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psychologyn: the scientific study of mind and behavior
irrationaladj: not based on, or not using reason or clear thinking; (mathematics) a real number that cannot be expressed as the ratio of two integers
illogicaladj: not making sense or not based on sound reasoning
egocentricadj: centered on oneself or one’s interests to the exclusion of others; overly focused on one’s own needs, desires, or opinions and disregarding those of others
perspectiven: a confident attitude toward something; a particular style of thinking about something
developv: to grow or expand; to improve or refine through a process of progress and refinement, often to achieve greater sophistication or complexity; to elaborate or add detail to something that is in the process of being created
overturnv: to turn something upside down; to upset
brilliantadj: extremely clever, skilled, or impressive
aftadj: (the opposite of “forward”) located at or towards the rear or back of a ship, aircraft, or other vehicle
testifyv: to provide evidence or give a statement under oath, often in a legal or formal setting, such as a court of law; to bear witness to or affirm the truth of something based on personal knowledge or experience
profoundadj: extremely great; sensed or experienced very strongly; displaying a high level of knowledge or comprehension
streamn: a small, narrow river; a continuous flow of something, such as liquid, gas, people, vehicles, etc.
consciousadj: being aware of and able to respond to what is happening around you
monologuen: a solo speech or performance given by one person, typically in a theatrical or storytelling context, and often used to reveal aspects of the speaker’s thoughts, feelings, or backstory
ponyn: a small horse
broccolin: a green vegetable with a bunch of small, tight florets on a thick stem that belongs to the cabbage family
studn: a small object with a head on one end and a sharp point on the other, used for fastening clothing, leather, or other materials; an animal used for breeding, typically a male horse or bull that is of superior breeding stock; (verb) to decorate or adorn with studs; to provide with studs for support
deliciousadj: exceptionally pleasing to taste or smell
goldfishn: a small, freshwater fish with bright scales and a round body, often kept as a pet or used as a decorative element in ponds or aquariums
crackern: a crisp, dry baked food usually made from flour and served as a snack or with soup or cheese; a person who breaks into computer systems or networks without authorization, commonly known as a hacker; a small firework that is designed to make a loud noise when ignited
saneadj: mentally sound or normal; having a rational mind
oppositionn: the act of disagreeing or resisting; the state of strong disagreement
remarkableadj: worthy of attention because unusual or special
barelyadv: just enough; hardly; with great difficulty or effort
starev: to gaze or look fixedly and intently at someone or something, often in a questioning, curious, or suspicious manner; (noun) a fixed, intense, and prolonged gaze or look
discoveryn: the act or process of finding information, a place, or an object, or learning about something that was previously not known
demonstratev: to display something or give an exhibition to an interested audience
superficiallyadv: in a manner that is concerned only with surface appearances or lacks depth or thoroughness; on the surface but not in-depth or detail
uselessadj: not serving any useful purpose; having no practical result
evolutionn: a gradual process of transformation of living things
puzzlen: a situation that is difficult to follow or solve; a game, problem, or toy that tests a person’s ingenuity or knowledge; (verb) to cause someone to feel confused because of something difficult to understand
primaten: any mammal of the order Primates, which includes monkeys, apes, and humans
mammaln: any animal of which the female gives birth to live young, not eggs, and feeds her young on milk from her own body
marsupialadj: relating to or characteristic of mammals of the order Marsupialia, which typically carry their newborn offspring in a pouch on their abdomen; referring to animals such as kangaroos, koalas, and opossums
kangaroon: a large marsupial native to Australia with powerful hind legs for jumping and carrying young in a pouch on the mother’s belly
wombn: the organ of a woman or female mammal in which a baby develops before birth
relationn: the way two persons or groups of people feel and act toward one another
childhoodn: the state or time of being a child
brainn: the organ inside the head that is responsible for one’s movement, thought, memory, and feeling
flexibleadj: able to change or be changed to suit new conditions or situations; able to bend easily
ravenn: a large, glossy black bird that is a species of a crow; a person with jet-black hair, sometimes used as an adjective to describe such hair
rookien: a newcomer or beginner, specifically in a particular profession, sport, or activity; an inexperienced or naive person
forthadv: forward, outward, or onward in location, direction, or progress; into view or consideration; with confidence, boldness, or in the open
incrediblyadv: in a way that is very difficult to believe; exceedingly or extremely
chimpanzeen: a small, very intelligent ape found in west and central Africa with black or brown fur
domesticadj: relating to or inside a particular country, not foreign or international
chickn: a baby bird, especially a young chicken
turkeyn: (of an animal) a large bird with a fan-shaped tail native to North America, widely grown for food; (of a country) a Eurasian republic in Asia Minor and the Balkans
dumbadj: lacking the power of speech, unable to speak; stupid, or lacking intelligence
dumpv: to deposit or dispose of something, such as trash, waste, etc., carelessly or hurriedly
peckv: to strike or bite someone or something repeatedly, usually with the beak or bill; to give a quick, small kiss or nibble
grainn: wheat or any other small hard seeds used as a food; a relatively small granular particle of a substance
fledglingn: water creatures that live in shells, especially one of the types that can be eaten
wormn: a long, thin creature with a soft and long cylindrical tube-like body, no limbs, and a lack of eyes
explanationn: the information or arguments that someone provides to make something understandable or clear
suitedadj: appropriate, fitting, or acceptable for a particular purpose or occasion; matched or corresponding to a specific person, dress, or circumstances
environmentn: the natural world such as air, water, and land in which humans, animals, and plants live
creaturen: a living being, especially an animal
extremeadj: very great in amount or degree
distributev: to give something to a large number of individuals, or to spread or furnish something
relativeadj: considered and evaluated through comparison with something else
survivev: to live or exist despite a dangerous event or period
migratev: to move from one country or region to another and settle there; to move from one place to another periodically or seasonally
dependentadj: relying on someone or something else for support or aid
correlationn: a statistical relationship between two variables in which one variable is affected by the other; a reciprocal relation between two or more facts, numbers, etc.
strategyn: a detailed plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall goal.
disadvantagen: a drawback or a negative aspect of something; (verb) to put someone or something in an unfavorable position
helplessadj: unable to take care of oneself or to do things without help
mastodonn: a large, extinct elephant-like mammal that lived during the Pleistocene epoch, characterized by its long curved tusks and massive size
slingshotn: a Y-shaped stick with an elastic band attached for shooting small stones or other projectiles
spearn: a weapon with a long shaft and a sharp metal point used for battle, hunting, and fishing in the past
divisionn: the act or outcome of splitting into separate parts; a critical organizational unit or sector
laborn: productive work, especially physical work done for wages; the people who do manual or physical work in a country or company for wage; (verb) to work hard or to strive and make an effort to reach a goal
defectiveadj: having a flaw or fault that prevents proper functioning or usability; broken or imperfect in some way
caterpillarn: the wormlike larva of a butterfly or moth
butterflyn: a diurnal insect typically has a slender body with knobbed antennae and broad, colorful wings
flitv: to move quickly and lightly from place to place, often without purpose or direction; to flutter or dart quickly, like a bird or insect
explorev: to travel to or penetrate an area or a country to learn about it; to thoroughly examine a subject or a possibility to learn more about it
evolutionaryadj: relating to or denoting how living things develop or change from earlier forms
mechanismn: a part of a machine, or a set of parts that performs a task; a natural or established process that occurs during a specific situation or reaction
planetn: any of the nine large celestial bodies that circle in the solar system; any celestial body that revolves around a star
revolutionn: a large-scale attempt to overthrow the government of a country, often using violence or war;
reverev: to feel deep and profound respect or admiration for someone or something; to hold in high esteem
statisticiann: a person who studies or is an expert in statistics
mathematicsn: the science dealing with the logic of quantities, shapes, spaces, and arrangement
essentiallyadv: relating to the essential features or concepts of anything
probabilisticadj: characterized by the influence of chance or probability; involving the use of statistical models or methods to estimate likelihoods or risks
characterizev: to describe the distinctive nature or features of someone or something; to be a distinguishing feature of
hypothesisn: a proposed idea or explanation that is based on a few known facts but has not yet been proven to be true or accurate
coren: the most essential or fundamental part of something
underneathadv: under or below something else
complicatedadj: involving a lot of different things or parts in a way that is difficult to understand or analyze
calculationn: the act or process of using numbers to judge an amount of something
conditionaladj: depending on a specific condition or circumstance; imposed or subject to certain conditions or restrictions
revisev: to examine and make corrections or alterations to the idea, piece of writing, etc. to improve it
statisticsn: the discipline that concerns the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data
detectv: to find or recognize something, especially something difficult to see, hear, etc.
labn: a workplace for the conduct of scientific research; a laboratory
mentionv: to speak or write about something or someone briefly
activatev: make something start working, more active or dynamic
unlikelyadj: not probable or likely to happen
unconsciousadj: in the state of lacking awareness and the capacity for sensory perception, especially as the result of a head injury or illness
circumstancen: the specific conditions or events that surround a particular situation or occurrence
experimentn: the scientific test conducted to observe what happens and gain new knowledge
bunchn: a grouping of several similar things which are growing or fastened together
experimentaladj: relating to or based on new ideas, forms, methods, etc. that have not been tried before, usually to find out what effect they have
anomalyn: something or someone that deviates from what is expected or normal, often in a way that is difficult to explain or understand
falsifyv: to alter or manipulate information, data, or evidence to deceive or mislead; to prove to be false or incorrect
recognizev: to acknowledge or realize something or someone; to identify, remember, or become aware of something that was previously known or encountered
expressionn: the act of conveying thoughts, feelings, or ideas using words, facial expressions, body language, or art; a look or gesture that conveys a particular emotion or mood
despairn: the feeling that there is no hope and you cannot do anything to improve a difficult situation
locatev: to specify or determine the exact position of someone or something
electrifyv: to make a machine or system work by using electricity; to make someone extremely enthusiastic about or interested in something
adorableadj: inspiring love, affection, or fondness; charming or delightful; cute, lovable
articulatev: to express oneself clearly and effectively in spoken or written language
typicaladj: having the usual characteristics or traits of a specific group of things
philosophyn: the study of general and fundamental questions, such as those about existence, reason, knowledge, values, mind
spotlightn: a beam of light used to illuminate a particular area or person
decidev: to make up someone’s mind about something; to come to a conclusion or judgment after considering options
relevancen: the state or degree of being closely connected or appropriate to the matter at hand
attendv: to be present at an event, to go to a place
vividadj: producing very clear, powerful, and detailed images in the mind
prefrontaladj: in or about the foremost part of the frontal lobe of the brain
cortexn: the outermost layer of an organ, especially the brain
executiven: a person or group of people with top-level management responsibility in a business or other organization; the branch that is responsible for implementing, administering, and enforcing laws, as well as running the day-to-day operations
lanternn: a portable source of lighting, typically featuring a protective enclosure for the light source
floodn: a large amount of water flowing beyond its normal limits; an overwhelming number or amount
neurotransmittern: a chemical that carries nerve impulses between neurons or between neurons and muscles
inducev: to persuade someone to do something; to cause to act in a specific manner
plasticityn: the quality or state of being easily molded, shaped, or modified; the capacity for change, adaptability, or flexibility, particularly about a material substance, biological process, or psychological trait
inhibitv: to prevent something, such as an action, process, etc., from happening or make it less likely to happen than normal
ridv: to make someone or something free of unwanted or unpleasant tasks, objects, or person
contractn: a legally binding agreement between two or more parties, setting out their rights and obligations to each other, typically in writing and enforceable by law
expandv: to increase or to make something greater in size, number, or importance
facultyn: an inborn or natural ability to hear, see, think, move, etc.; a department or group of the university concerned with a major division of knowledge
zombien: a dead body that has been brought back to life by a supernatural force; someone who acts or responds in a mechanical or apathetic way
downstairsadv: on or to a lower or ground floor of a building
mimicv: to imitate someone’s speech, movement, or behavior, especially to make others laugh
espresson: a strong, concentrated, and finely ground coffee beverage, typically served in a small cup or demitasse originating in Italy, which is characterized by its rich, dark flavor and thick, foamy crema on top
fantasticadj: extremely good; excellent
lacen: a delicate fabric made of interlacing thread or other material; a cord used to fasten or adorn clothing, often with a pattern of holes or spaces; a decorative netting or interlaced design
open-mindedadj: willing to listen to or consider new or different ideas
imaginaryadj: existing only in someone’s mind
creativeadj: relating to or involving the use of skill and original and unusual ideas to create something
innovationn: the creation of a new device or process resulting from study and experimentation