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Word | Meaning | Advanced |
humid | adj: having a high amount of moisture or water vapor in the air; damp; muggy | |
stick | v: to put something, usually a sharp object, into something; to restrict yourself to doing or using one certain thing and not change; (noun) a thin piece of wood or other material | |
privilege | n: a special right or advantage that only one person or group of people has, usually because they are rich and powerful in a society | |
communal | adj: belonging to or used by a group rather than individuals; for common use | |
fake | adj: not genuine; fraudulent or counterfeit | |
norm | n: something that is regarded as usual, typical, or standard | |
struggle | v: to make a great effort to do something when it is difficult, or there are a lot of problems; to use force or violence to break away from restraint or constriction | |
bypass | n: an alternative road, channel, pipe, or connection that allows flow while the main one is closed or obstructed; (verb) to go past or round | |
incident | n: an event or occurrence, often unexpected or unplanned; something that happens | |
contrast | v: to put in opposition to show or emphasize differences | |
rural | adj: of or relating to the countryside | |
skip | v: to move along lightly and quickly, making a step from one foot to the other with a hop or bounce; to intentionally fail to do something which would normally do | |
burden | n: a duty, responsibility, etc. that is oppressive or worrisome; a load, typically a heavy one that is difficult to carry | |
perilous | adj: involving a high degree of risk or danger; hazardous or fraught with potential harm | |
influenza | n: (formal for flu) a highly contagious viral disease that causes fever, severe aching, and catarrh and often occurs in epidemics | |
medicinal | adj: of or relating to the treatment or cure of disease | |
expose | v: to show something by uncovering it; to make something accessible to some action or influence | |
systemic | adj: affecting or related to the whole of something, especially the human body or a society | |
disproportionately | adv: in a way that is not reasonably or appropriately balanced, equal, or distributed; in a manner that is unequal or excessive about something else | |
counterpart | n: a person or thing that corresponds to or has the same function as another person or thing | |
nurse | n: a healthcare professional who is trained to provide care for the sick or injured; (verb) to try to cure by special care or treatment of an illness or injury | |
veteran | n: a person who has had long experience in a particular area or activity | |
mass | n: a large amount of a substance with no definite shape or form; a large number of people or things grouped or crowded together | |
afford | v: to have enough money or time to be able to buy or do something | |
likelihood | n: the probability or chance that something will happen or be the case | |
disease | n: a disorder or illness that affects the body or mind, often characterized by specific symptoms or abnormal functioning of organs or systems | |
asthma | n: a chronic respiratory disease characterized by wheezing, coughing, and difficulty breathing | |
rocket | n: a large tube-shaped object that moves very first by a stream of gases let out behind it, used for space travel or as a weapon | |
mar | v: to damage or spoil the appearance or surface of something | |
AI | n: (abbreviation for artificial intelligence) the theory and development of computer systems capable of doing activities that would ordinarily need human intelligence, such as object recognition, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation | |
inequity | n: a lack of fairness or justice; an unfair or unequal situation or practice | |
renewable | adj: capable of being renewed, extended, or replaced | |
insulation | n: the act or process of covering something to stop heat, sound, electricity, etc. from passing through; the materials used for this | |
grid | n: a pattern of regularly spaced horizontal and vertical lines; a system of high tension cables by which electrical power is distributed throughout a region | |
parity | n: the state or condition of being equal, especially in status or payment | |
nonprofit | adj: not established for commercial profit | |
alleviate | v: to make something, usually pain, distress, or problem, less severe or intense; to ease or lighten a burden | |
utility | n: the state or quality of being useful or convenient; the service, such as electric power or water or transportation, provided by a public | |
government | n: the group of people with authority to control a country or state | |
alike | adv: similar or identical in nature or appearance | |
equitable | adj: fair and impartial; treating everyone fairly | |
efficiency | n: the state or quality of doing something well with no waste of input such as time or money | |
transform | v: to change in outward structure or looks; | |
relation | n: the way two persons or groups of people feel and act toward one another | |
workshop | n: a place where people work, especially one where they do manual or practical work; a brief intensive course for a small group | |
poverty | n: the condition of being extremely poor | |
maximum | adj: the largest or greatest amount or value attainable or attained | |
spearhead | v: to lead or initiate an effort or campaign | |
installation | n: the act or process of fixing furniture, a machine, or a piece of equipment into position so that it can be used; the act or process of putting into an office or a position | |
elect | v: to choose someone for a specific position by voting for them; to decide or choose to do something | |
advocate | n: a person who supports or suggests an idea, development, or way of doing something | |
vision | n: the ability to think about or see the future with imagination and intelligence; the faculty of being able to see | |
equity | n: the value of the shares issued by a company | |
resilient | adj: able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions | |
sustainable | adj: able to continue or be continued for a long time | |
fraction | n: a small part or item forming a piece of a whole; the quotient of two rational numbers | |
gap | n: a conspicuous disparity or difference separates something such as a figure, people, their opinions, situation, etc. | |
impartial | adj: not favoring one side or party over another; fair and unbiased in judgment or opinion | |
reliable | adj: worthy of being relied on; trustworthy | |
affordable | adj: not expensive and able to pay | |
dramatically | adv: in a very impressive manner | |
improve | v: to make or become better | |
reclaim | v: to take back something previously lost, given, or paid, or ask to have it back | |
opportune | adj: suitable or happening at a time that is suitable or convenient for a particular purpose | |
sponsor | v: to provide funds for a particular event, program, individual, etc. as a way of advertising | |
nationwide | adj: extending throughout an entire nation | |
tremendous | adj: very great in degree or extent or amount or impact; extremely good | |
barrier | n: a fence or other obstruction that makes it hard to move or get in; any condition that makes it difficult to make progress or to achieve an objective | |
overcome | v: to succeed in controlling or dealing with something, such as a problem or difficulty; to defeat or overwhelm someone |