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Word | Meaning | Advanced |
jail | n: a facility where criminals are kept to be punished for their crimes; a prison | |
inmate | n: a person who is confined to an institution such as a prison, hospital, or mental health facility | |
automatically | adv: without needing a direct human control | |
arrest | v: to take into custody | |
violent | adj: involving or caused by physical force or aggression against someone or something | |
hostile | adj: unfriendly or aggressively opposed | |
environment | n: the natural world such as air, water, and land in which humans, animals, and plants live | |
enhance | v: to increase or improve the quality, amount, or strength of someone or something | |
talent | n: a natural ability to be good at something; someone who has a natural ability to be good at something | |
rehabilitate | v: to restore to good health or physical condition; to help someone return to a normal life, especially after a period of illness, addiction, or imprisonment | |
criminal | n: a person who has committed a crime | |
responsible | adj: answerable or accountable for something within one’s power, control, or management | |
firsthand | adv: from the source; directly; (adjective) received directly from a source | |
approximately | adv: close to a specific number or time but not exactly that number or time | |
solitary | adj: existing, living, or doing without others | |
confinement | n: the act of confining or limiting movement, often by keeping someone in a specific place or within a specific area; a state of being physically or emotionally restricted or limited | |
scream | v: to give a loud, high shout suddenly, especially because of fear, anger, excitement, etc.; to utter or declare in a very loud voice | |
lung | n: either of the two organs in the chest that people and some animals use for breathing | |
tiring | adj: causing fatigue, exhaustion, or boredom | |
pace | n: the speed at which someone or something moves, or the rate at which something happens or changes | |
suppose | v: to think that something is likely to be actual or possible | |
frustrate | v: to hinder or prevent efforts, plans, or desires from doing, succeeding, or being fulfilled; to make someone feel upset or annoyed because they are unable to change or achieve something | |
hopeless | adj: having no hope; despairing; having no chance of success | |
discharge | v: to release or let go of something or someone; to dismiss or terminate an employee or member of an organization; to emit or give off a substance or energy | |
recidivism | n: the act of repeating or relapsing into criminal or unwanted behavior or patterns, often after a while away from such actions | |
vice | n: wrongdoing or wicked behavior; (in the form of vice versa) with the order reversed; (as a prefix) someone with a job immediately below a particular person | |
norm | n: something that is regarded as usual, typical, or standard | |
flirt | v: to talk or behave as if sexually attracted to someone, without serious intentions; (noun) a seductive woman who uses her sex appeal to exploit men | |
politic | adj: wise and displaying the ability to make reasonable decisions | |
gossip | n: conversation or discussion about other people’s personal affairs, often of a trivial or idle nature involving sharing rumors, hearsay, or speculation about the lives of others | |
numerous | adj: amounting to a large indefinite number | |
separate | v: to force, take, or pull apart; mark as different | |
altercation | n: a noisy or heated argument or dispute, often involving physical aggression | |
viol | n: a stringed instrument, typically with six strings and frets, played with a bow, also called a viola da gamba | |
shift | n: a slight transition in position, direction, or trend | |
punch | v: to strike someone or something with one’s fist; to make a hole in something | |
impulsive | adj: acting suddenly without any planning and without considering the effects they may have | |
react | v: to take action in response to something | |
immediately | adv: now or without delay | |
frustration | n: the feeling of being upset or annoyed as a result of being unable to change or achieve something | |
utility | n: the state or quality of being useful or convenient; the service, such as electric power or water or transportation, provided by a public | |
belt | v: to sing loudly and forcefully; to hit someone or something hard; (noun) a strip of leather or other material worn to tie or buckle something around the body | |
badge | n: a small emblem or token worn as a symbol of belonging or rank, often used by law enforcement or military organizations | |
slam | v: to shut a door or window noisily; to strike something violently or noisily | |
tussle | v: to fight or struggle in a confused way, especially to get something; (noun) a vigorous struggle or scuffle, typically to obtain or achieve something | |
cocky | adj: overly confident or arrogant; having an excessive belief in one’s abilities or importance | |
cigarette | n: a small cylindrical roll of finely cut tobacco leaves wrapped in paper for smoking | |
handle | v: to deal with a situation, problem, or strong emotion | |
dispute | n: a disagreement, argument, or controversy between two people, groups, or countries, especially a formal one | |
attitude | n: the way you think and feel about someone or something | |
concept | n: an idea or principle associated with something abstract | |
instance | n: a particular example or single occurrence of something | |
institutionalize | v: to establish or make something a part of an institution (= a place such as a university, hospital, etc.) | |
prop | n: a piece of wood, metal, etc., placed beneath or against something to support it or keep it in position; a system, institution, or person that gives help or support to someone or something | |
adolescent | n: a young person who is in the process of developing from a child into an adult | |
disposition | n: a person’s inherent qualities of character or temperament; the act or means of getting rid of something | |
mentor | n: a person who helps and advises a younger or less experienced person over time, usually at work or school | |
insight | n: the ability to gain an accurate and deep understanding of people or situations; an accurate and deep understanding of what something is like | |
origin | n: the first existence or beginning of something | |
physically | adv: in a way related to a person’s body or appearance rather than their mind | |
emotional | adj: relating to people’s feelings | |
release | v: to set free or allow to escape from confinement | |
ban | v: to officially or legally forbid or refuse to allow something | |
sane | adj: mentally sound or normal; having a rational mind | |
educate | v: to provide or receive instruction or training over a period of time at a school, university, etc. | |
therapy | n: the act of caring for someone through medication, remedial training, etc. | |
individual | n: a single person or thing, as distinct from a group | |
inclined | adj: having a tendency or preference for something; likely or disposed to think, feel, or behave in a certain way | |
nickname | n: a familiar or humorous name given to a person or thing instead of or as well as the real name | |
gladiator | n: a person who fought in ancient Rome’s public contests, typically armed with weapons and wearing armor to entertain audiences | |
surround | v: to be all around something or somebody | |
bunch | n: a grouping of several similar things which are growing or fastened together | |
borough | n: a town, city, or district that is an administrative unit, typically smaller than a city | |
poke | v: to push or prod with a sharp object or the finger | |
dam | n: a wall constructed over a river to block the flow of water, mainly used to generate energy | |
commit | v: to do something illegal or wrong | |
conversation | n: an informal talk between two or more people to exchange their views, ideas, information, etc. | |
exchange | v: to give something and receive something else in return, often with the implication that the items being traded are of equal or comparable value; (noun) the act of giving or taking something in return for something else; a place or system where goods or services can be bought, sold, or traded | |
scheme | n: an organized and often large-scale plan or arrangement for doing something | |
retirement | n: the fact or act of stopping working and leaving one’s job | |
pension | n: a regular payment to a person made by the government or a private company that is intended to allow them to subsist without working | |
insure | v: to provide coverage in the event of loss or damage | |
dental | adj: of or relating to teeth | |
intelligent | adj: having the capacity for thought and reason, especially to a high degree | |
brilliant | adj: extremely clever, skilled, or impressive | |
talented | adj: having a natural ability or aptitude for something; showing exceptional skill or ability in a particular area | |
chip | n: a small fragment of something broken off from the whole; a long and thin piece of potato fried in oil or fat | |
frame | n: a strong border or structure of the wood, metal, etc. that surrounds something such as a picture, door, or window | |
sculpture | n: the art of creating three-dimensional objects or forms, typically by carving, modeling, or casting in a variety of materials such as stone, wood, metal, or clay | |
kindergarten | n: a school or class for young children, usually between the ages of four and six | |
maximum | adj: the largest or greatest amount or value attainable or attained | |
security | n: the state of being free from danger, risk, or harm; measures taken to protect against threats or attacks; a financial asset, such as a stock or bond that derives value exclusively from the ownership interest or claim to a particular underlying asset or obligation | |
facility | n: a building or place that provides a particular service or is used for a particular industry | |
shack | n: a small, often rundown dwelling or house, typically one that is poorly constructed or maintained | |
fascinating | adj: extremely interesting | |
lottery | n: a game of chance in which a large number of people buy tickets or chances to win a prize, with the winner(s) determined by a random drawing | |
stick | v: to put something, usually a sharp object, into something; to restrict yourself to doing or using one certain thing and not change; (noun) a thin piece of wood or other material | |
spark | v: to start something or make it grow, especially suddenly; to emit a tiny piece of fire or electricity | |
architect | n: a person whose job is to design plans to be used in making something, such as buildings | |
archaeology | n: the branch of anthropology that studies prehistoric people and their cultures | |
fortune | n: a large amount of money or property; chance or luck as an unknown and arbitrary force affecting human affairs | |
re-entry | n: a return to a previous state or condition; the return of a spacecraft or missile into the Earth’s atmosphere during descent | |
transition | n: the process or period of changing from one state or circumstance to another | |
encourage | v: to give someone support, confidence, or hope; to persuade someone to do or continue to do something by making it easier for them and making them believe it is a good thing to do |