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visualadj: relating to seeing or sight
doodlev: to draw or scribble absentmindedly or idly; to make aimless marks or designs
naturallyadv: as might be expected; by natural manners
encounterv: to face something, particularly something unpleasant or difficult, while attempting to do something else; to meet, especially unexpectedly
resistancen: the act of defending oneself from an aggressor or refusing to accept something
intellectn: the ability to think logically and comprehend information, especially at an advanced level
profoundadj: extremely great; sensed or experienced very strongly; displaying a high level of knowledge or comprehension
processn: a series of actions or operations performed to achieve a particular outcome or goal; a systematic procedure or approach used to accomplish a specific task or objective; a method of treating milk to make it suitable for consumption or use in other dairy products
disconnectv: to unfasten or disjoin something, especially to break the connection between a supply of gas, water, or electricity and a piece of equipment
perceivev: to become aware or conscious of something through the senses
discoveryn: the act or process of finding information, a place, or an object, or learning about something that was previously not known
flatterv: to praise or compliment someone insincerely or excessively to gain favor or manipulate them; to make someone feel pleased or proud by praising or complimenting them, often genuinely
definitionn: a concise explanation of the meaning of a word, phrase, or symbol
verbn: a word or phrase that describes an action, state, or experience
swindlev: to deceive or cheat someone out of money or property through deceitful means or false promises; (noun) an act or instance of deceitful or fraudulent behavior, usually to trick someone out of their money, property, or valuables
ridiculen: speech or behavior that makes fun of or mocks someone or something; teasing, sarcasm, or scornful remarks that are intended to belittle or humiliate; (verb) to mock, criticize, or make fun of someone or something in a scornful or derisive way
corruptadj: characterized by dishonest behavior or actions, often involving bribery, fraud, or the abuse of power for personal gain; morally or ethically flawed or polluted; (verb) to make someone or something morally depraved or causing it to become dishonest
politiciann: a person who is a member of a government or law-making organization, especially as an elected member of parliament, etc.
offensiveadj: rude in a way that causes someone to feel anger, annoyance, or resentment; for the purpose of attack rather than defense
dawdlev: to waste time; to move or act slowly; to be hesitant or indecisive in one’s actions
dallyv: to waste time or linger aimlessly or idly; to engage in playful or flirtatious behavior without serious intent; to delay or procrastinate on something that requires attention or action
meaninglessadj: having no meaning, direction, or purpose
substancen: the real physical material of which a thing or person consist; the most important or main part of some idea or experience; an illegal drug
importv: to bring goods or services into a country from another country; to transfer electronic data into a database or document;
averseadj: feeling strong dislike, opposition, or reluctance towards something; having a strong inclination against or avoidance of something
doen: a mature female of mammals of which the male is called a buck, such as a deer or a rabbit
akinadj: similar or related in nature, character, or origin
masturbationn: the act of sexually stimulating oneself by touching or rubbing one’s genitals, typically resulting in orgasm or sexual release
inappropriateadj: not suitable or proper for a particular occasion, purpose, or person
additionn: the act or process of adding something to something else; the process of adding numbers
horrorn: intense fear or disgust, especially at something shocking or terrifying
scoldv: to reprimand or criticize someone severely or angrily
boardroomn: a room where the board of directors of a company or organization meets
normn: something that is regarded as usual, typical, or standard
supposev: to think that something is likely to be actual or possible
unfortunatelyadv: by bad luck; unluckily
reinforcev: to strengthen or support something, especially by adding another material to it; to make emotion, idea, etc. stronger
confirmationn: a statement, often written, that shows that something is true, correct, or definite
typicaladj: having the usual characteristics or traits of a specific group of things
criminaln: a person who has committed a crime
committedadj: willing to put in a lot of effort, time, and energy into something; firmly believing in something
psychologyn: the scientific study of mind and behavior
aversionn: a strong dislike or reluctance towards something or someone; a feeling of extreme distaste or aversion towards something or someone unpleasant
analyzev: to think about in-depth and evaluate to discover essential features or meaning
psychen: the human soul, mind, or spirit
accurateadj: correct and exact in all details
labeln: a small piece of paper, fabric, or other material attached to an object and giving information about it; (verb) to assign to a category
megalomanian: a psychological condition characterized by extreme delusions of power, wealth, or influence; an exaggerated sense of self-importance or belief in one’s abilities to control or dominate others
contributev: to give something, especially money or goods, to provide or achieve something together with other people
intenseadj: (especially of a feeling) very strong; extremely sharp or severe
verbaladj: expressed in spoken rather than written words
blindadj: unable to see; unable or unwilling to perceive or understand the true nature of something
hurtlev: to move quickly and forcefully, especially in an uncontrolled or dangerous way
incrediblyadv: in a way that is very difficult to believe; exceedingly or extremely
dictionaryn: a reference book containing an alphabetical list of words and their definitions, as well as information about their origins, usage, and pronunciation
spontaneousadj: happening or being done naturally, often unexpected way, without being made to happen
exposedadj: having no protection or shield from something, such as bad weather, attack, or criticism
retainv: to keep or continue to possess or maintain something
counterpartn: a person or thing that corresponds to or has the same function as another person or thing
preemptv: to act in advance to prevent something or to replace it with something else
creativeadj: relating to or involving the use of skill and original and unusual ideas to create something
intaken: the act or process of taking food, air, etc., into your body through the mouth; the amount of food, air, or another substance that you take into your body
decisionn: the act or process of making up someone’s mind about something; a choice or judgment reached after considering options
auditoryadj: of or relating to hearing or the ability to hear
writn: a written legal order or command
kinestheticadj: relating to the sense of movement or muscle tension
chewv: to crush or grind something, especially food, with the teeth and then swallow it
engagev: to attract and keep someone’s attention and interest; to participate in or obtain services of something
modn: a modification or alteration, typically one made to improve something or increase its functionality; a British teenager or young adult in the 1960s, noted for their clothes consciousness and opposition to the rockers
emotionaladj: relating to people’s feelings
incredibleadj: unbelievable; enormous
contributionn: the act of giving something, especially money, to a particular cause or organization; a voluntary gift as of money or service or ideas made to some worthwhile cause
simultaneouslyadv: at the same time
possibilityn: a chance that something may happen or be true
solidadj: hard or firm; characterized by good substantial quality
equatev: to consider or describe one thing as similar, equal, or analogous
nerdn: a person who is very interested in and knowledgeable about a particular subject such as computers, mathematics, chess, etc.
anthropologyn: the scientific study of humanity, concerned with human behavior, human biology, cultures, societies, and linguistics in both the present and past, including past human species
unfoldv: to open up or spread out something that is folded or rolled up; to reveal or disclose something that was previously hidden or unknown
artisticadj: of or relating to art or artist; satisfying aesthetic standards and sensibilities
exhibitv: to show something in public for people to enjoy or to provide them with information
evolutionn: a gradual process of transformation of living things
logicn: a way of thinking or reasoning conducted or evaluated by strict validity principles; the study of correct reasoning or good arguments
complexityn: the state or quality of being complicated or intricate and difficult to understand
predictableadj: capable of being known, seen or declared in advance
nativeadj: connecting with or describing someone’s birth country or place of birth, or someone born in a specific country or place
denyv: to state that one refuses to admit the existence or truth of something
instinctn: an inborn behavioral pattern that is often responsive to specific stimuli; an innate feeling that causes you to act or believe that something is true
privyadj: sharing in knowledge or information that is known by only a select few; having knowledge of something secret or confidential; participating or involved in something, often in a private or hidden way
precursorn: a person or thing that comes before another of the same kind and that contributes to or influences its growth
assetn: something or someone that is useful or valuable quality, skill, etc.; valuable property
frankadj: honest and sincere; open and candid in expression
architectn: a person whose job is to design plans to be used in making something, such as buildings
circumstancen: the specific conditions or events that surround a particular situation or occurrence
eradicatev: to get rid of or destroy something completely, especially something bad
contraryn: acting in opposition to what is expected or desired
levern: a handle used to operate a vehicle or a machine; a rigid bar resting on a pivot so that one end of it can be pushed or pulled easily
preciseadj: sharply exact or accurate or delimited
situadj: short for “situated,” meaning located or placed in a particular position or circumstance
densityn: the quality of compactness of a substance
universaladj: existing or affecting everywhere or everyone
accessibleadj: capable of being reached, easily got, or seen
intimidatev: to make someone fearful or uneasy so that they will do something that you want them to do
literacyn: the ability to read and write; the ability to use written language to communicate effectively
nemesisn: an archenemy, opponent, or rival who is often seen as a personification of retribution or divine justice; a downfall or undoing that is a consequence of one’s actions
allyn: a country that has officially agreed to assist and support another country, particularly in the event of a war