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creaturen: a living being, especially an animal
preyn: the object of a hunt; an animal hunted or trapped for eating
remarkableadj: worthy of attention because unusual or special
predatoryadj: living by eating other animals, especially by catching prey that is still alive
anticadj: ludicrously strange and unusual; playful or amusing
carnivorousadj: feeding on the flesh of other animals
supplementn: something that is added to something else to make it better or complete it
dietn: the food and drink that a person, animal, or community eats and drinks regularly; a legislative assembly in certain countries, for example, Japan
sunlightn: the light emitted by the sun; the rays of the sun
soiln: the top layer of Earth in which plants grow
insectn: any small creature that has six legs and a body divided into three sections
microben: a tiny living thing that can only be seen with a microscope and that may cause disease
carnivoren: an animal that primarily eats meat as opposed to plant matter
evolvev: to develop gradually, or to cause the development of something or someone gradually
separatev: to force, take, or pull apart; mark as different
planetn: any of the nine large celestial bodies that circle in the solar system; any celestial body that revolves around a star
fleshn: the soft substance composing the body of a person or animal, as opposed to bones and other structures
munchv: to chew or eat something noisily, often with the sound of crunching or crunching
adaptationn: the action or process of changing to suit different conditions
acidicadj: having a pH lower than 7; having characteristics of an acid, such as tasting sour or corroding metal
crucialadj: extremely vital or necessary
nutrientn: any substance that is essential for the maintenance and growth of living things
nitrogenn: a chemical element with the symbol N and atomic number 7, which is a highly reactive element that forms part of many compounds, including amino acids and proteins
phosphorusn: a chemical element with the symbol P and atomic number 15 that is a non-metallic, highly reactive, and luminescent element
potassiumn: a chemical element with the symbol K, atomic number 19, that is essential for the functioning of living organisms
hostileadj: unfriendly or aggressively opposed
lurev: to tempt or persuade someone to do something
trapn: a piece of equipment or hole for catching animals or people; (verb) to catch animals or people and prevent them from escaping
digestv: to transform food into absorbable substances; break down
advantagen: a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favorable or superior position; a beneficial feature or asset that someone or something has
relyv: to require a specific thing or the assistance and support of someone or something to continue, run properly, or succeed.
inhospitableadj: harsh and difficult to stay in or grow; unfriendly and unwelcoming towards people who visit you
boggyadj: containing a lot of soft, wet soil; marshy, swampy, or waterlogged
pitchern: a container with a spout used for pouring liquids, particularly used for serving drinks such as water or juice; a player in baseball who pitches the ball toward the batter
reignn: the period of time during which a monarch or government holds power; (verb) to be the king or queen
supremeadj: highest in rank, level, or importance
vividadj: producing very clear, powerful, and detailed images in the mind
scentn: a distinctive smell, especially a pleasant one
slurpv: to eat, drink, or consume with a loud or messy sucking noise; to make a loud or messy sucking noise while eating, drinking, or consuming
nectarn: a sweet liquid produced by flowers that attracts and provides food for bees and other insects; any sweet liquid that is enjoyed as a drink or used as a flavoring
ingredientn: one of the things used to make something, especially one of the foods used to make a particular dish
narcoticn: a drug or substance that dulls the senses and induces a state of lethargy or sleep; a drug that is illegal or highly regulated for medical use due to its ability to cause addiction or harm
sluggishadj: lacking energy, vitality, or motivation; slow or inactive in response, movement, or progress
stumblev: to miss a step and fall or nearly fall; to walk unsteadily
funneln: a tube or pipe that is wide at the top, sloping sides, narrow at the bottom, used for pouring liquids or powders into a small opening; a smokestack on a ship or steam engine
liquidn: a substance, such as water or oil that flows freely and is neither a solid nor a gas
drownv: to die or cause to die by being unable to breathe underwater
enzymen: a substance produced by a living organism that acts as a catalyst to bring about a specific biochemical reaction
bacterian: single-celled or noncellular spherical or spiral or rod-shaped organisms that exist in large numbers in the air, water, and soil, and also in living and dead creatures and plants, and are often a cause of disease
microscopicadj: tiny; exceedingly precise and detail-oriented; of or used in microscopy
particlen: a small piece of something; a word or piece of a term with grammatical function but little or no significance
consumev: to spend something, especially fuel, energy, or time, in a large amount
occasionallyadv: now and then; sometimes but not often
tumblev: to fall suddenly, often uncontrollably; to topple or turn over; to decline sharply and quickly in value, quality, or performance
victimn: a person who has been harmed, injured, or otherwise negatively affected by a particular action, circumstance, or event
stickyadj: made of or covered with an adhesive substance; hot or warm and humid
sundewn: a small carnivorous plant that captures and digests insects using sticky hairs on its leaves
equipv: to provide a person or a place with the things that are needed for a particular purpose or activity
viscousadj: having a thick, sticky consistency between solid and liquid; exhibiting resistance to flow
mucilagen: a type of viscous, gel-like substance produced by some plants, often used for medicinal or culinary purposes
antn: a very small insect that lives under the ground or in a mound in highly organized groups
swiftadj: happening, moving, or capable of moving quickly
goon: a sticky or slimy substance, often of indeterminate or unknown composition; a slang term used to describe something messy, chaotic, or confusing
strugglev: to make a great effort to do something when it is difficult, or there are a lot of problems; to use force or violence to break away from restraint or constriction
specificationn: a detailed description of the characteristics, features, or requirements of something, typically a product or system; a written statement that outlines the standards, procedures, or requirements for a project or job
tentaclen: a flexible, mobile, and long arm-like organ used for feeling and holding things, catching food, or moving
movementn: a group of people working together to achieve a shared goal, especially a political, social, or artistic one; the process of moving or being moved, physically or figuratively
curlv: to form or make something form into a curved or spiral shape; (noun) a round shape formed by a series of concentric circles
clenchv: to close tightly or grip firmly; to contract or stiffen, especially as in response to stress or pain; to tighten or compress
suffocatev: to die or cause someone to die from lack of air or inability to breathe; to be overwhelmed or constricted by a feeling or situation, such as anxiety or oppression
gripn: the act of holding onto something firmly with your hands, or the ability to do so; (verb) to hold fast or firmly
asphyxiatev: to make someone unable to breathe, usually resulting in unconscious or death
unfurlv: to spread out or open something, such as a flag, sail, or wings, by shaking, shaking out, or extending it; to reveal or become revealed or disclosed
snaren: a trap or device used to catch animals by means of a noose or wire loop; a type of drum consisting of a head stretched over a hollow shell, usually played with drumsticks
undergroundadj: under the surface of the ground; a secret group organized to achieve a specific purpose, such as overthrowing the government or occupying a force
coilv: to wind something in a spiral or helical shape; to create a coil or coil-like shape; to group or organize something closely together in a circular or spiral pattern
corkscrewn: a twisting device used for opening bottles or jars with a cork or other stopper, typically consisting of a spiral metal rod attached to a handle
slitn: a narrow cut or opening, often made by a sharp instrument or tool; (verb) to cut or make a long, narrow opening or incision in something, typically with a sharp instrument such as a knife or scissors
tanglen: a confused mass of something twisted together
labyrinthn: a complicated network of paths or passages, often with twists and turns, making it difficult to find one’s way out
curven: a bend or angle in a line or surface that deviates from a straight or flat path; a gradual or smooth change in direction or shape
chambern: a large room used for a formal, public, or particular purpose; one of the parts of a parliament
oxygenn: the chemical element with the symbol O that is present in air and water and is necessary for people, animals, and plants to live
murkyadj: dark and gloomy or difficult to see through
depthn: the distance between the top and bottom of something; between the top surface and a distance below it
pondn: a small, shallow lake
tadpolen: the aquatic larval stage of a frog or toad, characterized by a long tail and gills for breathing underwater
unwittingadj: without purpose or intent
speedyadj: characterized by fast or quick movements, actions, or processes; rapid; swift
treadv: to step or walk on something
triggerv: to make something happen suddenly; to cause something such as a device, machine, etc. to function
writhev: to twist and turn the body or a part of it, as from pain or struggle
beetlen: an insect having a hard shell-like back covering its wings
bewitchv: to attract or interest someone a lot so that they cannot think in a sensible way
infamousadj: having a reputation for being very bad or wicked
jawn: either of the two bones at the bottom of the face that moves when you open your mouth; (verb) talk socially without exchanging too much information
Venusn: the planet second in order from the sun
snapv: to record on photographic film; to make a sudden, sharp sound; (noun) the act of catching an object with the hands
spiken: a narrow, thin, pointed piece of metal, wood, etc.; a sudden large increase in the magnitude or concentration of something
interlockingadj: fitting or locking together in a way that makes a continuous and secure whole
sealv: to close or fasten an envelope, etc. securely; (noun) a large marine mammal that chiefly lives in cold regions and comes on shore to breed
externaladj: belonging to or situated outside of someone or something
stomachn: the internal organ in the body where food is digested, situated in the abdomen; the part of the body below the chest that contains the stomach
tissuen: an ensemble of similar cells of the animal or plant that together carry out a specific function
huskn: the dry, outer covering of a seed, grain, or fruit, such as the shell of a nut or the skin of a corn kernel
exoskeletonn: a hard, external protective covering or framework that supports and gives shape to the body of an invertebrate animal, such as an insect or crab
mayflyn: an aquatic insect with delicate wings and a short lifespan that usually only lasts for a few days
globn: a small, round mass or lump; a drop or blob of liquid or viscous substance
adhesiven: a sticky substance used to hold things together
alightadj: lighted up by or as by fire or flame; (verb) to come down
petaln: one of the separate, usually colored, segments of a flower that produce its shape and are often found arranged in a circle around the reproductive parts
unscathedadj: not harmed or injured; untouched or unharmed by a negative or dangerous situation
stalkv: to follow or track someone or something closely and quietly, usually to cause harm or surveillance; to move slowly and quietly to avoid detection; (noun) the main stem of a plant that supports leaves, flowers, and fruit; the stem or main axis of a support structure or framework
pollinatorn: an animal or insect, such as bees, butterflies, birds, etc., that carries pollen from a male part of a flower to a female part of a flower, fertilizing it and allowing it to produce seeds
buzzv: to make a continuous, low humming sound such as the one bee makes; an exciting and active atmosphere