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Word | Meaning | Advanced |
solid | adj: hard or firm; characterized by good substantial quality | |
dirt | n: soil, dust, or any substance that makes a surface not clean; the part of the earth’s surface consisting of humus and disintegrated rock | |
underneath | adv: under or below something else | |
crisscross | v: to move or make lines that intersect or cross each other in a pattern resembling a series of X’s | |
fracture | n: the breaking or cracking of a rigid material or object such as bone | |
astronomical | adj: relating to astronomy or the study of celestial bodies and phenomena; very large or immense in scale or magnitude | |
quantity | n: the amount or number of something; magnitude | |
microbe | n: a tiny living thing that can only be seen with a microscope and that may cause disease | |
crust | n: a hard outer layer that forms on the surface of a liquid as it cools or on a solid as a result of exposure to air or moisture | |
gutsy | adj: displaying courage, determination, or boldness; characterized by a willingness to take risks or face challenges | |
gut | n: the long tube in the body of a person or animal through which food passes when it leaves the stomach; the mental strength or bravery required to do something difficult or unpleasant | |
microbiome | n: the community of microorganisms (= living things too small to be seen) that can usually be found living together in any given environment or the human body | |
planet | n: any of the nine large celestial bodies that circle in the solar system; any celestial body that revolves around a star | |
weigh | v: to have a particular weight; to carefully evaluate things before making a conclusion | |
biome | n: a major ecological community characterized by particular plant and animal species adapted to a specific climate and geographic region, such as desert, tundra, or rainforest | |
belly | n: the front part of the body below the chest, containing the stomach and bowels; the rounded or curved part of an object, such as a ship or aircraft | |
pale | adj: having skin that is very light colored; lacking in vitality or interest or effectiveness | |
comparison | n: the consideration or examination of the similarities between two or more people or things | |
soil | n: the top layer of Earth in which plants grow | |
collective | adj: done or shared by every member of a group of people | |
sew | v: to join, fasten, or repair two pieces of something by putting the thread through them with a needle | |
possibility | n: a chance that something may happen or be true | |
limitless | adj: without end, limit, or boundary; infinite | |
dot | n: a very small circular mark, especially one that is printed | |
subsurface | adj: situated or located beneath the surface of something; existing or occurring within the deeper layers of a material or object, often referring to areas below the Earth’s surface | |
modern | adj: of or belonging to the present time or recent times | |
microbiology | n: the study of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and algae, and their role in various fields such as medicine, agriculture, and the environment | |
impressive | adj: arousing admiration due to size, quality, or skill | |
coverage | n: the reporting or news of an important event, sports, subject, etc.; the amount, range, area, or quality of something that something provides | |
alien | n: a person who comes from a different country, race, or group; a form of life assumed to exist outside the Earth or its atmosphere | |
spaceship | n: (especially in science fiction) a spacecraft designed to carry a crew into interstellar space | |
reconstruct | v: to build or form something again that has been damaged or destroyed | |
globe | n: the earth or world, mainly used to emphasize its vastness | |
dormant | adj: in a state of temporary inactivity, rest, or sleep; not growing or progressing but capable of doing so under the right circumstances | |
relative | adj: considered and evaluated through comparison with something else | |
ficus | n: a genus of flowering plants in the family Moraceae, commonly known as fig trees or figs, characterized by their large, lobed leaves and edible fruit | |
measles | n: a highly infectious viral disease that causes fever, red spots on the skin, and other flu-like symptoms, typically affects children | |
guinea | n: a former British gold coin worth 21 shillings or a unit of currency used in some West African countries; (Guinea) a republic in western Africa on the Atlantic | |
divide | v: to separate or cause to separate into parts or groups | |
coli | n: a bacterium of the genus Escherichia that is commonly found in the human gut and is used as a model organism in molecular biology and biochemistry | |
undergo | v: to go through something unpleasant or that involves a change | |
division | n: the act or outcome of splitting into separate parts; a critical organizational unit or sector | |
ancient | adj: relating to the long ago, particularly the historical period preceding the fall of the Western Roman Empire; very old | |
crazy | adj: stupid or not sensible; very angry | |
wrap | v: to cover or enclose something entirely with paper, cloth, or other material | |
analogy | n: a comparison between similar things that have similar aspects, often used to help explain a principle or concept | |
weird | adj: extraordinary, unexpected, or difficult to explain | |
complicated | adj: involving a lot of different things or parts in a way that is difficult to understand or analyze | |
cycle | n: an interval during which a recurring sequence of events occurs; a bicycle or motorcycle | |
span | n: the entire length of something, such as time or space from beginning to end; the amount of space that something covers | |
lifeless | adj: without life; dead | |
stick | v: to put something, usually a sharp object, into something; to restrict yourself to doing or using one certain thing and not change; (noun) a thin piece of wood or other material | |
ridiculous | adj: very silly or unreasonable and deserving to be laughed at | |
react | v: to take action in response to something | |
oblivious | adj: not aware of something, especially what is happening around you; forgetful | |
mundane | adj: very ordinary and therefore lacking interest or excitement | |
seal | v: to close or fasten an envelope, etc. securely; (noun) a large marine mammal that chiefly lives in cold regions and comes on shore to breed | |
tube | n: a cylindrical container of metal, plastic, glass, etc., usually sealed and used as a means of preserving food or chemicals; a hollow cylindrical shape | |
nutrient | n: any substance that is essential for the maintenance and growth of living things | |
starve | v: to suffer or die from lack of food; to cause someone or something to suffer or die from lack of food; to deprive something of necessary nourishment or sustenance | |
survive | v: to live or exist despite a dangerous event or period | |
compete | v: to strive to achieve more success than someone or something | |
starvation | n: a severe lack of food that leads to malnutrition and, ultimately, death | |
grizzled | adj: having gray or partly gray hair; having a worn or weathered appearance; marked by experience or endurance | |
squeak | v: to make a high-pitched, short, sharp noise; to speak or say something in a high-pitched, weak, or timid voice | |
upstart | n: a person who has recently risen to a position of power, especially one who behaves arrogantly; an ambitious or presumptuous newcomer | |
evolutionary | adj: relating to or denoting how living things develop or change from earlier forms | |
payoff | n: the outcome or result of an action or series of actions; the return or reward gained from an investment, effort, or risk | |
extraordinary | adj: exceptional, unexpected, very unusual; surpassing the ordinary or usual | |
equate | v: to consider or describe one thing as similar, equal, or analogous | |
unimportant | adj: not important | |
sight | n: the ability to see; anything that is seen | |
trickle | v: to flow or drip slowly and in small amounts; to happen or occur gradually or in small quantities | |
leftover | adj: not consumed or used at the end of something | |
picnic | n: an outdoor meal or social gathering where food is served and eaten in nature, typically in a park, forest, or other outdoor settings | |
shocking | adj: extremely or surprisingly bad, or causing a strong emotional response such as surprise or disgust | |
abundant | adj: present in great quantity | |
nitrogen | n: a chemical element with the symbol N and atomic number 7, which is a highly reactive element that forms part of many compounds, including amino acids and proteins | |
phosphorus | n: a chemical element with the symbol P and atomic number 15 that is a non-metallic, highly reactive, and luminescent element | |
ahold | adv: to take hold of something, to grasp firmly | |
chemical | adj: relating to or connected with chemistry; | |
knit | v: to make a garment or fabric by interlocking loops of yarn with needles or a machine | |
carbon | n: a chemical element that can be found in pure form as diamond or graphite, and it is also an essential part of coal and oil and is found in all plants and animals | |
oxide | n: a chemical compound that contains at least one oxygen atom and one other element | |
molecule | n: a group of two or more atoms held together by attractive forces known as chemical bonds | |
photon | n: a unit or quantum of electromagnetic energy, typically regarded as a particle that is the basic constituent of all light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation | |
sunlight | n: the light emitted by the sun; the rays of the sun | |
ecosystem | n: all the plants and living creatures in an area and the way they affect each other and the environment | |
chemolithoautotroph | n: a type of organism that obtains energy by oxidizing inorganic compounds such as ammonia or sulfur and using carbon dioxide as a carbon source, often found in extreme environments such as deep-sea hydrothermal vents | |
chemo | n: short for chemotherapy, a treatment for cancer that uses drugs to destroy cancer cells | |
lithograph | n: a printmaking process that involves creating a design on a flat stone or metal plate, transferring the design to paper using ink, and then printing multiple copies of the design | |
autotroph | n: a living thing capable of producing sustenance from essential chemical compounds such as carbon dioxide. | |
sulfur | n: (also sulphur) a chemical element with the symbol S and atomic number 16, found in many minerals and sulfur compounds, often used in the production of fertilizers, rubber, paper, and other industrial applications | |
manganese | n: a chemical element with the symbol Mn and atomic number 25, commonly used in steel production and other alloys | |
purity | n: the state of being undiluted or unmixed with anything else; the state of being free from immorality, especially of a sexual nature | |
electron | n: a tiny particle with the negative electrical charge | |
straight | adj: extending or moving in one direction without bending or curving; having no deviations | |
electrical | adj: relating to electricity | |
cord | n: a strong, thick, or thin thread or rope; a piece of plastic-coated wire used to transport electricity to a piece of equipment | |
snorkel | n: a tube-like device used for breathing underwater, with one end in the mouth and the other above the surface of the water | |
process | n: a series of actions or operations performed to achieve a particular outcome or goal; a systematic procedure or approach used to accomplish a specific task or objective; a method of treating milk to make it suitable for consumption or use in other dairy products | |
oxygen | n: the chemical element with the symbol O that is present in air and water and is necessary for people, animals, and plants to live | |
mineral | n: a solid inorganic substance occurring in nature having a definite chemical composition | |
rust | n: a reddish-brown coating or corrosion layer that forms on iron or steel as a result of exposure to moisture and oxygen; the process of corrosion on metal caused by oxidation | |
pyrite | n: a yellowish mineral consisting of iron disulfide, typically found in granular form and often known as “fool’s gold” due to its resemblance to gold | |
limestone | n: a sedimentary rock that is composed mainly of calcium carbonate, which is the mineral calcite | |
biology | n: the scientific study of life and the natural processes of living things | |
geology | n: a science that deals with the history of the earth as recorded in rocks | |
blur | n: a faint or indistinct image or sound; something that is not clear or distinct; (verb) to become unclear; to lose clear vision | |
volcano | n: a mountain or hill, typically conical, having a crater or vent through which lava, rock fragments, hot vapor, and gas are or have been erupted from the earth’s crust. | |
crater | n: a huge bowl-shaped cavity in the earth or an object in space, usually created by an explosion or the impact of a meteorite | |
oceanic | adj: relating to or characteristic of the ocean or its inhabitants; having to do with the vast expanse of saltwater that covers most of the Earth’s surface | |
tectonic | adj: relating to the structure of the Earth’s crust and the large-scale processes that occur as a result of movements within it | |
continental | adj: of or relating to a continent (= one of the earth’s large landmasses) | |
subduct | v: to push or force something, such as a tectonic plate, beneath another plate or into the mantle, creating a subduction zone | |
squeeze | v: to apply pressure from two or more sides; to hold someone or something tightly in your arms, usually with fondness | |
zone | n: a specific area, region, or section that is marked off or defined in some way | |
exchange | v: to give something and receive something else in return, often with the implication that the items being traded are of equal or comparable value; (noun) the act of giving or taking something in return for something else; a place or system where goods or services can be bought, sold, or traded | |
invite | v: to ask someone to come or join; to offer an opportunity or possibility for something to happen or take place | |
colleague | n: one of a group of a coworker, especially in a profession or a business | |
specific | adj: clearly defined or particular to a certain thing or situation; distinct, explicit, and precise | |
bury | v: to place a dead body in the ground, grave, or tomb | |
distribute | v: to give something to a large number of individuals, or to spread or furnish something | |
battery | n: a device that is placed inside a car, gadget, equipment, etc. and that provides electrical power to them | |
acid | n: sour; water-soluble chemicals with a sour flavor; any of a variety of generally liquid compounds capable of reacting with and occasionally dissolving other materials | |
ph | n: a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a substance, on a scale of 0 to 14, with seven being neutral, lower values indicating greater acidity, and higher values indicating greater alkalinity | |
erupt | v: (of a volcano) to become active and eject rocks, smoke, etc.; to start abruptly and violently | |
strategy | n: a detailed plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall goal. | |
overly | adv: to a greater degree than is appropriate or desirable | |
dramatic | adj: very sudden, very excellent, or full of action and excitement | |
freak | n: an abnormality that is not typical or expected | |
terrifying | adj: very frightening or intimidating | |
eruption | n: an instance of a sudden and violent release of lava, gas, or ash from a volcano; a sudden outburst or explosion of something | |
obliterate | v: to wipe out, destroy, or conceal all signs of something utterly; to remove completely from recognition or memory | |
vapor | n: a mass of tiny liquid drops in the air | |
monitor | v: to observe, check, and track the progress or quality of something over a period of time | |
institute | n: an organization that has a specific purpose, particularly one dealing with science, education, or a particular profession; (verb) to initiate, introduce, or establish something | |
illustrate | v: to provide pictures, photographs, diagrams, etc. in a book or something for explanation | |
addition | n: the act or process of adding something to something else; the process of adding numbers | |
cozy | adj: comfortable and warm; giving a feeling of comfort, warmth, and relaxation | |
bubble | n: a thin, round, and often transparent mass of gas that is surrounded by a thin layer of liquid; a state of economic or social prosperity that is unsustainable and eventually collapses | |
hypothesis | n: a proposed idea or explanation that is based on a few known facts but has not yet been proven to be true or accurate | |
underground | adj: under the surface of the ground; a secret group organized to achieve a specific purpose, such as overthrowing the government or occupying a force | |
filter | n: any of several types of equipment or systems used to separate particles from liquids or gases or to remove specific forms of light | |
awful | adj: causing fear, dread, or terror; very bad or unpleasant | |
analyze | v: to think about in-depth and evaluate to discover essential features or meaning | |
discovery | n: the act or process of finding information, a place, or an object, or learning about something that was previously not known | |
hunch | v: to lean forward or arch one’s back in a way that suggests a feeling of suspicion or uncertainty; to have a feeling or presentiment that something is true or likely to happen, without evidence or explicit proof | |
messy | adj: disorganized and untidy | |
troubleshoot | v: to identify and solve problems or difficulties, particularly in mechanical or technical systems or situations | |
instrument | n: an object used to make musical sounds, such as a piano, guitar, or drum; a tool or device used for a specific activity, particularly in specialist or scientific work | |
confuse | v: to mistake one thing for another; to make somebody hard to understand | |
release | v: to set free or allow to escape from confinement | |
atmosphere | n: the mass of air that surrounds the Earth; the pervading tone or mood of a place, situation, or creative work | |
sloth | n: laziness or lack of energy or motivation to do something; a slow-moving, arboreal mammal found in Central and South America | |
toucan | n: a tropical bird characterized by a large, colorful beak that is native to Central and South America, also known for its brightly colored feathers and distinctive calls | |
convert | v: to have a talk with someone; (adjective) reversed in order, relation, or action | |
carbonate | n: a carbonic acid salt or ester that contains the anion CO3 | |
humming | adj: producing a continuous, low, vibrating sound like that of the bee | |
engineer | n: a person whose job is designing, building, or maintaining something such as machines, structures, or software | |
entrepreneur | n: an individual who creates or invests in one or more businesses, especially when this involves taking financial risks | |
breakthrough | n: a sudden, dramatic, and important discovery or development that helps to improve a situation or provide an answer to a problem | |
chemistry | n: the branch of the natural sciences dealing with the composition of substances and their properties and reactions | |
implication | n: something that is inferred or indirectly stated; the act or fact of being involved in something | |
mitigate | v: to make less severe or less intense; to alleviate or lessen the adverse effects of something | |
climate | n: the weather in a particular location averaged over some long period | |
evolve | v: to develop gradually, or to cause the development of something or someone gradually | |
industrial | adj: of or relating to or resulting from industry | |
medical | adj: relating to the treatment of illness or injuries; relating to the practice of medicine | |
predict | v: to state beforehand that something will happen in the future, mainly based on knowledge or experience | |
earthquake | n: a sudden and violent shaking of the ground caused by the movement of rock beneath the earth’s surface | |
origin | n: the first existence or beginning of something | |
fortunate | adj: having good luck or lucky | |
amazing | adj: extremely surprising, especially in a way that you like or admire | |
crack | v: to break or cause to break without dividing into separate parts; (noun) a line on the surface of something along which it has separated without breaking | |
mystery | n: something difficult to understand or explain; a secret or enigmatic quality that adds to the fascination or interest of something; a genre of fiction that involves the solution of a crime or a puzzle | |
irrelevant | adj: not connected with or related to something and therefore not important |