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confusev: to mistake one thing for another; to make somebody hard to understand
pancreasn: a glandular organ in the digestive system that produces several important hormones, including insulin and glucagon, as well as digestive enzymes that help break down food in the small intestine
cancern: abnormal growth of cells that can invade and destroy surrounding tissues and organs; a disease characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells
diseasen: a disorder or illness that affects the body or mind, often characterized by specific symptoms or abnormal functioning of organs or systems
statisticsn: the discipline that concerns the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data
shockn: a strong feeling or physical reaction to a sudden and unexpected event or experience, especially something unpleasant
diagnosev: to determine or distinguish the nature of a problem or an illness through a careful analysis
survivaln: the state of continuing to exist or live, frequently in the face of difficulty or danger
detectv: to find or recognize something, especially something difficult to see, hear, etc.
modernadj: of or belonging to the present time or recent times
medicinaladj: of or relating to the treatment or cure of disease
techniquen: a particular way or art of doing something that needs skill
grossadj: being the total amount of something before any deductions; obese and ugly or unpleasant
inaccurateadj: not completely correct or exact; not conforming to the truth or a standard
ridiculousadj: very silly or unreasonable and deserving to be laughed at
suspiciousadj: making you feel that someone has done something wrong, illegal, or dishonest without any evidence
criterian: (plural of criterion) standards or conditions by which something may be judged or decided
inexpensiveadj: costing little; having a low price
sensitiveadj: able to notice slight changes, signals, or influences; able to feel or perceive other’s feelings; susceptible to the things people say or do
invasiveadj: spreading very quickly, and often aggressively, and difficult to stop
bloodstreamn: the blood flowing through the body
abundantadj: present in great quantity
proteinn: a molecule made up of a long chain of amino acids, which is essential for the structure and function of the body’s tissues
minusculeadj: extremely small; tiny
deterv: to discourage or prevent someone from doing something
optimismn: a feeling or the belief that good things will happen, or the quality of being full of hope and emphasizing the positive aspects of a situation
Wikipedian: an online encyclopedia that allows users to contribute and edit articles collaboratively; a vast and frequently updated repository of information on a wide range of topics
databasen: a large amount of data stored in a computer system in such a way that it can be searched and updated easily
decidev: to make up someone’s mind about something; to come to a conclusion or judgment after considering options
biologyn: the scientific study of life and the natural processes of living things
essentiallyadv: relating to the essential features or concepts of anything
chugv: to make a dull, steady, and repetitive sound, as if from an engine or machine; to drink, especially alcohol, quickly and in large quantities; (noun) the sound made by a vehicle, particularly a train or a boat, as it moves steadily and slowly
gargantuanadj: of immense size, volume, or magnitude; gigantic
sanityn: the state of being mentally sound, healthy, and rational
locatev: to specify or determine the exact position of someone or something
mesotheliumn: a type of tissue that lines the internal organs and body cavities, playing a role in the protection and lubrication of organs
ordinaryadj: not different, exceptional, or unexpected in any way, especially in quality, ability, size, or degree
run-of-the-milladj: ordinary; average; lacking in distinction or quality; typical or commonplace
ovaryn: either of the pair of organs in the female reproductive system that produces eggs; (of a plant) the organ that bears the ovules of a flower
lungn: either of the two organs in the chest that people and some animals use for breathing
reliableadj: worthy of being relied on; trustworthy
shiftn: a slight transition in position, direction, or trend
breakthroughn: a sudden, dramatic, and important discovery or development that helps to improve a situation or provide an answer to a problem
unlikelyadj: not probable or likely to happen
innovationn: the creation of a new device or process resulting from study and experimentation
absoluteadj: perfect or complete or to the most considerable degree possible
stiflev: to suppress or restrain something, particularly a feeling, emotion, or action; to suffocate or prevent proper breathing or ventilation
sneakv: to go somewhere, or take someone or something somewhere secretly or stealthily; to steal or do something secretly or stealthily
carbonn: a chemical element that can be found in pure form as diamond or graphite, and it is also an essential part of coal and oil and is found in all plants and animals
nanotuben: a tube-shaped structure that is composed of very small particles, typically with a diameter of a few nanometers; nanotubes are used in a variety of applications, including electronics and materials science
atomn: the smallest unit of ordinary matter that forms a chemical element, composed of a nucleus and one or more electrons bound to the nucleus
diametern: the length of a straight line passing through the center of a circle and connecting two points on the circumference
incredibleadj: unbelievable; enormous
superheron: a fictional hero who possesses extraordinary powers and abilities and is dedicated to protecting the public
sneakyadj: behaving in a deceptive or underhanded way; characterized by stealth or secretiveness
supposev: to think that something is likely to be actual or possible
moleculen: a group of two or more atoms held together by attractive forces known as chemical bonds
antibodyn: a substance produced in the blood that attacks and kills harmful bacteria, viruses, etc., to fight disease
reactv: to take action in response to something
specificadj: clearly defined or particular to a certain thing or situation; distinct, explicit, and precise
suddenlyadv: quickly and unexpectedly
combinev: to join or merge to form a single thing or group
weavev: to make cloth, a carpet, a basket, etc., by repeatedly crossing a single thread through two sets of long threads at a right angle to them
bunchn: a grouping of several similar things which are growing or fastened together
electricaladj: relating to electricity
flimsyadj: very thin and easily broken or damaged; poorly made and not strong enough for the purpose for which it is used
chipn: a small fragment of something broken off from the whole; a long and thin piece of potato fried in oil or fat
dipv: to put something into a liquid for a short time and take it out again
blemishn: a mark or imperfection that detracts from the appearance of something, typically a person’s skin or features; (verb) to spoil, mar, or damage the appearance or quality of something
amazingadj: extremely surprising, especially in a way that you like or admire
labn: a workplace for the conduct of scientific research; a laboratory
timelinen: a series of events arranged in chronological order and displayed along a line, usually drawn left to right or top to bottom
proceduren: a way of doing something, especially the official or well-known way
nationn: a large organized community of people living in a particular country or region and having a particular culture
instituten: an organization that has a specific purpose, particularly one dealing with science, education, or a particular profession; (verb) to initiate, introduce, or establish something
geniusn: someone who has exceptional intellectual ability and originality
rejectionn: the act of refusing to accept, use, or consider someone or something; in medicine, an immunological response that refuses to accept substances or organisms that are recognized as foreign
painstakingadj: cautious and correct, and requiring a significant amount of effort
nailn: a thin, pointed piece of metal with a flat head used for fastening things together; the thin hard layer covering and protecting the outer tip of the fingers or toes
harshadj: severe and unkind; extremely tough and unpleasant to inhabit
deadlinen: a date or period by which something must be done
excitev: to make someone feel suddenly enthusiastic or eager
phn: a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a substance, on a scale of 0 to 14, with seven being neutral, lower values indicating greater acidity, and higher values indicating greater alkalinity
flockn: a gathering of sheep, goats, or birds
clownn: a performer, typically in a circus, who wears distinctive makeup and costumes and plays practical jokes, and performs tricks or stunts to entertain audiences
cramv: to force or try to fit a large amount of information into a short time, especially in preparation for an examination; to force or try to fit a large amount of something into a small space
sinkv: to submerge or go down below the surface of a liquid or substance; to decline or deteriorate; to cause something to go down into a liquid substance or sink into something else
interrogatev: to examine someone with questions over a lengthy period, especially in an aggressive manner
afterwardadv: after the time mentioned
discoveryn: the act or process of finding information, a place, or an object, or learning about something that was previously not known
brilliantadj: extremely clever, skilled, or impressive
detectionn: the act of discovering or identifying the presence of something
accuracyn: the state or degree of being exact or correct; the ability to perform something with proficiency and without mistake
liftv: to raise something to a higher position or level; to pick up something or somebody and move them to a different position
dismaladj: depressing or dreary; causing or showing unhappiness or despair
malarian: a severe disease caused by a parasite that is spread by the bite of an infected mosquito
ridv: to make someone or something free of unwanted or unpleasant tasks, objects, or person
burdenn: a duty, responsibility, etc. that is oppressive or worrisome; a load, typically a heavy one that is difficult to carry
degreen: a unit of measurement for angles, temperature, or level of proficiency or achievement; a rank or level of academic or professional attainment
neutraladj: not helping or assisting either side in a conflict, argument, etc.
gendern: the range of characteristics of femininity and masculinity and differentiating between them, especially when considering social and cultural differences rather than differences in biology
entirelyadv: completely