: a strong regular repeated pattern of sounds, words, or musical notes that are used in music, poetry, and dancing | |
alert | v: to warn or arouse to a sense of danger; (adjective) paying close attention or being in a state of readiness for action | |
forth | adv: forward, outward, or onward in location, direction, or progress; into view or consideration; with confidence, boldness, or in the open | |
trigger | v: to make something happen suddenly; to cause something such as a device, machine, etc. to function | |
mod | n: a modification or alteration, typically one made to improve something or increase its functionality; a British teenager or young adult in the 1960s, noted for their clothes consciousness and opposition to the rockers | |
asleep | adj: in a state of sleep | |
recover | v: to return to a former condition, health, mind, or strength | |
overcome | v: to succeed in controlling or dealing with something, such as a problem or difficulty; to defeat or overwhelm someone | |
jet | n: a type of aircraft that is powered by one or more jet engines and can fly at high speeds, typically over long distances | |
lag | v: to move or develop so slowly that you are behind other people, organizations, etc. | |
concentration | n: the ability to focus all your time and energy on one thing without thinking about anything else. | |
combination | n: a collection of things that have been combined; an assemblage of separate parts or qualities | |
interaction | n: the act of connecting with someone, mainly when working, playing, or spending time with them | |
relation | n: the way two persons or groups of people feel and act toward one another | |
shocking | adj: extremely or surprisingly bad, or causing a strong emotional response such as surprise or disgust | |
spoil | v: to ruin the taste, appearance, or quality of something; to become or cause something to become rotten or bad | |
amazing | adj: extremely surprising, especially in a way that you like or admire | |
inspiring | adj: stimulating and motivating you to want to do something | |
imaginary | adj: existing only in someone’s mind | |
relate | v: to establish a connection or association between two or more things; to narrate or tell about an event, experience, or relationship; to empathize or feel sympathy with someone or something | |
urbanization | n: the process of population growth and physical expansion of cities, often involving increased migration from rural areas and the development of urban infrastructure and culture | |
pace | n: the speed at which someone or something moves, or the rate at which something happens or changes | |
incredible | adj: unbelievable; enormous | |
enormous | adj: extremely large or great | |
quest | n: a long or challenging search for something | |
urban | adj: relating to or located in a town or city | |
tackle | v: to try to deal with a complex problem or situation | |
mobility | n: the ability to move or be moved freely or easily from one place, job, or social class to another | |
contribute | v: to give something, especially money or goods, to provide or achieve something together with other people | |
metal | n: a solid material that is typically hard, shiny, malleable, fusible, and ductile, with good electrical and thermal conductivity, and often used as a structural material, a conductor of heat or electricity, or for decorative purposes | |
fluorescent | adj: emitting or reflecting vibrant and vivid light, especially under ultraviolet light; describing a type of lamp or bulb that produces such light | |
incredibly | adv: in a way that is very difficult to believe; exceedingly or extremely | |
unique | adj: being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else | |
opportune | adj: suitable or happening at a time that is suitable or convenient for a particular purpose | |
preserve | v: to keep or maintain a particular quality, feature, etc., especially to prevent it from decaying, being damaged, or being destroyed | |
propose | v: to make a proposal, declare a plan for something | |
laboratory | n: a workplace for doing scientific research or teaching science; a lab | |
pleasant | adj: enjoyable, attractive, friendly, or agreeable | |
phosphor | n: a substance that emits visible light when exposed to radiation or certain types of energy, commonly used in the production of fluorescent lights, television screens, and computer monitors | |
excite | v: to make someone feel suddenly enthusiastic or eager | |
lens | n: a transparent optical device with curved sides, used in an optical instrument that makes objects seem larger, smaller, clearer, etc.; (metaphor) the basic thoughts or mindsets through which someone sees or understands the environment or situation | |
bundle | n: a group of things that are tied or wrapped together; a large amount or quantity of something; a package or parcel of things | |
spill | v: to cause or allow liquid to run or flow over the edge of its container by accident | |
rethink | v: to consider again a plan, idea, etc., especially to change it | |
default | v: to fail to fulfill an obligation or pay a debt when it is due; to fail to meet expectations or perform as required; to choose or accept a predetermined option or condition without making a deliberate selection or choice; (noun) the pre-set or automatic settings that a system or program uses when the user has selected no other options | |
permanent | adj: lasting for a long time without essential change | |
selective | adj: relating to or involving only a small number of a larger group of people or things | |
gentle | adj: having or showing a kindly or tender nature; soft and mild | |
engage | v: to attract and keep someone’s attention and interest; to participate in or obtain services of something | |
sculpture | n: the art of creating three-dimensional objects or forms, typically by carving, modeling, or casting in a variety of materials such as stone, wood, metal, or clay | |
challenging | adj: difficult, demanding, or requiring a high degree of skill or effort; presenting a difficult problem or obstacle | |
ban | v: to officially or legally forbid or refuse to allow something | |
migrate | v: to move from one country or region to another and settle there; to move from one place to another periodically or seasonally | |
disorient | v: to make someone confused about where they are or where they should go | |
offshore | adj: situated at or happening in the sea, not far from the shore or land; (of winds) coming from the land | |
platform | n: the raised flat space close to the track at a train station where passengers get on or off the train; (technology) a computational or digital environment in which a piece of software is executed | |
discovery | n: the act or process of finding information, a place, or an object, or learning about something that was previously not known | |
disturb | v: to interrupt someone who is trying to work, sleep, etc. | |
spectral | adj: relating to or having the properties of a spectrum (= an ordered array of colors into which a light beam can be split); relating to a ghost or apparition | |
sensitivity | n: the ability to perceive or respond to subtle differences or changes; the ability to understand and respond to the needs and feelings of others | |
canvas | n: the heavy, closely woven fabric used for making tents, sails, etc. and by artists for painting on | |
visual | adj: relating to seeing or sight | |
hop | v: to jump lightly and quickly on one foot or both feet; to move rapidly from one place to another; to travel using an aircraft, bus, etc. | |
suspense | n: a state of uncertain or anxious anticipation or waiting; a feeling of excitement or apprehension that arises from the uncertainty of an outcome | |
embody | v: to represent or exemplify something; to give tangible form to an abstract idea | |
narration | n: the act or process of telling a story; the relating of a story or account | |
commerce | n: the activity of buying and selling things, especially on a large scale | |
universe | n: everything that exists, especially all physical matter, including planets, stars, galaxies, and all other forms of matter and energy | |
informative | adj: providing useful or valuable information; giving knowledge or insight | |
rural | adj: of or relating to the countryside | |
constellation | n: a group of stars that form a recognizable pattern and have a name; a group of related or similar ideas, things, or people | |
appreciate | v: to value and acknowledge the worth of someone or something; to be grateful for something or someone | |
church | n: a building or institution dedicated to religious worship or activities; a Christian religious organization or denomination | |
peter | v: to fail or lose power, efficiency, or value gradually before coming to an end | |
spa | n: a resort or facility offering various health, beauty, and relaxation treatments, such as massages, saunas, and mud baths; a hot spring or mineral spring believed to have therapeutic properties | |
alter | v: to cause to change or make different | |
define | v: to state or explain precisely the nature, scope, or meaning of something | |
tube | n: a cylindrical container of metal, plastic, glass, etc., usually sealed and used as a means of preserving food or chemicals; a hollow cylindrical shape | |
inspiration | n: something that motivates or encourages someone to create or achieve something, or a feeling of excitement or creativity | |
fantastic | adj: extremely good; excellent | |
scenery | n: the natural features of a landscape or environment, viewed particularly in terms of their aesthetic appeal; the visual elements that constitute a play’s backdrop or setting |