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phenomenonn: something that exists and can be perceptible, especially one that is not fully understood
unfoldv: to open up or spread out something that is folded or rolled up; to reveal or disclose something that was previously hidden or unknown
overlookv: to fail to notice something; to watch over someone; to provide a view from above
gendern: the range of characteristics of femininity and masculinity and differentiating between them, especially when considering social and cultural differences rather than differences in biology
equityn: the value of the shares issued by a company
planetn: any of the nine large celestial bodies that circle in the solar system; any celestial body that revolves around a star
drawdownn: the reduction or depletion of a resource, such as water, as a result of extraction or use; the act of withdrawing funds from an account or asset, typically associated with investment or borrowing
scourv: to clean thoroughly and vigorously by scrubbing or rubbing; to search or examine something thoroughly and systematically
wisdomn: the quality of being wise, or the ability to use your knowledge and experience to make sensible decisions
trapn: a piece of equipment or hole for catching animals or people; (verb) to catch animals or people and prevent them from escaping
climaten: the weather in a particular location averaged over some long period
emissionn: the act of production or sending out gas, heat, light, etc.
atmospheren: the mass of air that surrounds the Earth; the pervading tone or mood of a place, situation, or creative work
renewableadj: capable of being renewed, extended, or replaced
retrofitv: to put a new component or accessory into a machine that did not initially have it when manufactured
efficientadj: performing at the highest level of productivity with the least wasted effort or resources; capable of achieving maximum output with minimum wasted effort, time, or materials
transportn: a system for moving people or products from one location to another using automobiles, roads, and so on
thrivev: to grow vigorously; to make steady progress
ecosystemn: all the plants and living creatures in an area and the way they affect each other and the environment
reclaimv: to take back something previously lost, given, or paid, or ask to have it back
regeneratev: to improve or renew an area, institution, system, etc., especially by making it more active or successful
soiln: the top layer of Earth in which plants grow
shiftingadj: constantly changing or moving
dietn: the food and drink that a person, animal, or community eats and drinks regularly; a legislative assembly in certain countries, for example, Japan
inextricableadj: unable to be separated or escaped from
drawingn: the act of making a picture with a pencil, pen, or other instruments on paper, cardboard, or other material
contextn: the circumstances, facts, or conditions that surround a particular event, situation, or statement and that give it meaning
urgencyn: the quality of being very important and needing to be dealt with immediately
severityn: the quality or condition of being severe, strict, or harsh
scopen: the range of one’s perceptions, thoughts, or actions, or a subject that
humankindn: the whole of the living human inhabitants of the earth
adequateadj: enough, acceptable, satisfactory for a particular purpose or need
gutn: the long tube in the body of a person or animal through which food passes when it leaves the stomach; the mental strength or bravery required to do something difficult or unpleasant
knitv: to make a garment or fabric by interlocking loops of yarn with needles or a machine
healv: to make a wound or injury to become well again
emergev: to move out of or away from something and become visible
griefn: a very great sadness, especially when somebody dies
regenerativeadj: tending to regrow or restore lost or injured tissue
ruinv: to damage, spoil, or demolish something; (noun) an unrecoverable state of devastation and destruction,
anewadv: in a new or different way
inexorableadj: describing a process or situation that is impossible to stop, prevent, or change; relentless, unyielding, or unstoppable in force or effect
healingn: the process of becoming or making somebody or something well again
fundamentaladj: forming an essential base or core from which everything else develops or is affected
ecologyn: the study of the relationships between living organisms, including humans, and their physical environment
primaryadj: first or highest in rank, order, or importance; most fundamental or essential; pertaining to the initial or introductory stage of something, such as a school year or election cycle
awarenessn: the fact or state of knowing something exists and is important
vulnerableadj: capable of being hurt or influenced physically or mentally
displacementn: the act of forcing someone or something to leave their home or place of origin, especially as a result of conflict, natural disaster, or manipulation
oddsn: the degree or probability that a particular thing will or will not happen
injuryn: harm done to a person’s or an animal’s body caused by an accident or an attack
disastern: an unexpected event or series of events that cause widespread damage, destruction, or loss of life
prolongv: to extend the duration or length of something, particularly a period of time or an event
droughtn: a long period of time during which there is very little or no rain, leading to a shortage of water and often causing damage to crops and other vegetation
precipitatev: to cause something to happen suddenly or unexpectedly; to cause a solid substance to form from a dissolved liquid or gas by means of a chemical reaction or physical process
contendv: to struggle to win or surmount something
scarcityn: the state of being in short supply; a small and inadequate amount
floodn: a large amount of water flowing beyond its normal limits; an overwhelming number or amount
resortn: a place where many people go for rest, sport, or another stated purpose; (verb) to turn to or take a course of action, especially an extreme or undesirable one, to resolve a difficult circumstance
prostituten: a person, typically a woman, who engages in sexual activity in exchange for payment
strugglev: to make a great effort to do something when it is difficult, or there are a lot of problems; to use force or violence to break away from restraint or constriction
dynamicsn: the branch of mechanics that deals with the motion of bodies under the action of forces, including the particular case in which a body remains at rest; forces that produce or stimulate movement, growth, or change
acuteadj: extremely sharp or severe
povertyn: the condition of being extremely poor
empowerv: to give someone the power or authority to do something
begv: to ask for something urgently or earnestly; to appeal to someone to do something
shoren: the land along the edge of a sea, lake, broad river, or other large body of water; (verb) to support by placing against something solid or rigid
resilientadj: able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions
avertv: to prevent something dangerous or undesirable from happening
acren: a unit of land area in the US Customary System and the British Imperial System, equal to 4,840 square yards (= 4,047 square meters)
smallholdingn: a small farm or estate that the owner or family typically works; often used to describe a farm that is smaller than a standard agricultural unit
compv: short for “compensate,” meaning to give goods or services to someone without asking for payment
creditorn: a person, company, etc. to whom a debtor owes money
efficientlyadv: in a way that produces maximum output with minimum effort or expense
disparityn: a significant difference or inequality between two or more things
gapn: a conspicuous disparity or difference separates something such as a figure, people, their opinions, situation, etc.
yieldn: the total output of crops, profits, etc. that are produced; (verb) to produce or supply helpful something, such as a profit, an amount of food, or information
implicationn: something that is inferred or indirectly stated; the act or fact of being involved in something
obviousadj: easy to see, discover or understand
threadn: a fine cord of natural or synthetic fibers or filaments, such as cotton or nylon, used in sewing, knitting, or weaving; a series of connected messages or comments on a social media platform or online forum, often related to a particular topic; a sequence or line of events, ideas, or actions that are connected or related; (verb) to pass a thread through a needle or other small opening, in preparation for sewing or stitching
unfortunatelyadv: by bad luck; unluckily
deforestv: to clear an area of forest or trees
ripplen: a small wave on the surface of a liquid, typically caused by an object falling into it or a slight wind
sustainv: to supply enough of what somebody or something needs to survive or exist; to accept as valid
estimatev: to guess or calculate the cost, size, value, etc. of something
inequityn: a lack of fairness or justice; an unfair or unequal situation or practice
agriculturen: the practice or science of cultivating the land or raising stock
parn: a state of being equal to someone or something
recyclev: to sort and collect things to process them and produce valuable materials that can be used again
cultivationn: the process of preparing and using land for growing crops or plants, often involving tilling, fertilizing, and irrigating the soil; the act of fostering or developing something, such as a skill, talent, or idea
denyv: to state that one refuses to admit the existence or truth of something
attendv: to be present at an event, to go to a place
vitaladj: necessary for the success or continued existence of something
navigatev: to plan and direct the way that a ship, plane, etc. will travel, often by using a map
adaptableadj: able or willing to modify or be modified to deal with new situations
strengthn: the quality or state of being physically, or sometimes mentally, strong
typicaladj: having the usual characteristics or traits of a specific group of things
individualn: a single person or thing, as distinct from a group
educatedadj: having received a high standard of education
outcomen: the result or effect of an action, event, etc.
voluntaryadj: done of one’s own free will; without being forced or coerced
reproductiveadj: connected with the process of reproduction; relating to reproducing babies, young animals, or plants
autonomyn: the right of an organization, country, or region to govern itself independently
dignityn: the quality of being worthy of esteem or respect; high office or rank or station
pregnantadj: having a baby or young animal developing in the uterus
unintendedadj: not planned or meant
decidev: to make up someone’s mind about something; to come to a conclusion or judgment after considering options
contraceptionn: the use of methods or devices to prevent pregnancy, typically by blocking fertilization or implantation of a fertilized egg, which options include contraceptives, condoms, intrauterine devices (IUDs), and sterilization procedures
advancev: to go or move forward; to develop in a positive way
well-beingn: the state of being happy and healthy and prosperous
aimv: to try or plan to get or achieve something
curbv: to restrain, limit, or control something; to reduce or put a stop to something undesirable; (noun) the raised edge or barrier along the edge of a street, road, or sidewalk
dramaticallyadv: in a very impressive manner
electrifyv: to make a machine or system work by using electricity; to make someone extremely enthusiastic about or interested in something
therebyadv: as a result; consequence of a particular action or set of conditions
inhabitv: to live in a specific location; to reside
accordn: an official agreement or treaty between two organizations, countries, etc.; (verb) allow to have
turbinen: a machine that rotates to generate power from fluids such as water or gas
paneln: a square or rectangular and flat piece of something that forms a distinct section or component of something; a small group of specialists who discuss particular topics or give their advice or opinion about something
responsibleadj: answerable or accountable for something within one’s power, control, or management
comprisev: to include or consist of something; the act of making up or forming something
blueprintn: a photographic print of an early plan for a building or machine
possibilityn: a chance that something may happen or be true
isolationn: the condition of being alone or lonely; the act or state of separation between persons or groups
consumptionn: the amount used or eaten; the act of using up a resource such as energy, food, or materials
segmentn: a part or section of something; a distinct group within a larger whole
exponentialadj: becoming more and more rapid; of or involving mathematical exponents
sufferv: to experience pain, distress, or hardship; to undergo or endure something painful or unpleasant
outsizeadj: larger or more extensive than what is considered average or normal; of an unusually large size or amount
injusticen: a violation of the rights of others or the laws of a society
affluentadj: rich and wealthy; having a lot of money and material wealth
extendv: to broaden in scope, range, or area
negativeadj: having the quality of something bad or harmful; expressing refusal
proverbn: a short saying that expresses a truth or gives advice based on practical experience
ignorev: to intentionally not listen or pay attention to
silentadj: without any or little sound
investv: to put money, effort, time, etc. into something to make a profit or achieve a result
analyzev: to think about in-depth and evaluate to discover essential features or meaning
philanthropicadj: characterized by a desire to promote the welfare of others, especially by donating money or providing charitable aid; of or relating to the practice of philanthropy
specificallyadv: only associated with or meant for one thing
environmentn: the natural world such as air, water, and land in which humans, animals, and plants live
mereadj: used to emphasize how insignificant or minor someone or something is
unjustadj: not fair or equitable; lacking in justice or impartiality; morally unacceptable or wrong
radicaladj: relating to the essential aspects of anything; far beyond the norm, mainly used of opinions and actions
reshapev: to change the form or structure of something
solvern: a thinker who finds an answer to a problem or a difficult situation; a piece of software or the algorithm that solves a mathematical problem
cravev: to have a strong desire for something; to long for or want intensely
checklistn: a list of items, tasks, or points to be considered or acted upon, used as a reminder and to ensure that all necessary steps have been taken
functionn: the purpose or use of an object, system, or process; a particular activity or operation that is designed to serve a specific purpose; a mathematical concept that describes a relationship between two sets of values, called the input and output sets; (verb) to operate or work in a specific way, or to perform a particular task or purpose
diversityn: the quality or fact of many different types of things or people being included in something; a range of different things or people
superpowern: a country or nation that has significant global influence or formidable military, economic, or technological strength; a supernatural ability or force capable of extraordinary feats or feats beyond normal human capabilities
educatorn: a person who teaches or educates people
messengern: someone or something that carries a message, especially one sent to convey information, news, or an official document
awakenv: to stop sleeping or to cause someone to stop sleeping
manufacturev: to make goods in large numbers, usually in a factory using machines
debaten: a formal discussion or argument of opposing viewpoints, often to persuade others to adopt a specific position; a public discussion, often on an issue of current interest, in which participants offer opinions and differing perspectives
fierceadj: severe and violent in a way that is frightening
magnificentadj: extremely beautiful and impressive; grand or noble in thought or deed
boldadj: brave, daring, and confident; not frightened of danger or afraid to say what you feel or to take risks
identityn: the fact of being who or what somebody or something is; the features, emotions, or ideas that distinguish persons from one another
seizev: to catch or take hold of someone or something suddenly and forcibly; to capture the attention or imagination of something