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mobilityn: the ability to move or be moved freely or easily from one place, job, or social class to another
developv: to grow or expand; to improve or refine through a process of progress and refinement, often to achieve greater sophistication or complexity; to elaborate or add detail to something that is in the process of being created
peculiaradj: odd and uncommon, sometimes in an unpleasant way
sustainableadj: able to continue or be continued for a long time
equityn: the value of the shares issued by a company
inequalityn: the unfairness of a society in which some people have more opportunity, money, etc. than others; (mathematics) relation between two values when they are different
transportn: a system for moving people or products from one location to another using automobiles, roads, and so on
advancev: to go or move forward; to develop in a positive way
capitan: a Latin word meaning “head,” used to express the amount for each person; any head or headlike expansion on a structure, as on a bone
statisticsn: the discipline that concerns the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data
conflictn: a strong disagreement, argument, or a violent clash between two opposing groups or individuals
governmentn: the group of people with authority to control a country or state
investv: to put money, effort, time, etc. into something to make a profit or achieve a result
highwayn: a main road, especially one connecting major towns or cities
propertyn: a thing or things that belong to someone
economyn: the system by which a country or region produces manages, and distributes goods and services, including the money and finances involved in these activities; (of an airline) the lowest-priced, most basic option for seating in commercial travel
proposev: to make a proposal, declare a plan for something
obviousadj: easy to see, discover or understand
facilityn: a building or place that provides a particular service or is used for a particular industry
democracyn: a form of government in which the people have the authority to deliberate and decide legislation, or to choose governing officials to do so
constitutionn: the set of fundamental principles or established precedents that a state, a country, or an organization is governed by; the act of forming or establishing something
poetryn: poems in general as a genre of literature
principlen: a fundamental law or truth that explains or controls how something happens or works
normn: something that is regarded as usual, typical, or standard
trafficn: the movement of vehicles, people, or goods along a route or through a transport system; the amount of such movement in a particular place or at a particular time
prevailv: to be common, widespread, or frequent; to be the strongest or most powerful
implementv: to put a decision, plan, or system into effect
massn: a large amount of a substance with no definite shape or form; a large number of people or things grouped or crowded together
transitn: the act or process of passing through or across a place or state; transportation
exclusiveadj: not divided or shared with others
lanen: a narrow road in the countryside; a well-defined track or path for someone such as a swimmer or driver
symboln: something visible that is used to represent something else
zoomv: to move along very quickly; (noun) the act of rising upward into the air
stickv: to put something, usually a sharp object, into something; to restrict yourself to doing or using one certain thing and not change; (noun) a thin piece of wood or other material
phn: a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a substance, on a scale of 0 to 14, with seven being neutral, lower values indicating greater acidity, and higher values indicating greater alkalinity
committeen: a group of people appointed or elected to perform a specific function or manage a particular task, often within a larger organization
efficientadj: performing at the highest level of productivity with the least wasted effort or resources; capable of achieving maximum output with minimum wasted effort, time, or materials
scarceadj: not abundant or plentiful, and therefore not easy to find or obtain
subwayn: an underground railway system, typically in a city
fractionn: a small part or item forming a piece of a whole; the quotient of two rational numbers
pedestriann: a person who is in the street, especially in an area where vehicles go
enormousadj: extremely large or great
insufficientadj: not enough for a particular purpose
infrastructuren: the basic systems, services, or features that are necessary for an organization or country, such as transport and power supplies
backwardadv: at, to, or toward the direction or place that is behind or rear
flyovern: a region or area of a country that is often flown over by planes and not typically visited or considered by travelers; a flight that passes over a specific area without stopping
uselessadj: not serving any useful purpose; having no practical result
prevailingadj: most frequent, widespread, or currently dominant, usually referring to a particular opinion, attitude, or trend
dignityn: the quality of being worthy of esteem or respect; high office or rank or station
impeachv: to bring formal charges against a public official for misconduct in office
processn: a series of actions or operations performed to achieve a particular outcome or goal; a systematic procedure or approach used to accomplish a specific task or objective; a method of treating milk to make it suitable for consumption or use in other dairy products
ideologicaladj: relating to or concerned with ideas and theories rather than practical matters
distributev: to give something to a large number of individuals, or to spread or furnish something
diamondn: a precious stone made from pure carbon, typically transparent and colorless but possibly tinted in various colors; a shape or arrangement resembling the geometric form of a diamond
undergroundadj: under the surface of the ground; a secret group organized to achieve a specific purpose, such as overthrowing the government or occupying a force
technologicaladj: based on scientific and industrial progress
constitutionaladj: of or relating to a constitution (= the set of fundamental principles), especially of a country or government; existing as an essential characteristic
architecturaladj: of or relating to the design and construction of buildings and other structures and the features and style of such structures
featn: a notable or impressive achievement, especially one that requires great skill or bravery
motorn: a device that converts electricity, fuel, etc. into movement and makes a machine, vehicle, etc. work
severeadj: extremely serious or bad in feeling, manner, or strict and harsh; extremely strong or vigorous
flawn: a fault, mistake, or weakness that causes something not to be perfect
frightn: a sudden intense fear or shock; a state of being afraid or anxious; a feeling of alarm or trepidation caused by a sudden, unexpected event or situation
priorityn: something that is more important than other things and should be dealt with first
vulnerableadj: capable of being hurt or influenced physically or mentally
elderlyadj: (a polite word for) old
ingredientn: one of the things used to make something, especially one of the foods used to make a particular dish
crossingn: the act of going from one side to the other; a place where roads, railway tracks, or rivers intersect
invitev: to ask someone to come or join; to offer an opportunity or possibility for something to happen or take place
denseadj: containing a large number of people or something with little space between them
luxuryn: a state of great comfort or sophistication, mainly provided by expensive and beautiful things
mudn: a soft, wet, sticky earth or clay
pavev: to cover something with a hard, flat material such as stones, bricks, or concrete, to make it suitable for travel or use
incorporatev: to include something as a part of a larger entity
glimpsen: a brief or partial view; the act of seeing something or someone for a very short time or only partly
pleasantadj: enjoyable, attractive, friendly, or agreeable
sunlightn: the light emitted by the sun; the rays of the sun
unfortunatelyadv: by bad luck; unluckily
slumn: a heavily populated urban area characterized by poor, run-down housing and infrastructure, often associated with poverty and social neglect
initiallyadv: at the beginning; at first
illegaladj: not allowed by law
environmentn: the natural world such as air, water, and land in which humans, animals, and plants live
locatev: to specify or determine the exact position of someone or something
frequencyn: an ordered array of colors into which a light beam can be split
recommendv: to suggest that someone or something would be a suitable fit for a particular purpose or role
urbanizev: to make an area more urban in character or nature, often through the development and expansion of cities or towns
urbanadj: relating to or located in a town or city
acquirev: to buy or obtain something such as an asset, object, knowledge, etc., for oneself
determinantn: a factor, circumstance, or condition that contributes to the shaping, influencing, or determining of a particular outcome or result
fantasticadj: extremely good; excellent
opportuneadj: suitable or happening at a time that is suitable or convenient for a particular purpose
optimisticadj: hoping or expecting that good thing will happen or something will be successful
ambitiousadj: having a great desire to attain achievement, power, or wealth