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presentationn: the act of formally introducing or displaying something to others; the manner in which something is presented or given visually, verbally, or otherwise
slidev: to move or cause to move smoothly along a surface without interruption
incredibleadj: unbelievable; enormous
amazingadj: extremely surprising, especially in a way that you like or admire
multifacetedadj: having many different aspects, features, or sides; complex and varied
vacuumn: a space empty of matter; a device or tool used for cleaning or removing debris by creating suction
simultaneouslyadv: at the same time
oppositionn: the act of disagreeing or resisting; the state of strong disagreement
tributen: a payment, gift, or other forms of recognition made in honor of or submission to another person or entity
eventuallyadv: finally, particularly after a long time or a lot of struggle, complications, and so on
childhoodn: the state or time of being a child
photographn: a picture or image that is produced by a camera; a visual representation or record of a person, object, or scene that has been captured electronically or on film
poignantadj: evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret; emotionally moving; deeply affecting or touching
creepyadj: causing an uneasy feeling of fear or unease
peakn: the point to which something or someone is at its strongest, best, or most successful; the pointed top of a mountain
rayn: a narrow line of light, heat, or another form of energy
generatev: to produce or create something; to make offspring by reproduction
unfairadj: not giving equal treatment or opportunities to people involved; marked by injustice, partiality, or deception
disturbv: to interrupt someone who is trying to work, sleep, etc.
comfortn: a state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint
messn: a state of confusion, dirtiness, or untidiness; (verb) to fail to do something or to make something dirty or untidy
encouragev: to give someone support, confidence, or hope; to persuade someone to do or continue to do something by making it easier for them and making them believe it is a good thing to do
employeen: a person who is hired to work for a business or organization in exchange for wages or salary; a worker
whipv: to hit a person or an animal severely with a thin, flexible stick with a cord or leather thong at the end, as a punishment, discipline, etc.
hummingadj: producing a continuous, low, vibrating sound like that of the bee
strengthn: the quality or state of being physically, or sometimes mentally, strong
frankadj: honest and sincere; open and candid in expression
shushv: to silence or quiet someone or something, particularly by making a “shh” or “hush” sound
distancen: the amount of space between two points, measured in units such as miles, meters, or kilometers; the extent, scope, or range between two things, such as distance or emotional distance
remixv: to compose a piece of media that has been altered or contorted from its original state by adding, removing, or changing elements of the item
attemptn: an act or effort of trying to do something, especially something difficult
downloadv: to transfer data or files from the Internet or computer network to a user’s computer or device; (noun) the process of transferring data or information from a remote or central computer to a local computer or device
bunchn: a grouping of several similar things which are growing or fastened together
streamn: a small, narrow river; a continuous flow of something, such as liquid, gas, people, vehicles, etc.
upsetadj: causing or marked by anxiety, uneasiness, trouble, or grief; (verb) to make someone anxious, unhappy, or angry
preachv: to deliver a religious or moral message to an audience
metaphorn: a figure of speech in which an expression is used to refer to something that it does not denote to suggest a similarity
virtualadj: being actually such in almost every respect; existing in essence or effect though not in actual fact
crossingn: the act of going from one side to the other; a place where roads, railway tracks, or rivers intersect
dismissv: to regard something or someone as not important and not worth considering; to terminate someone’s employment
trendn: a general direction in which something is changing or developing
weirdadj: extraordinary, unexpected, or difficult to explain
denseadj: containing a large number of people or something with little space between them
fundamentaladj: forming an essential base or core from which everything else develops or is affected
environmentn: the natural world such as air, water, and land in which humans, animals, and plants live
ultimateadj: furthest or highest in degree or order
graden: a particular level of quality, size, importance, etc.
inspirev: to make somebody fill with the desire, confidence, or enthusiasm, especially to do something creative
facilitatev: to make something easier or more likely to happen
meaninglessadj: having no meaning, direction, or purpose
specificallyadv: only associated with or meant for one thing
conversationn: an informal talk between two or more people to exchange their views, ideas, information, etc.
borev: to make someone feel weary or uninterested, often by talking at length about uninteresting or mundane topics; to cause someone to feel bored or unengaged; (noun) a hole or tunnel drilled or dug into the ground, either for exploration or extraction of natural resources
pretzeln: a type of baked bread product that is twisted into a knot-like shape, usually sprinkled with salt, and often served as a snack or appetizer
distinctlyadv: in a way that is clearly or noticeably different or separates from something else; in a way that is unmistakably or unequivocally defined or identifiable
separatev: to force, take, or pull apart; mark as different
conveniencen: the state of being suitable or opportune
morbidadj: characterized by a preoccupation with death or unhealthy topics or behaviors; gruesome or disturbing
highwayn: a main road, especially one connecting major towns or cities
magicn: beliefs and actions employed to influence supernatural beings and forces; any art or performance that invokes supernatural powers
abstractadj: based on general ideas, feelings, or qualities and not on any a physical or concrete existence
dispersev: to spread out or distribute over a broad region, or to cause something to do so
excisen: a tax or duty that is levied on certain goods, commodities, or activities, often to raise revenue for the government; (verb) to remove or cut out
hotlinen: a telephone line that provides immediate emergency or special assistance
necessarilyadv: in an essential manner; in such a way as could not be otherwise
relatev: to establish a connection or association between two or more things; to narrate or tell about an event, experience, or relationship; to empathize or feel sympathy with someone or something
fortunateadj: having good luck or lucky
loneadj: solitary or single
accidentallyadv: by chance or without planning
permissionn: consent or authorization given by someone in authority or by the owner of something, allowing someone to do something or allowing something to occur
convertv: to have a talk with someone; (adjective) reversed in order, relation, or action
distributev: to give something to a large number of individuals, or to spread or furnish something
editorialadj: relating to the expression of opinions or interpretations in the media
electv: to choose someone for a specific position by voting for them; to decide or choose to do something
cyclen: an interval during which a recurring sequence of events occurs; a bicycle or motorcycle
reconciliationn: the restoration of cordial or friendly relations; getting two things to correspond
helln: the place thought to be where bad people go and are punished after death, often depicted as being located beneath the earth; an extraordinarily unpleasant or difficult place
cuteadj: attractive, especially in a childlike or youthful way
leadershipn: the ability, act, or status of leading a group of people or an organization
classyadj: stylish, elegant, or refined in a way that conveys sophistication and good taste
doubtn: a feeling of being uncertain about something, especially about how good or accurate it is
apparentlyadv: based on what you have heard or read
patronizingadj: displaying an air of condescension or superiority towards others, often in a way that comes across as insincere or manipulative; demonstrating a condescending or dismissive attitude
threatn: a strong indication or likelihood of harm, danger, or adverse consequences; an expression of intent to inflict harm or injury on someone or something, often made as a means of coercion or intimidation
writn: a written legal order or command
awfuladj: causing fear, dread, or terror; very bad or unpleasant
identityn: the fact of being who or what somebody or something is; the features, emotions, or ideas that distinguish persons from one another
unfortunatelyadv: by bad luck; unluckily
harborn: an area of water next to the coast where ships and boats are protected from rough water by piers, jetties, and other artificial structures; (verb) keep in one’s possession
psychen: the human soul, mind, or spirit
sullyv: to tarnish or damage the purity or integrity of; to defile
origamin: the Japanese art or practice of folding paper into decorative shapes and figures
templaten: a pre-designed file or document used as a starting point for a particular application so that the format does not have to be created from scratch
vileadj: highly offensive, unpleasant, or objectionable; morally reprehensible or wicked; characterized by cruelty or violence
emotionaladj: relating to people’s feelings
commemoratev: to honor the memory of someone or something by ceremony or tribute
emotionn: a strong feeling such as love, anger, etc. deriving from one’s situation, mood, or relationships with others
fairlyadv: to a certain extent or degree; without favoring one party in an evenhanded manner
straightforwardadj: easy to do or understand, or simple; free from ambiguity
scaredadj: afraid or frightened
mantran: a word or phrase, often repeated, that is used as a focus for the mind during meditation
singev: to burn something slightly or superficially, usually by mistake
awesomeadj: inspiring fear, admiration, or respect; very good, nice, fun, etc.
passwordn: a secret word or phrase that must be used to gain admission to a place or service
anxiousadj: worried and nervous
anxietyn: a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something that is happening or might happen in the future
descriptiveadj: serving to describe or inform, or characterized by description
decidev: to make up someone’s mind about something; to come to a conclusion or judgment after considering options
backgroundn: the details of a person’s social heritage, such as family, vocational or educational experience; past information that is essential to understanding a situation or problem
capabilityn: the ability, skill, or competence to do something; the potential or aptitude for a particular task or function
headsetn: a pair of headphones, typically with a microphone attached
magicaladj: produced by or containing supernatural powers
absolutelyadv: without restriction or limitation; completely or utterly
chorusn: a group of singers or speakers who perform together, typically in a musical or dramatic production; the part of a song where a soloist is joined by a group of singers
passeadj: no longer fashionable or current; outdated; considered to be old-fashioned or out of date
spinningn: the act of rotating rapidly around an axis; in the context of textiles, the process of twisting fibers together to form thread or yarn
standingadj: existing or remaining upright; having a vertical position; (noun) social, financial, or professional status or reputation