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chickn: a baby bird, especially a young chicken
cowboyn: a man, typically one on horseback, who herds and tends cattle, especially in the western US; a person who behaves roughly or recklessly, typically a man; a skilled ranch worker who is adept at many tasks, especially those involving horses and cattle
junglen: an area of tropical forest where in which trees and plants grow very thickly
parn: a state of being equal to someone or something
affordv: to have enough money or time to be able to buy or do something
accompanyv: to go somewhere or travel with someone or something
innocentadj: not guilty of a crime, offense, etc.; not having an evil mind or knowledge
visualadj: relating to seeing or sight
impairv: to damage something or make it weaker or worse
specializev: to become an expert in a specific career field, study, or business
supposev: to think that something is likely to be actual or possible
pilotn: a person who flies an aircraft, especially as a job; a person qualified to guide ships through a difficult area of water
fakeadj: not genuine; fraudulent or counterfeit
celebratev: to acknowledge a memorable or good day or event with a social gathering or enjoyable activity
silentadj: without any or little sound
awfuladj: causing fear, dread, or terror; very bad or unpleasant
blindadj: unable to see; unable or unwilling to perceive or understand the true nature of something
passionn: intense, driving, or overpowering feeling or conviction
suev: to claim a person or organization, especially by filing a legal claim for money or redress
ocularadj: relating to the eyes or vision; visual; pertaining to or connected with the sense of sight
albinoadj: characterized by a lack of pigmentation in the skin, hair, and eyes, resulting in a pale or white appearance; lacking the usual coloration or pigmentation
helln: the place thought to be where bad people go and are punished after death, often depicted as being located beneath the earth; an extraordinarily unpleasant or difficult place
holyadj: of or related to a god, divine power, or a particular religion
freakn: an abnormality that is not typical or expected
patv: to touch or tap something lightly and usually in a friendly or encouraging manner; to apply or rub lightly and repetitively
etchv: to carve, cut, or engrave (a design or text) into a hard surface; to corrode, erode or eat away at a metal surface using acid or another chemical substance to create a design or pattern
squintv: to look at something with half-closed eyes, especially when trying to see more clearly or in bright light; to consider or examine something with suspicion, doubt, or skepticism
bizarreadj: very strange or unusual
incrediblyadv: in a way that is very difficult to believe; exceedingly or extremely
braveadj: showing courage or fearlessness in the face of danger, difficulty, or adversity
decisionn: the act or process of making up someone’s mind about something; a choice or judgment reached after considering options
labeln: a small piece of paper, fabric, or other material attached to an object and giving information about it; (verb) to assign to a category
limitationn: a rule or act that restricts the scope of something
decidev: to make up someone’s mind about something; to come to a conclusion or judgment after considering options
survivev: to live or exist despite a dangerous event or period
devastatev: to wreck a place or an area or cause significant damage
insaneadj: extremely stupid, crazy, or dangerous; mentally ill
thumpv: to strike or hit heavily or repeatedly, often with a dull, resonating sound; to pound or beat forcefully
recoverv: to return to a former condition, health, mind, or strength
swearv: to make a solemn promise or vow; to use rude or offensive language
madadj: insane, especially due to a mental illness; very angry
doggedadj: showing persistent determination or tenacity, often in the face of difficulty or opposition; steadfastly pursuing a goal or objective
determinationn: the quality of being persistent and purposeful; the act of finding out the exact nature or essence of something
breedv: to keep animals for producing offspring in a regulated manner
shoren: the land along the edge of a sea, lake, broad river, or other large body of water; (verb) to support by placing against something solid or rigid
destinationn: the place to which someone or something is going or being sent; the ultimate purpose or goal of a journey or action
ramv: to strike or push forcefully, often to cause damage; to batter or break open a door or barrier using brute force
archaeologyn: the branch of anthropology that studies prehistoric people and their cultures
landscapen: an expanse of scenery that can be seen in a single view; a large area of land, especially in the country and relating to its appearance
disabledadj: having a physical or mental condition that limits someone’s specific actions that most other people can do
educatedadj: having received a high standard of education
consultv: to seek or get advice or information from a person, book, or other source having special knowledge on a particular subject
extraordinaryadj: exceptional, unexpected, very unusual; surpassing the ordinary or usual
temporarilyadv: for a limited time only or not permanently
unexpectedadj: not anticipated or regarded as likely to happen
competitiveadj: involving competition or competitiveness
environmentn: the natural world such as air, water, and land in which humans, animals, and plants live
impersonatev: to pretend to be someone else, often with the intent to deceive or defraud; to imitate the mannerisms or speech of another person as a form of tribute or satire
disabilityn: a physical or mental condition that makes it difficult for someone to do some things that other people do
frighteningadj: causing fear or alarm, or very surprising and alarming
fueln: a substance that is typically burned to generate heat or energy
operatev: to work in a particular way; to supervise something
sightn: the ability to see; anything that is seen
disastern: an unexpected event or series of events that cause widespread damage, destruction, or loss of life
gentn: a polite or formal term used to refer to a man, particularly one who is gentle or refined in manners or behavior; short for a gentleman
toiletn: a bowl-shaped plumbing fixture with a seat for defecation and urination, or a room or building containing one or more of this fixture
determinantn: a factor, circumstance, or condition that contributes to the shaping, influencing, or determining of a particular outcome or result
trianglen: a three-sided polygon with three angles; something that has three sides or parts
exhaustn: the system in a vehicle that removes waste gases from the engine; (verb) to make someone completely tired
botherv: to disturb, annoy, or cause inconvenience or worry to someone; to take the trouble or effort to do something
therapyn: the act of caring for someone through medication, remedial training, etc.
questn: a long or challenging search for something
firmadj: resolute or unwavering in decision-making or action; strong or secure in structure, make, or composition; reliable, trustworthy, or dependable; (noun) a business or company
chipn: a small fragment of something broken off from the whole; a long and thin piece of potato fried in oil or fat
chokev: to prevent or obstruct the normal breathing or swallowing of someone or something
motorbiken: a lightweight, two-wheeled vehicle with an engine designed for use on roads; also known as a motorcycle
appropriateadj: suitable or proper in the circumstances; fitting
achev: to experience a dull, persistent pain or discomfort, typically of moderate or low intensity; to feel a continuous dull pain
sensibleadj: having good sense or judgment; reasonable; practical; marked by a perception of the importance or seriousness of something
lamppostn: a tall standing pole that supports one or more electric lamps
tendencyn: an inclination or predisposition towards a particular behavior, attitude, or course of action; a natural or prevailing tendency or characteristic
smashingadj: very successful or impressive; causing something to be broken or destroyed
bashv: to strike or hit hard, often with a blunt object or a fist; to criticize harshly or with force; to hold a social gathering or party, often involving loud music or revelry; (noun) a lively, informal party or gathering, often characterized by loud music, dancing, and socializing
typicaladj: having the usual characteristics or traits of a specific group of things
snotn: mucus produced by the nose, often mixed with saliva or other secretions that can be expelled by blowing the nose or sneezing
ridiculousadj: very silly or unreasonable and deserving to be laughed at
pityn: a feeling of sorrow and compassion caused by the suffering or misfortunes of others; an object of contempt or disdain
crumplev: to collapse or crumple into a disordered or wrinkled mass; to fall apart or lose strength suddenly; to become emotionally distressed or overwhelmed
woov: to seek the affection or favor of someone; to court or pursue someone romantically or with flattery
scootv: to move or glide along quickly and smoothly on a surface, especially on a scooter or similar device
sprintv: to run at full speed over a short distance or period of time
grabv: to take hold of something or someone suddenly with a hand, especially in a violent way
couchn: a piece of furniture made for sitting, usually with a back and armrests, designed to seat more than one person
handlev: to deal with a situation, problem, or strong emotion
consultantn: a person who provides professional or expert advice
hirev: to give somebody a job
cluen: an object, a piece of evidence, or some information that helps someone to find the answer to a problem, question, or mystery
universen: everything that exists, especially all physical matter, including planets, stars, galaxies, and all other forms of matter and energy
trekn: a long and difficult journey, typically on foot
achievev: to successfully complete a task or goal, often through hard work, perseverance, and dedication; to attain or accomplish something that one has set out to do
pretensionn: the act of claiming or asserting something, especially without good reason or without evidence; an unfounded or excessive claim or ambition
cataractn: a clouding of the lens in the eye that affects vision; a large waterfall
amazingadj: extremely surprising, especially in a way that you like or admire
chuckv: to throw something carelessly or casually; to get rid of something or someone
entrepreneurn: an individual who creates or invests in one or more businesses, especially when this involves taking financial risks
organizationn: a group of people who work together for a shared purpose
conservationn: the protection of something important, such as the natural environment or artificial structures, especially from the damaging effects of human activity
charityn: an organization that helps people in need, especially by providing food, shelter, or money; a kindly and sympathetic attitude toward people
leadershipn: the ability, act, or status of leading a group of people or an organization
reframev: to reinterpret, rephrase, or redefine an issue, situation, or question in a different way
excitingadj: causing a lot of interest or excitement
oddadj: strange or unexpected; not divisible by two
petrifyv: to turn to stone; to make hard and unyielding
symboln: something visible that is used to represent something else
stickv: to put something, usually a sharp object, into something; to restrict yourself to doing or using one certain thing and not change; (noun) a thin piece of wood or other material
skipv: to move along lightly and quickly, making a step from one foot to the other with a hop or bounce; to intentionally fail to do something which would normally do
queuen: a line of people or vehicles, especially one that forms outside a place of entertainment or a public building, waiting for something to become available
scaredadj: afraid or frightened
confidentadj: feeling sure about your abilities or qualities or having trust in people, plans, or the future
absolutelyadv: without restriction or limitation; completely or utterly
visionn: the ability to think about or see the future with imagination and intelligence; the faculty of being able to see
gayadj: homosexual; happy, carefree
straightadj: extending or moving in one direction without bending or curving; having no deviations
normn: something that is regarded as usual, typical, or standard
invisibleadj: impossible or nearly impossible to see
jamn: a situation in which something becomes stuck because of a dense crowd of people, vehicles, etc.; a preserve of crushed fruit
jarn: a cylindrical container, typically made of glass, metal, or pottery, with a wide mouth and a screwed or sealed lid, used for storing food, liquids, and other materials