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argumentn: a set of statements or reasons used to support or refute a proposition or theory; a verbal or physical fight or dispute
overestimatev: to estimate something to be greater in amount or importance than it really is
underestimatev: to think or suppose that a quantity, price, or size is smaller than it is
miraclen: an act or occurrence that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore believed to be caused by God
miraculousadj: very effective or lucky, or completely unexpected
interruptv: to say or do something that causes someone to stop in their speech or action
distancen: the amount of space between two points, measured in units such as miles, meters, or kilometers; the extent, scope, or range between two things, such as distance or emotional distance
unpackv: to open and remove stored items from a container or package; to analyze or examine something in detail, often to clarify or understand it better
telescopen: a device like a tube in shape containing lenses used to magnify and observe distant objects
originn: the first existence or beginning of something
ruinv: to damage, spoil, or demolish something; (noun) an unrecoverable state of devastation and destruction,
religionn: a deep conviction in a supernatural power that controls human destiny
launchv: to send or propel something into the air or space using a device such as a rocket, missile, or spacecraft; to make something available or on sale for the first time
resolvev: to find a suitable answer to the problems or difficulty
speckn: a very small spot, piece, or amount
distantadj: far away in space, time, or where you are; far apart in relevance, relationship, or kinship
detectv: to find or recognize something, especially something difficult to see, hear, etc.
exoplanetn: a planet that orbits a star outside of the solar system
separatev: to force, take, or pull apart; mark as different
universen: everything that exists, especially all physical matter, including planets, stars, galaxies, and all other forms of matter and energy
planetn: any of the nine large celestial bodies that circle in the solar system; any celestial body that revolves around a star
photosynthesisn: the process through which plants and other organisms transform light energy into chemical energy, which is then released through cellular respiration to power the organism’s activities.
discoveryn: the act or process of finding information, a place, or an object, or learning about something that was previously not known
continentn: one of the earth’s large landmasses; (adjective) abstaining from your feelings, especially your desire to have sex
grantv: to agree to give or allow somebody
conceptn: an idea or principle associated with something abstract
editv: to prepare written material for publication by correcting, condensing, or otherwise modifying it
executev: to kill someone, especially as a legal punishment; to carry out or perform an action, duty, etc.
plopn: a short and soft sound like that of a small object dropping into water without a splash; (verb) drop with the sound of something falling into water
stemn: the central part of something from which other parts can develop or grow; the part of a word common to all its inflected variants; (verb) to grow out of, have roots in, or originate in
processn: a series of actions or operations performed to achieve a particular outcome or goal; a systematic procedure or approach used to accomplish a specific task or objective; a method of treating milk to make it suitable for consumption or use in other dairy products
tangerinen: a sweet, juicy citrus fruit that is smaller and sweeter than an orange, usually with a reddish-orange peel
genomen: the complete set or sequence of genes of a human, animal, plant, or other living things
announcev: to make something known or officially inform people about something
chromosomen: a long and string-like DNA molecule containing the part or all of the genetic material of an organism that controls what an animal or plant is like
microscopen: an instrument used to see objects or substances that are too small to be seen with the naked eye
zoomv: to move along very quickly; (noun) the act of rising upward into the air
inferioradj: lower in rank, status, or quality
recessiveadj: of or relating to the state of the economy declines; (of a gene) controlling a characteristic that is expressed only when a dominant allele is not present
mutantn: an organism that has characteristics resulting from a mutation (= alteration in the nucleic acid sequence of the genome)
identifyv: to recognize someone or something and say or prove who or what they are
leukemian: a type of cancer that affects the blood and bone marrow, in which abnormal white blood cells are produced and grow uncontrollably
shiftn: a slight transition in position, direction, or trend
colorectaladj: relating to or affecting both the colon (= a part of the large intestine) and the rectum (= a part of the digestive system), often used to refer to medical conditions of the lower digestive system
cancern: abnormal growth of cells that can invade and destroy surrounding tissues and organs; a disease characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells
specificadj: clearly defined or particular to a certain thing or situation; distinct, explicit, and precise
patientn: a person who is receiving medical treatment, care, or attention from a healthcare professional, such as a doctor, nurse, or therapist; a personal quality or characteristic
letter-by-letteradv: referring to a method of communication or transmission in which individual letters or characters are spelled out or conveyed one at a time, often used for slow, deliberate, or painstaking communication
enormousadj: extremely large or great
databasen: a large amount of data stored in a computer system in such a way that it can be searched and updated easily
incredibleadj: unbelievable; enormous
plaguen: any epidemic disease with a high death rate; (also called pest) a serious, sometimes fatal, infection spread by rats that causes fever and swellings on the body
bubon: a swollen and painful lymph node, often caused by a bacterial infection such as the bubonic plague
absolutelyadv: without restriction or limitation; completely or utterly
tuberculosisn: an infectious disease usually caused by tubercle bacteria that can attack many parts of a person’s body, especially their lungs
detectiven: a person whose job it is to find out information about crimes and find out who did them
choleran: a severe infectious disease that causes acute diarrhea, vomiting, and dehydration, often resulting in a rapid and dangerous loss of body fluids and electrolytes
geneticadj: of or relating to genes (= parts of the DNA in cells) or the science of genes
diversifyv: to make something include more different types or things; to spread out activities or investments
branchn: a division of a tree or woody shrub that grows out from the trunk or a main stem; a division of some larger or more complex organization
constantlyadv: all the time
biologyn: the scientific study of life and the natural processes of living things
reactv: to take action in response to something
magnifyv: to make something look bigger than it really is, especially by looking at it through a lens; to make something bigger, stronger, or louder
observev: to watch or notice something carefully, often to gather information or insights; to take note of something or someone; to celebrate or commemorate a special event or occasion
proactiveadj: acting in advance to deal with an expected difficulty or to take advantage of an opportunity.
excitev: to make someone feel suddenly enthusiastic or eager
insertv: to put something inside something else
syntheticadj: made by combining chemical substances as opposed to being naturally occurring
trendn: a general direction in which something is changing or developing
industrialadj: of or relating to or resulting from industry
revolutionn: a large-scale attempt to overthrow the government of a country, often using violence or war;
lobbyn: a large area inside the entrance of a public building where people can meet and wait; a group of people who try to persuade a politician, the government, or an official group to influence legislation
instrumentn: an object used to make musical sounds, such as a piano, guitar, or drum; a tool or device used for a specific activity, particularly in specialist or scientific work
chipn: a small fragment of something broken off from the whole; a long and thin piece of potato fried in oil or fat
photographn: a picture or image that is produced by a camera; a visual representation or record of a person, object, or scene that has been captured electronically or on film
spreadsheetn: a computer program that is used for displaying and dealing with numbers by arranging them in rows and columns
softwaren: a set of computer programs and associated documentation and data for doing particular computational jobs
hardwaren: durable tools, machinery, and other equipment; the physical and electronic parts of a computer or other electronic systems
carbonn: a chemical element that can be found in pure form as diamond or graphite, and it is also an essential part of coal and oil and is found in all plants and animals
neutraladj: not helping or assisting either side in a conflict, argument, etc.
fueln: a substance that is typically burned to generate heat or energy
commercen: the activity of buying and selling things, especially on a large scale
substituten: a person or thing acting or serving instead of another one; (verb) to act as a something or someone instead of another one
agriculturen: the practice or science of cultivating the land or raising stock
hectaren: a unit of area equal to 10,000 square meters
proteinn: a molecule made up of a long chain of amino acids, which is essential for the structure and function of the body’s tissues
vatn: a large container, especially one used for storing or holding liquids
vaccinen: a substance that is put into the body and protects them from disease by causing them to produce antibodies (= proteins that attack harmful bacteria, viruses, etc.)
storagen: the act or process of putting in and keeping something in a particular place for use in the future; an electronic memory device that can store information
devicen: a piece of equipment, tool, or technology that serves a particular purpose or function, often mechanical or electronic
theoreticaladj: relating to the concepts and principles upon which a particular topic is founded, rather than practice and experience
medicaladj: relating to the treatment of illness or injuries; relating to the practice of medicine
departv: to go away or leave, especially to start a journey
conservativeadj: holding traditional views and values and opposed to change or innovation
anatomyn: the scientific study that deals with the physical structure of humans, animals, or plants
cadavern: a dead body, especially one used for scientific study or medical research
physicsn: the science of matter and energy and their interactions
observationn: the act or activity of carefully examining or monitoring something or someone
experimentaladj: relating to or based on new ideas, forms, methods, etc. that have not been tried before, usually to find out what effect they have
physicistn: a scientist who specializes in the field of physics
virusn: a tiny infectious organic material that causes disease in people, animals, and plants
microbiomen: the community of microorganisms (= living things too small to be seen) that can usually be found living together in any given environment or the human body
stackn: a pile of something arranged or laid one on top of another; a large tall chimney through which combustion gases and smoke can be evacuated
predictionn: the act of predicting the future by reasoning; a statement made about the future
consumev: to spend something, especially fuel, energy, or time, in a large amount
sequencen: a series of related events, actions, numbers, etc., which have a particular order
relativeadj: considered and evaluated through comparison with something else
unexpectedadj: not anticipated or regarded as likely to happen
normallyadv: usually; under normal conditions
advertisev: to draw attention to something such as a product, service, or event in public to encourage people to buy, use, or attend it
ripv: to tear something or be torn violently or suddenly
pregnantadj: having a baby or young animal developing in the uterus
discountn: a reduction in the original price of an item, product, or service; a deduction from the usual cost or value of something; (verb) to disregard or minimize the importance of something; to offer a lower price for a product or service than its original price
cribn: a small, enclosed bed for a baby, typically on rockers
empowerv: to give someone the power or authority to do something
desktopn: a flat working surface or table that is usually placed on top of a desk, typically used for a computer or other work-related activities
redesignv: to design something again, especially in a different or modified form; (noun) the process of designing something again
condemnv: to express strong disapproval or criticism of something
cystn: a sac, cavity, or abnormal growth in the body that is typically filled with fluid or semisolid material; usually benign but can also be cancerous and require treatment
fibrosisn: the formation of excess fibrous connective tissue in an organ or tissue, often associated with inflammation, scarring, or injury; a pathological condition that can affect various organs and tissues of the body, leading to impaired function and potential organ failure
complicatedadj: involving a lot of different things or parts in a way that is difficult to understand or analyze
debaten: a formal discussion or argument of opposing viewpoints, often to persuade others to adopt a specific position; a public discussion, often on an issue of current interest, in which participants offer opinions and differing perspectives
nationn: a large organized community of people living in a particular country or region and having a particular culture
academyn: a school for special training; a type of official organization that aims to encourage and develop standards in its particular field
mosquiton: a small flying insect whose female bites people and animals and sucks their blood, and sometimes transmits serious diseases such as malaria
malarian: a severe disease caused by a parasite that is spread by the bite of an infected mosquito
environmentn: the natural world such as air, water, and land in which humans, animals, and plants live
extremeadj: very great in amount or degree
looseadj: not securely fixed or fastened in place or able to be detached or separated from something
decisionn: the act or process of making up someone’s mind about something; a choice or judgment reached after considering options
graduaten: a person who has a first degree from university or college; (verb) to complete the first course of university or college and get a degree
modernadj: of or belonging to the present time or recent times
chemicaladj: relating to or connected with chemistry;
lasern: a device that emits powerful and narrow light that can be used as a tool to cut metal through a process of optical amplification
vialn: a small glass container, especially one containing liquid medicine or perfume
bubblen: a thin, round, and often transparent mass of gas that is surrounded by a thin layer of liquid; a state of economic or social prosperity that is unsustainable and eventually collapses
lipidn: any of a group of organic compounds, including fats, oils, and waxes, that are insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents and are essential constituents of living cells
precursorn: a person or thing that comes before another of the same kind and that contributes to or influences its growth
absorbv: to take in a fluid or other substance gradually
dividev: to separate or cause to separate into parts or groups
scratchv: to cut or damage the surface of something or the skin with a sharp or pointed object
digitaladj: processing or storing information as a succession of 1 and 0 to show that a signal is present or missing; relating to the use of computer technology, especially the internet
mergev: to combine or integrate things, or to cause this to happen
brainn: the organ inside the head that is responsible for one’s movement, thought, memory, and feeling
rebuildv: to build again or anew
regrowv: to grow back or regenerate after being cut or removed, such as cells or tissues in the body, or plants and vegetation
trachean: the tube-like structure in the body through which air moves from the larynx (= a part of the human respiratory system located in the neck region) to the bronchi (= part of the respiratory system and are responsible for conducting air into the lungs), also known as the windpipe
bladdern: a hollow, flexible sac-like organ in the body that stores and expels fluids, such as urine or bile
implantv: to insert or fix an artificial device in a person’s body; to put an idea, attitude, etc., firmly in the mind
coren: the most essential or fundamental part of something
frontiern: a border that separates two countries, or the area near this line
apocryphaladj: of doubtful or questionable authenticity; well known, but probably not true
quotationn: a group of words taken from a text or speech and repeated by someone other than the original author or speaker
scarev: to frighten a person or animal, or to become frightened
interactv: to communicate or react with somebody
folkn: people in general, especially those of a particular group or type