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inflictv: to cause harm, injury, or suffering to someone or something
interconnectv: to connect similar things
fabricn: cloth or other material produced by weaving wool, cotton, silk, etc., used for making clothes, covering furniture, etc.
sustainv: to supply enough of what somebody or something needs to survive or exist; to accept as valid
argumentn: a set of statements or reasons used to support or refute a proposition or theory; a verbal or physical fight or dispute
viev: to compete or contend for something, usually a prize, position, or advantage; to strive for superiority or mastery in one’s field or area of expertise
supremacyn: the state, condition, or position of being superior to all others in authority, power, or status
decidev: to make up someone’s mind about something; to come to a conclusion or judgment after considering options
acknowledgev: to accept or admit the existence, reality, or truth of something; to accept that someone or something has a particular authority or quality; to express obligation, thanks, or gratitude for someone’s help, commitment, etc.;
dilemman: a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more options, especially that are equally unfavorable ones
decisionn: the act or process of making up someone’s mind about something; a choice or judgment reached after considering options
weighv: to have a particular weight; to carefully evaluate things before making a conclusion
alternativen: one of two or more available possibilities or choice
complexityn: the state or quality of being complicated or intricate and difficult to understand
competev: to strive to achieve more success than someone or something
straightforwardadj: easy to do or understand, or simple; free from ambiguity
profitn: money that is earned in business or by selling things after deducting the costs involved
investv: to put money, effort, time, etc. into something to make a profit or achieve a result
pursuev: to do something or attempt to attain something over time; to follow or seek someone or something, especially in trying to catch them
expensen: the money, time, or effort incurred or required for something
adaptationn: the action or process of changing to suit different conditions
ignorev: to intentionally not listen or pay attention to
essentialadj: indispensable; fundamental
oppositionn: the act of disagreeing or resisting; the state of strong disagreement
prevailv: to be common, widespread, or frequent; to be the strongest or most powerful
ultimateadj: furthest or highest in degree or order
defeatv: to win against somebody in a fight, war, or attempt
fundamentaladj: forming an essential base or core from which everything else develops or is affected
priorityn: something that is more important than other things and should be dealt with first
dynamicadj: having a lot of energy, ideas, and enthusiasm, and a strong personality; of or relating to dynamics (= the branch of physics and engineering concerned with the forces that cause motions of bodies)
unpredictableadj: not capable of being foreseen or calculated; not regular or certain
shiftingadj: constantly changing or moving
environmentn: the natural world such as air, water, and land in which humans, animals, and plants live
tangibleadj: real and concrete; able to be perceived, especially able to be touched; (of business assets) having physical substance and intrinsic monetary value
fluidn: a substance that can flow and is not solid
navigatev: to plan and direct the way that a ship, plane, etc. will travel, often by using a map
survivaln: the state of continuing to exist or live, frequently in the face of difficulty or danger
unlockv: to open something, such as a door, window, etc., usually using a key
progressionn: the act or process of changing to the next stage or phase or moving forward
creativeadj: relating to or involving the use of skill and original and unusual ideas to create something
explorationn: the activity of searching and finding out about something through a place
cooperationn: the act or situation of working together with someone towards a shared purpose, benefit, etc.
combinev: to join or merge to form a single thing or group
resolvev: to find a suitable answer to the problems or difficulty
zonen: a specific area, region, or section that is marked off or defined in some way
ongoingadj: continuing to exist or develop, or currently happening
embarkv: to go on board a ship or plane; to set out on an enterprise or subject of study; to start something
outcomen: the result or effect of an action, event, etc.
lopsidedadj: uneven or unbalanced in shape, proportion, or distribution; having one side or part much larger, greater, or more developed than the other
emphasizev: to give or show particular importance to something
dilutev: to make a substance less concentrated by adding a liquid or another substance to it
compromisev: to settle a problem or disagreement by mutual concession
denyv: to state that one refuses to admit the existence or truth of something
entirelyadv: completely
conflictn: a strong disagreement, argument, or a violent clash between two opposing groups or individuals
goodwilln: a friendly or cooperative attitude or feeling between people, businesses, or nations; the reputation or value that a business, organization, or brand has in the community
emergingadj: starting to exist, mature, or become well-known
planetn: any of the nine large celestial bodies that circle in the solar system; any celestial body that revolves around a star
crisisn: a time of great disagreement, confusion, or danger when problems must be resolved or critical decisions must be taken
transitionn: the process or period of changing from one state or circumstance to another
transportn: a system for moving people or products from one location to another using automobiles, roads, and so on
instancen: a particular example or single occurrence of something
adaptv: to make fit for or change to suit a new purpose or environment
sustainableadj: able to continue or be continued for a long time
stickv: to put something, usually a sharp object, into something; to restrict yourself to doing or using one certain thing and not change; (noun) a thin piece of wood or other material
opposingadj: competing, fighting, or working against each other
contributev: to give something, especially money or goods, to provide or achieve something together with other people
zero-sumadj: referring to a situation in which an equal loss offsets each gain; describing a condition in which the total gains and losses balance to zero
frameworkn: the structural components of a building or object that support its weight and give it form; the underlying structure of a system, concept, or text
chartn: a visual display of information such as a diagram, lists of figures, etc.; a map designed to assist navigation by air or sea

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